triangulation.refine_global(2); // refine 2 times to make 5 nodes per side
// make a DOF handler, a model solution filled with ones and a flow vector
- FESystem<dim> finite_element(FE_Q<dim > (1 + 1), dim, FE_Q<dim > (1), 1);
- DoFHandler <dim > dof_handler(triangulation);
+ // FESystem<dim> finite_element(FE_Q<dim > (1 + 1), dim, FE_Q<dim > (1), 1); // Already done!
+ // DoFHandler <dim > dof_handler(triangulation);
std::vector < std::vector <Point <dim> > > selected_locations;
- // write output to a file
+ // write output to a file
Vector<double> node_locations = node_monitor.mark_locations();
- // write output to a file
+ // write output to a file
double delta_t = 0.000001;
deallog << "Starting data files" << std::endl;
- // copy all the data into deallog and
- // delete those files
+ // copy all the data into deallog and
+ // delete those files
const std::string filenames[]
= { "point_value_history_01/node_00.gpl",
- "point_value_history_01/node_01.gpl",
- "point_value_history_01/node_02.gpl",
- "point_value_history_01/node_03.gpl",
- "point_value_history_01/node_04.gpl",
- "point_value_history_01/node_05.gpl",
- "point_value_history_01/node_indep.gpl",
- "point_value_history_01/Test_Copy_00.gpl",
- "point_value_history_01/Test_Copy_indep.gpl",
- "point_value_history_01/no_dof_indep.gpl" };
+ "point_value_history_01/node_01.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_01/node_02.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_01/node_03.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_01/node_04.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_01/node_05.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_01/node_indep.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_01/Test_Copy_00.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_01/Test_Copy_indep.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_01/no_dof_indep.gpl" };
for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(filenames)/sizeof(filenames[0]); ++i)
- {
- deallog << "Copying output file " << filenames[i]
- << std::endl;
+ {
+ deallog << "Copying output file " << filenames[i]
+ << std::endl;
- std::ifstream in(filenames[i].c_str());
- AssertThrow (in, ExcIO());
+ std::ifstream in(filenames[i].c_str());
+ AssertThrow (in, ExcIO());
- std::string s;
- while (in)
- {
- std::getline (in, s);
- deallog << s << std::endl;
- }
+ std::string s;
+ while (in)
+ {
+ std::getline (in, s);
+ deallog << s << std::endl;
+ }
- std::remove (filenames[i].c_str());
+ std::remove (filenames[i].c_str());
- deallog << std::endl;
- }
+ deallog << std::endl;
+ }
Closed: 1
Cleared: 0
+Triangulation_changed: 0
+Have_dof_handler: 1
Geometric Data
# Requested location: 1.0 0.20
# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
Independent value(s): 1 : 1
-Solution: 3 : 1
+Mnemonic: data set size (mask size, n true components) : n data sets
+Solution: 3 (3, 3) : 1
***end of status output***
Closed: 1
Cleared: 0
+Triangulation_changed: 0
+Have_dof_handler: 1
Geometric Data
# Requested location: 0.0 0.0
# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
Independent value(s): 1 : 10
-Post Processed Vector: 18 : 10
-Solution: 18 : 10
+Mnemonic: data set size (mask size, n true components) : n data sets
+Post Processed Vector: 18 (3, 3) : 10
+Solution: 18 (3, 3) : 10
***end of status output***
Closed: 1
Cleared: 0
+Triangulation_changed: 0
+Have_dof_handler: 0
Geometric Data
No points stored currently
--- /dev/null
+//---------------------------- ---------------------------
+// $Id: 23710 2011-05-17 04:50:10Z bangerth $
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 by the deal.II authors and Michael Rapson
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+//---------------------------- ---------------------------
+// ************************************************
+// A test program for the PointValueHistory class
+// Currently this only tests a finite element system
+// with 3 components, on a hyper cube and with Vectors.
+// The testing is done in two dimensions.
+// ************************************************
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_renumbering.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_system.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/point_value_history.h>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim>
+class Postprocess : public DataPostprocessor<dim>
+ public:
+ void compute_derived_quantities_vector (
+ const std::vector< Vector< double > > &,
+ const std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim > > > &,
+ const std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > > &,
+ const std::vector< Point< dim > > &,
+ const std::vector< Point< dim > > &,
+ std::vector< Vector< double > > &
+ ) const;
+ std::vector<std::string> get_names () const;
+ UpdateFlags get_needed_update_flags () const;
+ unsigned int n_output_variables () const;
+ // The following function is not required
+ // by the point_value_history class.
+ //std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>
+ // get_data_component_interpretation () const;
+template <int dim>
+Postprocess<dim>::get_names() const
+ std::vector<std::string> names;
+ names.push_back ("Vector_out");
+ names.push_back ("Vector_out_1");
+ names.push_back ("Vector_out_2");
+ names.push_back ("Scalar_out");
+ return names;
+template <int dim>
+Postprocess<dim>::get_needed_update_flags () const
+ return update_values | update_gradients | update_hessians;
+template <int dim>
+unsigned int
+Postprocess<dim>::n_output_variables () const
+ return 4;
+template <int dim>
+Postprocess<dim>::compute_derived_quantities_vector (
+ const std::vector< Vector< double > > & uh,
+ const std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim > > > & duh,
+ const std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > > & dduh,
+ const std::vector< Point< dim > > & /* normals */,
+ const std::vector< Point< dim > > & /* locations */,
+ std::vector< Vector< double > > & computed_quantities
+ ) const
+ Assert(computed_quantities.size() == uh.size(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch (computed_quantities.size(), uh.size()));
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<computed_quantities.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Assert(computed_quantities[i].size() == 4,
+ ExcDimensionMismatch (computed_quantities[i].size(), 3));
+ Assert(uh[i].size() == dim + 1, ExcDimensionMismatch (uh[i].size(), dim + 1));
+ computed_quantities[i](0) = duh[i][0].norm(); // norm of x gradient
+ computed_quantities[i](1) = dduh[i][1].norm(); // norm of y hessian
+ computed_quantities[i](2) = duh[i][0].norm() + dduh[i][1].norm(); // norm of y hessian
+ computed_quantities[i](3) = uh[i].l2_norm();
+ }
+template <int dim>
+class TestPointValueHistory
+ TestPointValueHistory();
+ void run();
+ void output_results (unsigned int step, Vector <double> solution) const;
+ Triangulation <dim> triangulation;
+ FESystem<dim> finite_element;
+ DoFHandler <dim > dof_handler;
+ PointValueHistory <dim> test_copy;
+ std::vector <Point <dim> > postprocessor_locations;
+template <int dim>
+TestPointValueHistory<dim>::TestPointValueHistory() :
+finite_element(FE_Q<dim > (1 + 1), dim, FE_Q<dim > (1), 1),
+{ }
+template <int dim>
+void TestPointValueHistory<dim>::run()
+ // Make a triangulation
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(triangulation, 0, 1);
+ triangulation.refine_global(2); // refine 2 times to make 5 nodes per side
+ // make a DOF handler, a model solution filled with ones and a flow vector
+// FESystem<dim> finite_element(FE_Q<dim > (1 + 1), dim, FE_Q<dim > (1), 1);
+// DoFHandler <dim > dof_handler(triangulation);
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(finite_element);
+ DoFRenumbering::Cuthill_McKee(dof_handler);
+ // renumber for components so that same dof indices are used for BlockVectors and normal Vectors
+ std::vector<unsigned int> block_component(dim + 1, 0);
+ block_component[dim] = 1; // component dim = pressure component!
