// forward declaration
#ifndef DOXYGEN
class PreconditionIdentity;
+namespace LinearAlgebra
+ namespace distributed
+ {
+ template <typename, typename>
+ class Vector;
+ }
+} // namespace LinearAlgebra
* The solve() function of this class uses the mechanism described in the
* Solver base class to determine convergence. This mechanism can also be used
* to observe the progress of the iteration.
+ *
+ * <h4>Optimized operations with specific `MatrixType` argument</h4>
+ *
+ * This class enables to embed the vector updates into the matrix-vector
+ * product in case the `MatrixType` and `PreconditionerType` support such a
+ * mode of operation. To this end, the `VectorType` needs to be
+ * LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector, the class `MatrixType` needs to provide
+ * a function with the signature
+ * @code
+ * void MatrixType::vmult(
+ * VectorType &,
+ * const VectorType &,
+ * const std::function<void(const unsigned int, const unsigned int)> &,
+ * const std::function<void(const unsigned int, const unsigned int)> &) const
+ * @endcode
+ * where the two given functions run before and after the matrix-vector
+ * product, respectively, and the `PreconditionerType` needs to provide a
+ * function with the signature
+ * @code
+ * void PreconditionerType::apply_to_subrange(unsigned int start_range,
+ * unsigned int end_range,
+ * const Number* src_ptr,
+ * Number* dst_ptr)
+ * @endcode
+ * where the pointers `src_ptr` and `dst_ptr` point to the location in the
+ * vector where the operation should be applied to. The functions passed to
+ * `MatrixType::vmult` take as arguments a sub-range among the locally owned
+ * elements of the vector, defined as half-open intervals. The intervals are
+ * designed to be scheduled close to the time the matrix-vector product
+ * touches those entries in the `src` and `dst` vectors, respectively, with
+ * the requirement that
+ * <ul>
+ * <li> the matrix-vector product may only access an entry in `src` or `dst`
+ * once the `operation_before_matrix_vector_product` has been run on that
+ * vector entry; </li>
+ * <li> `operation_after_matrix_vector_product` may run on a range of entries
+ * `[i,j)` once the matrix-vector product does not access the entries `[i,j)`
+ * in `src` and `dst` any more. </li>
+ * </ul>
+ * The motivation for this function is to increase data locality and hence
+ * cache usage. For the example of a class similar to the one in the step-37
+ * tutorial program, the implementation is
+ * @code
+ * void
+ * vmult(LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<number> & dst,
+ * const LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<number> &src,
+ * const std::function<void(const unsigned int, const unsigned int)>
+ * &operation_before_matrix_vector_product,
+ * const std::function<void(const unsigned int, const unsigned int)>
+ * &operation_after_matrix_vector_product) const
+ * {
+ * data.cell_loop(&LaplaceOperator::local_apply,
+ * this,
+ * dst,
+ * src,
+ * operation_before_matrix_vector_product,
+ * operation_after_matrix_vector_product);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * In terms of the SolverCG implementation, the operation before the loop will
+ * run the updates on the vectors according to a variant presented in
+ * Algorithm 2.2 of @cite Chronopoulos1989 (but for a preconditioner), whereas
+ * the operation after the loop performs a total of 7 reductions in parallel.
template <typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
class SolverCG : public SolverBase<VectorType>
template <typename PreconditionerType2>
static decltype(
std::declval<PreconditionerType2 const>().apply_to_subrange(
- std::size_t(),
- std::size_t(),
+ 0U,
+ 0U,
std::declval<const typename PreconditionerType2::value_type *>(),
std::declval<typename PreconditionerType2::value_type *>()))
detect_preconditioner(const PreconditionerType2 &);
bool>::value &&
- bool>::value;
+ bool>::value &&
+ std::is_same<
+ VectorType,
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<typename VectorType::value_type,
+ MemorySpace::Host>>::value;
// We need to have a separate declaration for static const members
template <typename T, typename U, typename V>
const bool supports_vmult_with_std_functions<T, U, V>::value;
- /**
- * Internal function to run one iteration of the conjugate gradient solver
- * for standard matrix and preconditioner arguments.
- */
- template <typename Number,
- typename VectorType,
+ // Internal class to run one iteration of the conjugate gradient solver
+ // for standard matrix and preconditioner arguments.
