- // The generation of the
- // temperature matrix follows the
+ // The creation of the temperature
+ // matrix (or, rather, matrices,
+ // since we provide a temperature
+ // mass matrix and a temperature
+ // stiffness matrix, that will be
+ // added together for time
+ // discretization) follows the
// generation of the Stokes matrix
// – except that it is much
- // easier since we do not need to
- // take care of any blocks.
+ // easier here since we do not need
+ // to take care of any blocks.
temperature_mass_matrix.clear ();
temperature_stiffness_matrix.clear ();
// As last action in this function,
- // we need to set the vectors for
- // the solution $\mathbf u$ and
- // $T^k$, the old solutions
- // $T^{k-1}$ and $T^{k-2}$
- // (required for time stepping) and
- // the system right hand sides to
- // their correct sizes and block
- // structure:
+ // we set the vectors for the
+ // solution $\mathbf u$ and $T^k$,
+ // the old solutions $T^{k-1}$ and
+ // $T^{k-2}$ (required for time
+ // stepping) and the system right
+ // hand sides to their correct
+ // sizes and block structure:
stokes_solution.reinit (stokes_block_sizes);
stokes_rhs.reinit (stokes_block_sizes);
- // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::solve}
+ // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::solve}
+ //
+ // This function solves the linear
+ // equation systems. According to
+ // the introduction, we start with
+ // the Stokes system, where we need
+ // to generate our block Schur
+ // preconditioner. Since all the
+ // relevant actions are implemented
+ // in the class
+ // <tt>BlockSchurPreconditioner</tt>,
+ // all we have to do is to
+ // initialize the class
+ // appropriately. What we need to
+ // pass down is an
+ // <tt>InverseMatrix</tt> object
+ // for the pressure mass matrix,
+ // which we set up using the
+ // respective class together with
+ // the IC preconditioner we already
+ // generated, and the AMG
+ // preconditioner for the
+ // velocity-velocity matrix. Note
+ // that both
+ // <tt>Mp_preconditioner</tt> and
+ // <tt>Amg_preconditioner</tt> are
+ // only pointers, so we use
+ // <tt>*</tt> to pass down the
+ // actual preconditioner objects.
+ //
+ // Once the preconditioner is
+ // ready, we create a GMRES solver
+ // for the block system. Since we
+ // are working with Trilinos data
+ // structures, we have to set the
+ // respective template argument in
+ // the solver. GMRES needs to
+ // internally store temporary
+ // vectors for each iteration (see
+ // even the discussion in the
+ // results section of step-22)
+ // – the more vectors it can
+ // use, the better it will
+ // generally perform. To let memory
+ // demands not increase to much, we
+ // set the number of vectors to
+ // 100. This means that up to 100
+ // solver iterations, every
+ // temporary vector can be
+ // stored. If the solver needs to
+ // iterate more often to get the
+ // specified tolerance, it will
+ // work on a reduced set of vectors
+ // by restarting at every 100
+ // iterations. Then, we solve the
+ // system and distribute the
+ // constraints in the Stokes
+ // system, i.e. hanging nodes and
+ // no-flux boundary condition, in
+ // order to have the appropriate
+ // solution values even at
+ // constrained dofs. Finally, we
+ // write the number of iterations
+ // to the screen.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::solve ()
std::cout << " Solving..." << std::endl;
- // Set up inverse matrix for
- // pressure mass matrix. Then,
- // create the Block Schur
- // preconditioner object.
mp_inverse (stokes_preconditioner_matrix.block(1,1), *Mp_preconditioner);
preconditioner (stokes_matrix, mp_inverse, *Amg_preconditioner);
- // Set up GMRES solver and
- // solve.
SolverControl solver_control (stokes_matrix.m(),
gmres.solve(stokes_matrix, stokes_solution, stokes_rhs, preconditioner);
+ stokes_constraints.distribute (stokes_solution);
std::cout << " "
<< solver_control.last_step()
<< " GMRES iterations for Stokes subsystem."
