* Compute constraints that correspond to
* boundary conditions of the form
* $\vec{n}^T\vec{u}=\vec{n}^T\vec{f}$,
- * i.e. the normal components of $u$
- * and $f$ shall coincide.
+ * i.e. the normal components of the solution $u$
+ * and a given $f$ shall coincide. The function $f$ is given by @p boundary_function and
+ * the resulting constraints are added to @p constraints for faces with boundary indicator
+ * @p boundary_component.
+ *
+ * This function is explicitly written to
+ * use with the FE_RaviartThomas elements.
+ * Thus it throws an exception, if it is
+ * called with other finite elements.
* If the ConstraintMatrix @p constraints
* contained values or other
* conflicting constraints in the
* module on @ref constraints .
- * This function is explecitly written to
- * use with the FE_RaviartThomas elements.
- * Thus it throws an exception, if it is
- * called with other finite elements.
- *
- * The second argument of this function
+ * The argument @p first_vector_component
* denotes the first vector component in
* the finite element that corresponds to
- * the vector function that you want to
+ * the vector function $\vec{u}$ that you want to
* constrain. Vectors are implicitly
* assumed to have exactly
* <code>dim</code> components that are
* ordered in the same way as we
* usually order the coordinate directions,
- * i.e. $x$-, $y$-, and finally
+ * i.e., $x$-, $y$-, and finally
* $z$-component.
* The parameter @p boundary_component
- * corresponds to the number
- * @p boundary_indicator of the face.
+ * corresponds to the
+ * @p boundary_indicator of the faces where the boundary conditions are applied.
* numbers::internal_face_boundary_id
* is an illegal value, since it is
* reserved for interior faces.
- *
- * The last argument is denoted to compute
+ * The @p mapping is used to compute
* the normal vector $\vec{n}$ at the
* boundary points.