+ DoFRenumbering::component_wise(dof_handler, block_component);
+ // Vector
+ Vector <double> solution, post_processed, poles;
+ solution.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ post_processed.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ poles.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+// // BlockVector
+// std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_per_block(2);
+// DoFTools::count_dofs_per_block(dof_handler, dofs_per_block, block_component);
+// const unsigned int n_u = dofs_per_block[0],
+// n_p = dofs_per_block[1];
+// BlockVector<double> solution;
+// solution.reinit(2);
+// solution.block(0).reinit(n_u);
+// solution.block(1).reinit(n_p);
+// solution.collect_sizes();
+// BlockVector<double> post_processed;
+// post_processed.reinit(2);
+// post_processed.block(0).reinit(n_u);
+// post_processed.block(1).reinit(n_p);
+// post_processed.collect_sizes();
+// BlockVector<double> poles;
+// poles.reinit(2);
+// poles.block(0).reinit(n_u);
+// poles.block(1).reinit(n_p);
+// poles.collect_sizes();
+ // set up a simple linear discrete time system so that time plots vary
+ // over the mesh but can be easily checked. The basic idea is to have each
+ // component of the fe_system to depend on a specific dimension (i.e component 0
+ // depends on dim 0, etc. % dim handles the case where there are more components
+ // than dimensions. The code breaks down at the edges of the mesh and this is
+ // not corrected for. The code used in this test simplified from point_value_history_01.
+ {
+ Quadrature<dim> quadrature_formula(finite_element.get_unit_support_points ());
+ FEValues<dim> fe_values(finite_element, quadrature_formula, update_values | update_quadrature_points); // just need local_dof_indices and quadrature_points
+ std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices(finite_element.dofs_per_cell);
+ std::vector<Point<dim> > dof_locations(finite_element.dofs_per_cell);
+ typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell, endc;
+ cell = dof_handler.begin_active();
+ endc = dof_handler.end();
+ for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
+ {
+ fe_values.reinit(cell); // need to get local_dof_indices
+ cell->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices);
+ dof_locations = fe_values.get_quadrature_points();
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof != finite_element.dofs_per_cell; dof++)
+ {
+ unsigned int dof_component = finite_element.system_to_component_index(dof).first;
+ poles(local_dof_indices[dof]) = -dof_locations[dof](dof_component % dim);
+ if (dof_component == dim) // components start numbering at 0
+ poles(local_dof_indices[dof]) = -0.1; // dim+1th component is not handled well by the code above
+ solution(local_dof_indices [dof]) = 1; // start all solutions at 1
+ }
+ } // loop over all cells
+ poles.add(1.0); // slow down the pole settling time
+ post_processed.add(3.0); // set to starting value.
+// output_results(10, poles);
+ }
+ // Setup monitor node to print variation over time
+ unsigned int n_inputs = 1;
+ PointValueHistory<dim> node_monitor (dof_handler, n_inputs);
+ PointValueHistory<dim> no_dof_handler (n_inputs);
+ // check that the assignment operator is valid
+ test_copy = node_monitor;
+ test_copy.add_point(Point<2>(1, 0.2));
+ test_copy.add_field_name("Solution");
+ std::vector < std::vector <Point <dim> > > selected_locations;
+ test_copy.get_support_locations(selected_locations);
+ test_copy.mark_support_locations();
+ test_copy.close();
+ test_copy.start_new_dataset(0.1);
+// triangulation.refine_global(1); // should mark the triangulation as changed
+ test_copy.evaluate_field("Solution", solution);
+ std::vector <double> input_value(n_inputs, 1);
+ test_copy.push_back_independent(input_value);
+ test_copy.write_gnuplot("point_value_history_02/Test_Copy");
+ test_copy.status(deallog.get_file_stream());
+ test_copy.clear ();
+ // end of assignment operator check
+ {
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("Solution");
+ std::vector <std::string> solution_names;
+ solution_names.push_back("X velocity");
+ solution_names.push_back("Y velocity");
+ solution_names.push_back("Z velocity");
+ node_monitor.add_component_names ("Solution", solution_names);
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("Post Processed Vector"); // not sensitive to spaces
+ std::vector <bool> component_mask (3, false);
+ component_mask[2] = true;
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("Pressure", component_mask);
+ component_mask = std::vector <bool> (3, false);
+ component_mask[1] = true;
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("Req_sol", component_mask);
+ component_mask = std::vector <bool> (4, true);
+ component_mask[3] = false;
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("Vector_out", component_mask);
+ component_mask = std::vector <bool> (4, false);
+ component_mask[3] = true;
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("Scalar_out", component_mask);
+ std::vector <std::string> indep_names;
+ indep_names.push_back ("Input");
+ node_monitor.add_independent_names(indep_names);
+ // two alternatives here, adding a point at a time or a vector of points
+ // 2d points
+ std::vector <Point < 2 > > point_vector(5, Point < 2 > ());
+ point_vector[0] = Point < 2 > (0, 0); // some of these points will hit a node, others won't
+ point_vector[1] = Point < 2 > (0.25, 0);
+ point_vector[2] = Point < 2 > (0.25, 0.45);
+ point_vector[3] = Point < 2 > (0.45, 0.45);
+ point_vector[4] = Point < 2 > (0.8, 0.8);
+ node_monitor.add_points(point_vector);
+ node_monitor.add_point(Point<2>(1, 0.2)); // add a single point
+ // MonitorNode requires that the instance is 'closed' before any data is added
+ // this ensures that points are not added once time starts.
+ node_monitor.close();
+ no_dof_handler.close(); // closing still required!
+ std::vector < std::vector <Point <dim> > > selected_locations;
+ node_monitor.get_support_locations(selected_locations);
+ Vector<double> node_locations = node_monitor.mark_support_locations();
+ QGauss<dim> postprocess_quadrature (2);
+ node_monitor.get_postprocessor_locations(postprocess_quadrature, postprocessor_locations);
+ }
+ double delta_t = 0.000001;
+ double t_max = 0.00001;
+ unsigned int step = 0;
+ for (double time = 0; time < t_max; time = time + delta_t)
+ {
+ node_monitor.start_new_dataset(time);
+ no_dof_handler.start_new_dataset(time);
+ // time and input are special, they don't vary over the mesh.
