-This program demonstrates a number of techniques that have not been shown in
-previous example programs. In particular, it shows how to program for
-one-dimensional problems, and some aspects of what to do with nonlinear
-problems, in particular how to transfer the solution from one grid to the next
-finer one. Apart from this, however, the program does not attempt to do much
-more than to entertain those who sometimes like to play with maths.
-The application we chose is, as you will see, not even very well suited for
-anything, since it is rather impossible to solve. When I started to write the
-program, I was not aware of this, and it only turned out later that the
-optimization problem we are looking at here is severely plagued by many,
-likely even degenerate minima, and that we cannot really hope to find a global
-one. What we do instead is to rather start the optimization from many initial
-guesses (which is cheap since the problem is 1d), and hope that we can get a
-reasonable best solution for some of them. While the whole thing, as an
-application, is not very satisfactory, keep in mind that solving particular
-applications is not the goal of the tutorial programs; rather, we would like
-to demonstrate techniques of programming with deal.II, which is indeed the
-focus here.
-<h3>The problem</h3>
-Now for a description of the problem. In the book by Dacorogna on the
-Calculus of Variations, I found the following statement, which confused me
-tremendously at first (see Section 3.4.3, ``Lavrentiev Phenomenon'', very
-slightly edited):
-@par Theorem 4.6:
- <em>
- Let
+This programm deals with an example of a non-linear elliptic pde, the minimal
+surface equation. You can imagine the solution as a soap bubble inside a
+closed wire, where the wire isn't smooth, but curved. The soap bubble will
+take a shape with minimal surface. The solution of the minimal surface equation
+describes this shape with the wire as a boundary condition.
+Because the equation is non-linear, we can't solve it directly, but have to use
+the newton-method to compute the solution iterativly.
+<h3>Classical formulation</h3>
+In a classical sense, the problem posseses following form:
- I(u)=\int_0^1 (x-u^3)^2 (u')^6\; dx.
+ -\nabla \cdot \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+|\nabla u|^{2}}}\nabla u \right) = 0 \qquad
+ \qquad in ~ \Omega
- Let
- {\cal W}_1 = \{ u\in W^{1,\infty}(0,1) : u(0)=0, u(1)=1 \}
+ u=g \qquad\qquad on ~ \partial \Omega
+ @f]
+In this example, we choose the unitball as our domain $\Omega$.
+As described above, we have to formulate the Newton-method for this problem
+with a damping parameter $\lambda$ to have a better global convergence behaviour:
+ @f[
+ F'(u^{n},\delta u^{n})=- \lambda F(u^{n})
- {\cal W}_2 = \{ u\in W^{1,1}(0,1) : u(0)=0, u(1)=1 \}
+ u^{n+1}=u^{n}+\delta u^{n}
- </em>
- <em>
- Then
+ @f[
+ F(u):= -\nabla \cdot \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+|\nabla u|^{2}}}\nabla u \right)
+ @f]
+and $F'(u,\delta u)$ the derivative of F in direction of $\delta u$:
+ F'(u,\delta u)=\lim \limits_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}{\frac{F(u+\epsilon \delta u)-
+ F(u)}{\epsilon}}.
+So we have to solve a linear elliptic pde in every Newton-step, with $\delta u$ as
+the solution of:
- \inf_{u\in {\cal W}_1} I(u) \ge c_0 > 0 = \inf_{u\in {\cal W}_2} I(u).
+ - \nabla \cdot \left( \frac{1}{(1+|\nabla u^{n}|^{2})^{\frac{1}{2}}}\nabla
+ \delta u^{n} \right) +
+ \nabla \cdot \left( \frac{\nabla u^{n} \cdot
+ \nabla \delta u^{n}}{(1+|\nabla u^{n}|^{2})^{\frac{3}{2}}} \nabla u^{n}
+ \right) =
+ -\left( - \nabla \cdot \left( \frac{1}{(1+|\nabla u^{n}|^{2})^{\frac{1}{2}}}
+ \nabla u^{n} \right) \right)
- Moreover the minimum of $I(u)$ over ${\cal W}_2$ is attained by
- $u(x)=x^{1/3}$.
- </em>
-@par Remarks.
- [...]
+In order to solve the minimal surface equation, we have to solve this equation in every
+Newton step. To solve this, we have to take a look at the boundary condition of this
+problem. Assuming that $u^{n}$ already has the right boundary values, the Newton update
+$\delta u^{n}$ should have zero boundary conditions, in order to have the right boundary
+condition after adding both.
+In the first Newton step, we are starting with the solution $u^{0}\equiv 0$, the Newton
+update still has to deliever the right boundary condition to the solution $u^{1}$.
- <em>
- ii) it is interesting to note that if one uses the usual finite element
- methods (by taking piecewise affine functions, which are in $W^{1,\infty}$)
- one will not be able to detect the minimum of some integrals such as the one
- in the theorem.
- </em>
-In other words: minimizing the energy functional over one space
-($W^{1,\infty}$) does not give the same value as when minimizing over a larger
-space ($W^{1,1}$). Furthermore, they give a rough estimate of the value of the
-constant $c_0$, which is $c_0=\frac{7^23^5}{2^{18}5^5}\approx 1.61\cdot
-10^{-6}$ (although by their calculation it is obvious that this estimate is
-far too small, but the point of course is just to show that it is strictly
-larger than zero).
-While the theorem was not surprising, the remark stunned me at first. After
-all, we know that we can approximate functions in $W^{1,1}$ to arbitrary
-accuracy. Also, although it is true that finite element functions are in
-$W^{1,\infty}$, this statement is not really accurate: if the function itself
-is bounded pointwise by, say, a constant $C$, then its gradient is bounded by
-$2C/h$, and thus $\|u_h\|_{1,\infty} \le 2C/h$. That means that we should be
-able to lift this limit just by mesh refinement. Finite element functions are
-therefore only in $W^{1,\infty}$ if one considers them on a fixed grid, not on
-a sequence of successively finer grids. (Note, we can only lift the
-boundedness in $W^{1,1}$ in the same way by considering functions that
-oscillate at cell frequency; these, however, do not converge in any reasonable
-So it took me a while to see where the problem lies. Here it is: While we are
-able to approximate functions to arbitrary accuracies in <em>Sobolev
- norms</em>, this does not necessarily also hold with respect to the functional
-$I(u)$! After all, this functional was made to show exactly these
-What happens in this case is actually not so difficult to understand. Let us
-look at what happens if we plug the lowest-order (piecewise linear)
-interpolant $i_hu$ of the optimal solution $u=x^{1/3}$ into the functional
-$I(u)$: on the leftmost cell, the left end of $i_hu$ is tagged to zero by the
-boundary condition, and the right end has the value $i_hu(h)=u(h)=h^{1/3}$. So
-let us only consider the contribution of this single cell to $I(u)$:
- \int_0^h (x-(i_hu)^3)^2 ((i_hu)')^6 dx
- &=&
- \int_0^h (x-(h^{1/3}x)^3)^2 ((h^{1/3}/h)')^6 dx
- \\
- &=&
- h^{-4} \int_0^h (x^2-2hx^4+h^2x^6) dx
- \\
- &=&
- h^{-4} (h^3/3-2h^5/5+h^9/7)
- \\
- &=& {\cal O}(h^{-1}).
-Ups, even the contribution of the first cell blows up under mesh refinement,
-and we have not even summed up the contributions of the other cells!
-It turns out, that the other cells are not really problematic (since the
-gradient is bounded there by a constant independent of $h$), but we cannot
-really avoid the trouble with the first cell: if instead of the interpolant we
-choose some other finite element function that is closer on average to
-$x^{1/3}$ than the interpolant above, then we have to increase the slope of
-this function, since we have to obey the boundary condition at the left
-end. But then we are hit by the weight $(u')^6$. This weight is simply too
-On the other hand, the interpolation of the linear function $\varphi(x)=x$
-connecting the boundary values has the finite energy $I(i_h\varphi)=1/10$,
-independent of the mesh size. Thus, $i_hx^{1/3}$ cannot be the minimizer of the
-energy as $h\rightarrow 0$. This is also easy to see by noting that
-the minimal value of $I$ cannot increase under mesh
-refinement: if it is finite for some function on some mesh, then it must be
-smaller or equal to that value on a finer mesh, since the original function is
-still in the space spanned by the shape functions on the finer grid, as finite
-element spaces are nested. However, the computation above shows that we should
-not be surprised if the value of the functional does not converge to zero, but
-rather some finite value.
-There is one more conclusion to be drawn from the blow-up lesson above: we
-cannot expect the finite dimensional approximation to be close to the root
-function at the left end of the domain, for any mesh we choose! Because, if it
-would, then its energy would have to blow up. And we will see exactly this
-in the results section below.
-<h3>What to do?</h3>
-After this somewhat theoretical introduction, let us just once in our life
-have fun with pure mathematics, and actually see what happens in this problem
-when we run the finite element method on it. So here it goes: to find the
-minimum of $I(u)$, we have to find its stationary point. The condition for
-this reads
+Summing up, we have to solve the pde above with the boundary condition $\delta u^{0}=g$
+in the first step and with $\delta u^{n}=0$ in all the other steps.
