* owned by one.
* On the other hand, if the second argument is true, then the index sets
- * can be overlapping, though they still need to contain each index exactly
- * once on all processors taken together. This is a useful operation if we
- * want to create vectors that not only contain the locally owned indices,
- * but for example also the elements that correspond to degrees of freedom
- * located on ghost cells.
+ * can be overlapping, and they also do not need to span the whole index
+ * set. This is a useful operation if we want to create vectors that not
+ * only contain the locally owned indices, but for example also the elements
+ * that correspond to degrees of freedom located on ghost cells. Another
+ * application of this method is to select a subset of the elements of a
+ * vector, e.g. for extracting only certain solution components.
Epetra_Map make_trilinos_map (const MPI_Comm &communicator = MPI_COMM_WORLD,
const bool overlapping = false) const;