* are ODE-solver specific. For details, consult the [PETSc
* manual](https://petsc.org/release/manual/snes/#sec-nlmatrixfree).
- * In alternative, users can also provide the implementations of the
- * *Jacobians*. This can be accomplished in two ways:
+ * Users can also provide the implementations of the *Jacobians*. This can be
+ * accomplished in two ways:
* - PETSc style using TimeStepper::implicit_jacobian
* and TimeStepper::explicit_jacobian.
* - deal.II style using TimeStepper::setup_jacobian and
- * TimeStepper::solve_with_jacobian
+ * TimeStepper::solve_with_jacobian.
+ * The preconditioning matrix can be specified using TimeStepper::set_matrix.
+ * In case both approaches are implemented, the deal.II style will be used.
- * In case both approaches are coded, the deal.II style
- * will be used.
+ * TimeStepper::set_matrices must be used in case the user wants to provide
+ * the iteration matrix of the tangent system in the deal.II style approach,
+ * thus replacing the matrix-free linearization.
- * The second approach is more in style with the deal.II philosophy
- * and it also allows command line customization, like for example,
+ * The correctness of the constructed Jacobians passed using
+ * TimeStepper::set_matrix can be checked using
+ * @code
+ * ./myApp -snes_test_jacobian
+ * @endcode
+ * See TimeStepper::set_matrix and TimeStepper::set_matrices for
+ * additional details.
+ *
+ * The deal.II style approach still allows command line customization, like
+ * for example,
* @code
* ./myApp -snes_type newtontr -ksp_type cg
* @endcode
* a trust region solver and iterate on the tangent system with CG,
* still using TimeStepper::solve_with_jacobian as a preconditioner.
- * The first approach has instead the advantage that only the matrix assembly
- * procedure has to be coded, thus allowing quicker implementations and
- * faster turnaround for experimenting with linear solver preconditioning
- * configurations via command line customizations, like for example,
+ * The PETSc style approach has instead the advantage that only the matrix
+ * assembly procedure has to be implemented, thus allowing quicker
+ * implementations and faster turnaround for experimenting with linear solver
+ * preconditioning configurations via command line customizations, like for
+ * example,
* @code
* ./myApp -ksp_type cg -pc_type gamg
* @endcode
- * See TimeStepper::set_matrix and TimeStepper::set_matrices for
- * additional details.
* @dealiiConceptRequires{(concepts::is_dealii_petsc_vector_type<VectorType>
* || std::constructible_from<VectorType,Vec>) &&
* Set both the linear system matrix and the preconditioning matrix
- * that PETSc will use.
+ * that PETSc will use (can be the same matrix). In this case, the
+ * Jacobian-Free-Newton-Krylov approach will not be used.
set_matrices(AMatrixType &A, PMatrixType &P);
+ /**
+ * Return current step number.
+ */
+ unsigned int
+ get_step_number();
* Integrate the differential-algebraic equations starting from @p y.
unsigned int
solve(VectorType &y, AMatrixType &A, PMatrixType &P);
+ /**
+ * Setup callbacks.
+ *
+ * This function is called inside TimeStepper::solve routines and does
+ * not need to be called by the user. It is used to reinitialize the
+ * solver if mesh adaption has been performed.
+ */
+ void
+ setup_callbacks();
+ /**
+ * Setup algebraic constraints.
+ *
+ * This function is called inside TimeStepper::solve routines and does
+ * not need to be called by the user. It is used to reinitialize the
+ * solver if mesh adaption has been performed.
+ */
+ void
+ setup_algebraic_constraints(const VectorType &y);
* Callback for the computation of the implicit residual $F(t, y, \dot y)$.
std::function<IndexSet()> algebraic_components;
+ /**
+ * Callback to distribute solution to hanging nodes.
+ *
+ * Implementation of this function is optional.
+ * It is called at the end of each successful stage.
+ * The same functionality can be equivalently implemented in
+ * TimeStepper::solve_with_jacobian.
+ *
+ * @note This variable represents a
+ * @ref GlossUserProvidedCallBack "user provided callback".
+ * See there for a description of how to deal with errors and other
+ * requirements and conventions.