+ template <typename VectorType,
typename MatrixType,
- typename PreconditionerType,
- typename std::enable_if<
- !supports_vmult_with_std_functions<MatrixType,
- VectorType,
- PreconditionerType>::value,
- int>::type * = nullptr>
- void
- do_cg_iteration(const MatrixType & A,
- const PreconditionerType &preconditioner,
- const typename dealii::SolverCG<VectorType>::AdditionalData
- & additional_data,
- const unsigned int iteration,
- VectorType & x,
- VectorType & r,
- VectorType & p,
- VectorType & v,
- VectorType & z,
- Number & r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r,
- Number & alpha,
- Number & beta,
- double & residual_norm,
- const Number /*old_alpha*/,
- const Number /*old_beta*/)
+ typename PreconditionerType>
+ struct IterationWorkerBase
- const Number old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
+ using Number = typename VectorType::value_type;
+ const MatrixType & A;
+ const PreconditionerType &preconditioner;
+ const bool flexible;
+ VectorType & x;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer r_pointer;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer p_pointer;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer v_pointer;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer z_pointer;
+ // Define some aliases for simpler access, using the variables 'r' for
+ // the residual b - A*x, 'p' for the search direction, and 'v' for the
+ // auxiliary vector. This naming convention is used e.g. by the
+ // description on
+ // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugate_gradient_method. The variable
+ // 'z' gets only used for the flexible variant of the CG method.
+ VectorType &r;
+ VectorType &p;
+ VectorType &v;
+ VectorType &z;
+ Number r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
+ Number alpha;
+ Number beta;
+ double residual_norm;
+ Number previous_alpha;
+ Number previous_beta;
+ IterationWorkerBase(const MatrixType & A,
+ const PreconditionerType &preconditioner,
+ const bool flexible,
+ VectorMemory<VectorType> &memory,
+ VectorType & x)
+ : A(A)
+ , preconditioner(preconditioner)
+ , flexible(flexible)
+ , x(x)
+ , r_pointer(memory)
+ , p_pointer(memory)
+ , v_pointer(memory)
+ , z_pointer(memory)
+ , r(*r_pointer)
+ , p(*p_pointer)
+ , v(*v_pointer)
+ , z(*z_pointer)
+ , r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r(Number())
+ , alpha(Number())
+ , beta(Number())
+ , residual_norm(0.0)
+ , previous_alpha(Number())
+ , previous_beta(Number())
+ {}
+ void
+ startup(const VectorType &b)
+ {
+ // Initialize without setting the vector entries, as those would soon
+ // be overwritten anyway
+ r.reinit(x, true);
+ p.reinit(x, true);
+ v.reinit(x, true);
+ if (flexible)
+ z.reinit(x, true);
+ // compute residual. if vector is zero, then short-circuit the full
+ // computation
+ if (!x.all_zero())
+ {
+ A.vmult(r, x);
+ r.sadd(-1., 1., b);
+ }
+ else
+ r.equ(1., b);
- if (std::is_same<PreconditionerType, PreconditionIdentity>::value ==
- false)
- {
- preconditioner.vmult(v, r);
- r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = r * v;
- }
- else
- r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = residual_norm * residual_norm;
+ residual_norm = r.l2_norm();
+ }
- const VectorType &direction =
- std::is_same<PreconditionerType, PreconditionIdentity>::value ? r : v;
+ void
+ do_iteration(const unsigned int iteration_index)
+ {
+ const Number previous_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r =
+ r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
+ previous_alpha = alpha;
+ previous_beta = beta;
- if (iteration > 1)
- {
- Assert(std::abs(old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r) != 0.,
- ExcDivideByZero());
- beta = r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r / old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
- if (additional_data.use_flexible_variant)
- beta -= (r * z) / old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
- p.sadd(beta, 1., direction);
- }
- else
- p.equ(1., direction);
+ if (std::is_same<PreconditionerType, PreconditionIdentity>::value ==
+ false)
+ {
+ preconditioner.vmult(v, r);
+ r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = r * v;
+ }
+ else
+ r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = residual_norm * residual_norm;
+ const VectorType &direction =
+ std::is_same<PreconditionerType, PreconditionIdentity>::value ? r : v;
- if (additional_data.use_flexible_variant)
- z.swap(v);
+ if (iteration_index > 1)
+ {
+ Assert(std::abs(previous_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r) != 0.,
+ ExcDivideByZero());
+ beta =
+ r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r / previous_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
+ if (flexible)
+ beta -= (r * z) / previous_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
+ p.sadd(beta, 1., direction);
+ }
+ else
+ p.equ(1., direction);
- A.vmult(v, p);
+ if (flexible)
+ z.swap(v);
- const Number p_dot_A_dot_p = p * v;
- Assert(std::abs(p_dot_A_dot_p) != 0., ExcDivideByZero());
- alpha = r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r / p_dot_A_dot_p;
+ A.vmult(v, p);
- x.add(alpha, p);
- residual_norm = std::sqrt(std::abs(r.add_and_dot(-alpha, v, r)));
- }
+ const Number p_dot_A_dot_p = p * v;
+ Assert(std::abs(p_dot_A_dot_p) != 0., ExcDivideByZero());
+ alpha = r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r / p_dot_A_dot_p;
- /**
- * Internal function to run one iteration of the conjugate gradient solver
- * for matrices and preconditioners that support interleaving the vector
- * updates with the matrix-vector product.
