+\renewcommand{\div}{\mathrm{div}\ }
This tutorial program is another one in the series on the elasticity problem
different directions: first, it solves the quasistatic but time dependent
elasticity problem for large deformations with a Lagrangian mesh movement
approach. Secondly, it shows some more techniques for solving such problems
-using parallel processing with PETSc's linear algebra; however, as before in
-step-17, the program runs just as fine on a single sequential machine as long
-as you have PETSc installed. In addition to this, we show how to work around
-the main bottleneck of step-17, namely there that we only generated graphical
-output from one process, and that this scaled very badly with larger numbers
-of processes and on large problems. Finally, a good number of assorted
-improvements and techniques are demonstrated that have not been shown yet in
-previous programs.
+using parallel processing with PETSc's linear algebra. In addition to this, we
+show how to work around the main bottleneck of step-17, namely there that we
+only generated graphical output from one process, and that this scaled very
+badly with larger numbers of processes and on large problems. Finally, a good
+number of assorted improvements and techniques are demonstrated that have not
+been shown yet in previous programs.
+As before in step-17, the program runs just as fine on a single sequential
+machine as long as you have PETSc installed. Information on how to tell
+deal.II about a PETSc installation on your system can be found in the deal.II
+README file, which is linked to from the main documentation page
+\texttt{doc/index.html} in your installation of deal.II, or on the deal.II
+webpage \texttt{http://www.dealii.org/}.
\subsection*{Quasistatic elastic deformation}
-In general, elastic deformation is described by the elastic wave equation
+In general, small elastic deformations are described by the elastic wave
- \rho
+ \rho \frac{\partial^2 \vec u}{\partial t^2}
+ + c \frac{\partial \vec u}{\partial t}
+ - \div ( C \varepsilon(\vec u)) = \vec f
+ \qquad
+ \text{in $\Omega$},
+where $\vec u=\vec u (\vec x,t)$ is the deformation of the body, $\rho$ and
+$c$ the density and attenuation coefficient, and $\vec f$ external forces. In
+addition, initial conditions
+ \vec u(\cdot, 0) = \vec u_0(\cdot)
+ \qquad
+ \text{on $\Omega$},
+and Dirichlet (displacement) or Neumann (force) boundary conditions need
+to be specified for a unique solution:
+ \vec u(\vec x,t) &= d(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega$},
+ \\
+ \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\vec u(\vec x,t)) &= b(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_N=\partial\Omega\backslash\Gamma_D$}.
+In above formulation, $\varepsilon(\vec u)= \tfrac 12 (\nabla \vec u + \nabla
+\vec u^T)$ is the symmetric gradient of the displacement, also called the
+\textit{strain}. $C$ is a tensor of rank 4, called the \textit{stress-strain
+ tensor} that contains knowledge of the elastic strength of the material. We
+will comment on the roles of the strain and stress tensors more below. For the
+moment it suffices to say that we interpret the term $\div ( C
+\varepsilon(\vec u))$ as the vector with components $\tfrac \partial{\partial
+ x_j} C_{ijkl} \varepsilon(\vec u)_{kl}$, where summation over indices
+$j,k,l$ is implied.
+The quasistatic limit of this equation is motivated as follows: each small
+perturbation of the body, for example by changes in boundary condition or the
+forcing function, will result in a corresponding change in the configuration
+of the body. In general, this will be in the form of waves radiating away from
+the location of the disturbance. Due to the presence of the damping term,
+these waves will be attenuated on a time scale of, say, $\tau$. Now, assume
+that all changes in external configuration happen on times scales that are
+much larger than $\tau$. In that case, the dynamic nature of the change is
+unimportant: we can consider the body to always be in static equilibrium,
+i.e. we can assume that at all times the body satisfies
+ - \div ( C \varepsilon(\vec u)) &= \vec f
+ &&\text{in $\Omega$},
+ \\
+ \vec u(\vec x,t) &= d(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_D$},
+ \\
+ \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\vec u(\vec x,t)) &= b(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_N$}.
+Note that the differential equation does not contain any time derivatives any
+more -- all time dependence is introduced through boundary conditions and a
+possibly time-varying force function $\vec f(\vec x,t)$.
+While these equations are sufficient to describe small deformations, computing
+large deformations is a little more complicated. To do so, let us first
+introduce a stress variable $\sigma$, and write the differential equations in
+terms of the stress:
+ - \div \sigma &= \vec f
+ &&\text{in $\Omega(t)$},
+ \\
+ \vec u(\vec x,t) &= d(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega(t)$},
+ \\
+ \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\vec u(\vec x,t)) &= b(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_N=\partial\Omega(t)\backslash\Gamma_D$}.
+Note that these equations are posed on a domain $\Omega(t)$ that changes with
\subsection*{Parallel graphical output}