<< std::endl;
- // Produce a constistent solution
- // field (we can't do this on the 'up'
- // vector since it does not have the
- // temperature component, but
- // hanging_node_constraints has
- // constraints also for the
- // temperature vector)
- stokes_constraints.distribute (stokes_solution);
+ // Once we know the Stokes
+ // solution, we can determine the
+ // new time step from the maximal
+ // velocity. We have to do this to
+ // satisfy the CFL condition since
+ // convection terms are treated
+ // explicitly in the temperature
+ // equation, as discussed in the
+ // introduction. Next we set up the
+ // temperature system and the right
+ // hand side using the function
+ // <tt>assemble_temperature_system()</tt>. Knowing
+ // the matrix and right hand side
+ // of the temperature equation, we
+ // set up a preconditioner and a
+ // solver. The temperature matrix
+ // is a mass matrix plus a Laplace
+ // matrix times a small number, the
+ // time step. Hence, the mass
+ // matrix dominates and we get a
+ // reasonable good preconditioner
+ // by simple means, namely SSOR. We
+ // set the relaxation parameter to
+ // 1.2. As a solver, we choose the
+ // conjugate gradient method CG. As
+ // before, we tell the solver to
+ // use Trilinos vectors via the
+ // template argument
+ // <tt>TrilinosWrappers::Vector</tt>
+ // at construction. Finally, we
+ // solve, distribute the hanging
+ // node constraints and write out
+ // the number of iterations.
old_time_step = time_step;
time_step = 1./(1.6*dim*std::sqrt(1.*dim)) /
temperature_degree *
SolverControl solver_control (temperature_matrix.m(),
- SolverCG<TrilinosWrappers::Vector> cg (solver_control);
+ SolverCG<TrilinosWrappers::Vector> cg (solver_control);
TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionSSOR preconditioner;
preconditioner.initialize (temperature_matrix, 1.2);
cg.solve (temperature_matrix, temperature_solution,
temperature_rhs, preconditioner);
- // produce a consistent temperature field
temperature_constraints.distribute (temperature_solution);
std::cout << " "
<< " CG iterations for temperature."
<< std::endl;
+ // In the end of this function, we
+ // step through the vector and read
+ // out the maximum and minimum
+ // temperature value, which we also
+ // want to output.
double min_temperature = temperature_solution(0),
max_temperature = temperature_solution(0);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<temperature_solution.size(); ++i)
- // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::output_results}
+ // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::output_results}
+ //
+ // This function writes the
+ // solution to a vtk output file
+ // for visualization, which is done
+ // every tenth time step. This is
+ // usually a quite simple task,
+ // since the deal.II library
+ // provides functions that do
+ // almost all the job for us. In
+ // this case, the situation is a
+ // bit more complicated, since we
+ // want to visualize both the
+ // Stokes solution and the
+ // temperature as one data set, but
+ // we have done all the
+ // calculations based on two
+ // different. The way we're going
+ // to achieve this recombination is
+ // to create a joint DoFHandler
+ // that collects both components,
+ // the Stokes solution and the
+ // temperature solution. This can
+ // be nicely done by combining the
+ // finite elements from the two
+ // systems to form one FESystem,
+ // and let this collective system
+ // define a new DoFHandler
+ // object. To be sure that
+ // everything was done correctly,
+ // we perform a sanity check that
+ // ensures that we got all the dofs
+ // from both Stokes and temperature
+ // even in the combined system.
