]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
benchmark: index.html is being generated
authorTimo Heister <timo.heister@gmail.com>
Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:58:39 +0000 (20:58 +0000)
committerTimo Heister <timo.heister@gmail.com>
Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:58:39 +0000 (20:58 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@30144 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d

tests/benchmarks/index.html [deleted file]

diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/index.html b/tests/benchmarks/index.html
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-, [29700,-5.607477]
-, [29725,-5.607477]
-, [29750,-3.738318]
-, [29775,-5.140187]
-, [29800,-5.140187]
-, [29825,-4.205607]
-, [29850,-4.205607]
-, [29875,-2.336449]
-, [29900,-4.672897]
-, [29925,-4.205607]
-, [29950,-4.205607]
-, [29975,-6.542056]
-, [30000,-4.205607]
-, [30025,-4.672897]
-, [30050,-4.205607]
-, [30075,-4.672897]
-, [30100,-2.803738]
-, [30125,-2.803738]
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-, [27100,0.187617]
-, [27150,-1.313321]
-, [27200,0.000000]
-, [27250,0.187617]
-, [27300,0.187617]
-, [27350,0.000000]
-, [27400,0.000000]
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-, [27550,0.000000]
-, [27600,0.000000]
-, [27650,-0.187617]
-, [27700,0.000000]
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-, [27800,0.000000]
-, [27850,0.375235]
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-, [27950,-0.375235]
-, [28000,0.000000]
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-, [28100,0.000000]
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-, [28300,-0.375235]
-, [28350,-0.375235]
-, [28400,0.000000]
-, [28450,0.000000]
-, [28500,-0.375235]
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-, [28600,0.375235]
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-, [28775,0.375235]
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-, [28875,3.939962]
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-, [28925,3.939962]
-, [28950,3.752345]
-, [28975,3.939962]
-, [29000,2.439024]
-, [29025,3.564728]
-, [29050,3.939962]
-, [29075,3.939962]
-, [29100,3.939962]
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-, [29150,3.939962]
-, [29175,3.939962]
-, [29200,3.752345]
-, [29225,3.752345]
-, [29250,3.752345]
-, [29275,3.752345]
-, [29300,3.564728]
-, [29325,3.939962]
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-, [29375,3.752345]
-, [29400,3.939962]
-, [29425,3.752345]
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-, [29525,3.752345]
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-, [29575,3.752345]
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-, [29625,3.752345]
-, [29650,3.564728]
-, [29675,3.752345]
-, [29700,3.564728]
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-, [29900,3.752345]
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-, [29950,3.564728]
-, [29975,3.564728]
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-, [30025,3.564728]
-, [30050,3.752345]
-, [30075,3.752345]
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-, [30125,0.000000]
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-, [27150,-3.174603]
-, [27200,-1.587302]
-, [27250,-4.761905]
-, [27300,-3.174603]
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-, [27450,-3.174603]
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-, [27900,-4.761905]
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-, [28000,-1.587302]
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-, [28100,-1.587302]
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-, [28200,-4.761905]
-, [28250,-2.380952]
-, [28300,-2.380952]
-, [28350,-1.587302]
-, [28400,-1.587302]
-, [28450,0.000000]
-, [28500,-3.174603]
-, [28550,-3.174603]
-, [28600,-3.174603]
-, [28650,-3.174603]
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-, [28725,-1.587302]
-, [28750,-1.587302]
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-, [28850,0.793651]
-, [28875,-0.793651]
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-, [28950,-0.793651]
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-, [29050,0.000000]
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-, [29100,0.793651]
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-, [29200,-0.793651]
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-, [29250,0.000000]
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-, [29300,0.000000]
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-, [29400,-0.793651]
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-, [29700,0.793651]
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-, [29750,3.174603]
-, [29775,-1.587302]
-, [29800,0.793651]
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-, [29850,1.587302]
-, [29875,2.380952]
-, [29900,-1.587302]
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-, [29950,2.380952]
-, [29975,-1.587302]
-, [30000,1.587302]
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-, [30050,0.000000]
-, [30075,0.793651]
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-{ name: 'step-22 - setup', data: [
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-, [27200,-1.326700]
-, [27250,-1.492537]
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-, [27500,-1.492537]
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-, [27700,-2.487562]
-, [27750,-1.492537]
-, [27800,-1.326700]
-, [27850,-1.160862]
-, [27900,-1.326700]
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-, [28200,-1.160862]
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-, [28600,-2.155887]
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-, [28725,-1.160862]
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-, [28775,-1.160862]
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-, [29175,-0.331675]
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-, [29250,0.000000]
-, [29275,0.331675]
-, [29300,0.000000]
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-, [29350,-0.331675]
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-, [29400,-0.497512]
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-, [29450,-0.165837]
-, [29475,0.000000]
-, [29500,-0.497512]