- */
- template <typename Number,
- typename VectorType,
+ x.add(alpha, p);
+ residual_norm = std::sqrt(std::abs(r.add_and_dot(-alpha, v, r)));
+ }
+ void
+ finalize_after_convergence(const unsigned int)
+ {}
+ };
+ // Actual class with the basic operation implemented in
+ // IterationWorkerBase
+ template <typename VectorType,
typename MatrixType,
typename PreconditionerType,
- typename std::enable_if<
- supports_vmult_with_std_functions<MatrixType,
- VectorType,
- PreconditionerType>::value,
- int>::type * = nullptr>
- void
- do_cg_iteration(
- const MatrixType & A,
- const PreconditionerType &preconditioner,
- const typename dealii::SolverCG<VectorType>::AdditionalData &,
- const unsigned int iteration,
- VectorType & x_vector,
- VectorType & r_vector,
- VectorType & p_vector,
- VectorType & v_vector,
- VectorType &,
- Number & r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r,
- Number & alpha,
- Number & beta,
- double & residual_norm,
- const Number old_alpha,
- const Number old_beta)
+ typename = int>
+ struct IterationWorker
+ : public IterationWorkerBase<VectorType, MatrixType, PreconditionerType>
- const auto operation_before_loop = [&](const unsigned int start_range,
- const unsigned int end_range) {
- Number * x = x_vector.begin() + start_range;
- Number * r = r_vector.begin() + start_range;
- Number * p = p_vector.begin() + start_range;
- Number * v = v_vector.begin() + start_range;
- constexpr unsigned int grain_size = 32;
- std::array<Number, grain_size> prec_r;
- if (iteration == 1)
- {
- for (unsigned int j = start_range; j < end_range; j += grain_size)
- {
- const unsigned int length = std::min(grain_size, end_range - j);
- preconditioner.apply_on_subrange(j, length, r, prec_r.data());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- {
- p[i] = prec_r[i];
- v[i] = Number();
- }
- p += length;
- r += length;
- v += length;
- }
- }
- else if (iteration % 2 == 0)
- {
- for (unsigned int j = start_range; j < end_range; j += grain_size)
- {
- const unsigned int length = std::min(grain_size, end_range - j);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- r[i] -= alpha * v[i];
- preconditioner.apply_on_subrange(j, length, r, prec_r.data());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- {
- p[i] = beta * p[i] + prec_r[i];
- v[i] = Number();
- }
- p += length;
- r += length;
- v += length;
- }
- }
+ IterationWorker(const MatrixType & A,
+ const PreconditionerType &preconditioner,
+ const bool flexible,
+ VectorMemory<VectorType> &memory,
+ VectorType & x)
+ : IterationWorkerBase<VectorType, MatrixType, PreconditionerType>(
+ A,
+ preconditioner,
+ flexible,
+ memory,
+ x)
+ {}
+ };
+ // Internal function to run one iteration of the conjugate gradient solver
+ // for matrices and preconditioners that support interleaving the vector
+ // updates with the matrix-vector product.
