#include "MeshConversion.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-MeshConversion::MeshConversion (const unsigned int dimension):
-tolerance (5e-16), // Used to offset Cubit tolerance error when outputting value close to zero
-dimension (dimension)
+MeshConversion::MeshConversion (const unsigned int dimension, const int input_type, const std::string input_file, const std::string output_file)
+dimension (dimension),
+input_file_type (input_type),
+input_file_name (input_file),
+output_file_name (output_file),
+tolerance (5e-16) // Used to offset Cubit tolerance error when outputting value close to zero
greeting ();
- std::cout << "ERROR: Chosen spatial dimension is invalid!" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: Chosen spatial dimension is invalid!" << std::endl;
+bool MeshConversion::convert_mesh (void)
+ bool readin_successul = false;
+ if (input_file_type == MeshConversion::abaqus_old)
+ readin_successul = read_in_abaqus_inp_old ();
+ else if (input_file_type == MeshConversion::abaqus_new)
+ readin_successul = read_in_abaqus_inp_new ();
+ else
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: File input type invalid." << std::endl;
+ bool writeout_successul = false;
+ if (readin_successul == true)
+ writeout_successul = write_out_avs_ucd();
+ else
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: Input file not found." << std::endl;
+ return readin_successul && writeout_successul;
// ========================================================
// http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=231054
// ========================================================
std::cout << "*** FEM Mesh conversion tool ***" << std::endl;
std::cout << "************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** Author: Jean-Paul Pelteret ***" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "*** Date: December 2008 ***" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "*** Date: June 2010 ***" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** References: ***" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** http://www.dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/structGeometryInfo.html ***" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** http://people.scs.fsu.edu/~burkardt/html/ucd_format.html ***" << std::endl;
std::cout << "************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** FEATURES: ***" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** Read-in file types: ***" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "*** - Abaqus inp ***" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "*** - Abaqus inp (from Cubit) ***" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** Write-out file types: ***" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** - AVS UCD ***" << std::endl;
std::cout << "************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-bool MeshConversion::read_in_abaqus_inp (const std::string filename)
+bool MeshConversion::read_in_abaqus_inp_old (void)
- input_file_name = filename;
bool read_in_successful = true;
std::cout << "Reading in ABAQUS .inp FILE: " << input_file_name << std::endl;
std::ifstream input_stream;
- input_stream.open(filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
+ input_stream.open(input_file_name.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
// Check to see if file exists
if (input_stream.good() == true)
// Loop over all the contents of the fibre data file and read it into buffer
while (input_stream >> buffer)
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); ++i)
+ for(int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); ++i)
if (buffer[i] == ',') // Get rid of the .inp file's useless comma's
std::ofstream output;
- for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < temp_data.size(); ii++ )
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < temp_data.size(); ii++ )
output << temp_data[ii] << std::endl;
// =========== TEMP ===========
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < temp_data.size(); ++k)
