DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
- Vector<double> tmp (PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler.n_dofs());
- FETools::interpolate (DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
- DualSolver<dim>::solution,
- PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
- primal_hanging_node_constraints,
- tmp);
+ Vector<double> dual_weights (DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ FETools::interpolation_difference (DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
+ dual_hanging_node_constraints,
+ DualSolver<dim>::solution,
+ PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
+ primal_hanging_node_constraints,
+ dual_weights);
// Note that this could probably
// have been more efficient since
// those constraints have been
// dual solution. We leave the
// optimization of the program in
// this respect as an exercise.
- // Once we have the
- // down-interpolated field,
- // interpolate it back up to the
- // dual finite element space,
- // just as for the primal
- // solution above. This way, we
- // again have all information on
- // one level, and can work with
- // it more simply than
- // otherwise. Note that (as in
- // the primal case), since the
- // solution on the smaller finite
- // element space was continuous
- // also at hanging nodes (we
- // explicitly made it
- // continuous), it is also
- // conforming in the dual finite
- // element space, which must be
- // larger. There is thus no need
- // for more special actions.
- Vector<double> i_h_dual_solution (DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler.n_dofs());
- FETools::interpolate (PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
- tmp,
- DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
- dual_hanging_node_constraints,
- i_h_dual_solution);
- // With all this in place,
- // compute z-zh:
- Vector<double> dual_weights (DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler.n_dofs());
- dual_weights = DualSolver<dim>::solution;
- dual_weights -= i_h_dual_solution;
- // Then we set up a map between
- // face iterators and their jump
- // term contributions of faces to
- // the error estimator. The
- // reason is that we compute the
- // jump terms only once, from one
- // side of the face, and want to
- // collect them only afterwards
- // when looping over all cells a
- // second time.
+ // Having computed the dual
+ // weights we now proceed with
+ // computing the cell and face
+ // residuals of the primal
+ // solution. First we set up a
+ // map between face iterators and
+ // their jump term contributions
+ // of faces to the error
+ // estimator. The reason is that
+ // we compute the jump terms only
+ // once, from one side of the
+ // face, and want to collect them
+ // only afterwards when looping
+ // over all cells a second time.
// We initialize this map already
// with a value of -1e20 for all