--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef __deal2__parpack_solver_h
+#define __deal2__parpack_solver_h
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/smartpointer.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/memory_consumption.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/solver_control.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/index_set.h>
+#include <cstring>
+extern "C" {
+ // http://www.mathkeisan.com/usersguide/man/pdnaupd.html
+ void pdnaupd_(MPI_Fint *comm, int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
+ int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv,
+ double *v, int *nloc, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
+ double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl,
+ int *info);
+ // http://www.mathkeisan.com/usersguide/man/pdsaupd.html
+ void pdsaupd_(MPI_Fint *comm, int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
+ int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv,
+ double *v, int *nloc, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
+ double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl,
+ int *info);
+ // http://www.mathkeisan.com/usersguide/man/pdneupd.html
+ void pdneupd_(MPI_Fint *comm, int *rvec, char *howmany, int *select, double *d,
+ double *di, double *z, int *ldz, double *sigmar,
+ double *sigmai, double *workev, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
+ int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv,
+ double *v, int *nloc, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
+ double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *info);
+ // http://www.mathkeisan.com/usersguide/man/pdseupd.html
+ void pdseupd_(MPI_Fint *comm, int *rvec, char *howmany, int *select, double *d,
+ double *z, int *ldz, double *sigmar,
+ char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
+ int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv,
+ double *v, int *nloc, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
+ double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *info);
+ // other resources:
+ // http://acts.nersc.gov/superlu/example5/pnslac.c.html
+ // https://github.com/phpisciuneri/tijo/blob/master/dvr_parpack.cpp
+ * Interface for using PARPACK. PARPACK is a collection of Fortran77
+ * subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems.
+ * Here we interface to the routines <code>pdneupd</code>,
+ * <code>pdseupd</code>, <code>pdnaupd</code>, <code>pdsaupd</code> of
+ * PARPACK. The package is designed to compute a few eigenvalues and
+ * corresponding eigenvectors of a general n by n matrix A. It is most
+ * appropriate for large sparse matrices A.
+ *
+ * In this class we make use of the method applied to the generalized
+ * eigenspectrum problem $(A-\lambda B)x=0$, for $x\neq0$; where $A$
+ * is a system matrix, $B$ is a mass matrix, and $\lambda, x$ are a
+ * set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors respectively.
+ *
+ * The ArpackSolver can be used in application codes in the
+ * following way:
+ @code
+ SolverControl solver_control (1000, 1e-9);
+ const unsigned int num_arnoldi_vectors = 2*size_of_spectrum + 2;
+ PArpackSolver<V>::AdditionalData
+ additional_data(num_arnoldi_vectors,
+ dealii::PArpackSolver<V>::largest_magnitude,
+ true);
+ PArpackSolver<V> eigensolver (solver_control,
+ mpi_communicator,
+ additional_data);
+ eigensolver.set_shift(sigma);
+ eigensolver.reinit(locally_owned_dofs);
+ eigensolver.solve (A,
+ B,
+ OP,
+ lambda,
+ x,
+ size_of_spectrum);
+ @endcode
+ * for the generalized eigenvalue problem $Ax=B\lambda x$, where the
+ * variable <code>size_of_spectrum</code> tells PARPACK the number of
+ * eigenvector/eigenvalue pairs to solve for. Here,
+ * <code>lambda</code> is a vector that will contain the eigenvalues
+ * computed, <code>x</code> a vector of objects of type <code>V</code>
+ * that will contain the eigenvectors computed. <code>OP</code> is an
+ * inverse operation for the matrix <code>A - sigma * B</code>, where
+ * <code> sigma </code> is a shift value, set to zero by default.
+ *
+ * Through the AdditionalData the user can specify some of the
+ * parameters to be set.
+ *
+ * The class is intended to be used with MPI and can work on arbitrary
+ * vector and matrix distributed classes. Both symmetric and
+ * non-symmetric <code>A</code> are supported.
+ *
+ * For further information on how the PARPACK routines
+ * <code>pdneupd</code>, <code>pdseupd</code>, <code>pdnaupd</code>,
+ * <code>pdsaupd</code> work and also how to set the parameters
+ * appropriately please take a look into the PARPACK manual.
+ *
+ * @author Denis Davydov, 2014.