+<h3>Weak formulation of the problem</h3>
+Starting with the strong formulation above, we get the weak formulation by multiplying
+both sides of the pde with a testfunction $\varphi$ and integrating by parts on both sides:
+ @f[
+ \left( \nabla \varphi , \frac{1}{(1+|\nabla u^{n}|^{2})^{\frac{1}{2}}}\nabla
+ \delta u^{n} \right)-\left(\nabla \varphi ,\frac{\nabla u^{n} \cdot \nabla
+ \delta u^{n}}{(1+|\nabla u^{n}|^{2})^{\frac{3}{2}}}\nabla u^{n} \right)
+ = -\left(\nabla \varphi , \frac{1}{(1+|\nabla u^{n}|^{2})^{\frac{1}{2}}} \nabla u^{n}
+ \right)
+ @f]
+Where the solution $\delta u^{n}$ is a function in the infinte space $H^{1}(\Omega)$.
+Reducing this space to a finite space with basis $\left\{ \varphi_{0},\dots ,
+\varphi_{N-1}\right\}$, we can write the solution:
- I'(u,\varphi)
- =
- \int_0^1 6 (x-u^3) (u')^5 \{ (x-u^3)\varphi' - u^2 u' \varphi\}\ dx,
+ \delta u^{n}=\sum_{j=0}^{N-1} \varphi_{j} \cdot U_{j}
-for all test functions $\varphi$ from the same space as that from which we
-take $u$, but with zero boundary conditions. If this space allows us to
-integrate by parts, then we could associate this with a two point boundary
-value problem
- -(x-u^3) u^2(u')^6
- - \frac{d}{dx} \left\{(x-u^3)^2 (u')^5\right\} = 0,
- \qquad\qquad u(0)=0,
- \quad u(1)=1.
-Note that this equation degenerates wherever $u^3=x$, which is at least the
-case at $x\in\{0,1\}$ due to the prescribed boundary values for $u$, but
-possibly at other places as well. However, for finite elements, we will want
-to have the equation in weak form anyway. Since the equation is still
-nonlinear, one may be tempted to compute iterates
-$u_{k+1}=u_k+\alpha_k\delta u_k$ using a Newton method for updates $\delta
-u_k$, like in
+Using the basis functions as testfunctions and defining $a_{n}:=\frac{1}
+{\sqrt{1+|\nabla u^{n}|^{2}}}$, we can rewrite the weak formualtion:
+ \sum_{j=0}^{N-1}\left[ \left( \nabla \varphi_{i} , a_{n} \nabla \varphi_{j} \right) -
+ \left(\nabla u^{n}\cdot \nabla \varphi_{i} , a_{n}^{3} \nabla u^{n} \cdot \nabla
+ \varphi_{j} \right) \right] \cdot U_{j}=\left( \nabla \varphi_{i} , a_{n}
+ \nabla u^{n}\right) \qquad \forall i=0,\dots ,N-1
+where the solution $\delta u^{n}$ is given by the coefficents $\delta U^{n}_{j}$.
+This linear equation system can be rewritten as:
- I''(u_k,\delta u_k,\varphi)
- =
- -I'(u_k, \varphi).
+ A^{n}U^{n}=b^{n}
-However, since $I''(u_k,\cdot,\cdot)$ may be an indefinite operator (and, as
-numerical experiments indicate, is in fact during typical computations), we
-don't want to use this. Instead, we use a gradient method, for which we
-compute updates according to the following scheme:
- \left<\delta u_k,\varphi\right>
- =
- -I'(u_k, \varphi).
-For the scalar product on the left hand side, there are multiple valid ways;
-we choose the mesh dependent definition $\left<u,v\right> = \int_\Omega (uv +
-h(x)^2 \nabla u\cdot \nabla v)\; dx$, where the weight $h(x)^2$, i.e. using
-the local mesh width, is chosen so that the definition is dimensionally
-consistent. It also yields a matrix on the left hand side that is simple to
-invert, as it is the sum of the well-conditioned mass matrix, and a Laplace
-matrix times a factor that counters the growth of condition number of the
-Laplace matrix.
-The step length $\alpha_k$ is then computed using a one-dimensional line search
- \alpha_k = \arg\min_\alpha I(u_k+\alpha\delta u_k),
-or at least an approximation to this using a one-dimensional Newton method
-which itself has a line search. The details of this can be found in the code.
-We iterate the updates and line searches until the change in energy $I(u_k)$
-becomes too small to warrant any further iterations.
-The basic idea that you should get in all this is that we formulate the
-optimization method in a function space, and will only discretize each step
-separately. A number of subsequent steps will be done on the same mesh, before
-we refine it and go on to do the same on the next finer mesh.
-As for mesh refinement, it is instructional to recall how residual based error
-estimates like the one used in the Kelly et al.~error estimator are usually
-derived (the Kelly estimator is the one that we have used in most of the
-previous example programs). In a similar way, by looking at the residual of
-the strong form of the nonlinear equation we attempt here to solve, we may be
-tempted to consider the following expression for refinement of cell $K$:
- \eta_K^2 &=&
- h^2 \left\|
- (x-u_h^3) (u_h')^4 \left\{ u_h^2 (u_h')^2 + 5(x-u_h^3)u_h'' + 2u_h'(1-3u_h^2u_h') \right\}
- \right\|^2_K
- \\
- && +
- h \left| (x-u_h^3)^2 [(u_h')^5] \right|^2_{\partial K},
-where $[\cdot]$ is the jump of a quantity across an intercell boundary, and
-$|\cdot|_{\partial K}$ is the sum of the quantity evaluated at the two end
-points of a cell. Note that in the evaluation of the jump, we have made use of
-the fact that $x-u_h^3$ is a continuous quantity, and can therefore be taken
-out of the jump operator.
-All these details actually matter -- while writing the program I have played
-around with many settings and different versions of the code, and the result
-is that if you don't have a good line search, good stopping criteria, the
-right metric (scalar product) for the gradient method, good initial values,
-and a good refinement criterion, then the nonlinear solver gets stuck quite
-readily for this highly nonlinear problem. Initially, I was hardly able to
-find solutions for which the energy dropped below 0.005, while the energy
-after the final iteration of the program as it is is usually around 0.0003,
-and occasionally down to less than 3e-5.
-However, this is not enough. In the program, we start the solver on the coarse
-mesh many times, with randomly perturbed starting values, and while it
-converges it yields a different solution, with a different energy every
-time. One can therefore not say that the solver converges to a certain energy,
-and we can't answer the question what the smallest value of $I(u)$ might be in
-$W^{1,\infty}$. This is unsatisfactory, but may be expected for such a
-contrived and pathological problem. Consider it an example in programming with
-deal.II then, and not an example in solving this particular problem.
-The program implements all the steps mentioned above, and we will discuss them
-in the commented code below. In general, however, note that formulating the
-Newton method in function spaces, and only discretizing afterwards has
-consequences: we have to linearize around $u_k$ when we want to compute
-$\delta u_k$, and we have to sum up these two functions afterwards. However,
-they may be living on different grids, if we have refined the grid before this
-step, so we will have to present a way to actually get a function from one
-grid to another. The <code>SolutionTransfer</code> class will help us here. On the
-other hand, discretizing every nonlinear step separately has the advantage
-that we can do the initial steps, when we are still far away from the
-solution, on a coarse mesh, and only go on to more expensive computations when
-we home in on an solution. We will use a
-very simplistic strategy for when we refine the mesh (every fifth nonlinear
-step), though. Realistic programs solving nonlinear problems will have to be more
-clever in this respect, but it suffices for the purposes of this program.
-We will show some of the things that are really simple in 1d (but sometimes
-different from what we are used to in 2d or 3d). Apart from this, the program
-does not contain much new stuff, but if it explains a few of the techniques
-that are available for nonlinear problems and in particular 1d problems, then
-this is not so bad, after all.
-<em>Note:</em> As shown below, the program starts the nonlinear solver from 10 different
-initial values, and outputs the results. This is not actually too many, but we
-did so to keep run-time short (around 1:30 minutes on my laptop). If you want to
-increase the number of realizations, you may want to switch to optimized mode
-(by setting the ``debug-mode'' flag in the Makefile to ``off''), and increase
-the number of realizations to a larger value. On the same machine as above, I
-can compute 100 realizations in optimized mode in about 2 minutes. For
-this particular program, the difference between debug and optimized mode is
-thus about a factor of 7-8, which can be explained by the fact that we ask the
-compiler to do optimizations on the code only in the latter mode, but in most
-part due to the fact that in optimized mode all the ``Assert'' checks are
-thrown out that make sure that function arguments are correct, and that check
-the internal consistency of the library. The library contains several
-thousands of these checks, and they significantly slow down debug
-computations, but we feel that the benefit of finding programming errors
-earlier and including where the problem exactly appeared to be of significantly
-greater value than faster run-time. After all, all production runs of programs
-should be done in optimized mode anyway.
-A slowdown of a factor of 7-8 is unusual, however. For 2d and 3d applications,
-a typical value is around 4.
+where the entries of the matrix $A^{n}$ are given by:
+ A^{n}_{ij}:= \left( \nabla \varphi_{i} , a_{n} \nabla \varphi_{j} \right) -
+ \left(\nabla u^{n}\cdot \nabla \varphi_{i} , a_{n}^{3} \nabla u^{n} \cdot \nabla
+ \varphi_{j} \right)
+and the right hand side $b^{n}$ is given by:
+ b^{n}_{i}:=\left( \nabla \varphi_{i} , a_{n} \nabla u^{n}\right)
+The matrix A is symmetric, but it is indefinite. So we have to take a better look
+at the solver we choose for this linear system. The CG-method needs
+positive-definiteness of the matrix A, which is not given, so it can't be used.