+ std::vector <double> input_value(n_inputs, 1); // manufacture an input value
+ node_monitor.push_back_independent(input_value);
+ no_dof_handler.push_back_independent(input_value);
+ node_monitor.evaluate_field("Solution", solution);
+ node_monitor.evaluate_field("Post Processed Vector", post_processed);
+ node_monitor.evaluate_field("Pressure", solution);
+ node_monitor.evaluate_field_at_requested_location("Req_sol", solution);
+ Postprocess<dim> postprocessor;
+ QGauss<dim> postprocess_quadrature (2);
+ std::vector<std::string> names;
+ names.push_back ("Vector_out");
+ names.push_back ("Scalar_out");
+ node_monitor.evaluate_field(names, solution, postprocessor, postprocess_quadrature);
+// output_results (step, solution);
+ step++;
+ solution.scale(poles); // decaying exponentials of varying time constants
+ post_processed = solution;
+ post_processed.add(2.0); // simple post processing, giving it a dc offset
+ }
+ triangulation.refine_global(1); // should mark the triangulation as changed
+ node_monitor.write_gnuplot("point_value_history_02/node", postprocessor_locations);
+ no_dof_handler.write_gnuplot("point_value_history_02/no_dof");
+ node_monitor.status (deallog.get_file_stream());
+ no_dof_handler.status (deallog.get_file_stream());
+ deallog << "Starting data files" << std::endl;
+ // copy all the data into deallog and
+ // delete those files
+ const std::string filenames[]
+ = { "point_value_history_02/node_00.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_02/node_01.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_02/node_02.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_02/node_03.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_02/node_04.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_02/node_05.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_02/node_indep.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_02/Test_Copy_00.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_02/Test_Copy_indep.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_02/no_dof_indep.gpl" };
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(filenames)/sizeof(filenames[0]); ++i)
+ {
+ deallog << "Copying output file " << filenames[i]
+ << std::endl;
+ std::ifstream in(filenames[i].c_str());
+ AssertThrow (in, ExcIO());
+ std::string s;
+ while (in)
+ {
+ std::getline (in, s);
+ deallog << s << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::remove (filenames[i].c_str());
+ deallog << std::endl;
+ }
+template <int dim>
+void TestPointValueHistory<dim>::output_results (unsigned int step, Vector <double> solution) const
+ std::vector<std::string> solution_names (dim, "velocity");
+ solution_names.push_back ("pressure");
+ std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>
+ data_component_interpretation
+ (dim, DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_part_of_vector);
+ data_component_interpretation
+ .push_back (DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_scalar);
+ DataOut<dim> data_out;
+ data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof_handler);
+ data_out.add_data_vector (solution, solution_names,
+ DataOut<dim>::type_dof_data,
+ data_component_interpretation);
+ data_out.build_patches (2);
+ std::ostringstream filename;
+ filename << "point_value_history_02/solution-"
+ << Utilities::int_to_string (step, 2)
+ << ".gpl";
+ std::ofstream output (filename.str().c_str());
+ data_out.write_gnuplot (output);
+int main()
+ std::ofstream logfile("point_value_history_02/output");
+ logfile << std::setprecision(2);
+ deallog << std::setprecision(2);
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ deallog.threshold_double(1.e-10);
+ TestPointValueHistory<2> test;
--- /dev/null
+***PointValueHistory status output***
+Closed: 1
+Cleared: 0
+Triangulation_changed: 0
+Have_dof_handler: 1
+Geometric Data
+# Requested location: 1.0 0.20
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+138 : 1.0 0.25
+139 : 1.0 0.25
+181 : 1.0 0.25
+Independent value(s): 1 : 1
+Mnemonic: data set size (mask size, n true components) : n data sets
+Solution: 3 (3, 3) : 1
+***end of status output***
+***PointValueHistory status output***
+Closed: 1
+Cleared: 0
+Triangulation_changed: 1
+Have_dof_handler: 1
+Geometric Data
+# Requested location: 0.0 0.0
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+0 : 0.0 0.0
+1 : 0.0 0.0
+162 : 0.0 0.0
+# Requested location: 0.25 0.0
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+8 : 0.25 0.0
+9 : 0.25 0.0
+163 : 0.25 0.0
+# Requested location: 0.25 0.45
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+46 : 0.25 0.50
+47 : 0.25 0.50
+169 : 0.25 0.50
+# Requested location: 0.45 0.45
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+48 : 0.50 0.50
+49 : 0.50 0.50
+170 : 0.50 0.50
+# Requested location: 0.80 0.80
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+96 : 0.75 0.75
+97 : 0.75 0.75
+177 : 0.75 0.75
+# Requested location: 1.0 0.20
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+138 : 1.0 0.25
+139 : 1.0 0.25
+181 : 1.0 0.25
+Independent value(s): 1 : 10
+Names: <Input>
+Mnemonic: data set size (mask size, n true components) : n data sets
+Post Processed Vector: 18 (3, 3) : 10
+Pressure: 6 (3, 1) : 10
+Req_sol: 6 (3, 1) : 10
+Scalar_out: 6 (4, 1) : 10
+Solution: 18 (3, 3) : 10
+<X velocity> <Y velocity> <Z velocity>
+Vector_out: 18 (4, 3) : 10
+***end of status output***
+***PointValueHistory status output***
+Closed: 1
+Cleared: 0
+Triangulation_changed: 0
+Have_dof_handler: 0
+Geometric Data
+No points stored currently
+Independent value(s): 1 : 10
+***end of status output***
+DEAL::Starting data files
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_02/node_00.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 0 0
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 0 : 0 0
+DEAL::# 1 : 0 0
+DEAL::# 162 : 0 0
+DEAL::# (Original components and locations, may be invalidated by mesh change.)
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.0528312 0.0528312 (may be approximate)
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Post Processed Vector_1> <Post Processed Vector_2> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Scalar_out_0> <X velocity> <Y velocity> <Z velocity> <Vector_out_0> <Vector_out_1> <Vector_out_2>
+DEAL::0 1 3 3 3 1 1 1.73205 1 1 1 0 1.19736e-08 1.19736e-08
+DEAL::1e-06 1 3 3 2.9 0.9 1 1.61377 1 1 0.9 1 1.16159e-08 1
+DEAL::2e-06 1 3 3 2.81 0.81 1 1.50525 1 1 0.81 1.89434 2 3.89434
+DEAL::3e-06 1 3 3 2.729 0.729 1 1.40644 1 1 0.729 2.69139 5.25 7.94139
+DEAL::4e-06 1 3 3 2.6561 0.6561 1 1.31707 1 1 0.6561 3.39968 9.21875 12.6184
+DEAL::5e-06 1 3 3 2.59049 0.59049 1 1.23666 1 1 0.59049 4.0276 13.5352 17.5628
+DEAL::6e-06 1 3 3 2.53144 0.531441 1 1.16468 1 1 0.531441 4.58314 17.9448 22.528
+DEAL::7e-06 1 3 3 2.4783 0.478297 1 1.10053 1 1 0.478297 5.07383 22.2779 27.3517
+DEAL::8e-06 1 3 3 2.43047 0.430467 1 1.04356 1 1 0.430467 5.50663 26.4253 31.9319
+DEAL::9e-06 1 3 3 2.38742 0.38742 1 0.99314 1 1 0.38742 5.88791 30.3212 36.2091
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_02/node_01.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 0.25 0
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 8 : 0.25 0
+DEAL::# 9 : 0.25 0
+DEAL::# 163 : 0.25 0
+DEAL::# (Original components and locations, may be invalidated by mesh change.)
