you tried to use them). In almost all cases, there is a function with same
name but different argument list that should be used instead.
Specifically, the removed functions and classes are:
- - TimeDependent::end_sweep (with an argument).
- - PointValueHistory::mark_locations.
- - The DataPostprocessor::compute_derived_quantities_scalar and
- DataPostprocessor::compute_derived_quantities_vector functions without
- evaluation points. If you have
- data postprocessor classes implemented in your program that overload these
- functions, you will have to change it in a way that they overload the
- functions of same name but with the evaluation point argument instead.
- - The constructors of classes MGSmoother, MGSmootherRelaxation and
- MGSmootherPrecondition that take a VectorMemory object.
- - Deprecated variants of MeshWorker::loop and MeshWorker::integration_loop.
+ <br>
+ <em>With headers in <code>deal.II/base/</code>:</em>
- ThreadManagement::spawn.
- Threads::ThreadCondition and Threads::ThreadMutex.
- - GridGenerator::laplace_transformation.
- - The version of GridGenerator::parallelogram where the corners are given
- as a rank-2 tensor rather than as an array of points.
- DataOutBase::create_xdmf_entry with 3 arguments.
- DataOutBase::write_hdf5_parallel with 2 arguments.
- - Algorithms::ThetaTimestepping::operator().
- - Algorithms::ThetaTimestepping::initialize.
- - Algorithms::Newton::initialize.
- - MGLevelObject::get_minlevel and MGLevelObject::get_maxlevel.
- The versions of FunctionParser::initialize that took a
<code>use_degrees</code> or <code>constants</code> argument.
The implementation as it is now no longer supports either of
these two concepts (since we switched from the FunctionParser
library to the muparser library after the deal.II 8.1 release).
- - DoFRenumbering::downstream_dg.
- - DoFTools::count_dofs_per_component.
- - DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern with a vector-of-vector mask.
- GridOutFlags::XFig::level_color.
- class BlockList.
- - MGConstrainedDoFs::non_refinement_edge_index
- - MGConstrainedDoFs::at_refinement_edge_boundary
- - The refinement listener concept of the Triangulation class. This
- approach to getting notified about what happens to triangulations
- has been superseded by the signals defined by the triangulation
- class.
- The MPI support functions in namespace Utilities and Utilities::System.
- Deprecated members of namespace types.
- Namespace deal_II_numbers.
- - Triangulation::distort_random.
- - Triangulation::clear_user_pointers.
+ <br>
+ <em>With headers in <code>deal.II/lac/</code>:</em>
- The deprecated constructor of SparseILU.
- SparseILU::apply_decomposition.
- The deprecated constructor of SparseMIC.
- The compress() functions without argument in the various vector
classes. You should use the versions with a VectorOperation
argument instead.
- - In FEValues and related classes, the functions that contain the
- term <code>2nd_derivatives</code> were removed in favor of those
- with names containing <code>hessian</code>. Similarly, functions
- with names including <code>function_grads</code> were removed in
- favor of those called <code>function_gradients</code>. Finally,
- the <code>cell_normal_vector</code> functions were replaced by
- <code>normal_vector</code> ones. In all cases, the new functions
- have been around for a while.
- Vector::scale.
- TrilinosWrappers::*Vector*::compress with an Epetra_CombineMode
- SparsityPattern and ChunkSparsityPattern functions that take an
<code>optimize_diagonal</code> argument.
- SparsityPattern::partition.
- - Mapping::transform_covariant and Mapping::transform_contravariant.
- The typedef CompressedBlockSparsityPattern.
- The deprecated constructors of SparsityPattern iterator classes.
- The deprecated variants of DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints.
function that takes a scalar as argument.
+ - PreconditionBlock::size.
+ - Classes PreconditionedMatrix and PreconditionLACSolver.
+ - PETScVectors::MPI::Vector constructors and reinit() variants.
+ - SparseMatrixIterators::Accessor and SparseMatrixIterators::Iterator
+ constructors.
+ <br>
+ <em>With headers in <code>deal.II/deal.II/</code>:</em>
+ - GridGenerator::laplace_transformation.
+ - The version of GridGenerator::parallelogram where the corners are given
+ as a rank-2 tensor rather than as an array of points.
- GridTools::create_union_triangulation.
- GridTools::extract_boundary_mesh.
- - PreconditionBlock::size.
+ - Triangulation::distort_random.
+ - Triangulation::clear_user_pointers.
+ - The refinement listener concept of the Triangulation class. This
+ approach to getting notified about what happens to triangulations
+ has been superseded by the signals defined by the triangulation
+ class.
+ <br>
+ <em>With headers in <code>deal.II/fe/</code>:</em>
+ - In FEValues and related classes, the functions that contain the
+ term <code>2nd_derivatives</code> were removed in favor of those
+ with names containing <code>hessian</code>. Similarly, functions
+ with names including <code>function_grads</code> were removed in
+ favor of those called <code>function_gradients</code>. Finally,
+ the <code>cell_normal_vector</code> functions were replaced by
+ <code>normal_vector</code> ones. In all cases, the new functions
+ have been around for a while.
+ - Mapping::transform_covariant and Mapping::transform_contravariant.
+ - Classes FEEvaluationDGP, FEEvaluationGeneral and FEEvaluationGL.
+ <br>
+ <em>With headers in <code>deal.II/dofs/</code>:</em>
+ - DoFRenumbering::downstream_dg.
+ - DoFTools::count_dofs_per_component.
+ - DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern with a vector-of-vector mask.
+ <br>
+ <em>With headers in <code>deal.II/multigrid/</code>:</em>
+ - The constructors of classes MGSmoother, MGSmootherRelaxation and
+ MGSmootherPrecondition that take a VectorMemory object.
+ - MGLevelObject::get_minlevel and MGLevelObject::get_maxlevel.
+ - MGConstrainedDoFs::non_refinement_edge_index
+ - MGConstrainedDoFs::at_refinement_edge_boundary
- MGTools::count_dofs_per_component.
- MGTools::apply_boundary_values.
- MGTools::extract_inner_interface_dofs.
- Class MGMatrix.
- Multigrid::vmult and friends.
- - Classes FEEvaluationDGP, FEEvaluationGeneral and FEEvaluationGL.
- - Classes PreconditionedMatrix and PreconditionLACSolver.
- - PETScVectors::MPI::Vector constructors and reinit() variants.
- - SparseMatrixIterators::Accessor and SparseMatrixIterators::Iterator
- constructors.
+ <br>
+ <em>With headers in <code>deal.II/mesh_worker/</code>:</em>
+ - Deprecated variants of MeshWorker::loop and MeshWorker::integration_loop.
+ <br>
+ <em>With headers in <code>deal.II/algorithm/</code>:</em>
+ - Algorithms::ThetaTimestepping::operator().
+ - Algorithms::ThetaTimestepping::initialize.
+ - Algorithms::Newton::initialize.
+ <br>
+ <em>With headers in <code>deal.II/numerics/</code>:</em>
+ - TimeDependent::end_sweep (with an argument).
+ - PointValueHistory::mark_locations.
+ - The DataPostprocessor::compute_derived_quantities_scalar and
+ DataPostprocessor::compute_derived_quantities_vector functions without
+ evaluation points. If you have
+ data postprocessor classes implemented in your program that overload these
+ functions, you will have to change it in a way that they overload the
+ functions of same name but with the evaluation point argument instead.
This release also removes the deprecated class MGDoFHandler. The
functionality of this class had previously been incorporated into