--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2015 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * @defgroup FE_vs_Mapping_vs_FEValues How Mapping, FiniteElement, and FEValues work together
+ *
+ * <h2>Introduction</h2>
+ *
+ * Most people create finite element (and, potentially, mapping) objects once
+ * but then never actually call any member functions on them -- they simply
+ * use them for assembly via the FEValues interface. The only other interaction
+ * most will have is by reading the FiniteElementData::dofs_per_cell variable,
+ * but that is also just set during construction time. In other words, people
+ * never observe FiniteElement or Mapping objects actually <i>do</i>
+ * anything -- and that is completely by design.
+ *
+ * This document is therefore for those who are interested in writing finite
+ * element or mapping classes and want to understand how FEValues works and
+ * interacts with the FiniteElement and Mapping classes. In the following,
+ * we will not make a distinction between FEValues (which acts on cells),
+ * FEFaceValues (which acts on faces), and FESubfaceValues (which acts on the
+ * children of a face of a cell) as they conceptually all work the same.
+ * Consequently, the term "FEValues" will be used generally for all three of
+ * these classes in the text below.
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2>Who is responsible for what?</h2>
+ *
+ * Before going into detail about data and control flow, let us define which
+ * class is responsible for providing what kind of information.
+ *
+ * <h3>%FEValues objects</h3>
+ *
+ * FEValues is an abstraction that derived from the observation that almost
+ * everything one ever does in finite element codes only requires the
+ * evaluation of finite element shape functions at quadrature points. This
+ * could be, for example, the approximation of an integral of the form
+ * @f[
+ * A^K_{ij} = \int_K \nabla \varphi_i(\bf x) \cdot \nabla \varphi_j(\bf x) \; dx
+ * @f]
+ * by quadrature
+ * @f[
+ * A^K_{ij} = \sum_q \nabla \varphi_i(\bf x_q) \cdot \nabla \varphi_j(\bf x_q) \;
+ * |\text{det}\; J(\bf x_q)| w_q,
+ * @f]
+ * but it is equally valid when wanting to generate graphical output: there we
+ * only need to know the values of a finite element field at the vertices
+ * of a mesh, and this too can be written as evaluating everything at
+ * quadrature points -- these quadrature points are then simply the vertices
+ * of the cells (provided, for example, by QTrapez).
+ *
+ * FEValues's role is to provide a user the values of shape functions, their
+ * gradients, etc, at quadrature points. The same is true with some geometric
+ * information, e.g., the normal vectors at the quadrature points. To this end,
+ * it provides a large number of member functions in the FEValuesBase base
+ * class that allow a user to query basically everything one can ask for in
+ * regard to shape functions and geometry information, but only at the
+ * quadrature points for which the FEValues object was initialized.
+ *
+ * FEValues does not actually compute this information itself. It really only
+ * provides a place to store it, and then orchestrates the interaction
+ * between mapping and finite element classes to have them compute what
+ * is requested and store the result in the locations provided by
+ * FEValues.
+ *
+ * As a final note, recall that FEValues can provide an incredible array
+ * of information, but that almost all of it is not necessary in any given
+ * context. For example, to compute the integral above, it is not necessary
+ * to know the second derivatives of the shape functions, or to know the
+ * normal vectors at quadrature points. To this end, FEValues uses
+ * UpdateFlags in its interactions with the Mapping and FiniteElement
+ * class to determine what actually needs to be computed. This is discussed
+ * in slightly more detail in @ref UpdateFlags.
+ *
+ *
+ * <h3>Mappings</h3>
+ *
+ * Mappings (i.e., classes derived from the Mapping base class) are responsible
+ * for everything that has to do with the mapping from the reference (unit) cell
+ * $[0,1]^\text{dim}$ to each of the actual cells
+ * $K\subset{\mathbb R}^\text{spacedim}$. This is facilitated by a mapping function
+ * $\mathbf F_K:[0,1]^\text{dim} \mapsto K$. The mapping classes therefore
+ * implement interfaces that allow evaluating $\mathbf F_K$ to map forward
+ * points $\hat{\mathbf x}$ from the reference cell to $K$, and to map backward
+ * from the real cell to the reference cell using $\mathbf F_K^{-1}$.
