@sequential_vectors @parallel_vectors
our @EXPORT;
+# A function substituting multiple patterns in a string with all
+# combinations of values of the vectors provided and printing the result.
+# Its arguments are
+# 1. The text with patterns to be replaced
+# 2. A reference to an array with all the patterns
+# 3. For each pattern, a reference to an array with replacements
+# The function will then loop through all vectors in lexicographical
+# order, first fastest, and replace globally all occurences of each
+# pattern. This is only done if the pattern is not part of a C++ token.
+# Usage example:
+# use strict;
+# use dealiitemplates;
+# my $text = <<'EOT'
+# template class Test<D,S1,V1>;
+# template void Test<D,S1,V1>::Dimension();
+# EOT
+# ;
+# my @patterns = qw(D S1 V1);
+# multisubst($text, \@patterns, \@dimensions, \@real_scalars, \@sequential_vectors)
+sub multisubst
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $patterns = shift;
+ my @sizes = map { $#{$_} } @_;
+ my $n = 1;
+ grep { $n *= ($_+1); } @sizes;
+ my @index;
+ ($#_ == $#{$patterns}) ||
+ die "multisubst function received $#{$patterns} replacement patterns, but $#_ vectors";
+ for (my $i=0;$i<$n;++$i)
+ {
+ my $t = $text;
+ for (my $j=0;$j<=$#sizes;++$j)
+ {
+ my $v = $patterns->[$j];
+ my $r = $_[$j]->[$index[$j]];
+ $t =~ s/(?<![\w_])$v(?![\w_])/$r /g;
+ }
+ print "$t\n";
+ for (my $j=0;$j<=$#sizes;++$j)
+ {
+ if ($index[$j] < $sizes[$j])
+ {
+ ++$index[$j];
+ last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $index[$j] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
our $t;
# Dimensions