// information when doing matrix-vector products.
// In the second half, we need to store the value of the coefficient
- // for each quadrature point in every locally owned cells. In
- // actuality, however, the code stores the coefficient on
- // <i>every</i> cell of the local DoFHandler object, including the
- // ghost and artificial cells. (See the glossary entries on
- // @ref @ref GlossGhostCell "ghost cells"
- // and
- // @ref GlossArtificialCell "artificial cells".) These will simply
- // be ignored in the loop over all cells in the `vmult()` function
- // below.
+ // for each quadrature point in every active, locally owned cell.
+ // We can ask the parallel triangulation for the number of active, locally
+ // owned cells but only have a DoFHandler object at hand. Since
+ // DoFHandler::get_triangulation() returns a Triangulation object, not a
+ // parallel::Triangulation object, we have to downcast the return value. This
+ // is safe to do here because we know that the triangulation is a
+ // parallel:distributed::Triangulation object in fact.
template <int dim, int fe_degree>
HelmholtzOperator<dim, fe_degree>::HelmholtzOperator(
const DoFHandler<dim> & dof_handler,
const unsigned int n_owned_cells =
- std::distance<typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator>(
- dof_handler.begin_active(), dof_handler.end());
+ dynamic_cast<const parallel::Triangulation<dim> *>(
+ &dof_handler.get_triangulation())
+ ->n_locally_owned_active_cells();
coef.reinit(Utilities::pow(fe_degree + 1, dim) * n_owned_cells);
const VaryingCoefficientFunctor<dim, fe_degree> functor(coef.get_values());