--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2005 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+#include <fe/fe.h>
+#include <fe/fe_tools.h>
+template <int dim>
+FETools::lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering (const FiniteElementData<dim> &fe,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &l2h)
+ // note: this function does the
+ // reverse operation of the
+ // previous one. nevertheless, they
+ // have been written independently
+ // from each other. the test
+ // "fe/numbering" checks that the
+ // output of the two functions is
+ // indeed the reverse of each other
+ // by checking that the
+ // concatenation of the two maps is
+ // the identity operation
+ //
+ // The experienced code reader will
+ // note that this function was not
+ // written by the same author than
+ // the previous one (although the
+ // author of the previous function
+ // cleaned up this if-block a
+ // little bit by introducing the
+ // arrays of numbers). Therefore,
+ // both authors have experienced
+ // the downsides of the hierarchic
+ // numbering of degrees of freedom
+ // in deal.II. Just to also provide
+ // some fun while reading code,
+ // here is the rant of the author
+ // of this function about the
+ // author of the previous one:
+ //
+ // "Unfortunately, somebody
+ // switched the upper corner points
+ // of a quad. The same person
+ // decided to find a very creative
+ // numbering of the vertices of a
+ // hexahedron. Therefore, this code
+ // looks quite sophisticated."
+ //
+ // NB: The "accused" same person
+ // claims to have had good reasons
+ // then, but seems to have
+ // forgotten about them. At least,
+ // the numbering was discussed with
+ // the complaining person back then
+ // when all began :-)
+ Assert (fe.n_components() == 1, ExcInvalidFE());
+ Assert (l2h.size() == fe.dofs_per_cell,
+ ExcDimensionMismatch (l2h.size(), fe.dofs_per_cell));
+ // polynomial degree
+ const unsigned int degree = fe.dofs_per_line+1;
+ // number of grid points in each
+ // direction
+ const unsigned int n = degree+1;
+ if (degree > 0)
+ {
+ Assert (fe.dofs_per_vertex == 1, ExcInternalError());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned int index = 0;
+ // Find indices of vertices.
+ switch (dim)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ const unsigned int values[GeometryInfo<1>::vertices_per_cell]
+ = { 0, degree };
+ index = values[i];
+ break;
+ };
+ case 2:
+ {
+ const unsigned int values[GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell]
+ = { 0, degree, n*degree+degree, n*degree };
+ index = values[i];
+ break;
+ };
+ case 3:
+ {
+ const unsigned int values[GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell]
+ = { 0, degree,
+ n*n*degree + degree, n*n*degree,
+ n*degree, n*degree+degree,
+ n*n*degree + n*degree+degree, n*n*degree + n*degree};
+ index = values[i];
+ break;
+ };
+ default:
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ l2h[index] = i;
+ }
+ };
+ // for degree 2 and higher: Lines,
+ // quads, hexes etc also carry
+ // degrees of freedom
+ if (degree > 1)
+ {
+ Assert (fe.dofs_per_line == degree-1, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert ((fe.dofs_per_quad == (degree-1)*(degree-1)) ||
+ (dim < 2), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert ((fe.dofs_per_hex == (degree-1)*(degree-1)*(degree-1)) ||
+ (dim < 3), ExcInternalError());
+ for (int i=0; i<static_cast<signed int>(GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell); ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned int index = fe.first_line_index + i*fe.dofs_per_line;
+ unsigned int incr = 0;
+ unsigned int tensorstart = 0;
+ // This again looks quite
+ // strange because of the odd
+ // numbering scheme.