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.197169 0.0528312 (may be approximate)
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Post Processed Vector_1> <Post Processed Vector_2> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Scalar_out_0> <X velocity> <Y velocity> <Z velocity> <Vector_out_0> <Vector_out_1> <Vector_out_2>
+DEAL::0 1 3 3 3 1 1 1.73205 1 1 1 0 9.00988e-09 9.00988e-09
+DEAL::1e-06 1 2.75 3 2.9 0.9 1 1.53351 0.75 1 0.9 1 8.79108e-09 1
+DEAL::2e-06 1 2.5625 3 2.81 0.81 1 1.36981 0.5625 1 0.81 1.60566 2 3.60566
+DEAL::3e-06 1 2.42188 3 2.729 0.729 1 1.23359 0.421875 1 0.729 1.93361 5.25 7.18361
+DEAL::4e-06 1 2.31641 3 2.6561 0.6561 1 1.11938 0.316406 1 0.6561 2.06907 9.21875 11.2878
+DEAL::5e-06 1 2.2373 3 2.59049 0.59049 1 1.02303 0.237305 1 0.59049 2.07397 13.5352 15.6091
+DEAL::6e-06 1 2.17798 3 2.53144 0.531441 1 0.941352 0.177979 1 0.531441 1.99303 17.9448 19.9379
+DEAL::7e-06 1 2.13348 3 2.4783 0.478297 1 0.871889 0.133484 1 0.478297 1.8583 22.2779 24.1362
+DEAL::8e-06 1 2.10011 3 2.43047 0.430467 1 0.812685 0.100113 1 0.430467 1.69247 26.4253 28.1178
+DEAL::9e-06 1 2.07508 3 2.38742 0.38742 1 0.762164 0.0750847 1 0.38742 1.51142 30.3212 31.8326
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_02/node_02.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 0.25 0.45
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 46 : 0.25 0.5
+DEAL::# 47 : 0.25 0.5
+DEAL::# 169 : 0.25 0.5
+DEAL::# (Original components and locations, may be invalidated by mesh change.)
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.197169 0.447169 (may be approximate)
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Post Processed Vector_1> <Post Processed Vector_2> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Scalar_out_0> <X velocity> <Y velocity> <Z velocity> <Vector_out_0> <Vector_out_1> <Vector_out_2>
+DEAL::0 1 3 3 3 1 1 1.73205 1 1 1 8.88178e-16 4.35771e-09 4.35771e-09
+DEAL::1e-06 1 2.75 2.5 2.9 0.9 0.55 1.32671 0.75 0.5 0.9 1 2.51837e-09 1
+DEAL::2e-06 1 2.5625 2.25 2.81 0.81 0.3025 1.07932 0.5625 0.25 0.81 1.60566 2 3.60566
+DEAL::3e-06 1 2.42188 2.125 2.729 0.729 0.165625 0.90924 0.421875 0.125 0.729 1.93361 3.75 5.68361
+DEAL::4e-06 1 2.31641 2.0625 2.6561 0.6561 0.0896875 0.780577 0.316406 0.0625 0.6561 2.06907 4.71875 6.78782
+DEAL::5e-06 1 2.2373 2.03125 2.59049 0.59049 0.0475586 0.677229 0.237305 0.03125 0.59049 2.07397 4.98047 7.05443
+DEAL::6e-06 1 2.17798 2.01562 2.53144 0.531441 0.0242896 0.591391 0.177979 0.015625 0.531441 1.99303 4.76123 6.75426
+DEAL::7e-06 1 2.13348 2.00781 2.4783 0.478297 0.0115738 0.51879 0.133484 0.0078125 0.478297 1.8583 4.2746 6.13289
+DEAL::8e-06 1 2.10011 2.00391 2.43047 0.430467 0.00476261 0.45676 0.100113 0.00390625 0.430467 1.69247 3.67699 5.36946
+DEAL::9e-06 1 2.07508 2.00195 2.38742 0.38742 0.00124056 0.40346 0.0750847 0.00195312 0.38742 1.51142 3.06777 4.57919
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_02/node_03.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 0.45 0.45
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 48 : 0.5 0.5
+DEAL::# 49 : 0.5 0.5
+DEAL::# 170 : 0.5 0.5
+DEAL::# (Original components and locations, may be invalidated by mesh change.)
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.447169 0.447169 (may be approximate)
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Post Processed Vector_1> <Post Processed Vector_2> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Scalar_out_0> <X velocity> <Y velocity> <Z velocity> <Vector_out_0> <Vector_out_1> <Vector_out_2>
+DEAL::0 1 3 3 3 1 1 1.73205 1 1 1 8.88178e-16 4.35771e-09 4.35771e-09
+DEAL::1e-06 1 2.5 2.5 2.9 0.9 0.55 1.19216 0.5 0.5 0.9 1 2.51837e-09 1
+DEAL::2e-06 1 2.25 2.25 2.81 0.81 0.3025 0.918101 0.25 0.25 0.81 1.10566 2 3.10566
+DEAL::3e-06 1 2.125 2.125 2.729 0.729 0.165625 0.766829 0.125 0.125 0.729 0.916867 3.75 4.66687
+DEAL::4e-06 1 2.0625 2.0625 2.6561 0.6561 0.0896875 0.668761 0.0625 0.0625 0.6561 0.675079 4.71875 5.39383
+DEAL::5e-06 1 2.03125 2.03125 2.59049 0.59049 0.0475586 0.594518 0.03125 0.03125 0.59049 0.464784 4.98047 5.44525
+DEAL::6e-06 1 2.01562 2.01562 2.53144 0.531441 0.0242896 0.532629 0.015625 0.015625 0.531441 0.305802 4.76123 5.06703
+DEAL::7e-06 1 2.00781 2.00781 2.4783 0.478297 0.0115738 0.478603 0.0078125 0.0078125 0.478297 0.194193 4.2746 4.46879
+DEAL::8e-06 1 2.00391 2.00391 2.43047 0.430467 0.00476261 0.430527 0.00390625 0.00390625 0.430467 0.119462 3.67699 3.79646
+DEAL::9e-06 1 2.00195 2.00195 2.38742 0.38742 0.00124056 0.387426 0.00195312 0.00195312 0.38742 0.0711287 3.06777 3.1389
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_02/node_04.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 0.8 0.8
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 96 : 0.75 0.75
+DEAL::# 97 : 0.75 0.75
+DEAL::# 177 : 0.75 0.75
+DEAL::# (Original components and locations, may be invalidated by mesh change.)