+ */
+template <typename VECTOR>
+class PArpackSolver : public Subscriptor
+ /**
+ * Declare the type for container size.
+ */
+ typedef types::global_dof_index size_type;
+ /**
+ * An enum that lists the possible choices for which eigenvalues to
+ * compute in the solve() function.
+ *
+ * A particular choice is limited based on symmetric or
+ * non-symmetric matrix <code>A</code> considered.
+ */
+ enum WhichEigenvalues
+ {
+ algebraically_largest,
+ algebraically_smallest,
+ largest_magnitude,
+ smallest_magnitude,
+ largest_real_part,
+ smallest_real_part,
+ largest_imaginary_part,
+ smallest_imaginary_part,
+ both_ends
+ };
+ /**
+ * Auxiliary class to represent <code>A-sigma*B</code> operator.
+ */
+ template <typename MATRIX>
+ class Shift : public dealii::Subscriptor
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ Shift (const MATRIX &A,
+ const MATRIX &B,
+ const double sigma)
+ :
+ A(A),
+ B(B),
+ sigma(sigma)
+ {}
+ /**
+ * Apply <code>A-sigma * B</code>
+ */
+ void vmult (VECTOR &dst, const VECTOR &src) const
+ {
+ B.vmult(dst,src);
+ dst *= (-sigma);
+ A.vmult_add(dst,src);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply <code>A^T-sigma * B^T</code>
+ */
+ void Tvmult (VECTOR &dst, const VECTOR &src) const
+ {
+ B.Tvmult(dst,src);
+ dst *= (-sigma);
+ A.Tvmult_add(dst,src);
+ }
+ private:
+ const MATRIX &A;
+ const MATRIX &B;
+ const double sigma;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Standardized data struct to pipe additional data to the solver,
+ * should it be needed.
+ */
+ struct AdditionalData
+ {
+ const unsigned int number_of_arnoldi_vectors;
+ const WhichEigenvalues eigenvalue_of_interest;
+ const bool symmetric;
+ AdditionalData(
+ const unsigned int number_of_arnoldi_vectors = 15,
+ const WhichEigenvalues eigenvalue_of_interest = largest_magnitude,
+ const bool symmetric = false);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Access to the object that controls convergence.
+ */
+ SolverControl &control () const;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ PArpackSolver(SolverControl &control,
+ const MPI_Comm &mpi_communicator,
+ const AdditionalData &data = AdditionalData());
+ /**
+ * Initialise internal variables.
+ */
+ void reinit(const dealii::IndexSet &locally_owned_dofs );
+ /**
+ * Set desired shift value.
+ */
+ void set_shift(const double s );
+ /**
+ * Solve the generalized eigensprectrum problem $A x=\lambda B x$ by
+ * calling the <code>pd(n/s)eupd</code> and <code>pd(n/s)aupd</code>
+ * functions of PARPACK.
+ */
+ template <typename MATRIX1,
+ typename MATRIX2, typename INVERSE>
+ void solve(
+ const MATRIX1 &A,
+ const MATRIX2 &B,
+ const INVERSE &inverse,
+ std::vector<std::complex<double> > &eigenvalues,
+ std::vector<VECTOR> &eigenvectors,
+ const unsigned int n_eigenvalues);
+ std::size_t memory_consumption() const;
+ /**
+ * Reference to the object that controls convergence of the
+ * iterative solver.
+ */
+ SolverControl &solver_control;
+ /**
+ * Store a copy of the flags for this particular solver.
+ */
+ const AdditionalData additional_data;
+ // keep MPI communicator non-const as Arpack functions are not const either:
+ /**
+ * C++ MPI communicator.
+ */
+ MPI_Comm mpi_communicator;
+ /**
+ * Fortran MPI communicator.
+ */
+ MPI_Fint mpi_communicator_fortran;
+ // C++98 guarantees that the elements of a vector are stored contiguously
+ /**
+ * Length of the work array workl.
+ */
+ int lworkl;
+ /**
+ * Double precision work array of length lworkl
+ */
+ std::vector<double> workl;
+ /**
+ * Double precision work array of length 3*N
+ */
+ std::vector<double> workd;
+ /**
+ * Number of local degrees of freedom.
