of the DG discretization only, here we simply consider the linear
transport equation
<a name="step-12.transport-equation">@f[
- \nabla\cdot \left\{{\mathbf \beta} u\right\}=f \qquad\mbox{in }\Omega,
+ \nabla\cdot \left({\mathbf \beta} u\right)=f \qquad\mbox{in }\Omega,
subject to the boundary conditions
u=g\quad\mbox{on }\Gamma_-,
on the inflow part $\Gamma_-$ of the boundary $\Gamma=\partial\Omega$
-of the domain. Here, ${\mathbf \beta}={\mathbf \beta}(x)$ denotes a
+of the domain. Here, ${\mathbf \beta}={\mathbf \beta}({\bf x})$ denotes a
vector field, $f$ a source function, $u$ the (scalar) solution
function, $g$ a boundary value function,
-\Gamma_-:=\{x\in\Gamma, {\mathbf \beta}(x)\cdot{\bf n}(x)<0\}
+\Gamma_-:=\{{\bf x}\in\Gamma, {\mathbf \beta}({\bf x})\cdot{\bf n}({\bf x})<0\}
the inflow part of the boundary of the domain and ${\bf n}$ denotes
the unit outward normal to the boundary $\Gamma$. Equation
In particular, we consider problem <a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a> on
$\Omega=[0,1]^2$ with ${\mathbf \beta}=\frac{1}{|x|}(-x_2, x_1)$
representing a circular counterclockwise flow field, $f=0$ and $g=1$
-on $x\in\Gamma_-^1:=[0,0.5]\times\{0\}$ and $g=0$ on $x\in
+on ${\bf x}\in\Gamma_-^1:=[0,0.5]\times\{0\}$ and $g=0$ on ${\bf x}\in
\Gamma_-\setminus \Gamma_-^1$.
{\mathcal H}(u,u,{\bf n})={\mathcal F}(u)\cdot{\bf n},
and conservative, i.e.
-<a name="step-12.conservative">@f[
+<a name="step-12.conservativity">@f[
{\mathcal H}(v,w,{\bf n})=-{\mathcal H}(w,v,-{\bf n}).
This yields the following <em>discontinuous Galerkin
discretization</em>: find $u_h\in V_h$ such that
-<a name="step-12.dg-scheme">@f[
+<a name="step-12.dg-general1">@f[
\sum_\kappa\left\{-({\mathcal F}(u_h),\nabla v_h)_\kappa+({\mathcal H}(u_h^+,u_h^-,{\bf n}), v_h)_{\partial\kappa}\right\}=(f,v_h)_\Omega, \quad\forall v_h\in V_h.
%Boundary conditions are realized by replacing $u_h^-$ on the inflow boundary $\Gamma_-$ by the boundary function $g$.
In the special case of the transport equation
<a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a> the numerical flux in its simplest form
is given by
-<a name="step-12.flux-transport-equation">@f[
- {\mathcal H}(u_h^+,u_h^-,{\bf n})(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}
- ({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h^-)(x),&\mbox{for } {\mathbf \beta}(x)\cdot{\bf n}(x)<0,\\
- ({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h^+)(x),&\mbox{for } {\mathbf \beta}(x)\cdot{\bf n}(x)\geq 0,
+<a name="step-12.upwind-flux">@f[
+ {\mathcal H}(u_h^+,u_h^-,{\bf n})({\bf x})=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}
+ ({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h^-)({\bf x}),&\mbox{for } {\mathbf \beta}({\bf x})\cdot{\bf n}({\bf x})<0,\\
+ ({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h^+)({\bf x}),&\mbox{for } {\mathbf \beta}({\bf x})\cdot{\bf n}({\bf x})\geq 0,
where on the inflow part of the cell the value is taken from the
neighboring cell, $u_h^-$, and on the outflow part the value is
taken from the current cell, $u_h^+$. Hence, the discontinuous Galerkin
scheme for the transport equation <a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a> is given
by: find $u_h\in V_h$ such that for all $v_h\in V_h$ following
equation holds:
-<a name="step-12.dg-transport">@f[
+<a name="step-12.dg-transport1">@f[
\sum_\kappa\left\{-(u_h,{\mathbf \beta}\cdot\nabla v_h)_\kappa
+({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h, v_h)_{\partial\kappa_+}
+({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h^-, v_h)_{\partial\kappa_-\setminus\Gamma}\right\}
=(f,v_h)_\Omega-({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, g, v_h)_{\Gamma_-},
-where $\partial\kappa_-:=\{x\in\partial\kappa,
-{\mathbf \beta}(x)\cdot{\bf n}(x)<0\}$ denotes the inflow boundary
+where $\partial\kappa_-:=\{{\bf x}\in\partial\kappa,
+{\mathbf \beta}({\bf x})\cdot{\bf n}({\bf x})<0\}$ denotes the inflow boundary
and $\partial\kappa_+=\partial\kappa\setminus \partial \kappa_-$ the
outflow part of cell $\kappa$. Below, this equation will be referred
to as <em>first version</em> of the DG method. We note that after a
the boundary of the domain. This is the discontinuous Galerkin scheme
for the transport equation given in its original notation.
