* freedom, and fe_index has to
* match the result of
* active_fe_index().
+ *
+ * @note While the get_dof_indices()
+ * function returns an array that
+ * contains the indices of all degrees of
+ * freedom that somehow live on this
+ * object (i.e. on the vertices, edges or
+ * interior of this object), the current
+ * dof_index() function only considers
+ * the DoFs that really belong to this
+ * particular object's interior. In other
+ * words, as an example, if the current
+ * object refers to a quad (a cell in 2d,
+ * a face in 3d) and the finite element
+ * associated with it is a bilinear one,
+ * then the get_dof_indices() will return
+ * an array of size 4 while dof_index()
+ * will produce an exception because no
+ * degrees are defined in the interior of
+ * the face.
unsigned int dof_index (const unsigned int i,
const unsigned int fe_index = DH::default_fe_index) const;
* freedom, and fe_index has to
* match the result of
* active_fe_index().
+ *
+ * @note While the get_dof_indices()
+ * function returns an array that
+ * contains the indices of all degrees of
+ * freedom that somehow live on this
+ * object (i.e. on the vertices, edges or
+ * interior of this object), the current
+ * dof_index() function only considers
+ * the DoFs that really belong to this
+ * particular object's interior. In other
+ * words, as an example, if the current
+ * object refers to a quad (a cell in 2d,
+ * a face in 3d) and the finite element
+ * associated with it is a bilinear one,
+ * then the get_dof_indices() will return
+ * an array of size 4 while dof_index()
+ * will produce an exception because no
+ * degrees are defined in the interior of
+ * the face.
unsigned int dof_index (const unsigned int i,
const unsigned int fe_index = AccessorData::default_fe_index) const;