+ switch (i+100*dim)
+ {
+ // lines in x-direction
+ case 100:
+ case 200: case 202:
+ case 300: case 302: case 304: case 306:
+ incr = 1;
+ break;
+ // lines in y-direction
+ case 201: case 203:
+ case 308: case 309: case 310: case 311:
+ incr = n;
+ break;
+ // lines in z-direction
+ case 301: case 303: case 305: case 307:
+ incr = n*n;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ switch (i+100*dim)
+ {
+ // x=y=z=0
+ case 100:
+ case 200: case 203:
+ case 300: case 303: case 308:
+ tensorstart = 0;
+ break;
+ // x=1 y=z=0
+ case 201:
+ case 301: case 309:
+ tensorstart = degree;
+ break;
+ // y=1 x=z=0
+ case 202:
+ case 304: case 307:
+ tensorstart = n*degree;
+ break;
+ // x=z=1 y=0
+ case 310:
+ tensorstart = n*n*degree+degree;
+ break;
+ // z=1 x=y=0
+ case 302: case 311:
+ tensorstart = n*n*degree;
+ break;
+ // x=y=1 z=0
+ case 305:
+ tensorstart = n*degree+degree;
+ break;
+ // y=z=1 x=0
+ case 306:
+ tensorstart = n*n*n-n;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ for (unsigned int jx = 1; jx<degree ;++jx)
+ {
+ unsigned int tensorindex = tensorstart + jx * incr;
+ l2h[tensorindex] = index++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<static_cast<signed int>(GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell); ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned int index = fe.first_quad_index+i*fe.dofs_per_quad;
+ unsigned int tensorstart = 0;
+ unsigned int incx = 0;
+ unsigned int incy = 0;
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ tensorstart = 0; incx = 1;
+ if (dim==2)
+ incy = n;
+ else
+ incy = n*n;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ tensorstart = n*degree; incx = 1; incy = n*n;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ tensorstart = 0; incx = 1; incy = n;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ tensorstart = degree; incx = n; incy = n*n;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ tensorstart = n*n*degree; incx = 1; incy = n;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ tensorstart = 0; incx = n; incy = n*n;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ for (unsigned int jy = 1; jy<degree; jy++)
+ for (unsigned int jx = 1; jx<degree ;++jx)
+ {
+ unsigned int tensorindex = tensorstart
+ + jx * incx + jy * incy;
+ l2h[tensorindex] = index++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell > 0)
+ for (int i=0; i<static_cast<signed int>(GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell); ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned int index = fe.first_hex_index;
+ for (unsigned int jz = 1; jz<degree; jz++)
+ for (unsigned int jy = 1; jy<degree; jy++)
+ for (unsigned int jx = 1; jx<degree; jx++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int tensorindex = jx + jy*n + jz*n*n;
+ l2h[tensorindex]=index++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+(const FiniteElementData<1> &fe,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &h2l);
+(const FiniteElementData<2> &fe,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &h2l);
+(const FiniteElementData<3> &fe,
+ std::vector<unsigned int> &h2l);
-template <int dim>
-FETools::lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering (const FiniteElementData<dim> &fe,
- std::vector<unsigned int> &l2h)
- // note: this function does the
- // reverse operation of the
- // previous one. nevertheless, they
- // have been written independently
- // from each other. the test
- // "fe/numbering" checks that the
- // output of the two functions is
- // indeed the reverse of each other
- // by checking that the
- // concatenation of the two maps is
- // the identity operation
- //
- // The experienced code reader will
- // note that this function was not
- // written by the same author than
- // the previous one (although the
- // author of the previous function
- // cleaned up this if-block a
- // little bit by introducing the
- // arrays of numbers). Therefore,
- // both authors have experienced
- // the downsides of the hierarchic
- // numbering of degrees of freedom
- // in deal.II. Just to also provide
- // some fun while reading code,
- // here is the rant of the author
- // of this function about the
- // author of the previous one:
- //
- // "Unfortunately, somebody
- // switched the upper corner points
- // of a quad. The same person
- // decided to find a very creative
- // numbering of the vertices of a
- // hexahedron. Therefore, this code
- // looks quite sophisticated."
- //
- // NB: The "accused" same person
- // claims to have had good reasons
- // then, but seems to have
- // forgotten about them. At least,
- // the numbering was discussed with
- // the complaining person back then
- // when all began :-)
- Assert (fe.n_components() == 1, ExcInvalidFE());
- Assert (l2h.size() == fe.dofs_per_cell,
- ExcDimensionMismatch (l2h.size(), fe.dofs_per_cell));
- // polynomial degree
- const unsigned int degree = fe.dofs_per_line+1;
- // number of grid points in each
- // direction
- const unsigned int n = degree+1;
- if (degree > 0)
- {
- Assert (fe.dofs_per_vertex == 1, ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++i)
- {
- unsigned int index = 0;
- // Find indices of vertices.