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.802831 0.802831 (may be approximate)
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Post Processed Vector_1> <Post Processed Vector_2> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Scalar_out_0> <X velocity> <Y velocity> <Z velocity> <Vector_out_0> <Vector_out_1> <Vector_out_2>
+DEAL::0 1 3 3 3 1 1 1.73205 1 1 1 0 1.19736e-08 1.19736e-08
+DEAL::1e-06 1 2.25 2.25 2.9 0.9 0.2 0.942205 0.25 0.25 0.9 1 2.64669e-09 1
+DEAL::2e-06 1 2.0625 2.0625 2.81 0.81 0.04 0.811864 0.0625 0.0625 0.81 0.394338 2 2.39434
+DEAL::3e-06 1 2.01562 2.01562 2.729 0.729 0.00875 0.729097 0.015625 0.015625 0.729 0.116627 0.75 0.866627
+DEAL::4e-06 1 2.00391 2.00391 2.6561 0.6561 0.00203125 0.656106 0.00390625 0.00390625 0.6561 0.0314119 0.21875 0.250162
+DEAL::5e-06 1 2.00098 2.00098 2.59049 0.59049 0.000488281 0.59049 0.000976562 0.000976562 0.59049 0.00813489 0.0585937 0.0667286
+DEAL::6e-06 1 2.00024 2.00024 2.53144 0.531441 0.000119629 0.531441 0.000244141 0.000244141 0.531441 0.00206896 0.0151367 0.0172057
+DEAL::7e-06 1 2.00006 2.00006 2.4783 0.478297 2.96021e-05 0.478297 6.10352e-05 6.10352e-05 0.478297 0.000521645 0.00384521 0.00436686
+DEAL::8e-06 1 2.00002 2.00002 2.43047 0.430467 7.36237e-06 0.430467 1.52588e-05 1.52588e-05 0.430467 0.000130962 0.000968933 0.00109989
+DEAL::9e-06 1 2 2 2.38742 0.38742 1.83582e-06 0.38742 3.8147e-06 3.8147e-06 0.38742 3.28093e-05 0.000243187 0.000275996
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_02/node_05.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 1 0.2
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 138 : 1 0.25
+DEAL::# 139 : 1 0.25
+DEAL::# 181 : 1 0.25
+DEAL::# (Original components and locations, may be invalidated by mesh change.)
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.947169 0.197169 (may be approximate)
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Post Processed Vector_1> <Post Processed Vector_2> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Scalar_out_0> <X velocity> <Y velocity> <Z velocity> <Vector_out_0> <Vector_out_1> <Vector_out_2>
+DEAL::0 1 3 3 3 1 1 1.73205 1 1 1 8.88178e-16 4.35771e-09 4.35771e-09
+DEAL::1e-06 1 2 2.75 2.9 0.9 0.8 1.2072 0 0.75 0.9 1 3.606e-09 1
+DEAL::2e-06 1 2 2.5625 2.81 0.81 0.64 1.03515 0 0.5625 0.81 0.105662 2 2.10566
+DEAL::3e-06 1 2 2.42188 2.729 0.729 0.51125 0.893546 0 0.421875 0.729 0.00837341 5.25 5.25837
+DEAL::4e-06 1 2 2.31641 2.6561 0.6561 0.407031 0.775187 0 0.316406 0.6561 0.000161921 9.21875 9.21891
+DEAL::5e-06 1 2 2.2373 2.59049 0.59049 0.322168 0.675465 0 0.237305 0.59049 0.00032239 13.5352 13.5355
+DEAL::6e-06 1 2 2.17798 2.53144 0.531441 0.252659 0.590857 0 0.177979 0.531441 0.000115836 17.9448 17.9449
+DEAL::7e-06 1 2 2.13348 2.4783 0.478297 0.195398 0.518648 0 0.133484 0.478297 3.33639e-05 22.2779 22.2779
+DEAL::8e-06 1 2 2.10011 2.43047 0.430467 0.147964 0.456732 0 0.100113 0.430467 8.89157e-06 26.4253 26.4253
+DEAL::9e-06 1 2 2.07508 2.38742 0.38742 0.108462 0.403457 0 0.0750847 0.38742 2.29172e-06 30.3212 30.3212
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_02/node_indep.gpl
+DEAL::# Data independent of mesh location
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input>
+DEAL::0 1
+DEAL::1e-06 1
+DEAL::2e-06 1
+DEAL::3e-06 1
+DEAL::4e-06 1
+DEAL::5e-06 1
+DEAL::6e-06 1
+DEAL::7e-06 1
+DEAL::8e-06 1
+DEAL::9e-06 1
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_02/Test_Copy_00.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 1 0.2
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 138 : 1 0.25
+DEAL::# 139 : 1 0.25
+DEAL::# 181 : 1 0.25
+DEAL::# <Key> <Indep_0> <Solution_0> <Solution_1> <Solution_2>
+DEAL::0.1 1 1 1 1
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_02/Test_Copy_indep.gpl
+DEAL::# Data independent of mesh location
+DEAL::# <Key> <Indep_0>
+DEAL::0.1 1
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_02/no_dof_indep.gpl
+DEAL::# Data independent of mesh location
+DEAL::# <Key> <Indep_0>
+DEAL::0 1
+DEAL::1e-06 1
+DEAL::2e-06 1
+DEAL::3e-06 1
+DEAL::4e-06 1
+DEAL::5e-06 1
+DEAL::6e-06 1
+DEAL::7e-06 1
+DEAL::8e-06 1
+DEAL::9e-06 1
--- /dev/null
+//---------------------------- ---------------------------
+// $Id: 23710 2011-05-17 04:50:10Z bangerth $
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 by the deal.II authors and Michael Rapson
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+//---------------------------- ---------------------------
+// ************************************************
+// A test program for the PointValueHistory class
+// Currently this only tests a finite element system
+// with 3 components, on a hyper cube and with Vectors.
+// The testing is done in two dimensions.
+// ************************************************
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_renumbering.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_system.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/point_value_history.h>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim>
+class Postprocess : public DataPostprocessor<dim>
+ public:
+ void compute_derived_quantities_scalar (
+ const std::vector< double > &,
+ const std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim > > &,
+ const std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > &,
+ const std::vector< Point< dim > > &,
+ const std::vector< Point< dim > > &,
+ std::vector< Vector< double > > &
+ ) const;
+ std::vector<std::string> get_names () const;
+ UpdateFlags get_needed_update_flags () const;
+ unsigned int n_output_variables () const;
+ // The following function is not required
+ // by the point_value_history class.