+Using the symmetry of the matrix we can choose the minimal residual method as a
+solver, which needs symmetry but no definiteness.
+Starting with the function $u^{0}\equiv 0$, the first Newton update is computed by
+solving the system $A^{0}U^{0}=b^{0}$ with boundary condition $\delta u^{0}=g$ on
+ $\partial \Omega$. The new approximation of the solution is given by
+ $u^{1}=u^{0}+\delta u^{0}$. The next updates are given as solution of
+ the linear system $A^{n}U^{n}=b^{n}$ with boundary condition $\delta u^{n}=0$ on
+ $\partial \Omega$ and the new approximation given by $u^{n+1}=u^{n}+\delta u^{n}$.
-/* Author: Wolfgang Bangerth, University of Heidelberg, 2002 */
+/* $Id$ */
+/* Author: Wolfgang Bangerth, University of Heidelberg, 2000 */
/* $Id$ */
/* */
-/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the deal.II authors */
+/* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors */
/* */
/* This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed */
/* without copyright and license information. Please refer */
/* to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and */
/* further information on this license. */
- // As usual, most of the headers here have
- // already been used and discussed in
- // previous examples:
+ // @sect3{Include files}
+ // The first few files have already
+ // been covered in previous examples
+ // and will thus not be further
+ // commented on.
#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
#include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/sparse_matrix.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/solver_cg.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/compressed_sparsity_pattern.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/precondition.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/constraint_matrix.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
-#include <deal.II/grid/grid_refinement.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_boundary_lib.h>
-#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_refinement.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
-#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/vectors.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/matrices.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/error_estimator.h>
- // This is probably the only new one -- it
- // declares the class that we use to transfer
- // a solution on one grid to the one we
- // obtain after refining/coarsening it:
-#include <deal.II/numerics/solution_transfer.h>
- // And here comes the usual assortment of C++
- // header files:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
- // The last step is as in all
- // previous programs:
-namespace Step15
+ // We will use adaptive mesh refinement between Newton
+ // interations. To do so, we need to be able to work
+ // with a solution on the new mesh, although it was
+ // computed on the old one. The SolutionTransfer
+ // class transfers the solution to the new mesh.
+#include <deal.II/numerics/solution_transfer.h>
+ // In this tutorial, we can't use the CG-method as a solver, as
+ // described above, but we use the minimal residual method, which
+ // is included with this file.
+#include <deal.II/lac/solver_minres.h>
+ // As in previous programs:
+using namespace dealii;
+ // @sect3{The <code>Step15</code> class template}
+ // The class template is basically the same as in step 6.
+ // Four additions are made: There are two solution vectors,
+ // one for the Newton update, and one for the solution of
+ // the original pde. Also we need a double for the residual
+ // of the Newton method, an integer, which counts the mesh
+ // refinements and a bool for the boundary condition in the first
+ // Newton step.
+template <int dim>
+class Step15
- using namespace dealii;
- // The first thing we have here is a helper
- // function that computes an even power $|v|^n$
- // of a vector $v$, by evaluating
- // $(v\cdot v)^{n/2}$. We need this in the
- // computations below where we do not want to
- // dwell on the fact that the gradient of the
- // solution is actually a scalar in the 1d
- // situation we consider in this program (in
- // 1d, the gradient is a vector with a single
- // element, which is easily extracted). Small
- // tricks like this make it significantly
- // simpler to later extend a program so that
- // it also runs in higher space dimensions.
- //
- // While the implementation of the function
- // is obvious, note the assertion at the
- // beginning of the function body, which
- // makes sure that the exponent is indeed an
- // even number (here, we use that <code>n/2</code> is
- // computed in integer arithmetic, i.e. any
- // remainder of the division is
- // lost). <code>ExcMessage</code> is a pre-defined
- // exception class that takes a string
- // argument explaining what goes wrong. It is
- // a simpler way to declare exceptions than
- // the ones shown in step-9 and step-13/14
- // where we explicitly declared exception
- // classes. However, by using a generic
- // exception class, we lose the ability to
- // attach additional information at run-time
- // to the exception message, such as the
- // value of the variable <code>n</code>. By following
- // the way explained in above example
- // programs, adding this feature is simple,
- // though.
- template <int dim>
- inline
- double gradient_power (const Tensor<1,dim> &v,
- const unsigned int n)
- {
- Assert ((n/2)*2 == n, ExcMessage ("Value of 'n' must be even"));
- double p = 1;
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<n; k+=2)
- p *= (v*v);
- return p;
- }
+ public:
+ Step15 ();
+ ~Step15 ();
+ void run ();
+ private:
+ void setup_system ();
+ void assemble_system ();
+ void solve ();
+ void refine_grid ();
- // Secondly, we declare a class that defines
- // our initial values for the nonlinear
- // iteration. It is a function object,
- // i.e. it has a member operator that returns
- // for a given point the value of the
- // function. The value we return is a random
- // perturbation of the $x^{1/3}$ function
- // which we know is the optimal solution in a
- // larger function space. To make things a
- // little simpler on the optimizer, we return
- // zero if the proposed random value is
- // negative.
- //
- // Note that this class works strictly only
- // for 1d. If the program is to be extended
- // to higher space dimensions, so has to be
- // this class.
- class InitializationValues : public Function<1>
- {
- public:
- InitializationValues () : Function<1>() {}
- virtual double value (const Point<1> &p,
- const unsigned int component = 0) const;
- };
- // So here comes the function that implements
- // the function object. The <code>base</code> value is
- // $x^{1/3}$, while <code>random</code> is a random
- // number between -1 and 1 (note that
- // <code>rand()</code> returns a random integer value
- // between zero and <code>RAND_MAX</code>; to convert
- // it to a floating point value between 0 and
- // 2, we have to divide by <code>RAND_MAX</code> and
- // multiply by two -- note that the first
- // multiplication has to happen in floating
- // point arithmetic, so that the division is
- // done in non-truncating floating point mode
- // as well; the final step is then to shift
- // the interval [0,2] to [-1,1]).
- //
- // In a second step, we add the base value
- // and a random value in [-0.1,0.1] together
- // and return it, unless it is less than
- // zero, in which case we take zero.
- double InitializationValues::value (const Point<1> &p,
- const unsigned int) const
- {
- const double base = std::pow(p(0), 1./3.);
- const double random = 2.*rand()/RAND_MAX-1;
- return std::max (base+.1*random, 0.);
- }
+ Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
+ FE_Q<dim> fe;
+ ConstraintMatrix hanging_node_constraints;
- // Next is the declaration of the main
- // class. As in most of the previous example
- // programs, the public interface of the
- // class consists only of a constructor and a
- // <code>run</code> function that does the actual
- // work. The constructor takes an additional
- // argument that indicates the number of the
- // run we are presently performing. This
- // value is only used at the very end when we
- // generate graphical output with a filename
- // that matches this number.
- //
- // The private section of the class has the
- // usual assortment of functions setting up
- // the computations, doing one nonlinear
- // step, refineming the mesh, doing a line
- // search for step length computations,
- // etc. The <code>energy</code> function computes the
- // value of the optimization functional on an
- // arbitrary finite element function with
- // nodal values given on the <code>DoFHandler</code>
- // given as an argument. Since it does not
- // depend on the state of this object, we
- // declare this function as <code>static</code>.
- //
- // The member variables of this class are
- // what we have seen before, and the
- // variables that characterize the linear
- // system to be solved in the next nonlinear
- // step, as well as the present approximation
- // of the solution.
- template <int dim>
- class MinimizationProblem
- {
- public:
- MinimizationProblem (const unsigned int run_number);
- void run ();
- private:
- void initialize_solution ();
- void setup_system_on_mesh ();
- void assemble_step ();
- double line_search (const Vector<double> & update) const;
- void do_step ();
- void output_results () const;
- void refine_grid ();
- static double energy (const DoFHandler<dim> &dof_handler,
- const Vector<double> &function);
- const unsigned int run_number;
- Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
- FE_Q<dim> fe;
- DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
- ConstraintMatrix hanging_node_constraints;
- SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern;
- SparseMatrix<double> matrix;
- Vector<double> present_solution;
- Vector<double> residual;
- };
- // The constructor of this class is actually
- // somewhat boring:
- template <int dim>
- MinimizationProblem<dim>::MinimizationProblem (const unsigned int run_number)
- :
- run_number (run_number),
- fe (1),
- dof_handler (triangulation)
- {}
- // Then, here is the function that
- // initializes the solution before the first
- // non-linear iteration, by setting the
- // initial values to the random function
- // described above and making sure that the
- // boundary values are set correctly. We will
- // then only seek updates to this function
- // with zero boundary values, so that the
- // boundary values are always correct.
- //
- // Note how we have specialized this function
- // to 1d only. We do this since the second
- // part of the function, where we deal with
- // boundary values, is only correct if we are
- // in 1d. Not generating a general template
- // for this function prevents the compiler
- // from erroneously compiling this function
- // for other space dimensions, then.
- template <>
- void MinimizationProblem<1>::initialize_solution ()
+ SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern;
+ SparseMatrix<double> system_matrix;
+ Vector<double> present_solution;
+ Vector<double> newton_update;
+ Vector<double> system_rhs;
+ double res;
+ unsigned int refinement;
+ // As described in the Introduction, the first Newton iteration
+ // is special, because of the boundary condition. To implement
+ // these correctly, there is a bool, which is true in the first
+ // step and false ever after.