+ */
+ std::function<void(const real_type t, VectorType &y)> distribute;
+ /**
+ * Callback to setup mesh adaption.
+ *
+ * Implementation of this function is optional.
+ * @p resize must be set to true if mesh adaption is to be performed, false
+ * otherwise.
+ * The @p y vector contains the current solution, @p t the current time,
+ * @ step the step number.
+ * Solution transfer and actual mesh adaption must be performed in a
+ * separate callback, TimeStepper::interpolate
+ *
+ * @note This variable represents a
+ * @ref GlossUserProvidedCallBack "user provided callback".
+ * See there for a description of how to deal with errors and other
+ * requirements and conventions.
+ */
+ std::function<void(const real_type t,
+ const unsigned int step,
+ const VectorType & y,
+ bool & resize)>
+ prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement;
+ /**
+ * Callback to interpolate vectors and perform mesh adaption.
+ *
+ * Implementation of this function is mandatory if
+ * TimeStepper::prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement is used.
+ * This function must perform mesh adaption and interpolate the discrete
+ * functions that are stored in @p all_in onto the refined and/or coarsenend grid.
+ * Output vectors must be created inside the callback.
+ *
+ * @note This variable represents a
+ * @ref GlossUserProvidedCallBack "user provided callback".
+ * See there for a description of how to deal with errors and other
+ * requirements and conventions.
+ */
+ std::function<void(const std::vector<VectorType> &all_in,
+ std::vector<VectorType> & all_out)>
+ interpolate;
* The PETSc object.
SmartPointer<AMatrixType, TimeStepper> A;
SmartPointer<PMatrixType, TimeStepper> P;
+ /**
+ * Object to apply solve_with_jacobian.
+ */
+ PreconditionShell solve_with_jacobian_pc;
* This flag is set when changing the customization and used within solve.
TimeStepper<VectorType, PMatrixType, AMatrixType>::TimeStepper(
const TimeStepperData &data,
const MPI_Comm mpi_comm)
- : pending_exception(nullptr)
+ : solve_with_jacobian_pc(mpi_comm)
+ , pending_exception(nullptr)
AssertPETSc(TSCreate(mpi_comm, &ts));
AssertPETSc(TSSetApplicationContext(ts, this));
std::constructible_from<AMatrixType, Mat>))
TimeStepper<VectorType, PMatrixType, AMatrixType>::~TimeStepper()
+ AssertPETSc(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts,
+ "__dealii_ts_resize_setup__",
+ nullptr));
+ AssertPETSc(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts,
+ "__dealii_ts_resize_transfer__",
+ nullptr));
Assert(pending_exception == nullptr, ExcInternalError());
+ template <typename VectorType, typename PMatrixType, typename AMatrixType>
+ (concepts::is_dealii_petsc_vector_type<VectorType> ||
+ std::constructible_from<
+ VectorType,
+ Vec>)&&(concepts::is_dealii_petsc_matrix_type<PMatrixType> ||
+ std::constructible_from<
+ PMatrixType,
+ Mat>)&&(concepts::is_dealii_petsc_matrix_type<AMatrixType> ||
+ std::constructible_from<AMatrixType, Mat>))
+ unsigned int TimeStepper<VectorType, PMatrixType, AMatrixType>::
+ get_step_number()
+ {
+ return ts_get_step_number(ts);
+ }
template <typename VectorType, typename PMatrixType, typename AMatrixType>
(concepts::is_dealii_petsc_vector_type<VectorType> ||
Mat>)&&(concepts::is_dealii_petsc_matrix_type<AMatrixType> ||
std::constructible_from<AMatrixType, Mat>))
- unsigned int TimeStepper<VectorType, PMatrixType, AMatrixType>::solve(
- VectorType &y)
+ void TimeStepper<VectorType, PMatrixType, AMatrixType>::setup_callbacks()
- const auto ts_prestage = [](TS ts, PetscReal) -> PetscErrorCode {
+ const auto ts_resize_setup =
+ [](TS ts, PetscInt it, PetscReal t, Vec x, PetscBool *flg, void *ctx)
+ -> PetscErrorCode {