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-, [29550,0.331675]
-, [29575,0.165837]
-, [29600,-1.160862]
-, [29625,-0.497512]
-, [29650,-0.829187]
-, [29675,0.000000]
-, [29700,-0.497512]
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-, [29775,-0.497512]
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-, [29875,0.331675]
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-, [29925,-0.165837]
-, [29950,-0.165837]
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-, [30075,0.165837]
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-, [27450,-0.288184]
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-, [27800,0.576369]
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-, [28650,-4.322767]
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-, [28875,-0.288184]
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-, [28950,-0.288184]
-, [28975,0.288184]
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-, [29150,-0.288184]
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-, [29250,-0.288184]
-, [29275,0.288184]
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-, [29350,-0.288184]
-, [29375,-0.288184]
-, [29400,0.000000]
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-, [29450,-0.864553]
-, [29475,0.864553]
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-, [29550,0.000000]
-, [29575,-0.288184]
-, [29600,0.288184]
-, [29625,-0.288184]
-, [29650,0.000000]
-, [29675,0.000000]
-, [29700,0.000000]
-, [29725,-0.288184]
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-, [29775,-1.729107]
-, [29800,-0.288184]
-, [29825,-0.576369]
-, [29850,0.288184]
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-, [29900,0.000000]
-, [29925,0.000000]
-, [29950,-0.576369]
-, [29975,0.000000]
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-, [30050,-0.288184]
-, [30075,-0.288184]
-, [30100,0.864553]
-, [30125,1.152738]
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-, [27150,2.777778]
-, [27200,0.000000]
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-, [27300,-2.777778]
-, [27350,-2.777778]
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-, [27450,-0.925926]
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-, [27750,-0.925926]
-, [27800,-0.925926]
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-, [28200,-1.851852]
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-, [28300,-6.481481]
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-, [28400,-2.777778]
-, [28450,-5.555556]
-, [28500,-0.925926]
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-, [28600,-3.703704]
-, [28650,-5.555556]
-, [28700,-2.777778]
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-, [28750,-0.925926]
-, [28775,-0.925926]
-, [28800,2.777778]
-, [28825,1.851852]
-, [28850,1.851852]
-, [28875,1.851852]
-, [28900,2.777778]
-, [28925,1.851852]
-, [28950,2.777778]
-, [28975,2.777778]
-, [29000,-4.629630]
-, [29025,2.777778]
-, [29050,1.851852]
-, [29075,1.851852]
-, [29100,1.851852]
-, [29125,1.851852]
-, [29150,1.851852]
-, [29175,1.851852]
-, [29200,1.851852]
-, [29225,1.851852]
-, [29250,2.777778]
-, [29275,1.851852]
-, [29300,1.851852]
-, [29325,1.851852]
-, [29350,1.851852]
-, [29375,1.851852]
-, [29400,2.777778]
-, [29425,2.777778]
-, [29450,1.851852]
-, [29475,2.777778]
-, [29500,1.851852]
-, [29525,2.777778]
-, [29550,1.851852]
-, [29575,1.851852]
-, [29600,2.777778]
-, [29625,1.851852]
-, [29650,1.851852]
-, [29675,1.851852]
-, [29700,1.851852]
-, [29725,1.851852]
-, [29750,2.777778]
-, [29775,1.851852]
-, [29800,2.777778]
-, [29825,1.851852]
-, [29850,1.851852]
-, [29875,0.925926]
-, [29900,1.851852]
-, [29925,2.777778]
-, [29950,0.000000]
-, [29975,2.777778]
-, [30000,1.851852]
-, [30025,1.851852]
-, [30050,2.777778]
-, [30075,2.777778]
-, [30100,0.000000]
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-, [27150,1.890359]
-, [27200,1.890359]
-, [27250,3.591682]
-, [27300,1.134216]
-, [27350,3.024575]
-, [27400,3.024575]
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-, [27500,3.402647]
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-, [27600,3.780718]
-, [27650,3.402647]
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-, [27750,2.457467]
-, [27800,2.835539]
-, [27850,3.402647]
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-, [27950,3.024575]
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-, [28350,0.189036]
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-, [28450,0.756144]
-, [28500,0.378072]
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-, [28650,0.945180]
-, [28700,0.378072]
-, [28725,1.890359]
-, [28750,0.378072]
-, [28775,0.945180]
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-, [28825,2.835539]
-, [28850,3.402647]
-, [28875,4.158790]
-, [28900,5.482042]
-, [28925,5.293006]
-, [28950,4.158790]
-, [28975,3.780718]
-, [29000,1.890359]
-, [29025,3.591682]
-, [29050,4.158790]
-, [29075,5.671078]
-, [29100,3.213611]
-, [29125,4.347826]
-, [29150,4.347826]
-, [29175,4.914934]
-, [29200,5.671078]
-, [29225,3.024575]
-, [29250,6.049149]
-, [29275,5.860113]
-, [29300,5.482042]
-, [29325,3.780718]
-, [29350,3.591682]
-, [29375,5.482042]
-, [29400,4.158790]
-, [29425,3.591682]
-, [29450,3.591682]
-, [29475,3.402647]
-, [29500,5.482042]
-, [29525,3.969754]
-, [29550,5.860113]
-, [29575,4.158790]
-, [29600,3.780718]
-, [29625,2.835539]
-, [29650,5.103970]
-, [29675,3.780718]
-, [29700,3.780718]
-, [29725,3.780718]
-, [29750,5.482042]
-, [29775,3.024575]
-, [29800,5.103970]
-, [29825,3.591682]
-, [29850,3.213611]
-, [29875,3.213611]
-, [29900,3.969754]
-, [29925,3.591682]
-, [29950,3.780718]
-, [29975,3.780718]
-, [30000,5.103970]
-, [30025,3.780718]
-, [30050,5.482042]
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-       </head>
-       <body>
-deal.II performance benchmarks, see 
-<a href="http://www.dealii.org/testsuite.html">http://www.dealii.org/testsuite.html</a><br><br>
-<div id="container" style="min-width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
-<img src="baseline.png"/>
-<img src="test_assembly.png"/>
-<img src="step-22.png"/>
-<img src="test_poisson.png"/>
-<img src="tablehandler.png"/>
-       </body>

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.