+ bool first_step;
+ // @sect3{Boundary condition}
+ // The boundary condition is implemented just like in step 4.
+ // It was chosen as $g(x,y)=sin(2 \pi (x+y))$ in this example.
+template <int dim>
+class BoundaryValues : public Function<dim>
+ public:
+ BoundaryValues () : Function<dim>() {}
+ virtual double value (const Point<dim> &p,
+ const unsigned int component = 0) const;
+template <int dim>
+double BoundaryValues<dim>::value (const Point<dim> &p,
+ const unsigned int /*component*/) const
+ double return_value=sin(2*M_PI*(p[0]+p[1]));
+ return return_value;
+ // @sect3{The <code>Step15</code> class implementation}
+ // @sect4{Step15::Step15}
+ // The constructor and destructor of the class are the same
+ // as in the first few tutorials.
+template <int dim>
+Step15<dim>::Step15 ()
+ :
+ dof_handler (triangulation),
+ fe (2)
+ //
+template <int dim>
+Step15<dim>::~Step15 ()
+ dof_handler.clear ();
+ // @sect4{Step15::setup_system}
+ // As always in the setup-system function, we setup the variables
+ // of the finite element method. There are same differences to
+ // step 6, because we don't have to solve one pde over all,
+ // but one in every Newton step. Also the starting function
+ // has to be setup in the first step.
+template <int dim>
+void Step15<dim>::setup_system ()
+ // This function will be called, every time we refine the mesh
+ // to resize the system matrix, Newton update - and right hand
+ // side vector and to set the right values of hanging nodes to
+ // get a continuous solution.
+ // But only the first time, the starting solution has to be
+ // initialized. Also the vector of the solution will be
+ // resized in the <code>refine_grid</code> function, while the
+ // vector is transfered to the new mesh.
+ if(first_step)
- // The first part is to assign the correct
- // size to the vector, and use library
- // function that takes a function object,
- // and interpolates the given vector living
- // on a <code>DoFHandler</code> to this function
- // object:
- present_solution.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs());
- VectorTools::interpolate (dof_handler,
- InitializationValues(),
- present_solution);
- // Then we still have to make sure that we
- // get the boundary values right. This
- // could have been done inside the
- // <code>InitializationValues</code> class, but it
- // is instructive to see how it can also be
- // done, in particular since it is so
- // simple in 1d. First, start out with an
- // arbitrary cell on level 0, i.e. the
- // coarse mesh:
- DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator cell;
- cell = dof_handler.begin(0);
- // Then move as far to the left as
- // possible. Note that while in two or more
- // space dimensions, there is is no
- // guarantee as to the coordinate
- // directions of a given face number of a
- // cell, in 1d the zeroth face (and
- // neighbor) is always the one to the left,
- // and the first one the one to the
- // right. Similarly, the zeroth child is
- // the left one, the first child is the
- // right one.
- while (cell->at_boundary(0) == false)
- cell = cell->neighbor(0);
- // Now that we are at the leftmost coarse
- // grid cell, go recursively through its
- // left children until we find a terminal
- // one:
- while (cell->has_children() == true)
- cell = cell->child(0);
- // Then set the value of the solution
- // corresponding to the zeroth degree of
- // freedom and the zeroth vertex of the
- // cell to zero. Note that the zeroth
- // vertex is the left one, and that zero is
- // the only valid second argument to the
- // call to <code>vertex_dof_index</code>, since we
- // have a scalar finite element; thus,
- // there is only a single component.
- present_solution(cell->vertex_dof_index(0,0)) = 0;
- // Now do all the same with the right
- // boundary value, and set it to one:
- cell = dof_handler.begin(0);
- while (cell->at_boundary(1) == false)
- cell = cell->neighbor(1);
- while (cell->has_children())
- cell = cell->child(1);
- present_solution(cell->vertex_dof_index(1,0)) = 1;
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
+ present_solution.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<dof_handler.n_dofs();++i)
+ {
+ present_solution(i)=0;
+ }
+ // The constraint matrix, holding a list of the hanging nodes,
+ // will be setup in the <code>refine_grid</code> function
+ // after refining the mesh.
+ hanging_node_constraints.clear ();
+ DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (dof_handler,
+ hanging_node_constraints);
+ hanging_node_constraints.close ();
- // The function that prepares the member
- // variables of this class for assembling the
- // linear system in each nonlinear step is
- // also not very interesting. This has all
- // been shown before in previous example
- // programs. Note, however, that all this
- // works in 1d just as in any other space
- // dimension, and would not require any
- // changes if we were to use the program in
- // another space dimension.
- //
- // Note that this function is only called
- // when the mesh has been changed (or before
- // the first nonlinear step). It only
- // initializes the variables to their right
- // sizes, but since these sizes don't change
- // as long as we don't change the mesh, we
- // can use them for more than just one
- // nonlinear iteration without reinitializing
- // them.
- template <int dim>
- void MinimizationProblem<dim>::setup_system_on_mesh ()
- {
- hanging_node_constraints.clear ();
- DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (dof_handler,
- hanging_node_constraints);
- hanging_node_constraints.close ();
+ // The remaining parts of the function are the same as in step 6.
- sparsity_pattern.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs(),
- dof_handler.n_dofs(),
- dof_handler.max_couplings_between_dofs());
- DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, sparsity_pattern);
+ newton_update.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ system_rhs.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs());
- hanging_node_constraints.condense (sparsity_pattern);
+ CompressedSparsityPattern c_sparsity(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, c_sparsity);
- sparsity_pattern.compress();
- }
+ hanging_node_constraints.condense (c_sparsity);
+ sparsity_pattern.copy_from(c_sparsity);
+ system_matrix.reinit (sparsity_pattern);
+ // @sect4{Step15::assemble_system}
+ // This function does the same as in the previous tutorials.
+ // The only additional step is the correct implementation of
+ // the boundary condition and the usage of the gradients of
+ // the old solution.
+template <int dim>
+void Step15<dim>::assemble_system ()
+ const QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(3);
+ system_matrix = 0;
+ system_rhs = 0;
- // Next is the function that assembles the
- // linear system. The first part,
- // initializing various local variables is
- // what we have been doing previously
- // already.
- template <int dim>
- void MinimizationProblem<dim>::assemble_step ()
+ FEValues<dim> fe_values (fe, quadrature_formula,
+ update_values | update_gradients |
+ update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell;
+ const unsigned int n_q_points = quadrature_formula.size();
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix (dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell);
+ Vector<double> cell_rhs (dofs_per_cell);
+ std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
+ typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
+ cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
+ endc = dof_handler.end();
+ for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ {
+ cell_matrix = 0;
+ cell_rhs = 0;
+ fe_values.reinit (cell);
+ for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < n_q_points; ++q_point) {
+ // To setup up the linear system, the gradient of the old solution
+ // in the quadrature points is needed. For this purpose there is
+ // is a function, which will write these gradients in a vector,
+ // where every component of the vector is a vector itself:
+ std::vector<Tensor<1, dim> > gradients(n_q_points);
+ fe_values.get_function_gradients(present_solution, gradients);
+ // Having the gradients of the old solution in the quadrature
+ // points, we are able to compute the coefficients $a_{n}$
+ // in these points.
+ const double coeff = 1/sqrt(1 + gradients[q_point] * gradients[q_point]);
+ // The assembly of the system then is the same as always, except
+ // of the damping parameter of the Newton method, which we set on
+ // 0.1 in this case.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i) {
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dofs_per_cell; ++j) {
+ cell_matrix(i, j) += (fe_values.shape_grad(i, q_point)
+ * coeff
+ * (fe_values.shape_grad(j, q_point)
+ - coeff * coeff
+ * (fe_values.shape_grad(j, q_point)
+ * gradients[q_point])
+ * gradients[q_point])
+ * fe_values.JxW(q_point));
+ }
+ cell_rhs(i) -=0.1 *
+ (fe_values.shape_grad(i, q_point) * coeff
+ * gradients[q_point] * fe_values.JxW(q_point));
+ }
+ }
+ cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ system_matrix.add (local_dof_indices[i],
+ local_dof_indices[j],
+ cell_matrix(i,j));
+ system_rhs(local_dof_indices[i]) += cell_rhs(i);
+ }
+ }
+ hanging_node_constraints.condense (system_matrix);
+ hanging_node_constraints.condense (system_rhs);
+ std::map<unsigned int,double> boundary_values;
+ // As described above, there is a different boundary condition
+ // in the first Newton step than in the later ones. This is
+ // implemented with the help of the bool first_step, which
+ // will later be false for all times. Starting with the zero-
+ // function in the first step, we have to set the boundary
+ // condition $\delta u^{0}=g$ on $\partial \Omega $:
+ if(first_step)
- // The first two lines of the function
- // clear the matrix and right hand side
- // values of their prior content, which
- // could possibly still be there from the
- // previous nonlinear step.
- matrix.reinit (sparsity_pattern);
- residual.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs());
- // Then we initialize a <code>FEValues</code> object
- // with a 4-point Gauss quadrature
- // formula. This object will be used to
- // compute the values and gradients of the
- // shape functions at the quadrature
- // points, which we need to assemble the
- // matrix and right hand side of the
- // nonlinear step as outlined in the
- // introduction to this example program. In
- // order to compute values and gradients,
- // we need to pass the <code>update_values</code>
- // and <code>update_gradients</code> flags to the
- // constructor, and the
- // <code>update_JxW_values</code> flag for the
- // Jacobian times the weight at a
- // quadrature point. In addition, we need
- // to have the coordinate values of each
- // quadrature point in real space for the
- // $x-u^3$ terms; to get these from the
- // <code>FEValues</code> object, we need to pass it
- // the <code>update_quadrature_points</code> flag.
