ExcMessage ("Cannot call compress() on a ghosted vector"));
- // nothing to do for insert (only need to zero ghost entries in
- // compress_finish()). in debug mode we want to check consistency
- // of the inserted data, therefore the communication is still
- // initialized. Having different code in debug and optimized mode is
- // somewhat dangerous, but it really saves communication so it seems
- // still worthwhile.
-#ifndef DEBUG
- if (operation == VectorOperation::insert)
- return;
- const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner &part = *partitioner;
- // nothing to do when we neither have import
- // nor ghost indices.
- if (part.n_ghost_indices()==0 && part.n_import_indices()==0)
- return;
// make this function thread safe
Threads::Mutex::ScopedLock lock (mutex);
- const unsigned int n_import_targets = part.import_targets().size();
- const unsigned int n_ghost_targets = part.ghost_targets().size();
- Assert(compress_requests.size() == 0,
- ExcMessage("Another compress operation seems to still be running. "
- "Call compress_finish() first."));
- // Need to send and receive the data. Use non-blocking communication,
- // where it is generally less overhead to first initiate the receive and
- // then actually send the data
- // set channels in different range from update_ghost_values channels
- const unsigned int channel = counter + 400;
- unsigned int current_index_start = 0;
- compress_requests.resize (n_import_targets + n_ghost_targets);
// allocate import_data in case it is not set up yet
- if (import_data == nullptr)
- import_data = new Number[part.n_import_indices()];
- // initiate the receive operations
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_import_targets; i++)
- {
- AssertThrow (static_cast<size_type>(part.import_targets()[i].second)*
- sizeof(Number) <
- static_cast<size_type>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()),
- ExcMessage("Index overflow: Maximum message size in MPI is 2GB. "
- "The number of ghost entries times the size of 'Number' "
- "exceeds this value. This is not supported."));
- const int ierr = MPI_Irecv (&import_data[current_index_start],
- part.import_targets()[i].second*sizeof(Number),
- part.import_targets()[i].first,
- part.import_targets()[i].first +
- part.n_mpi_processes()*channel,
- part.get_mpi_communicator(),
- &compress_requests[i]);
- AssertThrowMPI (ierr);
- current_index_start += part.import_targets()[i].second;
- }
- AssertDimension(current_index_start, part.n_import_indices());
- // initiate the send operations
- current_index_start = part.local_size();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_ghost_targets; i++)
- {
- AssertThrow (static_cast<size_type>(part.ghost_targets()[i].second)*
- sizeof(Number) <
- static_cast<size_type>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()),
- ExcMessage("Index overflow: Maximum message size in MPI is 2GB. "
- "The number of ghost entries times the size of 'Number' "
- "exceeds this value. This is not supported."));
- const int ierr = MPI_Isend (&this->val[current_index_start],
- part.ghost_targets()[i].second*sizeof(Number),
- part.ghost_targets()[i].first,
- part.this_mpi_process() +
- part.n_mpi_processes()*channel,
- part.get_mpi_communicator(),
- &compress_requests[n_import_targets+i]);
- AssertThrowMPI (ierr);
- current_index_start += part.ghost_targets()[i].second;
- }
- AssertDimension (current_index_start,
- part.local_size()+part.n_ghost_indices());
- AssertDimension(n_import_targets + n_ghost_targets,
- compress_requests.size());
+ if (import_data == nullptr && partitioner->n_import_indices() > 0)
+ import_data = new Number[partitioner->n_import_indices()];
+ partitioner->import_from_ghosted_array_start
+ (operation, counter,
+ ArrayView<Number>(val + partitioner->local_size(),partitioner->n_ghost_indices()),
+ ArrayView<Number>(import_data, partitioner->n_import_indices()),
+ compress_requests);
Vector<Number>::compress_finish (::dealii::VectorOperation::values operation)
- // in optimized mode, no communication was started, so leave the
- // function directly (and only clear ghosts)
-#ifndef DEBUG
- if (operation == VectorOperation::insert)
- {
- zero_out_ghosts();
- return;
- }
- const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner &part = *partitioner;
- // nothing to do when we neither have import nor ghost indices.
- if (part.n_ghost_indices()==0 && part.n_import_indices()==0)
+ if (compress_requests.size() == 0)
// make this function thread safe
Threads::Mutex::ScopedLock lock (mutex);
- const unsigned int n_import_targets = part.import_targets().size();
- const unsigned int n_ghost_targets = part.ghost_targets().size();
- if (operation != dealii::VectorOperation::insert)
- AssertDimension (n_ghost_targets+n_import_targets,
- compress_requests.size());
+ Assert(partitioner->n_import_indices() == 0 ||
+ import_data != nullptr, ExcNotInitialized());
+ partitioner->import_from_ghosted_array_finish
+ (operation,
+ ArrayView<const Number>(import_data, partitioner->n_import_indices()),
+ ArrayView<Number>(val, partitioner->local_size()),
+ ArrayView<Number>(val + partitioner->local_size(),partitioner->n_ghost_indices()),
+ compress_requests);
- // first wait for the receive to complete
- if (compress_requests.size() > 0 && n_import_targets > 0)
- {
- const int ierr = MPI_Waitall (n_import_targets, compress_requests.data(),
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- Number *read_position = import_data;
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> >::const_iterator
- my_imports = part.import_indices().begin();
- // If the operation is no insertion, add the imported data to the
- // local values. For insert, nothing is done here (but in debug mode
- // we assert that the specified value is either zero or matches with
- // the ones already present
- if (operation != dealii::VectorOperation::insert)
- for ( ; my_imports!=part.import_indices().end(); ++my_imports)
- for (unsigned int j=my_imports->first; j<my_imports->second; j++)
- local_element(j) += *read_position++;
- else
- for ( ; my_imports!=part.import_indices().end(); ++my_imports)
- for (unsigned int j=my_imports->first; j<my_imports->second;
- j++, read_position++)
- // Below we use relatively large precision in units in the last place (ULP) as
- // this Assert can be easily triggered in p::d::SolutionTransfer.