- switch (dim)
- {
- case 1:
- {
- const unsigned int values[GeometryInfo<1>::vertices_per_cell]
- = { 0, degree };
- index = values[i];
- break;
- };
- case 2:
- {
- const unsigned int values[GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell]
- = { 0, degree, n*degree+degree, n*degree };
- index = values[i];
- break;
- };
- case 3:
- {
- const unsigned int values[GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell]
- = { 0, degree,
- n*n*degree + degree, n*n*degree,
- n*degree, n*degree+degree,
- n*n*degree + n*degree+degree, n*n*degree + n*degree};
- index = values[i];
- break;
- };
- default:
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- }
- l2h[index] = i;
- }
- };
- // for degree 2 and higher: Lines,
- // quads, hexes etc also carry
- // degrees of freedom
- if (degree > 1)
- {
- Assert (fe.dofs_per_line == degree-1, ExcInternalError());
- Assert ((fe.dofs_per_quad == (degree-1)*(degree-1)) ||
- (dim < 2), ExcInternalError());
- Assert ((fe.dofs_per_hex == (degree-1)*(degree-1)*(degree-1)) ||
- (dim < 3), ExcInternalError());
- for (int i=0; i<static_cast<signed int>(GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell); ++i)
- {
- unsigned int index = fe.first_line_index + i*fe.dofs_per_line;
- unsigned int incr = 0;
- unsigned int tensorstart = 0;
- // This again looks quite
- // strange because of the odd
- // numbering scheme.
- switch (i+100*dim)
- {
- // lines in x-direction
- case 100:
- case 200: case 202:
- case 300: case 302: case 304: case 306:
- incr = 1;
- break;
- // lines in y-direction
- case 201: case 203:
- case 308: case 309: case 310: case 311:
- incr = n;
- break;
- // lines in z-direction
- case 301: case 303: case 305: case 307:
- incr = n*n;
- break;
- default:
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- }
- switch (i+100*dim)
- {
- // x=y=z=0
- case 100:
- case 200: case 203:
- case 300: case 303: case 308:
- tensorstart = 0;
- break;
- // x=1 y=z=0
- case 201:
- case 301: case 309:
- tensorstart = degree;
- break;
- // y=1 x=z=0
- case 202:
- case 304: case 307:
- tensorstart = n*degree;
- break;
- // x=z=1 y=0
- case 310:
- tensorstart = n*n*degree+degree;
- break;
- // z=1 x=y=0
- case 302: case 311:
- tensorstart = n*n*degree;
- break;
- // x=y=1 z=0
- case 305:
- tensorstart = n*degree+degree;
- break;
- // y=z=1 x=0
- case 306:
- tensorstart = n*n*n-n;
- break;
- default:
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- }
- for (unsigned int jx = 1; jx<degree ;++jx)
- {
- unsigned int tensorindex = tensorstart + jx * incr;
- l2h[tensorindex] = index++;
- }
- }
- for (int i=0; i<static_cast<signed int>(GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell); ++i)
- {
- unsigned int index = fe.first_quad_index+i*fe.dofs_per_quad;
- unsigned int tensorstart = 0;
- unsigned int incx = 0;
- unsigned int incy = 0;
- switch (i)
- {
- case 0:
- tensorstart = 0; incx = 1;
- if (dim==2)
- incy = n;
- else
- incy = n*n;
- break;
- case 1:
- tensorstart = n*degree; incx = 1; incy = n*n;
- break;
- case 2:
- tensorstart = 0; incx = 1; incy = n;
- break;
- case 3:
- tensorstart = degree; incx = n; incy = n*n;
- break;
- case 4:
- tensorstart = n*n*degree; incx = 1; incy = n;
- break;
- case 5:
- tensorstart = 0; incx = n; incy = n*n;
- break;
- default:
- Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- }
- for (unsigned int jy = 1; jy<degree; jy++)
- for (unsigned int jx = 1; jx<degree ;++jx)
- {
- unsigned int tensorindex = tensorstart
- + jx * incx + jy * incy;
- l2h[tensorindex] = index++;
- }
- }
- if (GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell > 0)
- for (int i=0; i<static_cast<signed int>(GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell); ++i)
- {
- unsigned int index = fe.first_hex_index;
- for (unsigned int jz = 1; jz<degree; jz++)
- for (unsigned int jy = 1; jy<degree; jy++)
- for (unsigned int jx = 1; jx<degree; jx++)
- {
- const unsigned int tensorindex = jx + jy*n + jz*n*n;
- l2h[tensorindex]=index++;
- }
- }
- }
template <int dim>
FiniteElement<dim> *
-(const FiniteElementData<deal_II_dimension> &fe,
- std::vector<unsigned int> &h2l);
(const FiniteElementData<deal_II_dimension> &fe,
std::vector<unsigned int> &h2l);