#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -a
-# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 by Uwe Koecher #
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 by Uwe Koecher #
# AND by the DORSAL Authors, cf. the file AUTHORS for details #
# #
# This file is part of CANDI. #
if [ ${PACKING} = ".tar.bz2" ] || [ ${PACKING} = ".tar.gz" ] || [ ${PACKING} = ".tbz2" ] || [ ${PACKING} = ".tgz" ] || [ ${PACKING} = ".tar.xz" ] || [ ${PACKING} = ".zip" ]; then
# Only download archives that do not exist
if [ ! -e ${NAME}${PACKING} ]; then
- if [ ${STABLE_BUILD} = false ] && [ ${USE_SNAPSHOTS} = true ]; then
- wget --retry-connrefused --no-check-certificate --server-response -c ${SOURCE}${NAME}${PACKING} -O ${NAME}${PACKING}
+ if [ ${DOWNLOADER} = "curl" ]; then
+ curl -O ${SOURCE}${NAME}${PACKING}
- wget --retry-connrefused --no-check-certificate -c ${SOURCE}${NAME}${PACKING} -O ${NAME}${PACKING}
+ if [ ${STABLE_BUILD} = false ] && [ ${USE_SNAPSHOTS} = true ]; then
+ wget --retry-connrefused --no-check-certificate --server-response -c ${SOURCE}${NAME}${PACKING} -O ${NAME}${PACKING}
+ else
+ wget --retry-connrefused --no-check-certificate -c ${SOURCE}${NAME}${PACKING} -O ${NAME}${PACKING}
+ fi
# Download again when using snapshots and unstable packages, but
# only when the timestamp has changed
if [ ${STABLE_BUILD} = false ] && [ ${USE_SNAPSHOTS} = true ]; then
elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ cecho ${GOOD} "Building ${PROJECT} using ${PLATFORM}."
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ # Show the initial comments in the platform file, as it often
+ # contains instructions about packages that should be installed
+ # first, etc. Remove first field '#' so that cut-and-paste of
+ # e.g. apt-get commands is easy.
+ awk '/^##/ {exit} {$1=""; print}' <${PLATFORM}
+ echo
+ echo "Downloading files to: $(prettify_dir ${DOWNLOAD_PATH})"
+ echo "Unpacking files to: $(prettify_dir ${UNPACK_PATH})"
+ echo "Building projects in: $(prettify_dir ${BUILD_PATH})"
+ echo "Installing projects in: $(prettify_dir ${INSTALL_PATH})"
+ echo
+ if [ ${STABLE_BUILD} = true ]; then
+ echo "Building stable point-releases of ${PROJECT} projects."
+ else
+ if [ ${USE_SNAPSHOTS} = true ]; then
+ echo "Building development versions of ${PROJECT} projects (using snapshots)."
+ else
+ echo "Building development versions of ${PROJECT} projects."
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ cecho ${GOOD} "Please make sure you've read the instructions above and your system"
+ cecho ${GOOD} "is ready for installing ${PROJECT}. We find it easiest to copy and paste"
+ cecho ${GOOD} "these instructions in another terminal window."
+ if builtin command -v module > /dev/null; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ cecho ${GOOD} "$(module list)"
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ fi
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "Compiler Variables:"
+ if [ -n "$CC" ]; then
+ cecho ${WARN} "CC = $(which $CC)"
+ else
+ cecho ${BAD} "CC variable not set. Please set it with $ export CC = <(MPI) C compiler>"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$CXX" ]; then
+ cecho ${WARN} "CXX = $(which $CXX)"
+ else
+ cecho ${BAD} "CXX variable not set. Please set it with $ export CXX = <(MPI) C++ compiler>"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$FC" ]; then
+ cecho ${WARN} "FC = $(which $FC)"
+ else
+ cecho ${BAD} "FC variable not set. Please set it with $ export FC = <(MPI) Fortran 90 compiler>"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$FF" ]; then
+ cecho ${WARN} "FF = $(which $FF)"
+ else
+ cecho ${BAD} "FF variable not set. Please set it with $ export FF = <(MPI) Fortran 77 compiler>"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$CC" ] || [ -z "$CXX" ] || [ -z "$FC" ] || [ -z "$FF" ]; then
+ cecho ${WARN} "One or multiple compiler variables (CC,CXX,FC,FF) are not set."
+ cecho ${BAD} "Usually, mpicc, mpicxx, mpif90 and mpif77 should be the values."
+ cecho ${WARN} "It is strongly recommended to set them to guarantee the same compilers for all dependencies."
+ fi
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo ""
+ cecho ${GOOD} "Once ready, hit enter to continue!"
+ read
elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
# Check if the user wants to install a single package
if [ ${1} == "install-package" ]; then
TARGETS=('' install)