neutrons, $D$ is the diffusion coefficient, $\Sigma_a$ is the <i>absorption
cross section</i>, and $S$ is a source. Because we are only interested in the
time dependence, we assume that $D$ and $\Sigma_a$ are constant. In this
-example, we are only interested in the error in time and thus, we are looking
-for a solution of the form:
+example, we are only interested in the error in time. The domain is square
+$[0,b]\times[0,b] and we are looking for a solution of the form:
\phi(x,t) = A\sin(\omega t)(bx-x^2).
-By using quadratic finite elements, we will not have any spatial error. We
+By using quadratic finite elements, we will not have any spatial error and all
+the error will come from the time discretization. We
impose the following boundary conditions: homogeneous Dirichlet fo $x=0$ and
$x=b$ and homogeneous Neumann conditions for $y=0$ and $y=b$. The source is
given by:
-The Runke-Kutta methods implemented in deal.II assume that the equation to be
+The Runge-Kutta methods implemented in deal.II assume that the equation to be
solved can be written as:
\frac{dy}{dt} = f(t,y).
-k_i = h M^{-1} f(t_n+c_ih,y_n+\sum_{j=1}^sa_{ij}k_j)
+k_i = h M^{-1} f\left(t_n+c_ih,y_n+\sum_{j=1}^sa_{ij}k_j\right)
with $a_{ij}$, $b_i$, and $c_i$ are known coefficient and $h$ is the time step
-used. The methods currently implemented in deal.II can be divided in three
+used. At the time of the writing of this tutorial, the methods implemented in
+deal.II can be divided in three categories:
<li> explicit Runge-Kutta
<li> embedded (or adaptive) Runge-Kutta
<h4>Embedded Runge-Kutta</h4>
These methods include Heun-Euler, Bogacki-Shampine, Dormand-Prince (ode45 in
Matlab), Fehlberg, and Cash-Karp. These methods use a low order method to
-estimate the error and decide if the time step needs to be refined or it can be
-coarsen. Only embedded explicit methods have been implemented so far.
+estimate the error and decide if the time step needs to be refined or coarsen.
+Only embedded explicit methods have been implemented at the time of the writing.
<h4>Implicit Runge-Kutta</h4>
These methods include backward Euler, implicit midpoint, Crank-Nicolson, and the
two stages SDIRK. These methods require to evaluate $M^{-1}f(t,y)$ and
-$\left(I-\Delta t M^{-1} \frac{\partial f}{\partial Y}\right) = \left(M - \Delta
-t \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\right)^{-1} M$. These methods are always stable.
+$\left(I-\Delta t M^{-1} \frac{\partial f}{\partial Y}\right)$ or equivalently
+$\left(M - \Deltat \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\right)^{-1} M$. These methods are
+always stable.
-To simplify the problem, we solve the domain in two dimensional and the mesh is
+To simplify the problem, the domain is two dimensional and the mesh is
uniform (there is no need to adapt the mesh since we use quadratic finite
elements and the exact solution is quadratic). Going from a two dimensional
domain to a three dimensional domain is not very challenging. However if the
// @sect3{Include files}
-// The first task as usal is to include the functionality of these well-known
+// The first task as usual is to include the functionality of these well-known
// deal.II library files and some C++ header files.
#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
+ // This function is the driver that will call the other ones.
void run();
// Compute the intensity of the source at the given point.
double get_source(double time,const Point<2> &point) const;
- // Evaluate the diffusion equation $M^{-1}(f(t,y))$
+ // Evaluate the diffusion equation $M^{-1}(f(t,y))$ at a given time and
+ // for a given y.
Vector<double> evaluate_diffusion(const double time, const Vector<double> &y) const;
- // Evaluate $\left(I-\tau M^{-1} \frac{\partial f(t,y)}{\partial y}\right)^{-1} =
- // \left(M-\tau \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\right)^{-1} M $
+ // Evaluate $\left(I-\tau M^{-1} \frac{\partial f(t,y)}{\partial y}\right)^{-1}$ or
+ // equivalently $\left(M-\tau \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\right)^{-1} M$ at a given
+ // time, for a given $\tau$ and y.
Vector<double> id_minus_tau_J_inverse(const double time, const double tau,
const Vector<double> &y);
- // Output the results as vtu
+ // Output the results as vtu files.
void output_results(unsigned int time_step,TimeStepping::runge_kutta_method method) const;
- // Driver for the explicit methods
+ // Driver for the explicit methods.
void explicit_method(TimeStepping::runge_kutta_method method,
const unsigned int n_time_steps,
const double initial_time,
const double final_time);
- // Driver for the implicit methods
+ // Driver for the implicit methods.
void implicit_method(TimeStepping::runge_kutta_method method,
const unsigned int n_time_steps,
const double initial_time,
const double final_time);
+ // The next parameters are self-explanatory.
unsigned int fe_degree;
double diffusion_coefficient;
- // We choose quadratic finite elements so that there are no spatial error.
+ // We choose quadratic finite elements so there are no spatial error and we
+ // initialize the parameters.
+ // @sect5{<code>Diffusion::setup_system</code>}
void Diffusion::setup_system()
+ // Initialize the matrices and the solution vector.
+ // @sect5{<code>Diffusion::assemble_system</code>}
void Diffusion::assemble_system()
system_matrix = 0.;
cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
endc = dof_handler.end();
- // Compute $-\int D \nabla b \cdot \nabla b - \int \Sigma_a b b $ and $\int b b $
+ // Compute $-\int D \nabla b \cdot \nabla b - \int \Sigma_a b b $ and the mass matrix
+ // $\int b b$.
for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
cell_matrix = 0.;
+ // @sect5{<code>Diffusion::get_source</code>}
+ //
+ // Compute the source for a given time and a given point.
double Diffusion::get_source(double time,const Point<2> &point) const
const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
+ // @sect5{<code>Diffusion:evaluate_diffusion</code>}
+ //
+ // Evaluate the diffusion weak form give a time t and a vector y.