- //
- // It is a simple calculation to figure out
- // that for linear elements, the integrals
- // in the right hand side semilinear form
- // is a polynomial of sixth order. Thus,
- // the appropriate quadrature formula is
- // the one we have chosen here.
- QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(4);
- FEValues<dim> fe_values (fe, quadrature_formula,
- update_values | update_gradients |
- update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
- // Next, here are the usual two convenience
- // variables, followed by declarations for
- // the local contributions to matrix and
- // right hand side, as well as an array to
- // hold the indices of the local degrees of
- // freedom on each cell:
- const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell;
- const unsigned int n_q_points = quadrature_formula.size();
- FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix (dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell);
- Vector<double> cell_rhs (dofs_per_cell);
- std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
- // The next two variables are needed since
- // the problem we consider is nonlinear,
- // and thus the right hand side depends on
- // the previous solution (in a Newton
- // method, for example, the left hand side
- // matrix would also depend on the previous
- // solution, but as explained in the
- // introduction, we only use a simple
- // gradient-type method in which the matrix
- // is a scaled Laplace-type matrix). In
- // order to compute the values of the
- // integrand for the right hand side, we
- // therefore need to have the values and
- // gradients of the previous solution at
- // the quadrature points. We will get them
- // from the <code>FEValues</code> object above, and
- // will put them into the following two
- // variables:
- std::vector<double> local_solution_values (n_q_points);
- std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > local_solution_grads (n_q_points);
- // Now, here comes the main loop over all
- // the cells of the mesh:
- typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
- cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
- endc = dof_handler.end();
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- {
- // First, clear the objects that hold
- // the local matrix and right hand side
- // contributions for this cell:
- cell_matrix = 0;
- cell_rhs = 0;
- // Then initialize the values and
- // gradients of the shape functions at
- // the quadrature points of this cell:
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- // And get the values and gradients of
- // the previous solution at the
- // quadrature points. To get them, we
- // don't actually have to do much,
- // except for giving the <code>FEValues</code>
- // object the global node vector from
- // which to compute this data, and a
- // reference to the objects into which
- // to put them. After the calls, the
- // <code>local_solution_values</code> and
- // <code>local_solution_values</code> variables
- // will contain values and gradients
- // for each of the quadrature points on
- // this cell.
- fe_values.get_function_values (present_solution,
- local_solution_values);
- fe_values.get_function_grads (present_solution,
- local_solution_grads);
- // Then loop over all quadrature
- // points:
- for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
- {
- // Have convenience variables for
- // the values and gradient of the
- // solution at the present
- // quadrature point, as well as the
- // location in real space of this
- // quadrature point, and of the
- // expression $x-u^3$, since it
- // appears so often:
- const double u = local_solution_values[q_point],
- x = fe_values.quadrature_point(q_point)(0);
- const double x_minus_u3 = (x-std::pow(u,3));
- const Tensor<1,dim> u_prime = local_solution_grads[q_point];
- // Then do the double loop over all
- // shape functions to compute the
- // local contribution to the
- // matrix. The terms are simple
- // equivalents of the formula
- // stated in the introduction. Note
- // how we extract the size of an
- // element from the iterator to the
- // present cell:
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
- cell_matrix(i,j)
- += (fe_values.shape_grad(i,q_point) *
- fe_values.shape_grad(j,q_point) *
- cell->diameter() *
- cell->diameter()
- +
- fe_values.shape_value(i,q_point) *
- fe_values.shape_value(j,q_point)) *
- fe_values.JxW(q_point);
- // And here comes the loop over all
- // local degrees of freedom to form
- // the right hand side. The formula
- // looks a little convoluted, but
- // is again a simple image of what
- // was given in the introduction:
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- cell_rhs(i) += -((6. * x_minus_u3 *
- gradient_power (u_prime, 4) *
- fe_values.shape_value(i,q_point)
- *
- (x_minus_u3 *
- (u_prime *
- fe_values.shape_grad(i,q_point))
- -
- (u_prime*u_prime) * u * u *
- fe_values.shape_value(i,q_point))
- )
- *
- fe_values.JxW(q_point));
- }
- // After summing up all the
- // contributions, we have to transfer
- // them to the global objects. This is
- // done in the same way as always
- // before:
- cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
- matrix.add (local_dof_indices[i],
- local_dof_indices[j],
- cell_matrix(i,j));
- residual(local_dof_indices[i]) += cell_rhs(i);
- }
- }
- // Now that we have all the local
- // contributions summed up, we have to
- // eliminate hanging node constraints and
- // boundary values. Hanging nodes are
- // simple:
- hanging_node_constraints.condense (matrix);
- hanging_node_constraints.condense (residual);
- // %Boundary values are, too, but with a
- // twist this time: in all previous example
- // programs, we have used that by default
- // (i.e. unless something else is set), all
- // boundaries have indicator zero. To
- // figure out what boundary indicator a
- // face of a cell had, the library
- // functions would query an iterator
- // designating this face, which would in
- // turn pluck out this value from some of
- // the data structures in the
- // library. Unfortunately, in 1d cells have
- // no faces: these would only be points,
- // and we don't associated anything in the
- // library with points except for their
- // coordinates. Thus there are no face
- // iterators, and no way to figure out
- // which boundary indicator it may have. On
- // the other hand, in 1d, there can only be
- // two boundaries anyway for a connected
- // domain: the left end point and the right
- // end point. And in contrast to the case
- // in higher dimensions, where the
- // (changeable) default is zero for all
- // boundary parts, in 1d the convention is
- // that the left boundary point has
- // indicator zero, while the right boundary
- // point has indicator one. Since there are
- // no face iterators, it is also not
- // possible to change this, but you will
- // hardly ever have to. So in order to
- // assign zero boundary values on both
- // sides, in 1d we not only need to
- // evaluate boundary values for indicator
- // zero, but also for indicator one. If
- // this program is ever going to be run in
- // higher dimensions, then we should only
- // evaluate for indicator zero, which is
- // why we have placed the <code>if</code> statement
- // in front of the second function call.
- //
- // Note that we need zero boundary
- // conditions on both ends, since the space
- // in which search for the solution has
- // fixed boundary conditions zero and one,
- // and we have set the initial values to
- // already satisfy them. Thus, the updates
- // computed in each nonlinear step must
- // have zero boundary values.
- std::map<unsigned int,double> boundary_values;
+ VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (dof_handler,
+ 0,
+ BoundaryValues<dim>(),
+ boundary_values);
+ }
+ // In later steps, the Newton update has to have homogeneous
+ // boundary conditions, in order for the solution to have the
+ // right ones.
+ else{
VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (dof_handler,
- 0,
- ZeroFunction<dim>(),
- boundary_values);
- if (dim == 1)
- VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (dof_handler,
- 1,
- ZeroFunction<dim>(),
- boundary_values);
- Vector<double> dummy (residual.size());
- MatrixTools::apply_boundary_values (boundary_values,
- matrix,
- dummy,
- residual);
+ 0,
+ ZeroFunction<dim>(),
+ boundary_values);
+ MatrixTools::apply_boundary_values (boundary_values,
+ system_matrix,
+ newton_update,
+ system_rhs);
- // Once we have a search (update) direction,
- // we need to figure out how far to go in
- // this direction. This is what line search
- // is good for, and this function does
- // exactly this: compute and return the
- // length of the update step.
- //
- // Since we already know the direction, we
- // only have to solve the one-dimensional
- // problem of minimizing the energy along
- // this direction. Note, however, that in
- // general we do not have the gradient of the
- // energy functional in this direction, so we
- // have to approximate it (and the second
- // derivatives) using finite differences.
- //
- // In most applications, it is sufficient to
- // find an approximate minimizer of this
- // one-dimensional problem, or even just a
- // point that may not be a minimizer but
- // instead just satisfies a few conditions
- // like those of Armijo and Goldstein. The
- // rational for this is generally that
- // evaluating the objective function too
- // often is too expensive. However, here, we
- // are a little more lenient, since the
- // overall run-time is dominated by inverting
- // the system matrix in each nonlinear
- // step. Thus, we will do this minimization
- // by using a fixed number of five Newton
- // steps in this one-dimensional problem, and
- // using a bisection algorithm as a substep
- // in it.
- //
- // As is quite common in step length
- // procedures, this function contains a fair
- // number of heuristics and strategies that
- // might not be obvious at first. Step length
- // determination is notorious for its
- // complications, and this implementation is
- // not an exception. Note that if one tries
- // to omit the special-casing, then one
- // oftentimes encounters situations where the
- // found step length is really not very good.