+ PetscFunctionBeginUser;
+ auto user = static_cast<TimeStepper *>(ctx);
+ VectorType xdealii(x);
+ bool resize = false;
+ const int lineno = __LINE__;
+ const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(
+ user->prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement,
+ user->pending_exception,
+ []() -> void {},
+ t,
+ it,
+ xdealii,
+ resize);
+ *flg = resize ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE;
+ if (err)
+ return PetscError(
+ PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),
+ lineno + 1,
+ "prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement",
+ __FILE__,
+ "Failure in ts_resize_setup from dealii::PETScWrappers::TimeStepper");
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
+ };
+ const auto ts_resize_transfer = [](TS ts,
+ PetscInt nv,
+ Vec vin[],
+ Vec vout[],
+ void * ctx) -> PetscErrorCode {
+ PetscFunctionBeginUser;
+ auto user = static_cast<TimeStepper *>(ctx);
+ std::vector<VectorType> all_in, all_out;
+ for (PetscInt i = 0; i < nv; i++)
+ {
+ all_in.push_back(VectorType(vin[i]));
+ }
+ const int lineno = __LINE__;
+ const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(
+ user->interpolate,
+ user->pending_exception,
+ []() -> void {},
+ all_in,
+ all_out);
+ if (err)
+ return PetscError(
+ PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),
+ lineno + 1,
+ "interpolate",
+ __FILE__,
+ "Failure in ts_resize_transfer from dealii::PETScWrappers::TimeStepper");
+ if (all_out.size() != all_in.size())
+ SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),
+ "Broken all_out");
+ for (PetscInt i = 0; i < nv; i++)
+ {
+ vout[i] = all_out[i].petsc_vector();
+ PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)vout[i]));
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ user->setup_callbacks();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),
+ "Exception in setup_callbacks");
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ user->setup_algebraic_constraints(all_out[0]);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),
+ "Exception in setup_algebraic_constraints");
+ }
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
+ };
+ const auto ts_poststep_amr = [](TS ts) -> PetscErrorCode {
+ PetscFunctionBeginUser;
void *ctx;
+ PetscCall(TSGetApplicationContext(ts, &ctx));
+ auto user = static_cast<TimeStepper *>(ctx);
+ PetscErrorCode (
+ *transfer_setup)(TS, PetscInt, PetscReal, Vec, PetscBool *, void *);
+ PetscErrorCode (*transfer)(TS, PetscInt, Vec[], Vec[], void *);
+ AssertPETSc(PetscObjectQueryFunction((PetscObject)ts,
+ "__dealii_ts_resize_setup__",
+ &transfer_setup));
+ AssertPETSc(PetscObjectQueryFunction((PetscObject)ts,
+ "__dealii_ts_resize_transfer__",
+ &transfer));
+ PetscBool resize = PETSC_FALSE;
+ Vec x;
+ PetscCall(TSGetSolution(ts, &x));
+ PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)x));
+ PetscCall((*transfer_setup)(
+ ts, user->get_step_number(), user->get_time(), x, &resize, user));
+ if (resize)
+ {
+ Vec new_x;
+ user->reinit();
+ // Reinitialize DM. Currently it is not possible to do with public API
+ ts_reset_dm(ts);
+ PetscCall((*transfer)(ts, 1, &x, &new_x, user));
+ PetscCall(TSSetSolution(ts, new_x));
+ PetscCall(VecDestroy(&new_x));
+ }
+ PetscCall(VecDestroy(&x));
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
+ };
+ const auto ts_prestage = [](TS ts, PetscReal) -> PetscErrorCode {
+ void *ctx;
PetscCall(TSGetApplicationContext(ts, &ctx));
auto user = static_cast<TimeStepper *>(ctx);
user->error_in_function = false;
PetscCall(TSGetSNES(ts, &snes));
- PetscFunctionReturn(0);
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
+ };
+ const auto ts_poststage =