Nevertheless, we will base the implementation of the scheme on the
-form given by <a href="#step-12.dg-scheme">[dg-scheme]</a> and <a href="#step-12.flux-transport-equation">[flux-transport-equation]</a>,
-or <a href="#step-12.dg-transport">[dg-transport]</a>, respectively.
+form given by <a href="#step-12.dg-general1">[dg-general1]</a> and <a href="#step-12.upwind-flux">[upwind-flux]</a>,
+or <a href="#step-12.dg-transport1">[dg-transport1]</a>, respectively.
-Finally, we rewrite <a href="#step-12.dg-scheme">[dg-scheme]</a> in terms of a summation over all
+Finally, we rewrite <a href="#step-12.dg-general1">[dg-general1]</a> in terms of a summation over all
faces where each face $e=\partial \kappa\cap\partial \kappa'$
between two neighboring cells $\kappa$ and $\kappa'$ occurs twice:
Find $u_h\in V_h$ such that
-<a name="step-12.dg-scheme-faces-long">@f[
+<a name="step-12.dg-general2">@f[
-\sum_\kappa({\mathcal F}(u_h),\nabla v_h)_\kappa+\sum_e\left\{({\mathcal H}(u_h^+,u_h^-,{\bf n}), v_h)_e+({\mathcal H}(u_h^-, u_h^+,-{\bf n}), v_h^-)_{e\setminus\Gamma}\right\}=(f,v_h)_\Omega \quad\forall v_h\in V_h,
-By employing conservativity <a href="#step-12.conservative">[conservative]</a> of the numerical flux
+By employing <a href="#step-12.conservativity">[conservativity]</a> of the numerical flux
this equation simplifies to: find $u_h\in V_h$ such that
-<a name="step-12.dg-scheme-faces">@f[
+<a name="step-12.dg-general3">@f[
-\sum_\kappa({\mathcal F}(u_h),\nabla v_h)_\kappa+\sum_e({\mathcal H}(u_h^+,u_h^-,{\bf n}), [v_h])_{e\setminus\Gamma}+({\mathcal H}(u_h,g,{\bf n}), v_h)_{\Gamma}=(f,v_h)_\Omega \quad\forall v_h\in V_h.
Whereas the outer unit normal ${\bf n}|_{\partial\kappa}$ is uniquely
defined this is not so for ${\bf n}_e$ as the latter might be the
normal from either side of the face. Hence, we need to fix the normal
${\bf n}$ on the face to be one of the two normals and denote the
other normal by $-{\bf n}$. This way we get $-{\bf n}$ in the second
-face term in <a href="#step-12.dg-scheme-faces-long">[dg-scheme-faces-long]</a> that finally produces the
-minus sign in the jump $[v_h]$ in equation <a href="#step-12.dg-scheme-faces">[dg-scheme-faces]</a>.
+face term in <a href="#step-12.dg-general2">[dg-general2]</a> that finally produces the
+minus sign in the jump $[v_h]$ in equation <a href="#step-12.dg-general3">[dg-general3]</a>.
For the linear transport equation <a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a>
-equation <a href="#step-12.dg-scheme-faces">[dg-scheme-faces]</a> simplifies to
-<a name="step-12.dg-transport-gamma">@f[
+equation <a href="#step-12.dg-general3">[dg-general3]</a> simplifies to
+<a name="step-12.dg-transport2">@f[
-\sum_\kappa(u_h,{\mathbf \beta}\cdot\nabla v_h)_\kappa+\sum_e\left\{({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h, [v_h])_{e_+\setminus\Gamma}+({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h^-, [v_h])_{e_-\setminus\Gamma}\right\}=(f,v_h)_\Omega-({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, g, v_h)_{\Gamma_-},
which will be refered to as <em>second version</em> of the DG method.
As already mentioned at the beginning of this example we will
implement assembling the system matrix in two different ways.
-The first one will be based on the first version <a href="#step-12.dg-transport">[dg-transport]</a>
+The first one will be based on the first version <a href="#step-12.dg-transport1">[dg-transport1]</a>
of the DG method that includes a sum of integrals over all cell
boundaries $\partial\kappa$. This is realized by a loop over all cells and
a nested loop over all faces of each cell. Thereby each inner face
To overcome this overhead and for comparison, we implement
assembling of matrix also in a second and different way. This will
-be based on the second version <a href="#step-12.dg-transport-gamma">[dg-transport-gamma]</a> that
+be based on the second version <a href="#step-12.dg-transport2">[dg-transport2]</a> that
includes a sum of integrals over all faces $e$. Here, several
difficulties occurs.