- template <int dim>
- double
- MinimizationProblem<dim>::line_search (const Vector<double> &update) const
- {
- // Start out with a zero step length:
- double alpha = 0.;
- Vector<double> tmp (present_solution.size());
- // Then do at most five Newton steps:
- for (unsigned int step=0; step<5; ++step)
- {
- // At the present location, which is
- // <code>present_solution+alpha*update</code>,
- // evaluate the energy
- tmp = present_solution;
- tmp.add (alpha, update);
- const double f_a = energy (dof_handler, tmp);
- // Then determine a finite difference
- // step length <code>dalpha</code>, and also
- // evaluate the energy functional at
- // positions <code>alpha+dalpha</code> and
- // <code>alpha-dalpha</code> along the search
- // direction:
- const double dalpha = (alpha != 0 ? alpha/100 : 0.01);
- tmp = present_solution;
- tmp.add (alpha+dalpha, update);
- const double f_a_plus = energy (dof_handler, tmp);
- tmp = present_solution;
- tmp.add (alpha-dalpha, update);
- const double f_a_minus = energy (dof_handler, tmp);
- // From these three data points, we can
- // compute a finite difference
- // approximation of the first and
- // second derivatives:
- const double f_a_prime = (f_a_plus-f_a_minus) / (2*dalpha);
- const double f_a_doubleprime = ((f_a_plus-2*f_a+f_a_minus) /
- (dalpha*dalpha));
- // If the gradient is (relative to the
- // energy value) too small, then this
- // means that we have found a minimum
- // of the energy functional along the
- // search direction. In this case,
- // abort here and return the found step
- // length value:
- if (std::fabs(f_a_prime) < 1e-7*std::fabs(f_a))
- break;
- // Alternatively, also abort if the
- // curvature is too small, because we
- // can't compute a Newton step
- // then. This is somewhat
- // unsatisfactory, since we are not at
- // a minimum, and can certainly be
- // improved. There are a number of
- // other strategies for this case,
- // which we leave for interested
- // readers:
- if (std::fabs(f_a_doubleprime) < 1e-7*std::fabs(f_a_prime))
- break;
- // Then compute the Newton step as the
- // negative of the inverse Hessian
- // applied to the gradient.
- double step_length = -f_a_prime / f_a_doubleprime;
- // And do a number of correcting steps:
- // if the energy at the predicted new
- // position would be larger than at the
- // present position, then halve the
- // step length and try again. If this
- // does not help after three such
- // cycles, then simply give up and use
- // the value we have.
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; ++i)
- {
- tmp = present_solution;
- tmp.add (alpha+step_length, update);
- const double e = energy (dof_handler, tmp);
- if (e >= f_a)
- step_length /= 2;
- else
- break;
- }
- // After all this, update alpha and go
- // on to the next Newton step.
- alpha += step_length;
- }
- // Finally, return with the computed step length.
- return alpha;
- }
+ // @sect4{Step15::solve}
+ // The solve function is the same as always, we just have to
+ // implement the minimal residual method as a solver and
+ // apply the Newton update to the solution.
+template <int dim>
+void Step15<dim>::solve ()
+ res=system_rhs.l2_norm();
+ SolverControl solver_control (1000, res*1e-6);
+ SolverMinRes<> solver (solver_control);
- // The next function is again a rather boring
- // one: it does one nonlinear step, by
- // calling the function that assembles the
- // linear system, then solving it, computing
- // a step length, and finally updating the
- // solution vector. This should all be mostly
- // self-explanatory, given that we have shown
- // the solution of a linear system before.
- template <int dim>
- void MinimizationProblem<dim>::do_step ()
- {
- assemble_step ();
+ PreconditionSSOR<> preconditioner;
+ preconditioner.initialize(system_matrix, 1.2);
- Vector<double> update (present_solution.size());
- {
- SolverControl solver_control (residual.size(),
- 1e-2*residual.l2_norm());
- SolverCG<> solver (solver_control);
+ solver.solve (system_matrix, newton_update, system_rhs,
+ preconditioner);
- PreconditionSSOR<> preconditioner;
- preconditioner.initialize(matrix);
+ hanging_node_constraints.distribute (newton_update);
- solver.solve (matrix, update, residual,
- preconditioner);
- hanging_node_constraints.distribute (update);
- }
+ // In this step, the old solution is updated to the new one:
- const double step_length = line_search (update);
- present_solution.add (step_length, update);
- }
+ present_solution += newton_update;
+ // @sect4{Step15::refine_grid}
+ // The first part of this function is the same as in step 6.
+ // But after refining the mesh we have to transfer the old
+ // solution to the new one, which is done with the help of
+ // the SolutionTransfer class.
- // The same holds for the function that
- // outputs the solution in gnuplot format
- // into a file with a name that includes the
- // number of the run we are presently
- // performing.
- template <int dim>
- void
- MinimizationProblem<dim>::output_results () const
- {
- DataOut<dim> data_out;
- data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof_handler);
- data_out.add_data_vector (present_solution, "solution");
- data_out.build_patches ();
- std::ostringstream filename;
- filename << "solution-"
- << run_number
- << ".gnuplot"
- << std::ends;
- std::ofstream out (filename.str().c_str());
- data_out.write_gnuplot (out);
- }
+template <int dim>
+void Step15<dim>::refine_grid ()
+ Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell (triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::estimate (dof_handler,
+ QGauss<dim-1>(3),
+ typename FunctionMap<dim>::type(),
+ present_solution,
+ estimated_error_per_cell);
+ GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number (triangulation,
+ estimated_error_per_cell,
+ 0.3, 0.03);
+ // Then we need an additional step: if, for example,
+ // you flag a cell that is once more refined than its neighbor,
+ // and that neighbor is not flagged for refinement, we would end
+ // up with a jump of two refinement levels across a cell interface.
+ // To avoid these situations, the library will
+ // silently also have to refine the neighbor cell once. It does so
+ // by calling the Triangulation::prepare_coarsening_and_refinement
+ // function before actually doing the refinement and coarsening.
+ // This function flags a set of additional cells for refinement or
+ // coarsening, to enforce rules like the one-hanging-node rule.
+ // The cells that are flagged for refinement and coarsening after
+ // calling this function are exactly the ones that will actually
+ // be refined or coarsened. Since the SolutionTransfer class needs
+ // this information in order to store the data from the old mesh
+ // and transfer to the new one.
+ triangulation.prepare_coarsening_and_refinement ();
+ // With this out of the way, we initialize a SolutionTransfer
+ // object with the present DoFHandler and attach the solution
+ // vector to it:
+ SolutionTransfer<dim> solution_transfer(dof_handler);
+ solution_transfer.prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement(present_solution);
+ // Then we do the actual refinement, and distribute degrees
+ // of freedom on the new mesh:
+ triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ // Finally, we retrieve the old solution interpolated to the new
+ // mesh. Since the SolutionTransfer function does not actually
+ // store the values of the old solution, but rather indices, we
+ // need to preserve the old solution vector until we have gotten
+ // the new interpolated values. Thus, we have the new values
+ // written into a temporary vector, and only afterwards write
+ // them into the solution vector object:
+ Vector<double> tmp(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ solution_transfer.interpolate(present_solution,tmp);
+ present_solution=tmp;
+ // Having refined the mesh, there might be new nodal points on
+ // the boundary. These have just interpolated values, but
+ // not the right boundary values. This is fixed up, by
+ // setting all boundary nodals explicit to the right value:
+ std::map<unsigned int, double> boundary_values2;
+ VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values(dof_handler,
+ 0,
+ BoundaryValues<dim>(),
+ boundary_values2);
+ for (std::map<unsigned int, double>::const_iterator
+ p = boundary_values2.begin();
+ p != boundary_values2.end();
+ ++p)
+ present_solution(p->first) = p->second;
+ // On the new mesh, there are different hanging nodes, which shall
+ // be enlisted in a matrix like before. To ensure there are no
+ // hanging nodes of the old mesh in the matrix, it's first cleared:
+ hanging_node_constraints.clear();
+ // After doing so, the hanging nodes of the new mesh can be
+ // enlisted in the matrix, like before. Calling the
+ // <code>setup_system</code> function in the <code>run</code>
+ // function again after this, the hanging nodes don't have to
+ // be enlisted there once more.
+ DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler, hanging_node_constraints);
+ hanging_node_constraints.close();
+ hanging_node_constraints.distribute(present_solution);
+ // @sect4{Step15::run}
- // The function to compute error indicator
- // and refine the mesh accordingly is a
- // little more interesting. In particular, it
- // shows some more of the techniques usually
- // used in 1d applications. First, note that
- // this again is a specialization that only
- // works in 1d. However, to make later
- // extension to higher space dimensions
- // simpler, we define a constant integer
- // <code>dim</code> at the beginning of the function;
- // by using this constant as template
- // argument in all places, we are actually
- // able to write most of the code as if it
- // were dimension independent, thus
- // minimizing the amount of later changes.
- template <>
- void MinimizationProblem<1>::refine_grid ()
- {
- const unsigned int dim = 1;
- Vector<float> error_indicators (triangulation.n_active_cells());
- // Then define the quadrature formula, and
- // what values we will want to extract from
- // the solution. Here, we use the two-point
- // trapezoidal rule, i.e. we evaluate the
- // residual only at the end points of the
- // cells. Incidentally, this also makes
- // evaluating the jump terms between cells
- // simpler. Note that for the error
- // indicators, we not only need values and
- // gradients of the solution, but also its
- // second derivatives, as well as the
- // physical location of quadrature points.
- QTrapez<dim> quadrature;
- FEValues<dim> fe_values (fe, quadrature,
- update_values | update_gradients |
- update_hessians |
- update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
- // The error indicator formula presented in
- // the introduction requires us to compute
- // jumps of the solution and gradient
- // across cell boundaries. Since the
- // solution itself is continuous, we only
- // need to evaluate the gradient on the
- // neighbor cells. To avoid some of the
- // work needed to reinitialize a
- // <code>FEValues</code> object on a cell, we define
- // another such object here that we will
- // only use for the neighbor cells. The
- // data we need from the side of the
- // present cell is provided by above
- // object.