+ for (int k = 0; k < temp_data.size(); ++k)
// ================================ NODES ===================================
// ABAQUS formatting
int j = 0;
float temp_float;
- while (from_string<float> (temp_float, temp_data[k + 1 + j*(dimension+1)], std::dec) == true)
+ while (from_string<float> (temp_float, temp_data[k + 1 + j*(dimension+1+(dimension==2 ? 1 : 0))], std::dec) == true)
// Initilise storage variables
std::vector <double> node (dimension+1);
// Convert from string to the variable types
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dimension+1; ++i)
- from_string<double> (node[i], temp_data[k + 1 + j*(dimension+1) + i], std::dec);
+ for (int i = 0; i < dimension+1; ++i)
+ from_string<double> (node[i], temp_data[k + 1 + j*(dimension+1+(dimension==2 ? 1 : 0)) + i], std::dec);
// Add to the global node number vector
// Get material id
std::string material_id_line = temp_data[k+ 2];
std::string material_id_temp;
- for (unsigned int ll = 8 /*Characters in "ELSET=EB" */; ll < material_id_line.length(); ++ll)
+ for (int ll = 8 /*Characters in "ELSET=EB" */; ll < material_id_line.length(); ++ll)
material_id_temp += material_id_line[ll];
int material_id = 0;
- for (unsigned int ll = 0; ll < material_id_temp.length(); ++ll)
+ for (int ll = 0; ll < material_id_temp.length(); ++ll)
material_id += (material_id_temp[material_id_temp.length() - ll - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,ll);
- while ((k + 3 + j*(data_per_cell) < temp_data.size())
- &&
- (from_string<float> (temp_float, temp_data[k + 3 + j*(data_per_cell)], std::dec) == true))
+ while (from_string<float> (temp_float, temp_data[k + 3 + j*(data_per_cell)], std::dec) == true)
// Initilise storage variables
- std::vector <int> cell (data_per_cell);
+ std::vector <double> cell (data_per_cell);
// Material id
cell[0] = material_id;
// Convert from string to the variable types
for (int i = 1; i < data_per_cell; ++i)
- from_string<int> (cell[i], temp_data[k + 3 + j*(data_per_cell) + i], std::dec);
+ from_string<double> (cell[i], temp_data[k + 3 + j*(data_per_cell) + i], std::dec);
// Add to the global node number vector
// Get sideset id
std::string sideset_id_line = temp_data[k + 1];
std::string sideset_id_temp;
- for (unsigned int m = 7 /*Characters in "NAME=SS" */; m < sideset_id_line.length(); ++m)
+ for (int m = 7 /*Characters in "NAME=SS" */; m < sideset_id_line.length(); ++m)
sideset_id_temp += sideset_id_line[m];
int sideset_id = 0;
- for (unsigned int m = 0; m < sideset_id_temp.length(); ++m)
+ for (int m = 0; m < sideset_id_temp.length(); ++m)
sideset_id += (sideset_id_temp[sideset_id_temp.length() - m - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,m);
const int data_per_face = 2;
// Get cell to which the face belongs
std::string face_cell_no_line = temp_data[(k + 2) + j * data_per_face];
int face_cell_no = 0;
- for (unsigned int m = 0; m < face_cell_no_line.length(); ++m)
+ for (int m = 0; m < face_cell_no_line.length(); ++m)
face_cell_no += (face_cell_no_line[face_cell_no_line.length() - m - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,m);
// Get ABAQUS cell face number
std::string face_cell_face_no_line = temp_data[(k + 2) + j * data_per_face + 1];
std::string face_cell_face_no_temp;
- for (unsigned int m = 1 /*Characters in "S" */; m < face_cell_face_no_line.length(); ++m)
+ for (int m = 1 /*Characters in "S" */; m < face_cell_face_no_line.length(); ++m)
face_cell_face_no_temp += face_cell_face_no_line[m];
int face_cell_face_no = 0;
- for (unsigned int m = 0; m < face_cell_face_no_temp.length(); ++m)
+ for (int m = 0; m < face_cell_face_no_temp.length(); ++m)
face_cell_face_no += (face_cell_face_no_temp[face_cell_face_no_temp.length() - m - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,m);
// Initilise storage variables
- std::vector <int> quad (data_per_quad);
- std::vector <int> quad_node_list (node_per_face);
+ std::vector <double> quad (data_per_quad);
+ std::vector <double> quad_node_list (node_per_face);
