wave, an artifact of a too-large mesh size that can be reduced by reducing the
mesh width and the time step.
-One of the things we can investigate is what happens if we chose another value
-for the parameter $\theta$ that controls the time stepping behavior of the
-program. In the run above, it was set to $\theta=\frac 12$, which corresponds
-to the Crank-Nicolson scheme that was seen to conserve energy. On the other
-hand, we could choose $\theta=0$ to get the explicit (forward) Euler time
-stepping scheme, and $\theta=1$ for the implicit (backward) Euler scheme. If
-we process the output of all three cases to show the energy in the solution as
-a function of the time, we get the following graph:
+<a name="extensions"></a>
+<h3>Possibilities for extensions</h3>
+If you want to explore a bit, try out some of the following things:
+ <li>Varying $\theta$. This gives different time stepping schemes, some of
+ which are stable while others are not. Take a look at how the energy
+ evolves.
+ <li>Different initial and boundary conditions, right hand sides.
+ <li>More complicated domains or more refined meshes. Remember that the time
+ step needs to be bounded by the mesh width, so changing the mesh should
+ always involve also changing the time step.
+ <li>Variable coefficients: In real media, the wave speed is often
+ variable. In particular, the "real" wave equation in realistic media would
+ read
+ @f[
+ \rho(x) \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2}
+ -
+ \nabla \cdot
+ a(x) \nabla u = f,
+ @f]
+ where $\rho(x)$ is the density of the material, and $a(x)$ related to the
+ stiffness coefficient. The wave speed is then $c=\sqrt{a/\rho}.
+ To make such a change, we would have to compute the mass and Laplace
+ matrices with a variable coefficient. Fortunately, this isn't too hard: the
+ functions MatrixTools::create_laplace_matrix and
+ MatrixTools::create_vector_tools have additional default parameters that can
+ be used to pass non-constant coefficient functions to them. The required
+ changes are therefore relatively small. On the other hand, care must be
+ taken again to make sure the time step is within the allowed range.