+ //std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>
+ // get_data_component_interpretation () const;
+template <int dim>
+Postprocess<dim>::get_names() const
+ std::vector<std::string> names;
+ names.push_back ("X_gradient");
+ names.push_back ("X_hessian");
+ return names;
+template <int dim>
+Postprocess<dim>::get_needed_update_flags () const
+ return update_values | update_gradients | update_hessians;
+template <int dim>
+unsigned int
+Postprocess<dim>::n_output_variables () const
+ return 2;
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ Postprocess<dim>::compute_derived_quantities_scalar (
+ const std::vector< double > & uh,
+ const std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim > > & duh,
+ const std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > & dduh,
+ const std::vector< Point< dim > > & /* normals */,
+ const std::vector< Point< dim > > & /* locations */,
+ std::vector< Vector< double > > & computed_quantities
+ ) const
+ Assert(computed_quantities.size() == uh.size(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch (computed_quantities.size(), uh.size()));
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<computed_quantities.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Assert(computed_quantities[i].size() == 2,
+ ExcDimensionMismatch (computed_quantities[i].size(), 2));
+ computed_quantities[i](0) = duh[i][0]; // norm of x gradient
+ computed_quantities[i](1) = dduh[i][0].norm(); // norm of x hessian
+ }
+template <int dim>
+class TestPointValueHistory
+ TestPointValueHistory();
+ void run();
+ void output_results (unsigned int step, Vector <double> solution) const;
+ Triangulation <dim> triangulation;
+ FE_Q<dim> finite_element;
+ DoFHandler <dim > dof_handler;
+ PointValueHistory <dim> test_copy;
+ std::vector <Point <dim> > postprocessor_locations;
+template <int dim>
+TestPointValueHistory<dim>::TestPointValueHistory() :
+ finite_element(2),
+ dof_handler(triangulation)
+{ }
+template <int dim>
+void TestPointValueHistory<dim>::run()
+ // Make a triangulation
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(triangulation, 0, 1);
+ triangulation.refine_global(2); // refine 2 times to make 5 nodes per side
+ // make a DOF handler, a model solution filled with ones and a flow vector
+// DoFHandler <dim > dof_handler(triangulation);
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(finite_element);
+ DoFRenumbering::Cuthill_McKee(dof_handler);
+ // Vector
+ Vector <double> solution, post_processed, poles;
+ solution.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ post_processed.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ poles.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
+// // BlockVector
+ // BlockVector not used with scalar fields generally
+ // set up a simple linear discrete time system so that time plots vary
+ // over the mesh but can be easily checked. The basic idea is to have each
+ // component of the fe_system to depend on a specific dimension (i.e component 0
+ // depends on dim 0, etc. % dim handles the case where there are more components
+ // than dimensions. The code breaks down at the edges of the mesh and this is
+ // not corrected for. The code used in this test is simplified from point_value_history_01.
+ {
+ Quadrature<dim> quadrature_formula(finite_element.get_unit_support_points ());
+ FEValues<dim> fe_values(finite_element, quadrature_formula, update_values | update_quadrature_points); // just need local_dof_indices and quadrature_points
+ std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices(finite_element.dofs_per_cell);
+ std::vector<Point<dim> > dof_locations(finite_element.dofs_per_cell);
+ typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell, endc;
+ cell = dof_handler.begin_active();
+ endc = dof_handler.end();
+ for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
+ {
+ fe_values.reinit(cell); // need to get local_dof_indices
+ cell->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices);
+ dof_locations = fe_values.get_quadrature_points();
+ for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof != finite_element.dofs_per_cell; dof++)
+ {
+ unsigned int dof_component = finite_element.system_to_component_index(dof).first;
+ // The line above will always evaluate to 1,
+ // simplifying the remaining lines
+ poles(local_dof_indices[dof]) = -dof_locations[dof](dof_component % dim);
+ if (dof_component == dim) // components start numbering at 0
+ poles(local_dof_indices[dof]) = -0.1; // dim+1th component is not handled well by the code above
+ solution(local_dof_indices [dof]) = 1; // start all solutions at 1
+ }
+ } // loop over all cells
+ poles.add(1.0); // slow down the pole settling time
+ post_processed.add(3.0); // set to starting value.
+// output_results(10, poles);
+ }
+ // Setup monitor node to print variation over time
+ unsigned int n_inputs = 1;
+ PointValueHistory<dim> node_monitor (dof_handler, n_inputs);
+ PointValueHistory<dim> no_dof_handler (n_inputs);
+ // check that the assignment operator is valid
+ test_copy = node_monitor;
+ test_copy.add_point(Point<2>(1, 0.2));
+ test_copy.add_field_name("Solution");
+ std::vector < std::vector <Point <dim> > > selected_locations;
+ test_copy.get_support_locations(selected_locations);
+ test_copy.mark_support_locations();
+ test_copy.close();
+ test_copy.start_new_dataset(0.1);
+ test_copy.evaluate_field("Solution", solution);
+ std::vector <double> input_value(n_inputs, 1);
+ test_copy.push_back_independent(input_value);
+ test_copy.write_gnuplot("point_value_history_03/Test_Copy");
+ test_copy.status(deallog.get_file_stream());
+ test_copy.clear ();
+ // end of assignment operator check
+ {
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("Solution");
+ std::vector <std::string> solution_names;
+ solution_names.push_back("Solution");
+ node_monitor.add_component_names ("Solution", solution_names);
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("Post Processed Vector"); // not sensitive to spaces
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("Pressure", 1);
+ std::vector <bool> component_mask (1, true);
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("Req_sol", component_mask);
+ component_mask = std::vector <bool> (2, false);
+ component_mask[0] = true;
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("X_gradient", component_mask);
+ component_mask = std::vector <bool> (2, false);
+ component_mask[1] = true;
+ node_monitor.add_field_name("X_hessian", component_mask);
+ std::vector <std::string> indep_names;
+ indep_names.push_back ("Input");
+ node_monitor.add_independent_names(indep_names);
+ // two alternatives here, adding a point at a time or a vector of points
+ // 2d points
+ std::vector <Point < 2 > > point_vector(5, Point < 2 > ());
+ point_vector[0] = Point < 2 > (0, 0); // some of these points will hit a node, others won't
+ point_vector[1] = Point < 2 > (0.25, 0);
+ point_vector[2] = Point < 2 > (0.25, 0.45);
+ point_vector[3] = Point < 2 > (0.45, 0.45);
+ point_vector[4] = Point < 2 > (0.8, 0.8);
+ node_monitor.add_points(point_vector);
+ node_monitor.add_point(Point<2>(1, 0.2)); // add a single point
+ // MonitorNode requires that the instance is 'closed' before any data is added
+ // this ensures that points are not added once time starts.