Vector<double> Diffusion::evaluate_diffusion(const double time, const Vector<double> &y) const
Vector<double> tmp(dof_handler.n_dofs());
// Compute system_matrix*y
- // Compute the source term
const QGauss<2> quadrature_formula(fe_degree+1);
FEValues<2> fe_values(fe, quadrature_formula,
+ // @sect5{<code>Diffusion::id_minus_tau_J_inverse</code>}
+ //
+ // We compute $\left(M-\tau \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\right)^{-1} M$.
Vector<double> Diffusion::id_minus_tau_J_inverse(const double time, const double tau,
const Vector<double> &y)
Vector<double> result(y);
SparseDirectUMFPACK inverse_mass_minus_tau_Jacobian;
+ // Compute $M-\tau \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}$.
+ // Inverse the matrix to get $\left(M-\tau \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\right)^{-1}$
+ // Compute $tmp=My$.
+ // Compute $\left(M-\tau \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\right)^{-1} tmp$
return result;
+ // @sect5{<code>Diffusion::output_results}
void Diffusion::output_results(unsigned int time_step,TimeStepping::runge_kutta_method method) const
std::string method_name;
+ // sect5{<code>Diffusion::explicit_method</code>}
void Diffusion::explicit_method(TimeStepping::runge_kutta_method method,
const unsigned int n_time_steps,
const double initial_time,
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_time_steps; ++i)
- // Because we use a member function, we need to bind this to the
+ // Because we use a member function, we need to bind $this$ to the
// function.
time = explicit_runge_kutta.evolve_one_time_step(
+ // sect5{<code>Diffusion::implicit_method</code>}
void Diffusion::implicit_method(TimeStepping::runge_kutta_method method,
const unsigned int n_time_steps,
const double initial_time,
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_time_steps; ++i)
- // Because we use a member function, we need to bind this to the
+ // Because we use a member function, we need to bind $this$ to the
// function.
time = implicit_runge_kutta.evolve_one_time_step(
+ // sect5{<code>Diffusion::embedded_explicit_method</code>}
unsigned int Diffusion::embedded_explicit_method(TimeStepping::runge_kutta_method method,
const unsigned int n_time_steps,
const double initial_time,
if (time+time_step>final_time)
time_step = final_time-time;
- // Because we use a member function, we need to bind this to the
+ // Because we use a member function, we need to bind $this$ to the
// function.
time = embedded_explicit_runge_kutta.evolve_one_time_step(
+ // sect5{<code>Diffusion::run</code>}
void Diffusion::run()
// Create the grid (a square [0,5]x[0,5]) and refine the mesh four times.
- // The final gird has 16 times 16 cells, for a total of 256.
+ // The final gird has 16 by 16 cells, for a total of 256.
GridGenerator::hyper_cube(triangulation, 0., 5.);
- // Set the boundary indicator for x=0 and x=5 to 1
+ // Set the boundary indicator for x=0 and x=5 to 1.
typename Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator
cell = triangulation.begin_active(),
endc = triangulation.end();
const double initial_time = 0.;
const double final_time = 10.;
- // Use forward Euler
+ // Use forward Euler.
std::cout<<"Forward Euler error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
- // Use third order Runge-Kutta
+ // Use third order Runge-Kutta.
std::cout<<"Third order Runge-Kutta error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
- // Use fourth order Runge-Kutta
+ // Use fourth order Runge-Kutta.
std::cout<<"Fourth order Runge-Kutta error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
- // Use backward Euler
+ // Use backward Euler.
std::cout<<"Backward Euler error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
- // Use implicit midpoint
+ // Use implicit midpoint.
std::cout<<"Implicit Midpoint error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
- // Use Crank-NICOLSON
+ // Use Crank-NICOLSON.
std::cout<<"Crank-Nicolson error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
- // Use two stages SDIRK
+ // Use two stages SDIRK.
std::cout<<"SDIRK error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
- // Use Heun-Euler
+ // Use Heun-Euler.
n_steps = embedded_explicit_method(TimeStepping::HEUN_EULER,n_time_steps,initial_time,final_time);
std::cout<<"Heun-Euler error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Number of steps done: "<<n_steps<<std::endl;
- // Use Bogacki-Shampine
+ // Use Bogacki-Shampine.
n_steps = embedded_explicit_method(TimeStepping::BOGACKI_SHAMPINE,n_time_steps,initial_time,final_time);
std::cout<<"Bogacki-Shampine error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Number of steps done: "<<n_steps<<std::endl;
- // Use Dopri
+ // Use Dopri.
n_steps = embedded_explicit_method(TimeStepping::DOPRI,n_time_steps,initial_time,final_time);
std::cout<<"Dopri error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Number of steps done: "<<n_steps<<std::endl;
- // Use Fehlberg
+ // Use Fehlberg.
n_steps = embedded_explicit_method(TimeStepping::FEHLBERG,n_time_steps,initial_time,final_time);
std::cout<<"Fehlberg error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Number of steps done: "<<n_steps<<std::endl;
- // Use Cash-Karp
+ // Use Cash-Karp.
n_steps = embedded_explicit_method(TimeStepping::CASH_KARP,n_time_steps,initial_time,final_time);
std::cout<<"Cash-Karp error: "<<solution.l2_norm()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Number of steps done: "<<n_steps<<std::endl;
+// @sect3{The <code>main()</code> function}
// The following <code>main</code> function is similar to previous examples as
// well, and need not be commented on.
int main ()