* @param[in] comm MPI communicator.
* @param[in] objects_to_send A map from the rank (unsigned int) of the
- * process meant to receive the data and the object to send (the type T
- * must be serializable for this function to work properly).
+ * process meant to receive the data and the object to send (the type `T`
+ * must be serializable for this function to work properly). If this
+ * map contains an entry with a key equal to the rank of the current
+ * process (i.e., an instruction to a process to send data to itself),
+ * then this data item is simply copied to the returned object.
* @return A map from the rank (unsigned int) of the process
* which sent the data and object received.
- const auto n_point_point_communications =
+ const unsigned int n_point_point_communications =
Utilities::MPI::compute_n_point_to_point_communications(comm, send_to);
// If we have something to send, or we expect something from other