nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations. However, in this tutorial program,
we will focus on the simpler Stokes system.
+Note that when deriving the more general compressible Navier-Stokes equations,
+the diffusion is modeled as the divergence of the stress tensor
+ \tau = - \mu (2\varepsilon(\textbf{u}) - \frac{2}{3}\nabla \cdot \textbf{u} I),
+where $\mu$ is the viscosity of the fluid. With the assumption of $\mu=1$
+(assume constant viscosity and non-dimensionalize the equation by dividing out
+$\mu$) and assuming incompressibility ($\textrm{div}\; \textbf{u}=0$), we
+arrive at the formulation from above:
+ \textrm{div}\; \tau = -2\textrm{div}\;\varepsilon(\textbf{u}).
+A different formulation uses the Laplace operator ($-\triangle \textbf{u}$)
+instead of the symmetrized gradient. A big difference here is that the
+different components of the velocity do not couple. If you assume additional
+regularity of the solution $\textbf{u}$ (second partial derivatives exist and
+are continuous), the formulations are equivalent:
+ \textrm{div}\; \tau
+ = -2\textrm{div}\;\varepsilon(\textbf{u})
+ = -\triangle \textbf{u} + \nabla \cdot (\nabla\textbf{u})^T
+ = -\triangle \textbf{u}.
+This is because the $i$th entry of $\nabla \cdot (\nabla\textbf{u})^T$ is given by:
+[\nabla \cdot (\nabla\textbf{u})^T]_i
+= \sum_j \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} [(\nabla\textbf{u})^T]_{i,j}
+= \sum_j \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} [(\nabla\textbf{u})]_{j,i}
+= \sum_j \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} \textbf{u}_j
+= \sum_j \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} \textbf{u}_j
+= \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} \textrm{div}\; \textbf{u}
+= 0.
+If you can not assume the above mentioned regularity, or if your viscosity is
+not a constant, the equivalence no longer holds. Therefore, we decided to
+stick with the more physically accurate symmetric tensor formulation in this
To be well-posed, we will have to add boundary conditions to the
equations. What boundary conditions are readily possible here will
become clear once we discuss the weak form of the equations.
forming the dot product from the left with a vector-valued test
-function $\phi = \begin{pmatrix}\textbf v \\ q\end{pmatrix}$ and integrating
+function $\phi = \begin{pmatrix}\textbf{v} \\ q\end{pmatrix}$ and integrating
over the domain $\Omega$, yielding the following set of equations:
(\mathrm v,
(\textbf{v}, \textbf{f})_\Omega,
-which has to hold for all test functions $\phi = \begin{pmatrix}\textbf v
+which has to hold for all test functions $\phi = \begin{pmatrix}\textbf{v}
\\ q\end{pmatrix}$.
In practice, one wants to impose as little regularity on the pressure
variable as possible; consequently, we integrate by parts the second term:
- (\mathrm v, -2\; \textrm{div}\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
+ (\textbf{v}, -2\; \textrm{div}\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
- (\textrm{div}\; \textbf{v}, p)_{\Omega}
+ (\textbf{n}\cdot\textbf{v}, p)_{\partial\Omega}
Likewise, we integrate by parts the first term to obtain
- (\nabla \mathrm v, 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
+ (\nabla \textbf{v}, 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
- (\textbf{n} \otimes \mathrm v, 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\partial\Omega}
+ (\textbf{n} \otimes \textbf{v}, 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\partial\Omega}
- (\textrm{div}\; \textbf{v}, p)_{\Omega}
+ (\textbf{n}\cdot\textbf{v}, p)_{\partial\Omega}
where the scalar product between two tensor-valued quantities is here
defined as
- (\nabla \mathrm v, 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
+ (\nabla \textbf{v}, 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
2 \int_\Omega \sum_{i,j=1}^d \frac{\partial v_j}{\partial x_i}
\varepsilon(\textbf{u})_{ij} \ dx.