+ */
+ int nloc;
+ /**
+ * Number of Arnoldi basis vectors specified in additional_data
+ */
+ int ncv;
+ /**
+ * The leading dimension of the array v
+ */
+ int ldv;
+ /**
+ * Double precision vector of size ldv by NCV. Will contains the
+ * final set of Arnoldi basis vectors.
+ */
+ std::vector<double> v;
+ /**
+ * The initial residual vector, possibly from a previous run. On
+ * output, it contains the final residual vector.
+ */
+ std::vector<double> resid;
+ /**
+ * The leading dimension of the array Z equal to nloc.
+ */
+ int ldz;
+ /**
+ * A vector of minimum size of nloc by NEV+1. Z contains the
+ * B-orthonormal Ritz vectors of the eigensystem A*z = lambda*B*z
+ * corresponding to the Ritz value approximations.
+ */
+ std::vector<double> z;
+ /**
+ * The size of the workev array.
+ */
+ int lworkev;
+ /**
+ * Double precision work array of dimension 3* NCV.
+ */
+ std::vector<double> workev;
+ /**
+ * A vector of dimension NCV.
+ */
+ std::vector<int> select;
+ /**
+ * Temporary vectors used between Arpack and deal.II
+ */
+ VECTOR src,dst,tmp;
+ /**
+ * Indices of local degrees of freedom.
+ */
+ std::vector< types::global_dof_index > local_indices;
+ /**
+ * The shift value to be applied during solution
+ */
+ double shift_value;
+ /**
+ * PArpackExcInfoPdnaupds.
+ */
+ DeclException2 (PArpackExcConvergedEigenvectors, int, int,
+ << arg1 << "eigenpairs were requested, but only"
+ << arg2 << " converged");
+ DeclException2 (PArpackExcInvalidNumberofEigenvalues, int, int,
+ << "Number of wanted eigenvalues " << arg1
+ << " is larger that the size of the matrix " << arg2);
+ DeclException2 (PArpackExcInvalidEigenvectorSize, int, int,
+ << "Number of wanted eigenvalues " << arg1
+ << " is larger that the size of eigenvectors " << arg2);
+ DeclException2 (PArpackExcInvalidEigenvalueSize, int, int,
+ << "Number of wanted eigenvalues " << arg1
+ << " is larger that the size of eigenvalues " << arg2);
+ DeclException2 (PArpackExcInvalidNumberofArnoldiVectors, int, int,
+ << "Number of Arnoldi vectors " << arg1
+ << " is larger that the size of the matrix " << arg2);
+ DeclException2 (PArpackExcSmallNumberofArnoldiVectors, int, int,
+ << "Number of Arnoldi vectors " << arg1
+ << " is too small to obtain " << arg2
+ << " eigenvalues");
+ DeclException1 (PArpackExcIdo, int, << "This ido " << arg1
+ << " is not supported. Check documentation of ARPACK");
+ DeclException1 (PArpackExcMode, int, << "This mode " << arg1
+ << " is not supported. Check documentation of ARPACK");
+ DeclException1 (PArpackExcInfoPdnaupd, int,
+ << "Error with Pdnaupd, info " << arg1
+ << ". Check documentation of ARPACK");
+ DeclException1 (PArpackExcInfoPdneupd, int,
+ << "Error with Pdneupd, info " << arg1
+ << ". Check documentation of ARPACK");
+ DeclException1 (PArpackExcInfoMaxIt, int,
+ << "Maximum number " << arg1
+ << " of iterations reached.");
+ DeclException1 (PArpackExcNoShifts, int,
+ << "No shifts could be applied during implicit"
+ << " Arnoldi update, try increasing the number of"
+ << " Arnoldi vectors.");
+template <typename VECTOR>
+PArpackSolver<VECTOR>::memory_consumption() const
+ return MemoryConsumption::memory_consumption (double()) *
+ (workl.size() +
+ workd.size() +
+ v.size() +
+ resid.size() +
+ z.size() +
+ workev.size() ) +
+ src.memory_consumption() +
+ dst.memory_consumption() +