quad_node_list = get_global_node_numbers(face_cell_no, face_cell_face_no);
quad[0] = sideset_id;
// Global node numbers
- for (unsigned int m = 0; m < node_per_face; ++m)
+ for (int m = 0; m < node_per_face; ++m)
quad[m + 1] = quad_node_list[m];
// Add to the global quad vector
-std::vector <int> MeshConversion::get_global_node_numbers (const int face_cell_no, const int face_cell_face_no)
+bool MeshConversion::read_in_abaqus_inp_new (void)
+ bool read_in_successful = true;
+ std::cout << "Reading in ABAQUS .inp FILE: " << input_file_name << std::endl;
+ std::ifstream input_stream;
+ input_stream.open(input_file_name.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
+ // Check to see if file exists
+ if (input_stream.good() == true) {
+ std::vector <std::string> temp_data;
+ std::string buffer;
+ // Read all input data into a temp vector
+ while (input_stream >> buffer) {
+ if (buffer.compare(buffer.size()-1,buffer.size()-1, ",") == 0) buffer.erase(buffer.size() -1);
+ temp_data.push_back(buffer);
+ }
+ // Sort the data into node, element and surface data_per_cell
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k < temp_data.size(); ++k) {
+ // Nodes
+ if (temp_data[k] == "*NODE") {
+ int j = 0;
+ float temp_float;
+ const int header_size = 2; // *NODE, NSET=
+ while (from_string<float> (temp_float, temp_data[k + header_size + j*(dimension+1+(dimension==2 ? 1 : 0))], std::dec) == true)
+ {
+ // Initilise storage variables
+ std::vector <double> node (dimension+1);
+ // Convert from string to the variable types
+ for (int i = 0; i < dimension+1; ++i)
+ from_string<double> (node[i], temp_data[k + header_size + j*(dimension+1+(dimension==2 ? 1 : 0)) + i], std::dec);
+ // Add to the global node number vector
+ node_list.push_back(node);
+ ++j;
+ }
+ }
+ if (temp_data[k] == "*ELEMENT") {
+ int j = 0;
+ float temp_float;
+ const int data_per_cell = node_per_cell + 1;
+ const int header_size = 3; // *ELEMENT, TYPE=C3D8R, ELSET=
+ const int mat_id_line = 2;
+ // Get material id
+ std::string material_id_line = temp_data[k+mat_id_line];
+ std::string material_id_temp;
+ for (int ll = 8 /*Characters in "ELSET=EB" */; ll < material_id_line.length(); ++ll)
+ material_id_temp += material_id_line[ll];
+ int material_id = 0;
+ for (int ll = 0; ll < material_id_temp.length(); ++ll)
+ material_id += (material_id_temp[material_id_temp.length() - ll - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,ll);
+ while (from_string<float> (temp_float, temp_data[k + header_size + j*(data_per_cell)], std::dec) == true)
+ {
+ // Initilise storage variables
+ std::vector <double> cell (data_per_cell);
+ // Material id
+ cell[0] = material_id;
+ // Convert from string to the variable types
+ for (int i = 1; i < data_per_cell; ++i)
+ from_string<double> (cell[i], temp_data[k + 3 + j*(data_per_cell) + i], std::dec);
+ // Add to the global node number vector
+ cell_list.push_back(cell);
+ ++j;
+ }
+ }
+ if (temp_data[k] == "*ELSET") {
+ float temp_float;
+ const int data_per_quad = node_per_face + 1;
+ const int header_size = 2; // *ELSET, ELSET=
+ const std::string elset_name = temp_data[k+1].substr(6, temp_data[k+1].size()); // Take out subset name to extract Abaqus face side from later
+ // Find the surface to which this element set belongs - this is the next line on which "*SURFACE" appears as multiple elsets can be attached to one surface
+ int surface_line_offset = 0;
+ while (temp_data[k + surface_line_offset] != "*SURFACE")
+ ++surface_line_offset;
+ // Get sideset id
+ const int face_name_from_surface = 1;
+ std::string sideset_id_line = temp_data[k + surface_line_offset + face_name_from_surface]; // Name on next line
+ std::string sideset_id_temp;
+ for (int m = 7 /*Characters in "NAME=SS" */; m < sideset_id_line.length(); ++m)
+ sideset_id_temp += sideset_id_line[m];
+ // Get ABAQUS cell face number
+ std::string face_cell_face_no_temp;
+ for (unsigned int s=k + surface_line_offset; s < temp_data.size(); ++ s) {
+ if (temp_data[s] == elset_name) {
