<a name="Intro"></a>
<h1> Introduction </h1>
This tutorial is an extension to step-1 and demonstrates several ways to
obtain more involved meshes.
There are several ways to create an initial mesh. Meshes can be modified or
combined in many ways as discussed later on.
+<h4>Using GridGenerator</h4>
The easiest way to generate meshes is to use the GridGenerator, which is
already discussed in step-1. There are many different helper functions
GridGenerator::hyper_shell(), GridGenerator::hyper_ball(),
GridGenerator::hyper_cube_with_cylindrical_hole(), ...
-<h4>Construct your own mesh programmatically</h4>
+<h4>Constructing your own mesh programmatically</h4>
If the is no good fit in the GridGenerator class, you can always create a
Triangulation in your program "by hand". For that, you need a list of vertices
you end up writing a function that might be useful for a larger audience,
please contribute it.
-<h4>Import from external programs</h4>
+<h4>Importing from external programs</h4>
The class GridIn can read many different mesh formats from a file from
disk. How this is done is explained in step-5 and can be seen in the function
@image html step-49.grid-1.png
-<h3>Modify a Mesh</h3>
+<h3>Modifying a Mesh</h3>
After aquiring one (or several) meshes in the ways described above, there are
many ways to manipulate them before using them in a finite element
work with a sequence of unstructured meshes (see possible extensions).
-<h4>Merge Meshes</h4>
+<h4>Merging Meshes</h4>
The function GridGenerator::merge_triangulations() allows you to merge two
given Triangulations into a single one. This only works, if the vertices of
-<h4>Move Vertices</h4>
+<h4>Moving Vertices</h4>
The function grid_3() demonstrates the ability to pick individual vertices and
move them around in an existing mesh. Please be sure to not produce degenerate
-<h4>Extrude Meshes</h4>
+<h4>Extruding Meshes</h4>
If you need a 3d mesh that can be created by extruding a given 2d mesh (that
can be created in any of the ways given above), you can use the function