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authorWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Sat, 13 Feb 2010 05:20:27 +0000 (05:20 +0000)
committerWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Sat, 13 Feb 2010 05:20:27 +0000 (05:20 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@20591 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 5c6f04c54a0a81487eeae4c1937256d608d9e504..f64cad0031aabbab5c096ae4c011f747aac756af 100644 (file)
@@ -487,12 +487,35 @@ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_multigrid ()
   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
+  const Coefficient<dim> coefficient;
+  std::vector<double>    coefficient_values (n_q_points);
                                   // Next a few things that are specific to
                                   // building the multigrid data structures
                                   // (since we only need them in the current
                                   // function, rather than also elsewhere, we
                                   // build them here instead of the
-                                  // <code>setup_system</code> function). 
+                                  // <code>setup_system</code>
+                                  // function). Some of the following may be
+                                  // a bit obscure if you're not familiar
+                                  // with the algorithm actually implemented
+                                  // in deal.II to support multilevel
+                                  // algorithms on adaptive meshes; if some
+                                  // of the things below seem strange, take a
+                                  // look at the @ref mg_paper.
+                                  //
+                                  // Our first job is to identify those
+                                  // degrees of freedom on each level that
+                                  // are located on interfaces between
+                                  // adaptively refined levels, and those
+                                  // that lie on the interface but also on
+                                  // the exterior boundary of the domain. As
+                                  // in many other parts of the library, we
+                                  // do this by using boolean masks,
+                                  // i.e. vectors of booleans each element of
+                                  // which indicates whether the
+                                  // corresponding degree of freedom index is
+                                  // an interface DoF or not:
   std::vector<std::vector<bool> > interface_dofs;
   std::vector<std::vector<bool> > boundary_interface_dofs;
   for (unsigned int level = 0; level<triangulation.n_levels(); ++level)
@@ -506,14 +529,45 @@ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_multigrid ()
+                                  // The indices just identified will later
+                                  // be used to impose zero boundary
+                                  // conditions for the operator that we will
+                                  // apply on each level. On the other hand,
+                                  // we also have to impose zero boundary
+                                  // conditions on the external boundary of
+                                  // each level. So let's identify these
+                                  // nodes as well (this time as a set of
+                                  // degrees of freedom, rather than a
+                                  // boolean mask; the reason for this being
+                                  // that we will not need fast tests whether
+                                  // a certain degree of freedom is in the
+                                  // boundary list, though we will need such
+                                  // access for the interface degrees of
+                                  // freedom further down below):
   typename FunctionMap<dim>::type      dirichlet_boundary;
   ZeroFunction<dim>                    homogeneous_dirichlet_bc (1);
   dirichlet_boundary[0] = &homogeneous_dirichlet_bc;
-  std::vector<std::set<unsigned int> > boundary_indices (triangulation.n_levels());
+  std::vector<IndexSet> boundary_indices (triangulation.n_levels());
   MGTools::make_boundary_list (mg_dof_handler, dirichlet_boundary,
+                                  // The third step is to construct
+                                  // constraints on all those degrees of
+                                  // freedom: their value should be zero
+                                  // after each application of the level
+                                  // operators. To this end, we construct
+                                  // ConstraintMatrix objects for each level,
+                                  // and add to each of these constraints for
+                                  // each degree of freedom. Due to the way
+                                  // the ConstraintMatrix stores its data,
+                                  // the function to add a constraint on a
+                                  // single degree of freedom and force it to
+                                  // be zero is called
+                                  // Constraintmatrix::add_line(); doing so
+                                  // for several degrees of freedom at once
+                                  // can be done using
+                                  // Constraintmatrix::add_lines():
   std::vector<ConstraintMatrix> boundary_constraints (triangulation.n_levels());
   std::vector<ConstraintMatrix> boundary_interface_constraints (triangulation.n_levels());
   for (unsigned int level=0; level<triangulation.n_levels(); ++level)
@@ -527,26 +581,31 @@ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_multigrid ()
       boundary_interface_constraints[level].close ();
-  const Coefficient<dim> coefficient;
-  std::vector<double>    coefficient_values (n_q_points);
+                                  // Now that we're done with most of our
+                                  // preliminaries, let's start the
+                                  // integration loop. It looks mostly like
+                                  // the loop in
+                                  // <code>assemble_system</code>, with two
+                                  // exceptions: (i) we don't need a right
+                                  // han side, and more significantly (ii) we
+                                  // don't just loop over all active cells,
+                                  // but in fact all cells, active or
+                                  // not. Consequently, the correct iterator
+                                  // to use is MGDoFHandler::cell_iterator
+                                  // rather than
+                                  // MGDoFHandler::active_cell_iterator. Let's
+                                  // go about it:
   typename MGDoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator cell = mg_dof_handler.begin(),
                                            endc = mg_dof_handler.end();
   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
       cell_matrix = 0;
-                                      // Compute the values specified
-                                      // by update flags above.
