const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > &transfer_representation)
// store the weights with which a dof
// on the parameter grid contributes
// to a dof on the fine grid. see the
// now compute the requested
// representation
- transfer_representation.clear ();
- transfer_representation.resize (weights.size());
const unsigned int n_global_parm_dofs
= std::count_if (weight_mapping.begin(), weight_mapping.end(),
std::bind2nd (std::not_equal_to<int> (), -1));
// next copy over weights array
// and replace respective
// numbers
+ const unsigned int n_rows = weight_mapping.size();
+ transfer_representation.clear ();
+ transfer_representation.resize (n_rows);
const unsigned int n_coarse_dofs = coarse_grid.n_dofs();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_coarse_dofs; ++i)
- {
+ {
std::map<unsigned int, float>::const_iterator j = weights[i].begin();
for (; j!=weights[i].end(); ++j)
- transfer_representation[i][inverse_weight_mapping[j->first]] = j->second;
+ {
+ const unsigned int p = inverse_weight_mapping[j->first];
+ Assert (p<n_rows, ExcInternalError());
+ transfer_representation[p][i] = j->second;
+ };