#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
// This is the only include file that is new:
// We use an IndexSet to describe the
#include <distributed/solution_transfer.h>
#include <distributed/grid_refinement.h>
-#include "timeblock.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <sstream>
- #include <string>
- #include <stdexcept>
-class BadConversion : public std::runtime_error {
- public:
- BadConversion(std::string const& s)
- : std::runtime_error(s)
- { }
-inline std::string stringify(double x)
- std::ostringstream o;
- if (!(o << x))
- throw BadConversion("stringify(double)");
- return o.str();
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
using namespace dealii;
-void print_it(Utilities::System::MinMaxAvg & result)
- std::cout// << "sum: " << result.sum
- << " avg: " << (long)result.avg/1024
- << " min: " << (long)result.min/1024 << " @" << result.min_index
- << " max: " << (long)result.max/1024 << " @" << result.max_index
- << std::endl;
-void print_memory_stats()
- int myid = Utilities::System::get_this_mpi_process(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- Utilities::System::MemoryStats stats;
- Utilities::System::get_memory_stats(stats);
- Utilities::System::MinMaxAvg r;
- Utilities::System::calculate_collective_mpi_min_max_avg(MPI_COMM_WORLD, stats.VmPeak, r);
- if (myid==0)
- {
- std::cout << "MEM: VmPeak: ";
- print_it(r);
- }
- Utilities::System::calculate_collective_mpi_min_max_avg(MPI_COMM_WORLD, stats.VmSize, r);
- if (myid==0)
- {
- std::cout << "MEM: VmSize: ";
- print_it(r);
- }
- Utilities::System::calculate_collective_mpi_min_max_avg(MPI_COMM_WORLD, stats.VmHWM, r);
- if (myid==0)
- {
- std::cout << "MEM: VmHWM: ";
- print_it(r);
- }
- Utilities::System::calculate_collective_mpi_min_max_avg(MPI_COMM_WORLD, stats.VmRSS, r);
- if (myid==0)
- {
- std::cout << "MEM: VmRSS: ";
- print_it(r);
- }
-static int out_index=0;
// @sect3{Equation data}
// In the following namespace, we define the
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::setup_dofs ()
computing_timer.enter_section("Setup dof systems");
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "**dof_setup", false);
std::vector<unsigned int> stokes_sub_blocks (dim+1,0);
stokes_sub_blocks[dim] = 1;
- {
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "***dof_distribute");
- stokes_dof_handler.distribute_dofs (stokes_fe);
- DoFRenumbering::component_wise (stokes_dof_handler, stokes_sub_blocks);
- temperature_dof_handler.distribute_dofs (temperature_fe);
- }
+ stokes_dof_handler.distribute_dofs (stokes_fe);
+ DoFRenumbering::component_wise (stokes_dof_handler, stokes_sub_blocks);
+ temperature_dof_handler.distribute_dofs (temperature_fe);
std::vector<unsigned int> stokes_dofs_per_block (2);
DoFTools::count_dofs_per_block (stokes_dof_handler, stokes_dofs_per_block,
IndexSet temperature_partitioning (n_T), temperature_relevant_partitioning (n_T);
IndexSet stokes_relevant_set;
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "***index_sets");
const unsigned int my_id =
IndexSet stokes_index_set = stokes_dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs();
// stokes_la);
- {
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "***make_hanging_nodes_vel");
- DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (stokes_dof_handler,
- stokes_constraints);
- }
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "***boundary_values_vel");
+ DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (stokes_dof_handler,
+ stokes_constraints);
std::vector<bool> velocity_mask (dim+1, true);
velocity_mask[dim] = false;
stokes_constraints.close ();
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "***hanging_nodes_and_bv_temperature");
temperature_constraints.clear ();
-// IndexSet temp_locally_active;
-// DoFTools::extract_locally_active_dofs (temperature_dof_handler,
-// temp_locally_active);
VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (temperature_dof_handler,
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "***setup_stokes_matrix");
setup_stokes_matrix (stokes_partitioning);
- t.close();
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t2(pcout, "***setup_stokes_preconditioner");
setup_stokes_preconditioner (stokes_partitioning);
- t2.close();
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t3(pcout, "***setup_temperature_matrix");
setup_temperature_matrices (temperature_partitioning);
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t2(pcout, "***init_vectors");
stokes_rhs.reinit (stokes_partitioning, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
stokes_solution.reinit (stokes_relevant_partitioning, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
old_stokes_solution.reinit (stokes_solution);
BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::build_stokes_preconditioner ()
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "*build_stokes_preconditioner");
if (rebuild_stokes_preconditioner == false)
-// computing_timer.enter_section (" Build Stokes preconditioner");
-// pcout << " Rebuilding Stokes preconditioner..." << std::flush;
+ computing_timer.enter_section (" Build Stokes preconditioner");
+ pcout << " Rebuilding Stokes preconditioner..." << std::flush;
assemble_stokes_preconditioner ();
rebuild_stokes_preconditioner = false;
-// pcout << std::endl;
-// computing_timer.exit_section();
+ pcout << std::endl;
+ computing_timer.exit_section();
// @sect5{Stokes system assembly}
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::assemble_stokes_system ()
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "*assemble_stokes");
-// computing_timer.enter_section (" Assemble Stokes system");
+ computing_timer.enter_section (" Assemble Stokes system");
if (rebuild_stokes_matrix == true)
rebuild_stokes_matrix = false;
-// pcout << std::endl;
-// computing_timer.exit_section();
+ pcout << std::endl;
+ computing_timer.exit_section();
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::assemble_temperature_matrix ()
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "*assemble_temp_matrix");
if (rebuild_temperature_matrices == false)
-// computing_timer.enter_section (" Assemble temperature matrices");
+ computing_timer.enter_section (" Assemble temperature matrices");
temperature_mass_matrix = 0;
temperature_stiffness_matrix = 0;
rebuild_temperature_matrices = false;
rebuild_temperature_preconditioner = true;
-// computing_timer.exit_section();
+ computing_timer.exit_section();
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::solve ()
-// computing_timer.enter_section (" Solve Stokes system");
+ computing_timer.enter_section (" Solve Stokes system");
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "*solve_stokes", false);
const LinearSolvers::BlockSchurPreconditioner<TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionAMG,
preconditioner (stokes_matrix, *Mp_preconditioner, *Amg_preconditioner);
SolverFGMRES<TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector>::AdditionalData(50, true));
solver.solve(stokes_matrix, distributed_stokes_solution, stokes_rhs,
- pcout << " xx FGMRES: "
- << solver_control.last_step()
- << " iterations,"
- << " reduced res by " << stringify(solver_control.last_value()/solver_control.initial_value())
- << std::endl;
- {
- TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector
- res (stokes_rhs);
- double residual = stokes_matrix.residual(res, distributed_stokes_solution, stokes_rhs);
- pcout << " x FGMRES: real reduced res by " << stringify(residual
- /stokes_rhs.l2_norm())
- << std::endl;
- }
stokes_constraints.distribute (distributed_stokes_solution);
//stokes_solution = distributed_stokes_solution;
stokes_solution.block(0).reinit(distributed_stokes_solution.block(0), false, true);
stokes_solution.block(1).reinit(distributed_stokes_solution.block(1), false, true);
pcout << " "
<< solver_control.last_step()
<< " iterations for Stokes subsystem."