+ * Other common operations that mappings provide is to map vectors (which you
+ * can think of as vectors attached to a point $\hat{\mathbf x}$ on the
+ * reference cell and pointing in certain directions) to their equivalent
+ * vectors on the real cell. This is, for example, what one needs to do
+ * for the gradients of shape functions: these are vectors defined on the
+ * reference cell, and we need to map these gradients to the real cell $K$.
+ * Similar operations can also be defined for matrices (tensors of rank 2,
+ * as opposed to vectors which are tensors of rank 1) and higher order tensors.
+ *
+ * Many of these mappings do not only need the map $\mathbf F_K$ itself,
+ * but also the gradients of this mapping, typically referred to as the
+ * Jacobian $J_K=\hat\nabla \mathbf F_K$, as well as higher derivatives.
+ *
+ * Since FEValues only ever needs to evaluate these things at quadrature
+ * points, mappings do not in general need to provide the ability to
+ * evaluate at <i>arbitrary</i> points. Rather, as we will see below, they will
+ * be initialized to use a set of quadrature points defined on the
+ * reference cell, will then be "re-initialized" for a particular cell,
+ * and all further operations will then only require
+ * the evaluation of $\mathbf F_K$ at these quadrature points on the
+ * real cell.
+ *
+ * The mapping classes then have the dual role to (i) compute geometric
+ * information (e.g., the normal vectors, determinants of the Jacobians, etc)
+ * and putting them into the data structures from which FEValues can
+ * provide them to the user, and (ii) to provide the support finite
+ * elements need to map shape functions and their derivatives from
+ * the reference cell to the real cell.
+ *
+ *
+ * <h3>Finite elements</h3>
+ *
+ * Finite element classes (i.e., classes derived from FiniteElement) are
+ * responsible for defining their shape functions, derivatives, and many
+ * other aspects on the reference cell, but also for computing the mapped
+ * values and derivatives on actual cells (obviously with the help of a
+ * mapping object). For the current discussion, only the latter role is
+ * important.
+ *
+ * As with mappings, all that is important for us here is that the finite
+ * element classes can provide this information at given quadrature points,
+ * and that they can put the computed information into structures provided
+ * by FEValues and from which FEValues member functions can then pass
+ * it on to the user through the member functions in FEValuesBase.
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2>What to compute?</h2>
+ *
+ * Let's say a user wants to compute the gradients of shape functions,
+ * for example to compute the integral above. Then she would initialize
+ * an FEValues object by giving the update_gradients flag (as is done
+ * in basically every tutorial program, starting with step-3). What
+ * this indicates is that the user expects the FEValues object to be
+ * able to provide the gradients of shape functions on the real cell,
+ * but expressed no expectation of any other information.
+ *
+ * FEValues will then first have to find out what the mapping and
+ * finite element objects actually require of each other to make this happen.
+ * This already happens at the time the FEValues constructor is run.
+ * Because the mapping does not depend on the finite element (though the
+ * latter does depend on the former), FEValues first asks the finite
+ * element via FiniteElement::requires_update_flags() which <i>other</i>
+ * pieces of information it also requires to make the user request
+ * happen. As an example, if the finite element were of type
+ * FE_Q, then it would determine that in order to compute the
+ * gradients of the shape functions on the real cell $K$, it will
+ * need to compute the gradients of the shape functions on the
+ * reference cell (something it can do on its own, without any
+ * external help) but that these reference gradients will then have
+ * to be multiplied by the inverse of the Jacobian of the mapping,
+ * $J^{-1}_K$, at each of the quadrature points. This multiplication
+ * is typically referred to as a <i>covariant transformation</i>,
+ * and so FE_Q's implementation of FiniteElement::requires_update_flags()
+ * function (provided in the intermediate class FE_Poly) will return
+ * both the original update_gradients flag as well as
+ * update_covariant_transformation.