+ [](TS ts, PetscReal t, PetscInt i, Vec *xx) -> PetscErrorCode {
+ PetscFunctionBeginUser;
+ void *ctx;
+ PetscCall(TSGetApplicationContext(ts, &ctx));
+ auto user = static_cast<TimeStepper *>(ctx);
+ VectorType xdealii(xx[i]);
+ const int lineno = __LINE__;
+ const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(
+ user->distribute,
+ user->pending_exception,
+ [user, ts]() -> void {
+ user->error_in_function = true;
+ SNES snes;
+ AssertPETSc(TSGetSNES(ts, &snes));
+ AssertPETSc(SNESSetFunctionDomainError(snes));
+ },
+ t,
+ xdealii);
+ if (err)
+ return PetscError(
+ PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),
+ lineno + 1,
+ "distribute",
+ __FILE__,
+ "Failure in ts_poststage from dealii::PETScWrappers::TimeStepper");
+ petsc_increment_state_counter(xx[i]);
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
const auto ts_functiondomainerror =
[](TS ts, PetscReal, Vec, PetscBool *accept) -> PetscErrorCode {
- void *ctx;
+ void *ctx;
AssertPETSc(TSGetApplicationContext(ts, &ctx));
auto user = static_cast<TimeStepper *>(ctx);
*accept = user->error_in_function ? PETSC_FALSE : PETSC_TRUE;
- PetscFunctionReturn(0);
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
const auto ts_ifunction =
"Failure in ts_ifunction from dealii::PETScWrappers::TimeStepper");
- PetscFunctionReturn(0);
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
const auto ts_ijacobian = [](TS ts,
- PetscFunctionReturn(0);
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
const auto ts_ijacobian_with_setup = [](TS ts,
- PetscFunctionReturn(0);
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
const auto ts_rhsfunction =
"Failure in ts_rhsfunction from dealii::PETScWrappers::TimeStepper");
- PetscFunctionReturn(0);
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
const auto ts_rhsjacobian =
- PetscFunctionReturn(0);
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
const auto ts_monitor =
"Failure in ts_monitor from dealii::PETScWrappers::TimeStepper");
- PetscFunctionReturn(0);
+ PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
AssertThrow(explicit_function || implicit_function,
"explicit_function || implicit_function"));
+ // Handle recoverable errors.
this->error_in_function = false;
- AssertPETSc(TSSetSolution(ts, y.petsc_vector()));
- // Handle recoverable errors
AssertPETSc(TSSetPreStage(ts, ts_prestage));
AssertPETSc(TSSetFunctionDomainError(ts, ts_functiondomainerror));
+ // Problem description.
if (explicit_function)
AssertPETSc(TSSetRHSFunction(ts, nullptr, ts_rhsfunction, this));
if (implicit_function)
AssertPETSc(TSSetIFunction(ts, nullptr, ts_ifunction, this));
+ // Handle Jacobians.
this->need_dummy_assemble = false;
if (setup_jacobian)
// Using solve_with_jacobian as a preconditioner allow users
// to provide approximate solvers and possibly iterate on a matrix-free
// approximation of the tangent operator.
- PreconditionShell precond(
- PetscObjectComm(reinterpret_cast<PetscObject>(ts)));
if (solve_with_jacobian)
- precond.vmult = [&](VectorBase & indst,
- const VectorBase &insrc) -> void {
+ solve_with_jacobian_pc.vmult = [&](VectorBase & indst,
+ const VectorBase &insrc) -> void {
VectorType dst(static_cast<const Vec &>(indst));
const VectorType src(static_cast<const Vec &>(insrc));
solve_with_jacobian(src, dst);
AssertPETSc(TSGetSNES(ts, &snes));
AssertPETSc(SNESGetKSP(snes, &ksp));
AssertPETSc(KSPSetType(ksp, KSPPREONLY));
- AssertPETSc(KSPSetPC(ksp, precond.get_pc()));
+ AssertPETSc(KSPSetPC(ksp, solve_with_jacobian_pc.get_pc()));
+ if (distribute)
+ AssertPETSc(TSSetPostStage(ts, ts_poststage));
// Attach user monitoring routine.
if (monitor)
AssertPETSc(TSMonitorSet(ts, ts_monitor, this, nullptr));
+ // Handle AMR.