+ template <typename VectorType,
+ typename MatrixType,
+ typename PreconditionerType>
+ struct IterationWorker<
+ VectorType,
+ MatrixType,
+ PreconditionerType,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ supports_vmult_with_std_functions<MatrixType,
+ VectorType,
+ PreconditionerType>::value,
+ int>::type>
+ : public IterationWorkerBase<VectorType, MatrixType, PreconditionerType>
+ {
+ static constexpr unsigned int grain_size = 32;
+ IterationWorker(const MatrixType & A,
+ const PreconditionerType &preconditioner,
+ const bool flexible,
+ VectorMemory<VectorType> &memory,
+ VectorType & x)
+ : IterationWorkerBase<VectorType, MatrixType, PreconditionerType>(
+ A,
+ preconditioner,
+ flexible,
+ memory,
+ x)
+ {}
+ void
+ do_iteration(const unsigned int iteration_index)
+ {
+ using Number = typename VectorType::value_type;
+ const auto operation_before_loop = [&](const unsigned int start_range,
+ const unsigned int end_range) {
+ Number * x = this->x.begin() + start_range;
+ Number * r = this->r.begin() + start_range;
+ Number * p = this->p.begin() + start_range;
+ Number * v = this->v.begin() + start_range;
+ std::array<Number, grain_size> prec_r;
+ if (iteration_index == 1)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j = start_range; j < end_range; j += grain_size)
+ {
+ const unsigned int length =
+ std::min(grain_size, end_range - j);
+ this->preconditioner.apply_to_subrange(j,
+ length,
+ r,
+ prec_r.data());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
+ {
+ p[i] = prec_r[i];
+ v[i] = Number();
+ }
+ p += length;
+ r += length;
+ v += length;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (iteration_index % 2 == 0)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j = start_range; j < end_range; j += grain_size)
+ {
+ const unsigned int length =
+ std::min(grain_size, end_range - j);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
+ r[i] -= this->alpha * v[i];
+ this->preconditioner.apply_to_subrange(j,
+ length,
+ r,
+ prec_r.data());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
+ {
+ p[i] = this->beta * p[i] + prec_r[i];
+ v[i] = Number();
+ }
+ p += length;
+ r += length;
+ v += length;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const Number alpha_plus_previous_alpha_over_beta =
+ this->alpha + this->previous_alpha / this->previous_beta;
+ const Number previous_alpha_over_beta =
+ this->previous_alpha / this->previous_beta;
+ for (unsigned int j = start_range; j < end_range; j += grain_size)
+ {
+ const unsigned int length =
+ std::min(grain_size, end_range - j);
+ this->preconditioner.apply_to_subrange(j,
+ length,
+ r,
+ prec_r.data());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
+ {
+ x[i] += alpha_plus_previous_alpha_over_beta * p[i] -
+ previous_alpha_over_beta * prec_r[i];
+ r[i] -= this->alpha * v[i];
+ }
+ this->preconditioner.apply_to_subrange(j,
+ length,
+ r,
+ prec_r.data());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
+ {
+ p[i] = this->beta * p[i] + prec_r[i];
+ v[i] = Number();
+ }
+ p += length;
+ r += length;
+ v += length;
+ x += length;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ std::array<Number, 7> local_sums = {};
+ const auto operation_after_loop = [&](const unsigned int start_range,
+ const unsigned int end_range) {
+ const Number * x = this->x.begin() + start_range;
+ const Number * r = this->r.begin() + start_range;
+ const Number * p = this->p.begin() + start_range;
+ const Number * v = this->v.begin() + start_range;
+ std::array<Number, grain_size> prec_r;
+ std::array<Number, grain_size> prec_v;
+ for (unsigned int j = start_range; j < end_range; j += grain_size)
+ {
+ const unsigned int length = std::min(grain_size, end_range - j);
+ this->preconditioner.apply_to_subrange(j,
+ length,
+ r,
+ prec_r.data());
+ this->preconditioner.apply_to_subrange(j,
+ length,
+ v,
+ prec_v.data());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
+ {
+ local_sums[0] += p[i] * v[i];
+ local_sums[1] += v[i] * v[i];
+ local_sums[2] += r[i] * v[i];
+ local_sums[3] += r[i] * r[i];
+ local_sums[4] += r[i] * prec_v[i];
+ local_sums[5] += v[i] * prec_v[i];
+ local_sums[6] += r[i] * prec_r[i];
+ }
+ p += length;
+ v += length;
+ r += length;
+ }
+ };
+ this->A.vmult(this->v,
+ this->p,
+ operation_before_loop,
+ operation_after_loop);
+ Utilities::MPI::sum(dealii::ArrayView<const Number>(local_sums.data(),
+ 7),
+ this->r.get_mpi_communicator(),
+ dealii::ArrayView<Number>(local_sums.data(), 7));
+ this->previous_alpha = this->alpha;
+ this->previous_beta = this->beta;
+ const Number p_dot_A_dot_p = local_sums[0];
+ Assert(std::abs(p_dot_A_dot_p) != 0., ExcDivideByZero());
+ const Number previous_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = local_sums[6];
+ this->alpha = previous_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r / p_dot_A_dot_p;
+ this->residual_norm = std::sqrt(