- FEValues<dim> neighbor_fe_values (fe, quadrature,
- update_gradients);
- // Then, as before, we need objects holding
- // values and derivatives of the solution
- // at quadrature points. Here, we also need
- // second derivatives, which is simple,
- // however:
- std::vector<double> local_values (quadrature.size());
- std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > local_gradients (quadrature.size());
- std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > local_2nd_derivs (quadrature.size());
- // With all this, we can start the loop
- // over all cells. Since we need to write
- // the result for each cell into
- // consecutive elements of a vector, we
- // also keep a running index <code>cell_index</code>
- // that we increase with each cell treated.
- DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
- cell = dof_handler.begin_active (),
- endc = dof_handler.end ();
- for (unsigned int cell_index = 0; cell!=endc; ++cell, ++cell_index)
- {
- // After initializing the <code>FEValues</code>
- // object on each cell, use it to
- // evaluate solution and first and
- // second derivatives of it at the
- // quadrature points:
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- fe_values.get_function_values (present_solution, local_values);
- fe_values.get_function_grads (present_solution, local_gradients);
- fe_values.get_function_2nd_derivatives (present_solution, local_2nd_derivs);
- // Given the formula in the
- // introduction, the computation of the
- // cell residuals should actually be
- // relatively obvious. The result,
- // multiplied by the appropriate power
- // of the cell's size is then written
- // into the vector of error indicators.
- //
- // Note that in the following
- // computations, we have already made
- // use of the fact that we are in 1d,
- // since we extract the gradient as a
- // scalar value.
- double cell_residual_norm = 0;
- for (unsigned int q=0; q<quadrature.size(); ++q)
- {
- const double x = fe_values.quadrature_point(q)[0];
- const double u = local_values[q];
- const double u_prime = local_gradients[q][0];
- const double u_doubleprime = local_2nd_derivs[q][0][0];
- const double local_residual_value
- = ((x-u*u*u) * std::pow(u_prime, 4) *
- (u*u*u_prime*u_prime
- +
- 5*(x-u*u*u)*u_doubleprime
- +
- 2*u_prime*(1-3*u*u*u_prime)));
- cell_residual_norm += (local_residual_value * local_residual_value *
- fe_values.JxW(q));
- }
- error_indicators(cell_index) = cell_residual_norm *
- cell->diameter() * cell->diameter();
- // The next step is to evaluate the
- // jump terms. To make computations
- // somewhat simpler (and to free up the
- // <code>local_*</code> variables for use on
- // neighboring elements), we define
- // some convenience variables for the
- // positions of the left and right cell
- // boundary point, as well as the
- // values and gradients at these
- // points.
- //
- // To be cautious, we don't blindly
- // trust that the trapezoidal rule has
- // its evaluation points as the left
- // and right end point of the cell (it
- // could in principle have them in the
- // reverse order, i.e. the zeroth point
- // is at x=1, and the first one at
- // x=0), and use an assertion to
- // actually check for this. If this
- // would not be the case, an exception
- // of the (predefined) class
- // <code>ExcInternalError</code> would be
- // thrown. Of course, this does not
- // happen in this program, but it shows
- // a way of defensive coding: if you
- // are not sure of an assumption, guard
- // it by a test. This also guards us
- // against possible future changes in
- // the library: the quadrature classes
- // do not promise any particular order
- // of their quadrature points, so the
- // <code>QTrapez</code> class could in principle
- // change the order of its two
- // evaluation points. In that case,
- // your code would tell you that
- // something changed, rather than
- // computing a wrong result when you
- // upgrade to a new version of the
- // library. (The point made here is
- // theoretical: we are not going to
- // change the order of evaluation
- // points; the intent is simply how to
- // add some defensive touches to a
- // program that make sure that it
- // really does what it is hoped to do.)
- //
- // Given that we are now sure that
- // <code>x_left</code> and <code>x_right</code>,
- // extracted from the zeroth and first
- // quadrature point, are indeed the
- // left and right vertex of the cell,
- // we can also be sure that the values
- // we extract for <code>u_left</code> et al. are
- // the ones we expect them to be, since
- // the order of these values must of
- // course match the order of the
- // quadrature points.
- const double x_left = fe_values.quadrature_point(0)[0];
- const double x_right = fe_values.quadrature_point(1)[0];
- Assert (x_left == cell->vertex(0)[0], ExcInternalError());
- Assert (x_right == cell->vertex(1)[0], ExcInternalError());
- const double u_left = local_values[0];
- const double u_right = local_values[1];
- const double u_prime_left = local_gradients[0][0];
- const double u_prime_right = local_gradients[1][0];
- // Next, we have to check whether this
- // cell has a left neighbor:
- if (cell->at_boundary(0) == false)
- {
- // If so, find its left
- // neighbor. We do so by asking for
- // the cell that is immediately
- // adjacent to the left (the zeroth
- // neighbor in 1d). However, this
- // may be a cell that in itself has
- // children, so to get to the
- // active left neighbor, we have to
- // recursively check whether that
- // cell has children, and if so
- // take its right child, since that
- // is adjacent to the left of the
- // present cell. Note that unless
- // you are in 1d, there is no safe
- // way to assume that the first
- // child of the zeroth neighbor is
- // indeed adjacent to the present
- // cell. Rather, more than one of
- // the children of a neighbor may
- // be adjacent to the present
- // cell. Also note that in two or
- // higher space dimensions, a
- // neighbor of an active cell may
- // only be at most once refined,
- // since we have the rule that
- // there can only be one hanging
- // node per face. This rule does
- // not exist in 1d: neighboring
- // cells may have totally
- // independent refinement
- // levels. Thus, we really need the
- // <code>while</code> loop, not only an
- // <code>if</code> clause.
- DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator left_neighbor = cell->neighbor(0);
- while (left_neighbor->has_children())
- left_neighbor = left_neighbor->child(1);
- // With the so-found neighbor,
- // initialize the second
- // <code>FEValues</code> object to it,
- // extract the gradients of the
- // solution there, and from this
- // get the gradient at the
- // interface (this is the first
- // element of <code>local_gradients</code>,
- // since the right end point of the
- // neighbor cell has index 1) as a
- // scalar value (this is the zeroth
- // component of
- // <code>local_gradients[1]</code>.
- neighbor_fe_values.reinit (left_neighbor);
- neighbor_fe_values.get_function_grads (present_solution, local_gradients);
- const double neighbor_u_prime_left = local_gradients[1][0];
- // Then compute the jump, and add a
- // suitable multiple to the error
- // indicator for this cell:
- const double left_jump = std::pow(x_left-std::pow(u_left,3), 2) *
- (std::pow(neighbor_u_prime_left,5) -
- std::pow(u_prime_left,5));
- error_indicators(cell_index) += left_jump * left_jump *
- cell->diameter();
- }
- // Once we have done the left neighbor,
- // we can play exactly the same game
- // with the right neighbor:
- if (cell->at_boundary(1) == false)
- {
- DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator right_neighbor = cell->neighbor(1);
- while (right_neighbor->has_children())
- right_neighbor = right_neighbor->child(0);
- neighbor_fe_values.reinit (right_neighbor);
- neighbor_fe_values.get_function_grads (present_solution, local_gradients);
- const double neighbor_u_prime_right = local_gradients[0][0];
- const double right_jump = std::pow(x_right-std::pow(u_right,3), 2) *
- (std::pow(neighbor_u_prime_right,5) -
- std::pow(u_prime_right,5));
- error_indicators(cell_index) += right_jump * right_jump *
- cell->diameter();
- }
- }
- // Now we have all the refinement
- // indicators computed, and want to refine
- // the grid. In contrast to previous
- // examples, however, we would like to
- // transfer the solution vector from the
- // old to the new grid. This is what the
- // <code>SolutionTransfer</code> class is good for,
- // but it requires some preliminary
- // work. First, we need to tag the cells
- // that we want to refine or coarsen, as
- // usual:
- GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number (triangulation,
- error_indicators,
- 0.3, 0.03);
- // Then, however, we need an additional
- // step: if, for example, you flag a cell
- // that is once more refined than its
- // neighbor, and that neighbor is not
- // flagged for refinement, we would end up
- // with a jump of two refinement levels
- // across a cell interface. In 1d, this
- // would in general be allowed, but not in
- // higher space dimensions, and some mesh
- // smoothing algorithms in 1d may also
- // disallow this. To avoid these
- // situations, the library will silently
- // also have to refine the neighbor cell
- // once. It does so by calling the
- // <code>Triangulation::prepare_coarsening_and_refinement</code>
- // function before actually doing the
- // refinement and coarsening. This function
- // flags a set of additional cells for
- // refinement or coarsening, to enforce
- // rules like the one-hanging-node
- // rule. The cells that are flagged for
- // refinement and coarsening after calling
- // this function are exactly the ones that
- // will actually be refined or
- // coarsened. Since the
- // <code>SolutionTransfer</code> class needs this
- // information in order to store the data
- // from the old mesh and transfer to the
- // new one.
