* This class implements an input mechanism for grid data. It allows to read a
* grid structure into a triangulation object. At present, UCD (unstructured
- * cell data), DB Mesh, XDA, Gmsh, Tecplot, NetCDF and Cubit are supported as
+ * cell data), DB Mesh, XDA, Gmsh, Tecplot, NetCDF, UNV, and Cubit are supported as
* input format for grid data. Any numerical data after the block of geometric
* (vertex locations) and topological (how vertices form cells) information is
* ignored. Notice also that at the moment in the codimension 1 case only UCD
* that currently only the ASCII format is supported, binary data cannot be
* read.
+ * <li> <tt>UNV</tt> format: this format is generated by the Salome mesh
+ * generator, see http://www.salome-platform.org/ .
+ * The sections of the format that the GridIn::read_unv function supports are
+ * documented here:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li> section 2411: http://www.sdrl.uc.edu/universal-file-formats-for-modal-analysis-testing-1/file-format-storehouse/unv_2411.htm
+ * <li> section 2412: http://www.sdrl.uc.edu/universal-file-formats-for-modal-analysis-testing-1/file-format-storehouse/unv_2412.htm
+ * <li> section 2467: http://www.sdrl.uc.edu/universal-file-formats-for-modal-analysis-testing-1/file-format-storehouse/unv_2467.htm
+ * <li> all sections of this format, even if they may not be supported in
+ * our reader, can be found here:
+ * http://www.sdrl.uc.edu/universal-file-formats-for-modal-analysis-testing-1/file-format-storehouse/file-formats
+ * </ul>
+ * Note that Salome, let's say in 2D, can only make a quad mesh on an object that
+ * has exactly 4 edges (or 4 pieces of the boundary). That means, that if you have
+ * a more complicated object and would like to mesh it with quads, you will need
+ * to decompose the object into >= 2 separate objects. Then 1) each of these
+ * separate objects is meshed, 2) the appropriate groups of cells and/or faces
+ * associated with each of these separate objects are created, 3) a compound
+ * mesh is built up, and 4) all numbers that might be associated with some of
+ * the internal faces of this compound mesh are removed.
+ *
* <li> <tt>Cubit</tt> format: deal.II doesn't directly support importing from
* Cubit at this time. However, Cubit can export in UCD format using a simple
* plug-in, and the resulting UCD file can then be read by this class. The
/// Use GridIn::default_format stored in this object
+ /// Use read_unv()
+ unv,
/// Use read_ucd()
/// Use read_dbmesh()
void read (const std::string &in, Format format=Default);
+ /**
+ * Read grid data from an unv
+ * file as generated by the
+ * Salome mesh generator.
+ * Numerical data is ignored.
+ *
+ * Note the comments on
+ * generating this file format in
+ * the general documentation of
+ * this class.
+ */
+ void read_unv(std::istream &in);
* Read grid data from an ucd file.
* Numerical data is ignored.
static std::string get_format_names ();
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException1(ExcUnknownSectionType,
+ int,
+ << "The section type <" << arg1 << "> in an UNV "
+ << "input file is not implemented.");
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException1(ExcUnknownElementType,
+ int,
+ << "The element type <" << arg1 << "> in an UNV "
+ << "input file is not implemented.");
* Exception
+// --- ---
+// --- read_unv ---
+// --- ---
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+void GridIn<dim, spacedim>::read_unv(std::istream &in)
+ Assert(tria != 0, ExcNoTriangulationSelected());
+ Assert((dim == 2)||(dim == 3), ExcNotImplemented());
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ skip_comment_lines(in, '#'); // skip comments (if any) at beginning of file
+ int tmp;
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> tmp;
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> tmp;
+ AssertThrow(tmp == 2411, ExcUnknownSectionType(tmp)); // section 2411 describes vertices http://www.sdrl.uc.edu/universal-file-formats-for-modal-analysis-testing-1/file-format-storehouse/unv_2411.htm/
+ std::vector< Point<spacedim> > vertices; // vector of vertex coordinates
+ std::map<int, int> vertex_indices; // # vert in unv (key) ---> # vert in deal.II (value)
+ int no_vertex = 0; // deal.II
+ while(tmp != -1) // we do until reach end of 2411
+ {
+ int no; // unv
+ int dummy;
+ double x[3];
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> no;
+ tmp = no;
+ if(tmp == -1)
+ break;
+ in >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy;
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> x[0] >> x[1] >> x[2];
+ vertices.push_back(Point<spacedim>());
+ for(unsigned int d = 0; d < spacedim; d++)
+ vertices.back()(d) = x[d];
+ vertex_indices[no] = no_vertex;
+ no_vertex++;
+ }
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> tmp;
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> tmp;
+ AssertThrow(tmp == 2412, ExcUnknownSectionType(tmp)); // section 2412 describes elements http://www.sdrl.uc.edu/universal-file-formats-for-modal-analysis-testing-1/file-format-storehouse/unv_2412.htm/
+ std::vector< CellData<dim> > cells; // vector of cells