- // The rationale is that during interpolation on two elements sharing
- // the face, values on this face obtained from each side might
- // be different due to additions being done in different order.
- Assert(*read_position == Number() ||
- std::abs(local_element(j) - *read_position) <=
- std::abs(local_element(j) + *read_position) *
- 100000. *
- std::numeric_limits<real_type>::epsilon(),
- ExcNonMatchingElements(*read_position, local_element(j),
- part.this_mpi_process()));
- AssertDimension(read_position-import_data,part.n_import_indices());
- }
- // wait for the send operations to complete
- if (compress_requests.size() > 0 && n_ghost_targets > 0)
- {
- const int ierr = MPI_Waitall (n_ghost_targets,
- &compress_requests[n_import_targets],
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- }
- else
- AssertDimension (part.n_ghost_indices(), 0);
- // clear the compress requests
- compress_requests.resize(0);
- zero_out_ghosts ();
+ vector_is_ghosted = false;
Vector<Number>::update_ghost_values_start (const unsigned int counter) const
- const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner &part = *partitioner;
// nothing to do when we neither have import nor ghost indices.
- if (part.n_ghost_indices()==0 && part.n_import_indices()==0)
+ if (partitioner->n_ghost_indices()==0 && partitioner->n_import_indices()==0)
// make this function thread safe
Threads::Mutex::ScopedLock lock (mutex);
- const unsigned int n_import_targets = part.import_targets().size();
- const unsigned int n_ghost_targets = part.ghost_targets().size();
- Assert(update_ghost_values_requests.size() == 0,
- ExcMessage("Another compress operation seems to still be running. "
- "Call compress_finish() first."));
- // Need to send and receive the data. Use non-blocking communication,
- // where it is generally less overhead to first initiate the receive and
- // then actually send the data
- size_type current_index_start = part.local_size();
- update_ghost_values_requests.resize (n_import_targets+n_ghost_targets);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_ghost_targets; i++)
- {
- // allow writing into ghost indices even though we are in a
- // const function
- const int ierr = MPI_Irecv (const_cast<Number *>(&val[current_index_start]),
- part.ghost_targets()[i].second*sizeof(Number),
- part.ghost_targets()[i].first,
- part.ghost_targets()[i].first +
- counter*part.n_mpi_processes(),
- part.get_mpi_communicator(),
- &update_ghost_values_requests[i]);
- AssertThrowMPI (ierr);
- current_index_start += part.ghost_targets()[i].second;
- }
- AssertDimension (current_index_start,
- part.local_size()+part.n_ghost_indices());
// allocate import_data in case it is not set up yet
- if (import_data == nullptr && part.n_import_indices() > 0)
- import_data = new Number[part.n_import_indices()];
+ if (import_data == nullptr && partitioner->n_import_indices() > 0)
+ import_data = new Number[partitioner->n_import_indices()];
- // copy the data to be sent to the import_data field
- if (part.n_import_indices() > 0)
- {
- Assert (import_data != nullptr, ExcInternalError());
- Number *write_position = import_data;
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> >::const_iterator
- my_imports = part.import_indices().begin();
- for ( ; my_imports!=part.import_indices().end(); ++my_imports)
- for (unsigned int j=my_imports->first; j<my_imports->second; j++)
- *write_position++ = local_element(j);
- }
+ partitioner->export_to_ghosted_array_start
+ (counter,
+ ArrayView<const Number>(val, partitioner->local_size()),
+ ArrayView<Number>(import_data, partitioner->n_import_indices()),
+ ArrayView<Number>(val + partitioner->local_size(),partitioner->n_ghost_indices()),
+ update_ghost_values_requests);
- // start the send operations
- current_index_start = 0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_import_targets; i++)
- {
- const int ierr = MPI_Isend (&import_data[current_index_start],
- part.import_targets()[i].second*sizeof(Number),
- MPI_BYTE, part.import_targets()[i].first,
- part.this_mpi_process() +
- part.n_mpi_processes()*counter,
- part.get_mpi_communicator(),
- &update_ghost_values_requests[n_ghost_targets+i]);
- AssertThrowMPI (ierr);
- current_index_start += part.import_targets()[i].second;
- }
- AssertDimension (current_index_start, part.n_import_indices());
- AssertDimension (n_import_targets+n_ghost_targets,
- update_ghost_values_requests.size());
// make this function thread safe
Threads::Mutex::ScopedLock lock (mutex);
- const int ierr = MPI_Waitall (update_ghost_values_requests.size(),
- update_ghost_values_requests.data(),
- AssertThrowMPI (ierr);
+ partitioner->export_to_ghosted_array_finish
+ (ArrayView<Number>(val + partitioner->local_size(),partitioner->n_ghost_indices()),
+ update_ghost_values_requests);
- update_ghost_values_requests.resize(0);
vector_is_ghosted = true;