+ if (prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(interpolate,
+ StandardExceptions::ExcFunctionNotProvided("interpolate"));
+ (void)ts_poststep_amr;
+ AssertPETSc(TSSetResize(ts, ts_resize_setup, ts_resize_transfer, this));
+# else
+ AssertPETSc(PetscObjectComposeFunction(
+ (PetscObject)ts,
+ "__dealii_ts_resize_setup__",
+ static_cast<PetscErrorCode (*)(
+ TS, PetscInt, PetscReal, Vec, PetscBool *, void *)>(
+ ts_resize_setup)));
+ AssertPETSc(PetscObjectComposeFunction(
+ (PetscObject)ts,
+ "__dealii_ts_resize_transfer__",
+ static_cast<PetscErrorCode (*)(TS, PetscInt, Vec[], Vec[], void *)>(
+ ts_resize_transfer)));
+ AssertPETSc(TSSetPostStep(ts, ts_poststep_amr));
+# endif
+ }
// Allow command line customization.
- // Handle algebraic components.
+ // By default PETSc does not check for Jacobian errors in optimized
+ // mode. Here we do it unconditionally.
+ {
+ SNES snes;
+ AssertPETSc(TSGetSNES(ts, &snes));
+ AssertPETSc(SNESSetCheckJacobianDomainError(snes, PETSC_TRUE));
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType, typename PMatrixType, typename AMatrixType>
+ (concepts::is_dealii_petsc_vector_type<VectorType> ||
+ std::constructible_from<
+ VectorType,
+ Vec>)&&(concepts::is_dealii_petsc_matrix_type<PMatrixType> ||
+ std::constructible_from<
+ PMatrixType,
+ Mat>)&&(concepts::is_dealii_petsc_matrix_type<AMatrixType> ||
+ std::constructible_from<AMatrixType, Mat>))
+ void TimeStepper<VectorType, PMatrixType, AMatrixType>::
+ setup_algebraic_constraints(const VectorType &y)
+ {
if (algebraic_components && need_dae_tolerances)
PetscReal atol, rtol;
AssertPETSc(TSGetTolerances(ts, &atol, nullptr, &rtol, nullptr));
Vec av, rv;
- AssertPETSc(VecDuplicate(y.petsc_vector(), &av));
- AssertPETSc(VecDuplicate(y.petsc_vector(), &rv));
+ Vec py = const_cast<VectorType &>(y).petsc_vector();
+ AssertPETSc(VecDuplicate(py, &av));
+ AssertPETSc(VecDuplicate(py, &rv));
VectorBase avdealii(av);
VectorBase rvdealii(rv);
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType, typename PMatrixType, typename AMatrixType>
+ (concepts::is_dealii_petsc_vector_type<VectorType> ||
+ std::constructible_from<
+ VectorType,
+ Vec>)&&(concepts::is_dealii_petsc_matrix_type<PMatrixType> ||
+ std::constructible_from<
+ PMatrixType,
+ Mat>)&&(concepts::is_dealii_petsc_matrix_type<AMatrixType> ||
+ std::constructible_from<AMatrixType, Mat>))
+ unsigned int TimeStepper<VectorType, PMatrixType, AMatrixType>::solve(
+ VectorType &y)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ setup_callbacks();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Set solution vector.
+ AssertPETSc(TSSetSolution(ts, y.petsc_vector()));
// Setup internal data structures, including the internal nonlinear
// solver SNES if using an implicit solver.
- // By default PETSc does not check for Jacobian errors in optimized
- // mode. Here we do it unconditionally.
- if (ts_has_snes(ts))
+ // Handle algebraic components. This must be done when we know the layout
+ // of the solution vector.
+ try
- SNES snes;
- AssertPETSc(TSGetSNES(ts, &snes));
- AssertPETSc(SNESSetCheckJacobianDomainError(snes, PETSC_TRUE));
+ setup_algebraic_constraints(y);
-# endif
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
// Having set everything up, now do the actual work
// and let PETSc do the time stepping. If there is
// a pending exception, then one of the user callbacks
// a zero error code -- if so, just eat the exception and
// continue on; otherwise, just rethrow the exception
// and get outta here.
- const int status = TSSolve(ts, nullptr);
+ const PetscErrorCode status = TSSolve(ts, nullptr);
if (pending_exception)