+ //
+ // Next, we create a vector that
+ // collects the actual solution
+ // values (up to now, we've just
+ // provided the tools for it
+ // without reading any data. Since
+ // this vector is only going to be
+ // used for output, we create it as
+ // a deal.II vector that nicely
+ // cooperate with the data output
+ // classes. Remember that we used
+ // Trilinos vectors for assembly
+ // and solving.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::output_results () const
Vector<double> joint_solution (joint_dof_handler.n_dofs());
+ // Unfortunately, there is no
+ // straight-forward relation that
+ // tells us how to sort Stokes and
+ // temperature vector into the
+ // joint vector. The way we can get
+ // around this trouble is to rely
+ // on the information collected in
+ // the FESystem. For each dof in a
+ // cell, the joint finite element
+ // knows to which equation
+ // component (velocity component,
+ // pressure, or temperature) it
+ // belongs – that's the
+ // information we need! So we step
+ // through all cells (as a
+ // complication, we need to create
+ // iterations for the cells in the
+ // Stokes system and the
+ // temperature system, too, even
+ // though they are the same in all
+ // the three cases), and for each
+ // joint cell dof, we read out that
+ // component using the function
+ // <tt>joint_fe.system_to_base_index(i).second</tt>. We
+ // also need to keep track whether
+ // we're on a Stokes dof or a
+ // temperature dof, which is
+ // contained in
+ // <tt>joint_fe.system_to_base_index(i).first.first</tt>. Eventually,
+ // the dof_indices data structures
+ // on either of the three systems
+ // tell us how the relation between
+ // global vector and local dofs
+ // looks like on the present cell,
+ // which concludes this tedious
+ // work.
std::vector<unsigned int> local_joint_dof_indices (joint_fe.dofs_per_cell);
std::vector<unsigned int> local_stokes_dof_indices (stokes_fe.dofs_per_cell);
+ // Next, we proceed as we've done
+ // in step-22. We create solution
+ // names (that are going to appear
+ // in the visualization program for
+ // the individual components), and
+ // attach the joint dof handler to
+ // a DataOut object. The first
+ // <tt>dim</tt> components are the
+ // vector velocity, and then we
+ // have pressure and
+ // temperature. This information is
+ // read out using the
+ // DataComponentInterpretation
+ // helper class. Next, we attach
+ // the solution values together
+ // with the names of its components
+ // to the output object, and build
+ // patches according to the degree
+ // of freedom, which are (sub-)
+ // elements that describe the data
+ // for visualization
+ // programs. Finally, we set a file
+ // name (that includes the time
+ // step number) and write the vtk
+ // file.
std::vector<std::string> joint_solution_names (dim, "velocity");
joint_solution_names.push_back ("p");
joint_solution_names.push_back ("T");
- // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::refine_mesh}
+ // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::refine_mesh}
+ //
+ // This function takes care of the
+ // adaptive mesh refinement. The
+ // three tasks this function
+ // performs is to first find out
+ // which cells to refine/coarsen,
+ // then to actually do the
+ // refinement and eventually
+ // transfer the solution vectors
+ // between the two different
+ // grids. The first task is simply
+ // achieved by using the
+ // well-established Kelly error
+ // estimator on the temperature (it
+ // is the temperature we're mainly
+ // interested in for this program,
+ // and we need to be accurate in
+ // regions of high temperature
+ // gradients, also to not have too
+ // much numerical diffusion). The
+ // second task is to actually do
+ // the remeshing. That involves
+ // only basic functions as well,
+ // such as the
+ // <tt>refine_and_coarsen_fixed_fraction</tt>
+ // that refines the 80 precent of
+ // the cells which have the largest
+ // estimated error and coarsens the
+ // 10 precent with the smallest
+ // error. For reasons of limited
+ // computer ressources, we have to
+ // set a limit on the maximum
+ // refinement level. We do this
+ // after the refinement indicator
+ // has been applied to the cells,
+ // and simply unselect cells with
+ // too high grid level.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::refine_mesh (const unsigned int max_grid_level)
cell = triangulation.begin_active(max_grid_level);
cell != triangulation.end(); ++cell)
cell->clear_refine_flag ();
+ // Before we can apply the mesh
+ // refinement, we have to prepare
+ // the solution vectors that should
+ // be transfered to the new grid
+ // (we will lose the old grid once
+ // we have done the
+ // refinement). What we definetely
+ // need are the current and the old
+ // temperature (BDF-2 time stepping
+ // requires two old
+ // solutions). Since the
+ // SolutionTransfer objects only
+ // support to transfer one object
+ // per dof handler, we need to
+ // collect the two temperature
+ // solutions in one data
+ // structure. Moreover, we choose
+ // to transfer the Stokes solution,
+ // too. The reason for doing so is
+ // that the Stokes solution will
+ // not change dramatically from
+ // step to step, so we get a good
+ // initial guess for the linear
+ // solver when we reuse old data,
+ // which reduces the number of
+ // needed solver iterations. Next,
+ // we initialize the
+ // SolutionTransfer objects, by
+ // attaching them to the old dof
+ // handler. With this at place, we
+ // can prepare the triangulation
+ // and the data vectors for
+ // refinement (in this order).
