githubNotify context: 'CI', description: 'running tests...', status: 'PENDING'
- stage("indent")
- {
- post {
- failure {
- githubNotify context: 'indent', description: 'failed', status: 'FAILURE'
- }
- }
- steps
- {
- // we are finally running, so we can mark the 'ready' context from Jenkinsfile.mark as success:
- githubNotify context: 'ready', description: ':-)', status: 'SUCCESS'
- // We can not use 'indent' because we are missing the master branch:
- // "fatal: ambiguous argument 'master': unknown revision or path"
- sh '''
- ./contrib/utilities/indent-all
- '''
- sh 'git diff > changes.diff'
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'changes.diff', fingerprint: true
- sh '''
- git diff --exit-code || \
- { echo "Please check indentation, see artifacts at the top right!"; exit 1; }
- '''
- githubNotify context: 'indent', description: '', status: 'SUCCESS'
- }
- }