of the Jacobian because we do not have to track constrained degrees of
freedom through the automatic differentiation used to compute it.
+@note Whereas this program was written in 2008, we were unaware of any
+publication that would actually have used this approach. However, a
+more recent paper by A. Dedner, R. Klöfkorn, and M. Kränkel
+("Continuous Finite-Elements on Non-Conforming Grids Using
+Discontinuous Galerkin Stabilization", Proceedings of Finite Volumes
+for Complex Applications VII - Methods and Theoretical Aspects,
+Springer, 2014) comes close.
Further, we enforce a maximum number of refinement levels to keep refinement under check. It is the
author's experience that for adaptivity for a time dependent problem, refinement can easily lead the simulation to
a screeching halt, because of time step restrictions if the mesh