- triangulation.prepare_coarsening_and_refinement();
- // With this out of the way, we initialize
- // a <code>SolutionTransfer</code> object with the
- // present <code>DoFHandler</code> and attach the
- // solution vector to it:
- SolutionTransfer<dim> solution_transfer(dof_handler);
- solution_transfer.prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement (present_solution);
- // Then we do the actual refinement, and
- // distribute degrees of freedom on the new
- // mesh:
- triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement ();
- dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
- // Finally, we retrieve the old solution
- // interpolated to the new mesh. Since the
- // <code>SolutionTransfer</code> function does not
- // actually store the values of the old
- // solution, but rather indices, we need to
- // preserve the old solution vector until
- // we have gotten the new interpolated
- // values. Thus, we have the new values
- // written into a temporary vector, and
- // only afterwards write them into the
- // solution vector object:
- Vector<double> tmp (dof_handler.n_dofs());
- solution_transfer.interpolate (present_solution, tmp);
- present_solution = tmp;
- // Here is some final thing, that is
- // actually unnecessary in 1d, but
- // necessary for higher space dimensions,
- // so we show it anyway: the result of what
- // the <code>SolutionTransfer</code> class provides
- // is a vector that is interpolated from
- // the old to the new mesh. Unfortunately,
- // it does not necessarily have the right
- // values at constrained (hanging) nodes,
- // so we have to fix this up to make the
- // solution conforming again. The simplest
- // way to do this is this:
- hanging_node_constraints.clear ();
- DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (dof_handler,
- hanging_node_constraints);
- hanging_node_constraints.close ();
- hanging_node_constraints.distribute (present_solution);
- // This is wasteful, since we create a
- // <code>ConstraintMatrix</code> object that will be
- // recreated again in the next call to
- // <code>setup_system_on_mesh</code> immediately
- // afterwards. A more efficient
- // implementation would make sure that it
- // is created only once. We don't care so
- // much here, since in 1d there are no
- // constraints, so all of these operations
- // are really cheap, but we do not
- // recommend this as general programming
- // strategy.
- }
+ // In the run function, the first grid is build. Also in this
+ // function, the Newton iteration is implemented.
+template <int dim>
+void Step15<dim>::run ()
+ // The integer refinement counts the mesh refinements. Obviously
+ // starting the program, it should be zero.
+ refinement=0;
+ first_step=true;
- // Before going over to the framework
- // functions, we still need to look at the
- // implementation of the function that
- // computes the energy of a nodal vector in
- // the functional considered in this example
- // program. Its idea is simple: take a nodal
- // vector and the <code>DoFHandler</code> object it is
- // living on, then loop over all cells and
- // add up the local contributions to the
- // energy:
- template <int dim>
- double
- MinimizationProblem<dim>::energy (const DoFHandler<dim> &dof_handler,
- const Vector<double> &function)
- {
- // First define the quadrature formula and
- // a <code>FEValues</code> object with which to
- // compute the values of the input function
- // at the quadrature points. Note again
- // that the integrand is a polynomial of
- // degree six, so a 4-point Gauss formula
- // is appropriate:
- QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(4);
- FEValues<dim> fe_values (dof_handler.get_fe(), quadrature_formula,
- update_values | update_gradients |
- update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
- const unsigned int n_q_points = quadrature_formula.size();
- // Then, just as when we integrated the
- // linear system, we need two variables
- // that will hold the values and gradients
- // of the given function at the quadrature
- // points:
- std::vector<double> local_solution_values (n_q_points);
- std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > local_solution_grads (n_q_points);
- // With this, define an energy variable,
- // and loop over all the cells:
- double energy = 0.;
- typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
- cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
- endc = dof_handler.end();
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- {
- // On each cell, initialize the
- // <code>FEValues</code> object, and extract
- // values and gradients of the given
- // function:
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- fe_values.get_function_values (function,
- local_solution_values);
- fe_values.get_function_grads (function,
- local_solution_grads);
- // Then loop over all quadrature points
- // on this cell, and add up the
- // contribution of each to the global
- // energy:
- for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
- energy += (std::pow (fe_values.quadrature_point(q_point)(0)
- -
- std::pow (local_solution_values[q_point], 3),
- 2) *
- gradient_power (local_solution_grads[q_point], 6) *
- fe_values.JxW (q_point));
- }
- // Once we have done this, return the
- // integrated value.
- return energy;
- }
+ // As described in the introduction, the domain is a unitball around
+ // the origin. The Mesh is globally refined two times, not to start
+ // on the coarse mesh, which consists only of five cells.
+ GridGenerator::hyper_ball (triangulation);
+ static const HyperBallBoundary<dim> boundary;
+ triangulation.set_boundary (0, boundary);
+ triangulation.refine_global(2);
- // So here is the driver function,
- // <code>run()</code>. It generate a coarse mesh,
- // refines it a couple of times, and
- // initializes the starting values. It then
- // goes into a loop in which we first set up
- // the member variables for the new mesh, and
- // then do a fixed number of five gradient
- // steps. If after this the energy has not
- // significantly decreased compares to the
- // last time we checked, we assume that we
- // have converged and exit, otherwise we
- // refine the mesh and start over. Once we
- // have determined that the computations have
- // converged somewhere, we output the
- // results.
- template <int dim>
- void MinimizationProblem<dim>::run ()
- {
- GridGenerator::hyper_cube (triangulation, 0., 1.);
- triangulation.refine_global (4);
- dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
- initialize_solution ();
+ // The Newton iteration starts here. During the first step, there is
+ // no residual computed, so the bool is needed here to enter the
+ // iteration scheme. Later the Newton method will continue until the
+ // residual is less than $10^{-3}$.
- double last_energy = energy (dof_handler, present_solution);
+ while(first_step || (res>1e-3))
+ {
- while (true)
- {
- setup_system_on_mesh ();
+ // First thing to do after refining the mesh, is to setup the vectors,
+ // matrices, etc., which is done in the <code>setup_system</code>
+ // function.
- for (unsigned int iteration=0; iteration<5; ++iteration)
- do_step ();
+ setup_system();
- const double this_energy = energy (dof_handler, present_solution);
- std::cout << " Energy: " << this_energy << std::endl;
+ // On every mesh there are done five Newton steps, in order to get a
+ // better solution, before the mesh gets too fine and the computations
+ // take more time.
- if ((last_energy-this_energy) < 1e-5*last_energy)
- break;
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<5;++i)
+ {
- last_energy = this_energy;
+ // In every Newton step the system matrix and the right hand side
+ // have to be computed.
- refine_grid ();
- }
+ assemble_system ();
+ solve ();
+ first_step=false;
+ std::cout<<"residual:"<<res<<std::endl;
+ }
- output_results ();
+ // The fifth solution, as well as the Newton update,
+ // on every mesh will be written in a vtk-file,
+ // in order to show the convergence of the solution.
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
+ Assert (refinement < 100, ExcNotImplemented());
+ DataOutBase::EpsFlags vtk_flags;
+ DataOut<dim> data_out;
+ data_out.set_flags (vtk_flags);
+ data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof_handler);
+ data_out.add_data_vector (newton_update, "update");
+ data_out.add_data_vector (present_solution, "solution");
+ data_out.build_patches (6);
+ std::string filename = "solution-";
+ if(refinement<10)
+ {
+ filename += ('0' + refinement);
+ }
+ else{
+ filename += ('0' + refinement/10);
+ filename += ('0' + refinement%10);
+ }
+ filename += ".vtk";
+ std::ofstream output (filename.c_str());
+ data_out.write_vtk (output);
+ // last thing to do is to refine the mesh:
+ refine_grid();
+ std::cout<<"********mesh-refinement:"<<refinement+1<<" ********"<<std::endl;
+ refinement++;
+ }
+ // After the residual is less than $10^{-3}$, the final-solution
+ // is written in a vtk-file:
+ DataOutBase::EpsFlags vtk_flags;
+ DataOut<dim> data_out;
+ data_out.set_flags (vtk_flags);
+ data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof_handler);
+ data_out.add_data_vector (present_solution, "solution");
+ data_out.build_patches (6);
+ std::ofstream output ("final-solution.vtk");
+ data_out.write_vtk (output);
+ // @ sect4{The main function}
+ // Finally the main function, this follows the scheme of all other main
+ // functions:
- // Finally: <code>main()</code>. This function does
- // what all its counterparts in previous
- // examples already did, i.e. create an
- // object of the main class, and hand off
- // work to them, only retaining its role as a
- // guard to catch exceptions and print some
- // information if we get one. The only
- // difference is that it generates objects
- // multiple times and runs them. Since the
- // initial value for each run is a random
- // function, where the random number
- // generator returns different values each
- // time, all these runs are actually
- // different, although it may seem that they
- // are independent of each other.
int main ()
- using namespace dealii;
- using namespace Step15;
deallog.depth_console (0);
- const unsigned int n_realizations = 10;
- for (unsigned int realization=0; realization<n_realizations; ++realization)
- {
- std::cout << "Realization " << realization << ":" << std::endl;
- MinimizationProblem<1> minimization_problem_1d (realization);
- minimization_problem_1d.run ();
- }
+ Step15<2> laplace_problem_2d;
+ laplace_problem_2d.run ();
catch (std::exception &exc)
std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl
- << "----------------------------------------------------"
- << std::endl;
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
- << exc.what() << std::endl
- << "Aborting!" << std::endl
- << "----------------------------------------------------"
- << std::endl;
+ << exc.what() << std::endl
+ << "Aborting!" << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
return 1;
catch (...)
std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl
- << "----------------------------------------------------"
- << std::endl;
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
- << "Aborting!" << std::endl
- << "----------------------------------------------------"
- << std::endl;
+ << "Aborting!" << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;