* LAPACKSupport::svd.
* The singular value decomposition factorizes the provided matrix (A) into
- * three parts U, sigma and the transpose of V (V^T), such that A = U sigma
+ * three parts: U, sigma, and the transpose of V (V^T), such that A = U sigma
* V^T. Sigma is a MxN matrix which contains the singular values of A on
* the diagonal while all the other elements are zero. U is a MxM orthogonal
* matrix containing the left singular vectors corresponding to the singular
* values of A. V is a NxN orthonal matrix containing the right singular
* vectors corresponding the the singular values of A.
- * Note that the variable #svd_vt contains the tranposed of V.
+ * Note that the variable #svd_vt contains the tranpose of V and can be accessed by get_svd_vt(), while U is accessed with get_svd_u().