-<li> Fixed: writing vtu output when no ZLIB is found.
+<li> Fixed: When <code>./configure</code> does not detect the presence
+of <code>zlib</code>, writing output in VTU format failed to produce
+a valid output file.
(Timo Heister, 2012/01/03)
possible to override those by using PETSc command-line options
<code>-ksp_*</code>; giving greater flexability in controling PETSc
solvers. (See class documentation).
(Vijay S. Mahadevan, 2011/12/22)
<li> New: The GridIn class now also reads the GMSH format 2.2 as written by
(Vijay S. Mahadevan, Wolfgang Bangerth, 2011/12/19)
-<li> Fixed: When <code>./configure</code> does not detect the presence
-of <code>zlib</code>, writing output in VTU format failed to produce
-a valid output file.
-(Timo Heister, 2011/12/16)
<li> Improved: The GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_optimize function
assumed that the expected convergence order was 2. It has now gotten an
argument by which the user can prescribe a different value. A bug has also