Because the scalar product between a general tensor like
-$\nabla\mathrm v$ and a symmetric tensor like
+$\nabla\textbf{v}$ and a symmetric tensor like
$\varepsilon(\textbf{u})$ equals the scalar product between the
symmetrized forms of the two, we can also write the bilinear form
above as follows:
- (\varepsilon(\mathrm v), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
+ (\varepsilon(\textbf{v}), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
- (\textbf{n} \otimes \mathrm v, 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\partial\Omega}
+ (\textbf{n} \otimes \textbf{v}, 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\partial\Omega}
- (\textrm{div}\; \textbf{v}, p)_{\Omega}
+ (\textbf{n}\cdot\textbf{v}, p)_{\partial\Omega}
We will deal with the boundary terms in the next section, but it is already
clear from the domain terms
- (\varepsilon(\mathrm v), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
+ (\varepsilon(\textbf{v}), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
- (\textrm{div}\; \textbf{v}, p)_{\Omega}
(q,\textrm{div}\; \textbf{u})_{\Omega}
\textbf u = \textbf g_D \qquad\qquad \textrm{on}\ \Gamma_D.
- Because test functions $\textbf v$ come from the tangent space of
- the solution variable, we have that $\textbf v=0$ on $\Gamma_D$
+ Because test functions $\textbf{v}$ come from the tangent space of
+ the solution variable, we have that $\textbf{v}=0$ on $\Gamma_D$
and consequently that
-(\textbf{n} \otimes \mathrm
(n_i v_j,p \delta_{ij} - 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u})_{ij})_{\Gamma_N}
- (\textbf{n} \otimes \mathrm v,
+ (\textbf{n} \otimes \textbf{v},
p \textbf{1} - 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Gamma_N}.
- (\mathrm v,
+ (\textbf{v},
\textbf{n}\cdot [p \textbf{1} - 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u})])_{\Gamma_N}.
In other words, on the Neumann part of the boundary we can
If the boundary is subdivided into Dirichlet and Neumann parts
$\Gamma_D,\Gamma_N$, this then leads to the following weak form:
- (\varepsilon(\mathrm v), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
+ (\varepsilon(\textbf{v}), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
- (\textrm{div}\; \textbf{v}, p)_{\Omega}
(q,\textrm{div}\; \textbf{u})_{\Omega}
with a rank-2 tensor (matrix) $\textbf S$. The associated weak form is
- (\varepsilon(\mathrm v), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
+ (\varepsilon(\textbf{v}), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
- (\textrm{div}\; \textbf{v}, p)_{\Omega}
(q,\textrm{div}\; \textbf{u})_{\Omega}
$\textbf u\in \textbf V_g = \{\varphi \in H^1(\Omega)^d: \varphi_{\Gamma_D}=\textbf
g_D\}, p\in Q=L^2(\Omega)$ so that
- (\varepsilon(\mathrm v), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
+ (\varepsilon(\textbf{v}), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf{u}))_{\Omega}
- (\textrm{div}\; \textbf{v}, p)_{\Omega}
(q,\textrm{div}\; \textbf{u})_{\Omega}
(\textbf{v}, \textbf g_N)_{\Gamma_N}
for all test functions
-$\textbf v\in \textbf V_0 = \{\varphi \in H^1(\Omega)^d: \varphi_{\Gamma_D}=0\},q\in
+$\textbf{v}\in \textbf V_0 = \{\varphi \in H^1(\Omega)^d: \varphi_{\Gamma_D}=0\},q\in
These equations represent a symmetric saddle point problem. It is well known
This then leads to the following discrete problem: find $\textbf u_h,p_h$ so
- (\varepsilon(\mathrm v_h), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf u_h))_{\Omega}
+ (\varepsilon(\textbf{v}_h), 2\; \varepsilon(\textbf u_h))_{\Omega}
- (\textrm{div}\; \textbf{v}_h, p_h)_{\Omega}
(q_h,\textrm{div}\; \textbf{u}_h)_{\Omega}
(\textbf{v}_h, \textbf g_N)_{\Gamma_N}
-for all test functions $\textbf v_h, q_h$. Assembling the linear system
+for all test functions $\textbf{v}_h, q_h$. Assembling the linear system
associated with this problem follows the same lines used in @ref step_20
"step-20", step-21, and explained in detail in the @ref
vector_valued module.