+ *
+ * In a second step, the FEValues object will then call the corresponding
+ * function in the mapping, Mapping::requires_update_flags() to determine
+ * what is required to provide both update_gradients and
+ * update_covariant_transformation. The former is not within the realm
+ * of the mapping, so is ignored. The latter will typically require
+ * the computation of the Jacobian matrix $J_K$ first, which a typical
+ * mapping class will indicate by adding update_contravariant_transformation
+ * to the list.
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2>Pre-computing things</h2>
+ *
+ * At this point, the FEValues object has found out the complete
+ * set of flags indicating what everyone has to compute to satisfy
+ * the user request. The next step, still during the construction
+ * of the FEValues object, stems from the realization that
+ * many things could be pre-computed once and then re-used every time
+ * we move to a real cell. An example would be the fact that to
+ * compute the gradients of the shape functions on the real cell,
+ * we need to know the gradients of the shape functions on the
+ * reference cell (at the quadrature points on the reference cell)
+ * and that these will always be the same: every time we visit
+ * a new cell, these values will remain the same, so it would be
+ * inefficient to re-compute them every time. Similar arguments
+ * can be made for some of the information computed by some of
+ * the mapping classes.
+ *
+ * The FEValues object therefore initializes both the mapping and
+ * the finite element object it points to, using both the
+ * quadrature object and the final set of update flags computed
+ * as described in the previous section. This initialization
+ * involves pre-computing as much as these classes can already
+ * pre-compute given the set of update flags, and then storing
+ * this information for later use.
+ *
+ * The question then arises: where to store this information. In
+ * practice, we do not want to store this information in the mapping
+ * or finite element object itself, because this would mean that
+ * (i) only one FEValues object could use any given mapping or finite
+ * element object at a time, and (ii) that these objects could not
+ * be used in a multithreaded context.
+ *
+ * Rather, the approach works like this:
+ * - FEValues calls Mapping::get_data() (and FEFaceValues calls
+ * Mapping::get_face_data(), and FESubfaceValues calls
+ * Mapping::get_subface_data()) with the quadrature object and
+ * the final set of update flags. The implementation of these
+ * functions in the classes derived from Mapping will then
+ * allocate an object of a type derived from
+ * Mapping::InternalDataBase where they can store essentially whatever
+ * it is they find useful for later re-use. Mapping::InternalDataBase
+ * itself does not actually provide any member variables of significance,
+ * but it is really left to derived classes what they think they can
+ * usefully pre-compute and store already at this time. If a mapping
+ * has nothing to pre-compute (or the author of the mapping class is
+ * lazy and does not want to think about what could possibly be
+ * pre-computed), then such a class would simply derive its
+ * own InternalData object from Mapping::InternalDataBase without
+ * actually adding any member variables.
+ *
+ * The object so produced is then returned to the calling site
+ * in FEValues and stored by the FEValues object. It will be handed
+ * back every time later on the FEValues object wants any information
+ * from the mapping, thereby providing the mapping object the
+ * ability to read the data it had previously stored.
+ *
+ * - Secondly, FEValues also calls FiniteElement::get_data() (and FEFaceValues
+ * calls Mapping::get_face_data(), and FESubfaceValues calls
+ * Mapping::get_subface_data()), again with the quadrature object and
+ * the final set of update flags. These functions do essentially the
+ * same as their counterparts in the mappings, and again the object
+ * so initialized, this time of a type derived from
+ * FiniteElement::InternalDataBase, will always be given back to the finite
+ * element whenever the FEValues object wants something from the finite
+ * element object at a later time.