+ face_cell_face_no_temp = temp_data[s+1].substr(1, temp_data[s+1].size()); // Next line contains cell side face number
+ }
+ }
+ int face_cell_face_no = 0;
+ for (int m = 0; m < face_cell_face_no_temp.length(); ++m)
+ face_cell_face_no += (face_cell_face_no_temp[face_cell_face_no_temp.length() - m - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,m);
+ int sideset_id = 0;
+ for (int m = 0; m < sideset_id_temp.length(); ++m)
+ sideset_id += (sideset_id_temp[sideset_id_temp.length() - m - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,m);
+ const int data_per_face = 1;
+ int j = 0;
+ while (( (k + header_size) + j * data_per_face ) < temp_data.size() && from_string<float> (temp_float, temp_data[(k + header_size) + j * data_per_face], std::dec) == true)
+ {
+ // Get cell to which the face belongs
+ std::string face_cell_no_line = temp_data[(k + header_size) + j * data_per_face];
+ int face_cell_no = 0;
+ for (int m = 0; m < face_cell_no_line.length(); ++m)
+ face_cell_no += (face_cell_no_line[face_cell_no_line.length() - m - 1] - 48 /* ASCII TRICKS */) * pow(10.0,m);
+ // Initilise storage variables
+ std::vector <double> quad (data_per_quad);
+ std::vector <double> quad_node_list (node_per_face);
+ quad_node_list = get_global_node_numbers(face_cell_no, face_cell_face_no);
+ // Sideset id
+ quad[0] = sideset_id;
+ // Global node numbers
+ for (int m = 0; m < node_per_face; ++m)
+ quad[m + 1] = quad_node_list[m];
+ // Add to the global quad vector
+ face_list.push_back(quad);
+ ++j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ input_stream.close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return read_in_successful;
+std::vector <double> MeshConversion::get_global_node_numbers (const int face_cell_no, const int face_cell_face_no)
- std::vector <int> quad_node_list (node_per_face);
+ std::vector <double> quad_node_list (node_per_face);
if (dimension == 2)
-bool MeshConversion::write_out_avs_ucd (const std::string filename)
+bool MeshConversion::write_out_avs_ucd (void)
- output_file_name = filename;
bool write_out_successful = true;
std::cout << "Writing out AVS .ucd FILE: " << output_file_name << std::endl;
std::ofstream output;
- output.open(filename.c_str());
+ output.open(output_file_name.c_str());
// Write out title - Note: No other commented text can be inserted below the title in a UCD file
output << "# FEM Mesh Converter" << std::endl;
output << node_list.size() << "\t" << (cell_list.size() + face_list.size()) << "\t0\t0\t0" << std::endl;
// Write out node numbers
- for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < node_list.size(); ++ii) // Loop over all nodes
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < node_list.size(); ++ii) // Loop over all nodes
- for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj < dimension + 1; ++jj) // Loop over entries to be outputted
+ for (int jj = 0; jj < dimension + 1; ++jj) // Loop over entries to be outputted
if (jj == 0) // Node number
// Write out cell node numbers
- for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < cell_list.size(); ++ii)
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < cell_list.size(); ++ii)
- output << ii + 1 << "\t" << cell_list[ii][0] << "\t" << (dimension==2 ? "quad" : "hex") << "\t";
- for (unsigned int jj = 1; jj < node_per_cell + 1; ++jj)
+ output << ii + 1 << "\t" << cell_list[ii][0] << "\t" << (dimension==2 ? "quad" : "hex") << "\t";
+ for (int jj = 1; jj < node_per_cell + 1; ++jj)
output << cell_list[ii][jj] << "\t";
output << std::endl;
// Write out quad node numbers
- for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < face_list.size(); ++ii)
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < face_list.size(); ++ii)
- output << ii + 1 << "\t" << (int)face_list[ii][0] << "\t" << (dimension==2 ? "line" : "quad") << "\t";
- for (unsigned int jj = 1; jj < node_per_face + 1; ++jj)
+ output << ii + 1 << "\t" << face_list[ii][0] << "\t" << (dimension==2 ? "line" : "quad") << "\t";
+ for (int jj = 1; jj < node_per_face + 1; ++jj)
output << face_list[ii][jj] << "\t";
output << std::endl;