Number *temp_array_ptr = temporary_storage.data();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_import_targets; i++)
- {
- // copy the data to be sent to the import_data field
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>::const_iterator
- my_imports = import_indices_data.begin() +
- import_indices_chunks_by_rank_data[i],
- end_my_imports = import_indices_data.begin() +
- import_indices_chunks_by_rank_data[i + 1];
- unsigned int index = 0;
- for (; my_imports != end_my_imports; ++my_imports)
- {
- const unsigned int chunk_size =
- my_imports->second - my_imports->first;
# if defined(DEAL_II_COMPILER_CUDA_AWARE) && \
- if (std::is_same<MemorySpaceType, MemorySpace::CUDA>::value)
+ // When using CUDAs-aware MPI, the set of local indices that are ghosts
+ // indices on other processors is expanded in arrays. This is for
+ // performance reasons as this can significantly decrease the number of
+ // kernel launched. The indices are expanded the first time the function
+ // is called.
+ if (std::is_same<MemorySpaceType, MemorySpace::CUDA>::value)
+ {
+ if (import_indices_plain_dev.size() == 0)
+ {
+ import_indices_plain_dev.reserve(n_import_targets);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_import_targets; i++)
- const cudaError_t cuda_error_code =
- cudaMemcpy(temp_array_ptr + index,
- locally_owned_array.data() + my_imports->first,
- chunk_size * sizeof(Number),
- cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
- AssertCuda(cuda_error_code);
+ // Expand the indices on the host
+ std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>::
+ const_iterator my_imports =
+ import_indices_data.begin() +
+ import_indices_chunks_by_rank_data[i],
+ end_my_imports =
+ import_indices_data.begin() +
+ import_indices_chunks_by_rank_data[i + 1];
+ std::vector<unsigned int> import_indices_plain_host;
+ for (; my_imports != end_my_imports; ++my_imports)
+ {
+ const unsigned int chunk_size =
+ my_imports->second - my_imports->first;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < chunk_size; ++j)
+ import_indices_plain_host.push_back(my_imports->first +
+ j);
+ }
+ // Move the indices to the device
+ import_indices_plain_dev.emplace_back(std::make_pair(
+ std::unique_ptr<unsigned int[], void (*)(unsigned int *)>(
+ nullptr,
+ Utilities::CUDA::delete_device_data<unsigned int>),
+ import_indices_plain_host.size()));
+ import_indices_plain_dev[i].first.reset(
+ Utilities::CUDA::allocate_device_data<unsigned int>(
+ import_indices_plain_dev[i].second));
+ Utilities::CUDA::copy_to_dev(
+ import_indices_plain_host,
+ import_indices_plain_dev[i].first.get());
- else
+ }
+ }
+# endif
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_import_targets; i++)
+ {
+# if defined(DEAL_II_COMPILER_CUDA_AWARE) && \
+ if (std::is_same<MemorySpaceType, MemorySpace::CUDA>::value)
+ {
+ const int n_blocks =
+ 1 + (import_indices_plain_dev[i].second - 1) /
+ (::dealii::CUDAWrappers::chunk_size *
+ ::dealii::CUDAWrappers::block_size);
+ ::dealii::LinearAlgebra::CUDAWrappers::kernel::
+ gather<<<n_blocks, ::dealii::CUDAWrappers::block_size>>>(
+ temp_array_ptr,
+ locally_owned_array.data(),
+ import_indices_plain_dev[i].first.get(),
+ import_indices_plain_dev[i].second);
+ }
+ else
# endif
+ {
+ // copy the data to be sent to the import_data field
+ std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>::const_iterator
+ my_imports = import_indices_data.begin() +
+ import_indices_chunks_by_rank_data[i],
+ end_my_imports = import_indices_data.begin() +
+ import_indices_chunks_by_rank_data[i + 1];
+ unsigned int index = 0;
+ for (; my_imports != end_my_imports; ++my_imports)
- std::memcpy(temp_array_ptr + index,
- locally_owned_array.data() + my_imports->first,
- chunk_size * sizeof(Number));
+ const unsigned int chunk_size =
+ my_imports->second - my_imports->first;
+ {
+ std::memcpy(temp_array_ptr + index,
+ locally_owned_array.data() + my_imports->first,
+ chunk_size * sizeof(Number));
+ }
+ index += chunk_size;
- index += chunk_size;
- }
- AssertDimension(index, import_targets_data[i].second);
+ AssertDimension(index, import_targets_data[i].second);
+ }
// start the send operations
const int ierr =
} // end of namespace MPI
-} // end of namespace Utilities
+} // namespace Utilities