       fe_values.reinit (cell);
       coefficient.value_list (fe_values.get_quadrature_points(),
-                                      // This is exactly the
-                                      // integration loop of the cell
-                                      // matrix above.
       for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
          for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
@@ -555,96 +614,204 @@ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_multigrid ()
                                 fe_values.shape_grad(j,q_point) *
-                                      // Oops! This is a tiny
-                                      // difference easily
-                                      // forgotten. The indices we
-                                      // want here are the ones for
-                                      // that special level, not for
-                                      // the global
-                                      // matrix. Therefore, a little
-                                      // 'mg' entered into the
-                                      // function call.
+                                      // The rest of the assembly is again
+                                      // slightly different. This starts with
+                                      // a gotcha that is easily forgotten:
+                                      // The indices of global degrees of
+                                      // freedom we want here are the ones
+                                      // for current level, not for the
+                                      // global matrix. We therefore need the
+                                      // function
+                                      // MGDoFAccessorLLget_mg_dof_indices,
+                                      // not MGDoFAccessor::get_dof_indices
+                                      // as used in the assembly of the
+                                      // global system:
       cell->get_mg_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
-      const unsigned int level = cell->level();
-      boundary_constraints[level]
+                                      // Next, we need to copy local
+                                      // contributions into the level
+                                      // objects. We can do this in the same
+                                      // way as in the global assembly, using
+                                      // a constraint object that takes care
+                                      // of constrained degrees (which here
+                                      // are only boundary nodes, as the
+                                      // individual levels have no hanging
+                                      // node constraints). Note that the
+                                      // <code>boundary_constraints</code>
+                                      // object makes sure that the level
+                                      // matrices contains no contributions
+                                      // from degrees of freedom at the
+                                      // interface between cells of different
+                                      // refinement level.
+      boundary_constraints[cell->level()]
        .distribute_local_to_global (cell_matrix,
-                                    mg_matrices[level]);
+                                    mg_matrices[cell->level()]);
+                                      // The next step is again slightly more
+                                      // obscure (but explained in the @ref
+                                      // mg_paper): We need the remainder of
+                                      // the operator that we just copied
+                                      // into the <code>mg_matrices</code>
+                                      // object, namely the part on the
+                                      // interface between cells at the
+                                      // current level and cells one level
+                                      // coarser. This matrix exists in two
+                                      // directions: for interior DoFs (index
+                                      // $i$) of the current level to those
+                                      // sitting on the interface (index
+                                      // $j$), and the other way around. Of
+                                      // course, since we have a symmetric
+                                      // operator, one of these matrices is
+                                      // the transpose of the other.
