// finally here we check if our detector has non-void return type
// T::value_type. This will happen if compiler can use second detector,
// otherwise SFINAE let it work with the more general first one that is void
- static constexpr bool value =
+ static const bool value =
!std::is_same<void, decltype(detect(std::declval<T>()))>::value;
+ // We need to have a separate declaration for static const members
+ template <typename T>
+ const bool has_local_element<T>::value;
// same as above to check
// bool T::partitioners_are_compatible(const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner &)
detect(const U &);
- static constexpr bool value =
+ static const bool value =
std::is_same<bool, decltype(detect(std::declval<T>()))>::value;
+ // We need to have a separate declaration for static const members
+ template <typename T>
+ const bool has_partitioners_are_compatible<T>::value;
// same as above to check
detect(const U &);
- static constexpr bool value =
+ static const bool value =
!std::is_same<void, decltype(detect(std::declval<T>()))>::value;
+ // We need to have a separate declaration for static const members
+ template <typename T>
+ const bool has_begin<T>::value;
// type trait for vector T and Number to see if
template <typename T, typename Number>
struct is_vectorizable
- static constexpr bool value =
+ static const bool value =
has_begin<T>::value &&
(has_local_element<T>::value || is_serial_vector<T>::value) &&
std::is_same<typename T::value_type, Number>::value;
+ // We need to have a separate declaration for static const members
+ template <typename T, typename Number>
+ const bool is_vectorizable<T, Number>::value;
// access to generic const vectors that have operator ().