const TriangulationDescription::Settings settings,
const unsigned int my_rank_in)
- if (const auto tria_pdt = dynamic_cast<
- const parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(&tria))
- Assert(comm == tria_pdt->get_communicator(),
- ExcMessage("MPI communicators do not match."));
- // First, figure out for what rank we are supposed to build the
- // TriangulationDescription::Description object
- unsigned int my_rank = my_rank_in;
- Assert(my_rank == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int ||
- my_rank < dealii::Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(comm),
- ExcMessage("Rank has to be smaller than available processes."));
- if (auto tria_pdt = dynamic_cast<
- const parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(&tria))
+ if (const auto ptria =
+ dynamic_cast<const parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ &tria))
- Assert(my_rank == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int ||
- my_rank == dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm),
+ Assert(comm == ptria->get_communicator(),
+ ExcMessage("MPI communicators do not match."));
+ Assert(my_rank_in == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int ||
+ my_rank_in == dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm),
- "For creation from a parallel::distributed::Triangulation, "
- "my_rank has to equal global rank."));
- my_rank = dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm);
- }
- else if (auto tria_serial =
- dynamic_cast<const dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
- &tria))
- {
- if (my_rank == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- my_rank = dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm);
+ "For creation from a parallel::Triangulation, "
+ "my_rank has to equal the rank of the current process "
+ "in the given communicator."));
- else
+ // If we are dealing with a sequential triangulation, then someone
+ // will have needed to set the subdomain_ids by hand. Make sure that
+ // all ids we see are less than the number of processes we are
+ // supposed to split the triangulation into.
+ if (dynamic_cast<const parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ &tria) == nullptr)
- Assert(false,
- ExcMessage("This type of triangulation is not supported!"));
+#if DEBUG
+ const unsigned int n_mpi_processes =
+ dealii::Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(comm);
+ for (const auto &cell : tria.active_cell_iterators())
+ Assert(cell->subdomain_id() < n_mpi_processes,
+ ExcMessage("You can't have a cell with subdomain_id of " +
+ std::to_string(cell->subdomain_id()) +
+ " when splitting the triangulation using an MPI "
+ " communicator with only " +
+ std::to_string(n_mpi_processes) + " processes."));
+ // First, figure out for what rank we are supposed to build the
+ // TriangulationDescription::Description object
+ const unsigned int my_rank =
+ (my_rank_in == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int ?
+ dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm) :
+ my_rank_in);
const auto subdomain_id_function = [](const auto &cell) {
return cell->subdomain_id();