+ node_monitor.close();
+ no_dof_handler.close(); // closing still required!
+ std::vector < std::vector <Point <dim> > > selected_locations;
+ node_monitor.get_support_locations(selected_locations);
+ Vector<double> node_locations = node_monitor.mark_support_locations();
+ QGauss<dim> postprocess_quadrature (2);
+ node_monitor.get_postprocessor_locations(postprocess_quadrature, postprocessor_locations);
+ }
+ double delta_t = 0.000001;
+ double t_max = 0.00001;
+ unsigned int step = 0;
+ for (double time = 0; time < t_max; time = time + delta_t)
+ {
+ node_monitor.start_new_dataset(time);
+ no_dof_handler.start_new_dataset(time);
+ // time and input are special, they don't vary over the mesh.
+ std::vector <double> input_value(n_inputs, 1); // manufacture an input value
+ node_monitor.push_back_independent(input_value);
+ no_dof_handler.push_back_independent(input_value);
+ node_monitor.evaluate_field("Solution", solution);
+ node_monitor.evaluate_field("Post Processed Vector", post_processed);
+ node_monitor.evaluate_field("Pressure", solution);
+ node_monitor.evaluate_field_at_requested_location("Req_sol", solution);
+ Postprocess<dim> postprocessor;
+ QGauss<dim> postprocess_quadrature (2);
+ std::vector<std::string> names;
+ names.push_back ("X_gradient");
+ names.push_back ("X_hessian");
+ node_monitor.evaluate_field(names, solution, postprocessor, postprocess_quadrature);
+// output_results (step, solution);
+ step++;
+ solution.scale(poles); // decaying exponentials of varying time constants
+ post_processed = solution;
+ post_processed.add(2.0); // simple post processing, giving it a dc offset
+ }
+ node_monitor.write_gnuplot("point_value_history_03/node", postprocessor_locations);
+ no_dof_handler.write_gnuplot("point_value_history_03/no_dof"); // no point in adding postprocessor_locations
+ node_monitor.status (deallog.get_file_stream());
+ no_dof_handler.status (deallog.get_file_stream());
+ deallog << "Starting data files" << std::endl;
+ // copy all the data into deallog and
+ // delete those files
+ const std::string filenames[]
+ = { "point_value_history_03/node_00.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_03/node_01.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_03/node_02.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_03/node_03.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_03/node_04.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_03/node_05.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_03/node_indep.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_03/Test_Copy_00.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_03/Test_Copy_indep.gpl",
+ "point_value_history_03/no_dof_indep.gpl" };
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(filenames)/sizeof(filenames[0]); ++i)
+ {
+ deallog << "Copying output file " << filenames[i]
+ << std::endl;
+ std::ifstream in(filenames[i].c_str());
+ AssertThrow (in, ExcIO());
+ std::string s;
+ while (in)
+ {
+ std::getline (in, s);
+ deallog << s << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::remove (filenames[i].c_str());
+ deallog << std::endl;
+ }
+template <int dim>
+void TestPointValueHistory<dim>::output_results (unsigned int step, Vector <double> solution) const
+ DataOut<dim> data_out;
+ data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof_handler);
+ data_out.add_data_vector (solution, "solution");
+ data_out.build_patches (2);
+ std::ostringstream filename;
+ filename << "point_value_history_03/solution-"
+ << Utilities::int_to_string (step, 2)
+ << ".gpl";
+ std::ofstream output (filename.str().c_str());
+ data_out.write_gnuplot (output);
+int main()
+ std::ofstream logfile("point_value_history_03/output");
+ logfile << std::setprecision(2);
+ deallog << std::setprecision(2);
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ deallog.threshold_double(1.e-10);
+ TestPointValueHistory<2> test;
--- /dev/null
+***PointValueHistory status output***
+Closed: 1
+Cleared: 0
+Triangulation_changed: 0
+Have_dof_handler: 1
+Geometric Data
+# Requested location: 1.0 0.20
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+69 : 1.0 0.25
+Independent value(s): 1 : 1
+Mnemonic: data set size (mask size, n true components) : n data sets
+Solution: 1 (1, 1) : 1
+***end of status output***
+***PointValueHistory status output***
+Closed: 1
+Cleared: 0
+Triangulation_changed: 0
+Have_dof_handler: 1
+Geometric Data
+# Requested location: 0.0 0.0
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+0 : 0.0 0.0
+# Requested location: 0.25 0.0
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+4 : 0.25 0.0
+# Requested location: 0.25 0.45
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+23 : 0.25 0.50
+# Requested location: 0.45 0.45
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+24 : 0.50 0.50
+# Requested location: 0.80 0.80
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+48 : 0.75 0.75
+# Requested location: 1.0 0.20
+# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+69 : 1.0 0.25
+Independent value(s): 1 : 10
+Names: <Input>
+Mnemonic: data set size (mask size, n true components) : n data sets
+Post Processed Vector: 6 (1, 1) : 10
+Pressure: 6 (1, 1) : 10
+Req_sol: 6 (1, 1) : 10
+Solution: 6 (1, 1) : 10
+X_gradient: 6 (2, 1) : 10
+X_hessian: 6 (2, 1) : 10
+***end of status output***
+***PointValueHistory status output***
+Closed: 1
+Cleared: 0
+Triangulation_changed: 0
+Have_dof_handler: 0
+Geometric Data
+No points stored currently
+Independent value(s): 1 : 10
+***end of status output***
+DEAL::Starting data files
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_03/node_00.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 0 0
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 0 : 0 0
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.0528312 0.0528312#
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Solution> <X_gradient_0> <X_hessian_0>
+DEAL::0 1 3 1 1 1 0 8.46659e-09
+DEAL::1e-06 1 3 1 1 1 -1 8.35385e-09
+DEAL::2e-06 1 3 1 1 1 -1.89434 2
+DEAL::3e-06 1 3 1 1 1 -2.69139 5.25
