// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::setup_dofs}
+ // The remainder of the setup
+ // function (after splitting out the
+ // three functions above) mostly has
+ // to deal with the things we need to
+ // do for parallelization across
+ // processors. In particular, at the
+ // top it calls
+ // GridTools::partition_triangulation
+ // to subdivide all cells into
+ // subdomains of roughly equal size
+ // and roughly minimal interface
+ // length. We then distribute degrees
+ // of freedom for Stokes and
+ // temperature DoFHandler objects,
+ // and re-sort them in such a way
+ // that all degrees of freedom
+ // associated with subdomain zero
+ // come before all those associated
+ // with subdomain one, etc. For the
+ // Stokes part, this entails,
+ // however, that velocities and
+ // pressures become intermixed, but
+ // this is trivially solved by
+ // sorting again by blocks; it is
+ // worth noting that this latter
+ // operation leaves the relative
+ // ordering of all velocities and
+ // pressures alone, i.e. within the
+ // velocity block we will still have
+ // all those associated with
+ // subdomain zero before all
+ // velocities associated with
+ // subdomain one, etc. This is
+ // important since we store each of
+ // the blocks of this matrix
+ // distributed across all processors
+ // and want this to be done in such a
+ // way that each processor stores
+ // that part of the matrix that is
+ // roughly equal to the degrees of
+ // freedom located on those cells
+ // that it will actually work on.
+ //
+ // After this, we have to set up the
+ // various partitioners (of type
+ // <code>Epetra_Map</code>, see the
+ // introduction) that describe which
+ // parts of each matrix or vector
+ // will be stored where, then call
+ // the functions that actually set up
+ // the matrices (concurrently if on a
+ // single processor, but sequentially
+ // if we need MPI communications),
+ // and at the end also resize the
+ // various vectors we keep around in
+ // this program.
+ //
+ // Note also how this function enters
+ // and leaves a timed section so that
+ // we can get a time report at the
+ // end of the program. Note also the
+ // use of the <code>pcout</code>
+ // variable: to every process it
+ // looks like we can write to screen,
+ // but only the output of the first
+ // processor actually ends up
+ // somewhere. We could of course have
+ // achieved the same effect by
+ // writing to <code>std::cout</code>
+ // but would then have had to guard
+ // every access to that stream by
+ // something like <code>if
+ // (Utilities:: Trilinos::
+ // get_this_mpi_process
+ // (trilinos_communicator) ==
+ // 0)</code>, hardly a pretty
+ // solution.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::setup_dofs ()
+ // @sect4{The BoussinesqFlowProblem assembly functions}
template <int dim>