- << " reduced res by " << stringify(solver_control.last_value()/solver_control.initial_value())
+ << " reduced res by " << solver_control.last_value()/solver_control.initial_value()
<< std::endl;
-// computing_timer.exit_section();
-// computing_timer.enter_section (" Assemble temperature rhs");
- old_time_step = time_step;
- const double maximal_velocity = get_maximal_velocity();
- double local_time_step = 1./(1.6*dim*std::sqrt(1.*dim)) /
- temperature_degree *
- GridTools::minimal_cell_diameter(triangulation) /
- std::max(1e-10,maximal_velocity);
- // calculate the minimum allowed time step
- // size
- MPI_Allreduce (&local_time_step, &time_step, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ computing_timer.exit_section();
- pcout << " Maximal velocity: "
- << maximal_velocity * EquationData::year_in_seconds * 100
- << " cm/year"
- << std::endl;
- pcout << " " << "Time step: "
- << time_step/EquationData::year_in_seconds
- << " years"
- << std::endl;
- temperature_solution = old_temperature_solution;
+ computing_timer.enter_section (" Assemble temperature rhs");
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "*assemble_temp");
+ old_time_step = time_step;
+ const double maximal_velocity = get_maximal_velocity();
+ double local_time_step = 1./(1.6*dim*std::sqrt(1.*dim)) /
+ temperature_degree *
+ GridTools::minimal_cell_diameter(triangulation) /
+ std::max(1e-10,maximal_velocity);
+ // calculate the minimum allowed time step
+ // size
+ MPI_Allreduce (&local_time_step, &time_step, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
+ time_step = local_time_step;
+ pcout << " Maximal velocity: "
+ << maximal_velocity * EquationData::year_in_seconds * 100
+ << " cm/year"
+ << std::endl;
+ pcout << " " << "Time step: "
+ << time_step/EquationData::year_in_seconds
+ << " years"
+ << std::endl;
+ temperature_solution = old_temperature_solution;
assemble_temperature_system (maximal_velocity);
+ computing_timer.exit_section ();
-// computing_timer.exit_section ();
-// computing_timer.enter_section (" Solve temperature system");
+ computing_timer.enter_section (" Solve temperature system");
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "*solve_temp", false);
SolverControl solver_control (temperature_matrix.m(),
SolverCG<TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector> cg (solver_control);
pcout << " "
<< solver_control.last_step()
<< " CG iterations for temperature" << std::endl;
-// computing_timer.exit_section();
+ computing_timer.exit_section();
// extract temperature range
std::vector<double> temperature (2), global_temperature (2);
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::output_results ()
- pcout << "outputting " << out_index << std::endl;
computing_timer.enter_section ("Postprocessing");
Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell (triangulation.n_active_cells());
data_out.build_patches (1+std::min(stokes_degree, temperature_degree));
+ static int out_index=0;
const std::string filename = ("solution-" +
Utilities::int_to_string (out_index, 5) +
"." +
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::refine_mesh (const unsigned int max_grid_level)
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "*refine_mesh", false);
computing_timer.enter_section ("Refine mesh structure, part 1");
Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell (triangulation.n_active_cells());
- {
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t(pcout, "**kelly");
KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::estimate (temperature_dof_handler,
typename FunctionMap<dim>::type(),
- }
refine_and_coarsen_fixed_fraction (triangulation,
cell != triangulation.end(); ++cell)
cell->clear_refine_flag ();
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t_a(pcout, "**prepare_solution_transfer", false);
std::vector<const TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector*> x_temperature (2);
x_temperature[0] = &temperature_solution;
x_temperature[1] = &old_temperature_solution;
- t_a.close();
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t_c(pcout, "**execute_c&r", false);
triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement ();
- t_c.close();
setup_dofs ();
- TimeBlock<ConditionalOStream> t_b(pcout, "**do_solution_transfer");
computing_timer.enter_section ("Refine mesh structure, part 2");
flow_problem.run (ref);
- print_memory_stats();
catch (std::exception &exc)