+                                      //
+                                      // The way we assemble these matrices
+                                      // is as follows: since the are formed
+                                      // from parts of the local
+                                      // contributions, we first delete all
+                                      // those parts of the local
+                                      // contributions that we are not
+                                      // interested in, namely all those
+                                      // elements of the local matrix for
+                                      // which not $i$ is an interface DoF
+                                      // and $j$ is not. The result is one of
+                                      // the two matrices that we are
+                                      // interested in, and we then copy it
+                                      // into the
+                                      // <code>mg_interface_matrices</code>
+                                      // object. The
+                                      // <code>boundary_interface_constraints</code>
+                                      // object at the same time makes sure
+                                      // that we delete contributions from
+                                      // all degrees of freedom that are not
+                                      // only on the interface but also on
+                                      // the external boundary of the domain.
+                                      //
+                                      // The last part to remember is how to
+                                      // get the other matrix. Since it is
+                                      // only the transpose, we will later
+                                      // (in the <code>solve()</code>
+                                      // function) be able to just pass the
+                                      // transpose matrix where necessary.
       for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
        for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
-         if( !(interface_dofs[level][local_dof_indices[i]]==true &&
-               interface_dofs[level][local_dof_indices[j]]==false))
+         if( !(interface_dofs[cell->level()][local_dof_indices[i]]==true &&
+               interface_dofs[cell->level()][local_dof_indices[j]]==false))
            cell_matrix(i,j) = 0;
-      boundary_interface_constraints[level]
+      boundary_interface_constraints[cell->level()]
        .distribute_local_to_global (cell_matrix,
-                                    mg_interface_matrices[level]);
+                                    mg_interface_matrices[cell->level()]);
+                                 // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::solve}
+                                // This is the other function that is
+                                // significantly different in support of the
+                                // multigrid solver (or, in fact, the
+                                // preconditioner for which we use the
+                                // multigrid method).
+                                //
+                                // Let us start out by setting up two of the
+                                // components of multilevel methods: transfer
+                                // operators between levels, and a solver on
+                                // the coarsest level. In finite element
+                                // methods, the transfer operators are
+                                // derived from the finite element function
+                                // spaces involved and can often be computed
+                                // in a generic way independent of the
+                                // problem under consideration. In that case,
+                                // we can use the MGTransferPrebuilt class
+                                // that, given the constraints on the global
+                                // level and an MGDoFHandler object computes
+                                // the matrices corresponding to these
+                                // transfer operators.
+                                //
+                                // The second part of the following lines
+                                // deals with the coarse grid solver. Since
+                                // our coarse grid is very coarse indeed, we
+                                // decide for a direct solver (a Householder
+                                // decomposition of the coarsest level
+                                // matrix), even if its implementation is not
+                                // particularly sophisticated. If our coarse
+                                // mesh had many more cells than the five we
+                                // have here, something better suited would
+                                // obviously be necessary here.
 template <int dim>
 void LaplaceProblem<dim>::solve ()
-                                  // Create a memory handler for
-                                  // regular vectors. Note, that
-                                  // GrowingVectorMemory is more time
-                                  // efficient than the
-                                  // PrimitiveVectorMemory class.
-  GrowingVectorMemory<>   vector_memory;
-                                  // Now, create an object handling
-                                  // the transfer of functions
-                                  // between different grid
-                                  // levels.
   MGTransferPrebuilt<Vector<double> > mg_transfer(constraints);
-                                  // Next, we need a coarse grid
-                                  // solver. Since our coarse grid is
-                                  // VERY coarse, we decide for a
-                                  // direct solver, even if its
-                                  // implementation is not very
-                                  // clever.
   FullMatrix<double> coarse_matrix;
   coarse_matrix.copy_from (mg_matrices[0]);
-  MGCoarseGridHouseholder<double, Vector<double> > mg_coarse;
-  mg_coarse.initialize(coarse_matrix);
-                                  // The final ingredient for the
-                                  // multilevel preconditioner is the
-                                  // smoother. It is very customary
-                                  // to use a relaxation method
-                                  // here. Names are getting quite
-                                  // long here, so we help with
-                                  // typedefs.