+ local_sums[3] +
+ this->alpha * (-2. * local_sums[2] + this->alpha * local_sums[1]));
+ this->r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r =
+ previous_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r +
+ this->alpha * (-2. * local_sums[4] + this->alpha * local_sums[5]);
+ this->beta = this->r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r /
+ previous_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
+ }
+ void
+ finalize_after_convergence(const unsigned int iteration_index)
+ {
+ if (iteration_index % 2 == 1)
+ this->x.add(this->alpha, this->p);
- const Number alpha_plus_alpha_old = alpha + old_alpha / old_beta;
- const Number alpha_old_beta_old = old_alpha / old_beta;
- for (unsigned int j = start_range; j < end_range; j += grain_size)
+ using Number = typename VectorType::value_type;
+ const unsigned int end_range = this->x.locally_owned_size();
+ Number * x = this->x.begin();
+ Number * r = this->r.begin();
+ Number * p = this->p.begin();
+ const Number alpha_plus_previous_alpha_over_beta =
+ this->alpha + this->previous_alpha / this->previous_beta;
+ const Number previous_alpha_over_beta =
+ this->previous_alpha / this->previous_beta;
+ std::array<Number, grain_size> prec_r;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < end_range; j += grain_size)
const unsigned int length = std::min(grain_size, end_range - j);
- preconditioner.apply_on_subrange(j, length, r, prec_r.data());
+ this->preconditioner.apply_to_subrange(j,
+ length,
+ r,
+ prec_r.data());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- {
- x[i] += alpha_plus_alpha_old * p[i] +
- alpha_old_beta_old * prec_r[i];
- r[i] -= alpha * v[i];
- }
- preconditioner.apply_on_subrange(j, length, r, prec_r.data());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- {
- p[i] = beta * p[i] + prec_r[i];
- v[i] = 0.;
- }
- p += length;
- r += length;
- v += length;
+ x[i] += alpha_plus_previous_alpha_over_beta * p[i] -
+ previous_alpha_over_beta * prec_r[i];
x += length;
+ r += length;
+ p += length;
- };
- std::array<Number, 7> local_sums = {};
- const auto operation_after_loop = [&](const unsigned int start_range,
- const unsigned int end_range) {
- Number * x = x_vector.begin() + start_range;
- Number * r = r_vector.begin() + start_range;
- Number * p = p_vector.begin() + start_range;
- Number * v = v_vector.begin() + start_range;
- constexpr unsigned int grain_size = 32;
- std::array<Number, grain_size> prec_r;
- std::array<Number, grain_size> prec_v;
- for (unsigned int j = start_range; j < end_range; j += grain_size)
- {
- const unsigned int length = std::min(grain_size, end_range - j);
- preconditioner.apply_on_subrange(j, length, r, prec_r.data());
- preconditioner.apply_on_subrange(j, length, v, prec_v.data());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- {
- local_sums[0] += p[i] * v[i];
- local_sums[1] += v[i] * v[i];
- local_sums[2] += r[i] * v[i];
- local_sums[3] += r[i] * r[i];
- local_sums[4] += r[i] * prec_v[i];
- local_sums[5] += v[i] * prec_v[i];
- local_sums[6] += r[i] * prec_r[i];
- }
- }
- };
- A.vmult(v_vector, p_vector, operation_before_loop, operation_after_loop);
- Utilities::MPI::sum(dealii::ArrayView<const double>(local_sums.begin(),
- 7),
- r_vector.get_mpi_communicator(),
- dealii::ArrayView<double>(local_sums.begin_raw(), 7));
- const Number p_dot_A_dot_p = local_sums[0];
- Assert(std::abs(p_dot_A_dot_p) != 0., ExcDivideByZero());
- const Number old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = local_sums[6];
- alpha = old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r / p_dot_A_dot_p;
- residual_norm = std::sqrt(local_sums[3] + 2 * local_sums[2] +
- alpha * alpha * local_sums[1]);
- r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r =
- old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r -
- alpha * (2. * local_sums[4] - alpha * local_sums[5]);
- beta = r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r / old_r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r;
- }
+ }
+ };
} // namespace SolverCG
} // namespace internal
LogStream::Prefix prefix("cg");
- // Memory allocation
- typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer r_pointer(this->memory);
- typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer p_pointer(this->memory);
- typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer v_pointer(this->memory);
- typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer z_pointer(this->memory);
- // Define some aliases for simpler access, using the variables 'r' for the
- // residual b - A*x, 'p' for the search direction, and 'v' for the auxiliary
- // vector. This naming convention is used e.g. by the description on
- // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugate_gradient_method. The variable 'z'
- // gets only used for the flexible variant of the CG method.
