to describe your particular boundary values.
- <li>
- Modify the type of boundary condition: Presently, what happens is that we use
- Dirichlet boundary values all around, since the default is that all boundary
- parts have boundary indicator zero, and then we tell the
- <code>VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values</code> function to interpolate
- boundary values to zero on all boundary components with indicator zero.
- <p>
- We can change this behavior if we assign parts of the boundary different
- indicators. For example, try this immediately after calling
- <code>GridGenerator::hyper_cube</code>:
+ <li> Modify the type of boundary condition: Presently, what happens
+ is that we use Dirichlet boundary values all around, since the
+ default is that all boundary parts have boundary indicator zero, and
+ then we tell the
+ <code>VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values</code> function to
+ interpolate boundary values to zero on all boundary components with
+ indicator zero. <p> We can change this behavior if we assign parts
+ of the boundary different indicators. For example, try this
+ immediately after calling <code>GridGenerator::hyper_cube</code>:
- triangulation.begin_active()->face(0)->set_boundary_indicator(1);
- </pre></code>
- What this does is it first asks the triangulation to return an iterator that
- points to the first active cell. Of course, this being the coarse mesh for
- the triangulation of a square, the triangulation has only a single cell at
- this moment, and it is active. Next, we ask the cell to return an iterator to
- its first face, and then we ask the face to reset the boundary indicator of
- that face to 1. What then follows is this: When the mesh is refined, faces of
- child cells inherit the boundary indicator of their parents, i.e. even on the
- finest mesh, the faces on one side of the square have boundary indicator
- 1. Later, when we get to interpolating boundary conditions, the
- <code>interpolate_boundary_values</code> will only produce boundary values
- for those faces that have zero boundary indicator, and leave those faces
- alone that have a different boundary indicator. Keeping with the theory of
- the Laplace equation, this will then lead to homogenous Neumann conditions on
- this side, i.e. a zero normal derivative of the solution. You will see this
- if you run the program.
+ triangulation.begin_active()->face(0)->set_boundary_indicator(1);
+ </pre></code> What this does is it first asks the triangulation to
+ return an iterator that points to the first active cell. Of course,
+ this being the coarse mesh for the triangulation of a square, the
+ triangulation has only a single cell at this moment, and it is
+ active. Next, we ask the cell to return an iterator to its first
+ face, and then we ask the face to reset the boundary indicator of
+ that face to 1. What then follows is this: When the mesh is refined,
+ faces of child cells inherit the boundary indicator of their
+ parents, i.e. even on the finest mesh, the faces on one side of the
+ square have boundary indicator 1. Later, when we get to
+ interpolating boundary conditions, the
+ <code>interpolate_boundary_values</code> will only produce boundary
+ values for those faces that have zero boundary indicator, and leave
+ those faces alone that have a different boundary indicator. What
+ this then does is to impose Dirichlet boundary conditions on the
+ former, and homogenous Neumann conditions on the latter (i.e. zero
+ normal derivative of the solution, unless one adds additional terms
+ to the right hand side of the variational equality that deal with
+ potentially non-zero Neumann conditions). You will see this if you
+ run the program.
A slight variation of the last point would be to set different boundary