+ *
+ * This approach allows us to use finite element and mapping objects from
+ * multiple FEValues objects at the same time, and possibly from multiple
+ * threads at the same time. The point is simply that every user of a
+ * finite element or mapping object would hold their own, unique, object
+ * returned from the <code>get_data()</code> functions, and that everything
+ * that ever happens happens on these objects, rather than on the member
+ * variables of the mapping or finite element object itself.
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2>Computing on a given cell</h2>
+ *
+ * All of the previous steps happened at the time the FEValues object
+ * was created. Up to this point, all we did was set up data structures,
+ * but nothing useful has been computed so far from the perspective of
+ * the user. This only happens when FEValues::reinit() is called on
+ * a concrete cell $K$.
+ *
+ * The things FEValues then does are, in this order:
+ *
+ * - FEValues figures out whether the cell is a translation
+ * or other similarly simple transformation of the previous cell for which
+ * FEValues::reinit() was called. The result of this, stored in a
+ * CellSimilarly::Similarity object will then be passed to mapping and
+ * finite element to potentially simplify some computations. For example,
+ * if the current cell is simply a translation of the previous one, then
+ * there is no need to re-compute the Jacobian matrix $J_K$ of the
+ * mapping (or its inverse) because it will be the same as for the
+ * previous cell.
+ *
+ * - Next, FEValues::reinit() calls
+ * Mapping::fill_fe_values() (and, obviously,
+ * FEFaceValues calls Mapping::fill_fe_face_values() and
+ * FESubfaceValues calls Mapping::fill_fe_subface_values()). The arguments
+ * to this function include the cell (or face, or subface) which we are
+ * asked to visit, as well as the cell similarity argument from
+ * above, a reference to the object we had previously obtained from
+ * Mapping::get_data(), and a reference to an object of type
+ * internal::FEValues::MappingRelatedData into which the mapping is
+ * supposed to write its results. In particular, it will need to
+ * compute all mapping related information previously specified by
+ * the update flags, and then write them into the output object.
+ * Examples of fields in the output object that the mapping needs
+ * to fill are the computation of JxW values, the computation of
+ * Jacobian matrices and their inverses, and the normal vectors to
+ * cells (if dim is less than spacedim) and faces.
+ *
+ * - Finally, FEValues::reinit() calls
+ * FiniteElement::fill_fe_values() (and, obviously,
+ * FEFaceValues calls FiniteElement::fill_fe_face_values() and
+ * FESubfaceValues calls FiniteElement::fill_fe_subface_values()). The arguments
+ * to this function include the cell (or face, or subface) which we are
+ * asked to visit, as well as the cell similarity argument from
+ * above, a reference to the object we had previously obtained from
+ * FiniteElement::get_data(), and a reference to an object of type
+ * internal::FEValues::MappingRelatedData into which the mapping is
+ * supposed to write its results.
+ *
+ * In addition to these, the FiniteElement::fill_fe_values() function
+ * also receives references to the mapping object in use, as well as the
+ * Mapping::InternalDataBase object we had previously received from
+ * Mapping::get_data(). The reason is that typically, the finite
+ * element wants to map values or gradients of shape functions from the reference
+ * cell to the actual cell, and these mappings are facilitated by the
+ * various Mapping::transform() functions -- which all require a reference
+ * to the internal object that the FEValues object had previously acquired
+ * from the mapping. This is probably best understood by looking at actual code,
+ * and a simple yet instructive example can be found in
+ * FE_Poly::fill_fe_values(), a function that works on general scalar,
+ * polynomial finite element bases.
+ *
+ * As with the mapping, the FiniteElement::fill_fe_values() functions then
+ * use whatever information they had previously computed upon construction
+ * of the FEValues object (i.e., when it called FiniteElement::get_data()),
+ * and use this and the functions in the mapping to compute whatever was
+ * requested as specified by the update flags.
+ *
+ * This all done, we are finally in a position to offer the owner of the
+ * FEValues access to the fields originally requested via the update
+ * flags.
+ *
+ * @ingroup feall
+ */