- VectorType &r = *r_pointer;
- VectorType &p = *p_pointer;
- VectorType &v = *v_pointer;
- VectorType &z = *z_pointer;
// Should we build the matrix for eigenvalue computations?
const bool do_eigenvalues =
!condition_number_signal.empty() || !all_condition_numbers_signal.empty() ||
typename VectorType::value_type eigen_beta_alpha = 0;
- // resize the vectors, but do not set the values since they'd be overwritten
- // soon anyway.
- r.reinit(x, true);
- p.reinit(x, true);
- v.reinit(x, true);
- if (determine_beta_by_flexible_formula)
- z.reinit(x, true);
- int it = 0;
- number r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r = number();
- number beta = number();
- number alpha = number();
- number old_beta = number();
- number old_alpha = number();
- // compute residual. if vector is zero, then short-circuit the full
- // computation
- if (!x.all_zero())
- {
- A.vmult(r, x);
- r.sadd(-1., 1., b);
- }
- else
- r.equ(1., b);
+ int it = 0;
+ internal::SolverCG::
+ IterationWorker<VectorType, MatrixType, PreconditionerType>
+ worker(
+ A, preconditioner, determine_beta_by_flexible_formula, this->memory, x);
+ worker.startup(b);
- double residual_norm = r.l2_norm();
- solver_state = this->iteration_status(0, residual_norm, x);
+ solver_state = this->iteration_status(0, worker.residual_norm, x);
if (solver_state != SolverControl::iterate)
- internal::SolverCG::do_cg_iteration(A,
- preconditioner,
- additional_data,
- it,
- x,
- r,
- p,
- v,
- z,
- r_dot_preconditioner_dot_r,
- alpha,
- beta,
- residual_norm,
- old_alpha,
- old_beta);
- old_alpha = alpha;
- old_beta = beta;
- print_vectors(it, x, r, p);
+ worker.do_iteration(it);
+ print_vectors(it, x, worker.r, worker.p);
if (it > 1)
- this->coefficients_signal(old_alpha, beta);
- // set up the vectors containing the diagonal and the off diagonal of
- // the projected matrix.
+ this->coefficients_signal(worker.previous_alpha, worker.beta);
+ // set up the vectors containing the diagonal and the off diagonal
+ // of the projected matrix.
if (do_eigenvalues)
- diagonal.push_back(number(1.) / old_alpha + eigen_beta_alpha);
- eigen_beta_alpha = beta / old_alpha;
- offdiagonal.push_back(std::sqrt(beta) / old_alpha);
+ diagonal.push_back(number(1.) / worker.previous_alpha +
+ eigen_beta_alpha);
+ eigen_beta_alpha = worker.beta / worker.previous_alpha;
+ offdiagonal.push_back(std::sqrt(worker.beta) /
+ worker.previous_alpha);
- solver_state = this->iteration_status(it, residual_norm, x);
+ solver_state = this->iteration_status(it, worker.residual_norm, x);
+ worker.finalize_after_convergence(it);
AssertThrow(solver_state == SolverControl::success,
- SolverControl::NoConvergence(it, residual_norm));
+ SolverControl::NoConvergence(it, worker.residual_norm));