std::vector<TrilinosWrappers::Vector> x_temperature (2);
x_temperature[0].reinit (temperature_solution);
x_temperature[0] = temperature_solution;
+ // Now everything is ready, so do
+ // the refinement and recreate the
+ // dof structure on the new grid,
+ // and initialize the matrix
+ // structures and the new vectors
+ // in the <tt>setup_dofs</tt>
+ // function. Next, we actually
+ // perform the interpolation of the
+ // solutions between the grids. We
+ // create another copy of temporary
+ // vectors for temperature (now
+ // according to the new grid), and
+ // let the interpolate function do
+ // the job. Then, the new vector is
+ // written into the respective
+ // vector. For the Stokes vector,
+ // everything is just the same
+ // – except that we do not
+ // need another temporary vector
+ // since we just interpolate a
+ // single vector. In the end, we
+ // have to tell the program that
+ // the matrices and preconditioners
+ // need to be regenerated, since
+ // the mesh has changed.
triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement ();
setup_dofs ();
- // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::run}
+ // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::run}
+ //
+ // This function performs all the
+ // essential steps in the
+ // Boussinesq program. It starts by
+ // setting up a grid (depending on
+ // the spatial dimension, we choose
+ // some different level of initial
+ // refinement and additional
+ // adative refinement steps, and
+ // then create a cube in
+ // <tt>dim</tt> dimensions and set
+ // up the dofs for the first
+ // time. Since we want to start the
+ // time stepping already with an
+ // adaptively refined grid, we
+ // perform some pre-refinement
+ // steps, consisting of all
+ // assembly, solution and
+ // refinement, but without actually
+ // advancing in time.
+ //
+ // Before we start, we project the
+ // initial values to the grid and
+ // obtain the first data for the
+ // <tt>old_temperature_solution</tt>
+ // vector. Then, we initialize time
+ // step number and time step and
+ // start the time loop.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::run ()
<< ", dt=" << time_step
<< std::endl;
+ // The first steps in the time loop
+ // are all obvious – we
+ // assemble the Stokes system, the
+ // preconditioner, the temperature
+ // matrix (matrices and
+ // preconditioner do actually only
+ // change in case we've remeshed
+ // before), and then do the
+ // solve. The solution is then
+ // written to screen. Before going
+ // on with the next time step, we
+ // have to check whether we should
+ // first finish the pre-refinement
+ // steps or if we should remesh
+ // (every fifth time step),
+ // refining up to a level that is
+ // consistent with initial
+ // refinement and pre-refinement
+ // steps. Last in the loop is to
+ // advance the solutions, i.e. to
+ // copy the temperature solution to
+ // the next "older" time level.
assemble_stokes_system ();
build_stokes_preconditioner ();
assemble_temperature_matrix ();
old_old_temperature_solution = old_temperature_solution;
old_temperature_solution = temperature_solution;
+ // Do all the above until we arrive
+ // at time 100.
while (time <= 100);
- // @sect3{The <code>main</code> function}
+ // @sect3{The <code>main</code> function}
+ //
+ // The main function looks almost
+ // the same as in all other
+ // programs. The only difference is
+ // that Trilinos wants to get the
+ // arguments from calling the
+ // function (argc and argv) in
+ // order to correctly set up the
+ // MPI system in case we use those
+ // compilers (even though this
+ // program is only meant to be run
+ // in serial).
int main (int argc, char *argv[])