+DEAL::4e-06 1 3 1 1 1 -3.39968 9.21875
+DEAL::5e-06 1 3 1 1 1 -4.0276 13.5352
+DEAL::6e-06 1 3 1 1 1 -4.58314 17.9448
+DEAL::7e-06 1 3 1 1 1 -5.07383 22.2779
+DEAL::8e-06 1 3 1 1 1 -5.50663 26.4253
+DEAL::9e-06 1 3 1 1 1 -5.88791 30.3212
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_03/node_01.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 0.25 0
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 4 : 0.25 0
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.197169 0.0528312#
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Solution> <X_gradient_0> <X_hessian_0>
+DEAL::0 1 3 1 1 1 0 2.19707e-09
+DEAL::1e-06 1 2.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 -1 1.7506e-09
+DEAL::2e-06 1 2.5625 0.5625 0.5625 0.5625 -1.60566 2
+DEAL::3e-06 1 2.42188 0.421875 0.421875 0.421875 -1.93361 5.25
+DEAL::4e-06 1 2.31641 0.316406 0.316406 0.316406 -2.06907 9.21875
+DEAL::5e-06 1 2.2373 0.237305 0.237305 0.237305 -2.07397 13.5352
+DEAL::6e-06 1 2.17798 0.177979 0.177979 0.177979 -1.99303 17.9448
+DEAL::7e-06 1 2.13348 0.133484 0.133484 0.133484 -1.8583 22.2779
+DEAL::8e-06 1 2.10011 0.100113 0.100113 0.100113 -1.69247 26.4253
+DEAL::9e-06 1 2.07508 0.0750847 0.0750847 0.0750847 -1.51142 30.3212
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_03/node_02.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 0.25 0.45
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 23 : 0.25 0.5
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.197169 0.447169#
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Solution> <X_gradient_0> <X_hessian_0>
+DEAL::0 1 3 1 1 1 -8.88178e-16 3.08136e-09
+DEAL::1e-06 1 2.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 -1 2.4926e-09
+DEAL::2e-06 1 2.5625 0.5625 0.5625 0.5625 -1.60566 2
+DEAL::3e-06 1 2.42188 0.421875 0.421875 0.421875 -1.93361 5.25
+DEAL::4e-06 1 2.31641 0.316406 0.316406 0.316406 -2.06907 9.21875
+DEAL::5e-06 1 2.2373 0.237305 0.237305 0.237305 -2.07397 13.5352
+DEAL::6e-06 1 2.17798 0.177979 0.177979 0.177979 -1.99303 17.9448
+DEAL::7e-06 1 2.13348 0.133484 0.133484 0.133484 -1.8583 22.2779
+DEAL::8e-06 1 2.10011 0.100113 0.100113 0.100113 -1.69247 26.4253
+DEAL::9e-06 1 2.07508 0.0750847 0.0750847 0.0750847 -1.51142 30.3212
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_03/node_03.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 0.45 0.45
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 24 : 0.5 0.5
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.447169 0.447169#
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Solution> <X_gradient_0> <X_hessian_0>
+DEAL::0 1 3 1 1 1 -8.88178e-16 3.08136e-09
+DEAL::1e-06 1 2.5 0.5 0.55 0.5 -1 1.72237e-09
+DEAL::2e-06 1 2.25 0.25 0.3025 0.25 -1.10566 2
+DEAL::3e-06 1 2.125 0.125 0.165625 0.125 -0.916867 3.75
+DEAL::4e-06 1 2.0625 0.0625 0.0896875 0.0625 -0.675079 4.71875
+DEAL::5e-06 1 2.03125 0.03125 0.0475586 0.03125 -0.464784 4.98047
+DEAL::6e-06 1 2.01562 0.015625 0.0242896 0.015625 -0.305802 4.76123
+DEAL::7e-06 1 2.00781 0.0078125 0.0115738 0.0078125 -0.194193 4.2746
+DEAL::8e-06 1 2.00391 0.00390625 0.00476261 0.00390625 -0.119462 3.67699
+DEAL::9e-06 1 2.00195 0.00195312 0.00124056 0.00195312 -0.0711287 3.06777
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_03/node_04.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 0.8 0.8
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 48 : 0.75 0.75
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.802831 0.802831#
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Solution> <X_gradient_0> <X_hessian_0>
+DEAL::0 1 3 1 1 1 0 8.46659e-09
+DEAL::1e-06 1 2.25 0.25 0.2 0.25 -1 2.0107e-09
+DEAL::2e-06 1 2.0625 0.0625 0.04 0.0625 -0.394338 2
+DEAL::3e-06 1 2.01562 0.015625 0.00875 0.015625 -0.116627 0.75
+DEAL::4e-06 1 2.00391 0.00390625 0.00203125 0.00390625 -0.0314119 0.21875
+DEAL::5e-06 1 2.00098 0.000976562 0.000488281 0.000976562 -0.00813489 0.0585937
+DEAL::6e-06 1 2.00024 0.000244141 0.000119629 0.000244141 -0.00206896 0.0151367
+DEAL::7e-06 1 2.00006 6.10352e-05 2.96021e-05 6.10352e-05 -0.000521645 0.00384521
+DEAL::8e-06 1 2.00002 1.52588e-05 7.36237e-06 1.52588e-05 -0.000130962 0.000968933
+DEAL::9e-06 1 2 3.8147e-06 1.83582e-06 3.8147e-06 -3.28093e-05 0.000243187
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_03/node_05.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 1 0.2
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 69 : 1 0.25
+DEAL::# Postprocessor location: 0.947169 0.197169#
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input> <Post Processed Vector_0> <Pressure_0> <Req_sol_0> <Solution> <X_gradient_0> <X_hessian_0>
+DEAL::0 1 3 1 1 1 -8.88178e-16 3.08136e-09
+DEAL::1e-06 1 2 0 0 0 -1 1.84763e-10
+DEAL::2e-06 1 2 0 0 0 -0.105662 2
+DEAL::3e-06 1 2 0 0 0 -0.00837341 0.75
+DEAL::4e-06 1 2 0 0 0 0.000161921 0.21875
+DEAL::5e-06 1 2 0 0 0 0.00032239 0.0585938
+DEAL::6e-06 1 2 0 0 0 0.000115836 0.0151367
+DEAL::7e-06 1 2 0 0 0 3.33639e-05 0.00384521
+DEAL::8e-06 1 2 0 0 0 8.89157e-06 0.000968933
+DEAL::9e-06 1 2 0 0 0 2.29172e-06 0.000243187
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_03/node_indep.gpl
+DEAL::# Data independent of mesh location
+DEAL::# <Key> <Input>
+DEAL::0 1
+DEAL::1e-06 1
+DEAL::2e-06 1
+DEAL::3e-06 1
+DEAL::4e-06 1
+DEAL::5e-06 1
+DEAL::6e-06 1
+DEAL::7e-06 1
+DEAL::8e-06 1
+DEAL::9e-06 1
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_03/Test_Copy_00.gpl
+DEAL::# Requested location: 1 0.2
+DEAL::# DoF_index : Support location (for each component)
+DEAL::# 69 : 1 0.25
+DEAL::# <Key> <Indep_0> <Solution_0>
+DEAL::0.1 1 1
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_03/Test_Copy_indep.gpl
+DEAL::# Data independent of mesh location
+DEAL::# <Key> <Indep_0>
+DEAL::0.1 1
+DEAL::Copying output file point_value_history_03/no_dof_indep.gpl
+DEAL::# Data independent of mesh location
+DEAL::# <Key> <Indep_0>
+DEAL::0 1
+DEAL::1e-06 1
+DEAL::2e-06 1
+DEAL::3e-06 1
+DEAL::4e-06 1
+DEAL::5e-06 1
+DEAL::6e-06 1
+DEAL::7e-06 1
+DEAL::8e-06 1
+DEAL::9e-06 1