-  typedef PreconditionSOR<SparseMatrix<double> > RELAXATION;
-//  typedef PreconditionJacobi<SparseMatrix<double> > RELAXATION;
-//  typedef SparseILU<double> RELAXATION;
-  MGSmootherRelaxation<SparseMatrix<double>, RELAXATION, Vector<double> >
+  MGCoarseGridHouseholder<> coarse_grid_solver;
+  coarse_grid_solver.initialize (coarse_matrix);
+                                  // The next component of a multilevel
+                                  // solver or preconditioner is that we need
+                                  // a smoother on each level. A common
+                                  // choice for this is to use the
+                                  // application of a relaxation method (such
+                                  // as the SOR, Jacobi or Richardson method)
+                                  // or a small number of iterations of a
+                                  // solver method (such as CG or GMRES). The
+                                  // MGSmootherRelaxation and
+                                  // MGSmootherPrecondition classes provide
+                                  // support for these two kinds of
+                                  // smoothers. Here, we opt for the
+                                  // application of a single SOR
+                                  // iteration. To this end, we define an
+                                  // appropriate <code>typedef</code> and
+                                  // then setup a smoother object.
+                                  //
+                                  // Since this smoother needs temporary
+                                  // vectors to store intermediate results,
+                                  // we need to provide a VectorMemory
+                                  // object. Since these vectors will be
+                                  // reused over and over, the
+                                  // GrowingVectorMemory is more time
+                                  // efficient than the PrimitiveVectorMemory
+                                  // class in the current case.
+                                  //
+                                  // The last step is to initialize the
+                                  // smoother object with our level matrices
+                                  // and to set some smoothing parameters.
+                                  // The <code>initialize()</code> function
+                                  // can optionally take additional arguments
+                                  // that will be passed to the smoother
+                                  // object on each level. In the current
+                                  // case for the SOR smoother, this could,
+                                  // for example, include a relaxation
+                                  // parameter. However, we here leave these
+                                  // at their default values. The call to
+                                  // <code>set_steps()</code> indicates that
+                                  // we will use two pre- and two
+                                  // post-smoothing steps on each level; to
+                                  // use a variable number of smoother steps
+                                  // on different levels, more options can be
+                                  // set in the constructor call to the
+                                  // <code>mg_smoother</code> object.
+                                  //
+                                  // The last step results from the fact that
+                                  // we use the SOR method as a smoother -
+                                  // which is not symmetric - but we use the
+                                  // conjugate gradient iteration (which
+                                  // requires a symmetric preconditioner)
+                                  // below, we need to let the multilevel
+                                  // preconditioner make sure that we get a
+                                  // symmetric operator even for nonsymmetric
+                                  // smoothers:
+  typedef PreconditionSOR<SparseMatrix<double> > Smoother;
+  GrowingVectorMemory<>   vector_memory;
+  MGSmootherRelaxation<SparseMatrix<double>, Smoother, Vector<double> >
-                                  // Initialize the smoother with our
-                                  // level matrices and the required,
-                                  // additional data for the
-                                  // relaxaton method with default
-                                  // values.
-  RELAXATION::AdditionalData smoother_data;//(0, 9,false);
-  mg_smoother.initialize(mg_matrices, smoother_data);
-                                  // Do two smoothing steps per level
+  mg_smoother.initialize(mg_matrices);
-                                  // Since the SOR method is not
-                                  // symmetric, but we use conjugate
-                                  // gradient iteration below, here
-                                  // is a trick to make the
-                                  // multilevel preconditioner a
-                                  // symmetric operator even for
-                                  // nonsymmetric smoothers.
                                   // We must wrap our matrices in an
@@ -662,7 +829,7 @@ void LaplaceProblem<dim>::solve ()
                                   // multilevel preconditioner.
   Multigrid<Vector<double> > mg(mg_dof_handler,
-                               mg_coarse,
+                               coarse_grid_solver,

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

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