+ SubCellData subcelldata;
+ std::map<int, int> cell_indices; // # cell in unv (key) ---> # cell in deal.II (value)
+ std::map<int, int> line_indices; // # line in unv (key) ---> # line in deal.II (value)
+ std::map<int, int> quad_indices; // # quad in unv (key) ---> # quad in deal.II (value)
+ int no_cell = 0; // deal.II
+ int no_line = 0; // deal.II
+ int no_quad = 0; // deal.II
+ while(tmp != -1) // we do until reach end of 2412
+ {
+ int no; // unv
+ int type;
+ int dummy;
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> no;
+ tmp = no;
+ if(tmp == -1)
+ break;
+ in >> type >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy;
+ AssertThrow((type == 11)||(type == 44)||(type == 115), ExcUnknownElementType(type));
+ if( ((type == 44)&&(dim == 2)) || ((type == 115)&&(dim == 3)) ) // cell
+ {
+ cells.push_back(CellData<dim>());
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; v++)
+ in >> cells.back().vertices[v];
+ cells.back().material_id = 0;
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; v++)
+ cells.back().vertices[v] = vertex_indices[cells.back().vertices[v]];
+ cell_indices[no] = no_cell;
+ no_cell++;
+ }
+ else if( ((type == 11)&&(dim == 2)) || ((type == 11)&&(dim == 3)) ) // boundary line
+ {
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy;
+ subcelldata.boundary_lines.push_back(CellData<1>());
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < 2; v++)
+ in >> subcelldata.boundary_lines.back().vertices[v];
+ subcelldata.boundary_lines.back().material_id = 0;
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < 2; v++)
+ subcelldata.boundary_lines.back().vertices[v] = vertex_indices[subcelldata.boundary_lines.back().vertices[v]];
+ line_indices[no] = no_line;
+ no_line++;
+ }
+ else if( (type == 44) && (dim == 3) ) // boundary quad
+ {
+ subcelldata.boundary_quads.push_back(CellData<2>());
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < 4; v++)
+ in >> subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[v];
+ subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().material_id = 0;
+ for(unsigned int v = 0; v < 4; v++)
+ subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[v] = vertex_indices[subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[v]];
+ quad_indices[no] = no_quad;
+ no_quad++;
+ }
+ }
+// note that so far all materials and bcs are explicitly set to 0
+// if we do not need more info on materials and bcs - this is end of file
+// if we do - section 2467 comes
+ in >> tmp; // tmp can be either -1 or end-of-file
+ if( !in.eof() )
+ {
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> tmp;
+ AssertThrow(tmp == 2467, ExcUnknownSectionType(tmp)); // section 2467 describes (materials - first and bcs - second) or (bcs - first and materials - second) - sequence depends on which group is created first
+ // http://www.sdrl.uc.edu/universal-file-formats-for-modal-analysis-testing-1/file-format-storehouse/unv_2467.htm/
+ while(tmp != -1) // we do until reach end of 2467
+ {
+ int n_entities; // number of entities in group
+ int id; // id is either material or bc
+ int no; // unv
+ int dummy;
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> dummy;
+ tmp = dummy;
+ if(tmp == -1)
+ break;
+ in >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy >> n_entities;
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> id;
+ int n_lines = (n_entities%2 == 0)?(n_entities/2):((n_entities+1)/2);
+ for(int no_line = 0; no_line < n_lines; no_line++)
+ {
+ int n_fragments;
+ if(no_line == n_lines-1)
+ n_fragments = (n_entities%2 == 0)?(2):(1);
+ else
+ n_fragments = 2;
+ for(int no_fragment = 0; no_fragment < n_fragments; no_fragment++)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(in, ExcIO());
+ in >> dummy >> no >> dummy >> dummy;
+ if( cell_indices.count(no) > 0 ) // cell - material
+ cells[cell_indices[no]].material_id = id;
+ if( line_indices.count(no) > 0 ) // boundary line - bc
+ subcelldata.boundary_lines[line_indices[no]].material_id = id;
+ if( quad_indices.count(no) > 0 ) // boundary quad - bc
+ subcelldata.boundary_quads[quad_indices[no]].material_id = id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(subcelldata.check_consistency(dim), ExcInternalError());
+ GridTools::delete_unused_vertices(vertices,
+ cells,
+ subcelldata);
+ if(dim == spacedim)
+ GridReordering<dim, spacedim>::invert_all_cells_of_negative_grid(vertices,
+ cells);
+ GridReordering<dim, spacedim>::reorder_cells(cells);
+ tria->create_triangulation_compatibility(vertices,
+ cells,
+ subcelldata);
template <int dim, int spacedim>
void GridIn<dim, spacedim>::read_ucd (std::istream &in)
read_msh (in);
+ case unv:
+ read_unv (in);
+ return;
case ucd:
read_ucd (in);
return ".dbmesh";
case msh:
return ".msh";
+ case unv:
+ return ".unv";
case ucd:
return ".inp";
case xda:
if (format_name == "msh")
return msh;
+ if (format_name == "unv")
+ return unv;
if (format_name == "inp")
return ucd;
template <int dim, int spacedim>
std::string GridIn<dim, spacedim>::get_format_names ()
- return "dbmesh|msh|ucd|xda|netcdf|tecplot";
+ return "dbmesh|msh|unv|ucd|xda|netcdf|tecplot";