+ tmp.memory_consumption() +
+ MemoryConsumption::memory_consumption (types::global_dof_index()) * local_indices.size();
+template <typename VECTOR>
+AdditionalData (const unsigned int number_of_arnoldi_vectors,
+ const WhichEigenvalues eigenvalue_of_interest,
+ const bool symmetric)
+ :
+ number_of_arnoldi_vectors(number_of_arnoldi_vectors),
+ eigenvalue_of_interest(eigenvalue_of_interest),
+ symmetric(symmetric)
+template <typename VECTOR>
+PArpackSolver<VECTOR>::PArpackSolver (SolverControl &control,
+ const MPI_Comm &mpi_communicator,
+ const AdditionalData &data)
+ :
+ solver_control (control),
+ additional_data (data),
+ mpi_communicator( mpi_communicator ),
+ mpi_communicator_fortran ( MPI_Comm_c2f( mpi_communicator ) ),
+ shift_value(0.0)
+template <typename VECTOR>
+void PArpackSolver<VECTOR>::set_shift(const double s )
+ shift_value = s;
+template <typename VECTOR>
+void PArpackSolver<VECTOR>::reinit(const dealii::IndexSet &locally_owned_dofs)
+ // store local indices to write to vectors
+ locally_owned_dofs.fill_index_vector(local_indices);
+ // scalars
+ nloc = locally_owned_dofs.n_elements ();
+ ncv = additional_data.number_of_arnoldi_vectors;
+ Assert (local_indices.size() == nloc, ExcInternalError() );
+ // vectors
+ ldv = nloc;
+ v.resize (ldv*ncv, 0.0);
+ // TODO: add optional input for resid
+ resid.resize(nloc, 1.0);
+ // work arrays for ARPACK
+ workd.resize(3*nloc,0.0);
+ lworkl = additional_data.symmetric ?
+ ncv*ncv + 8*ncv
+ :
+ 3*ncv*ncv+6*ncv;
+ workl.resize (lworkl, 0.);
+ ldz = nloc;
+ z.resize (ldz*ncv, 0.); // TODO we actually need only ldz*nev
+ // WORKEV Double precision work array of dimension 3*NCV.
+ lworkev = additional_data.symmetric ?
+ 0 /*not used in symmetric case*/
+ :
+ 3*ncv;
+ workev.resize (lworkev, 0.);
+ select.resize (ncv, 0);
+ // deal.II vectors:
+ src.reinit (locally_owned_dofs,mpi_communicator);
+ dst.reinit (locally_owned_dofs,mpi_communicator);
+ tmp.reinit (locally_owned_dofs,mpi_communicator);
+template <typename VECTOR>
+template <typename MATRIX1,typename MATRIX2, typename INVERSE>
+void PArpackSolver<VECTOR>::solve (
+ const MATRIX1 &/*system_matrix*/,
+ const MATRIX2 &mass_matrix,
+ const INVERSE &inverse,
+ std::vector<std::complex<double> > &eigenvalues,
+ std::vector<VECTOR> &eigenvectors,
+ const unsigned int n_eigenvalues)
+ Assert (n_eigenvalues <= eigenvectors.size(),
+ PArpackExcInvalidEigenvectorSize(n_eigenvalues, eigenvectors.size()));
+ Assert (n_eigenvalues <= eigenvalues.size(),
+ PArpackExcInvalidEigenvalueSize(n_eigenvalues, eigenvalues.size()));
+ Assert (n_eigenvalues < mass_matrix.m(),
+ PArpackExcInvalidNumberofEigenvalues(n_eigenvalues, mass_matrix.m()));
+ Assert (additional_data.number_of_arnoldi_vectors < mass_matrix.m(),
+ PArpackExcInvalidNumberofArnoldiVectors(
+ additional_data.number_of_arnoldi_vectors, mass_matrix.m()));
+ Assert (additional_data.number_of_arnoldi_vectors > 2*n_eigenvalues+1,
+ PArpackExcSmallNumberofArnoldiVectors(
+ additional_data.number_of_arnoldi_vectors, n_eigenvalues));
+ // ARPACK mode for dnaupd, here only
+ // Mode 3: K*x = lambda*M*x, K symmetric, M symmetric positive semi-definite
+ //c ===> OP = (inv[K - sigma*M])*M and B = M.
+ //c ===> Shift-and-Invert mode
+ int mode = 3;
+ // reverse communication parameter
+ // must be zero on the first call to pdnaupd
+ int ido = 0;
+ /**
+ * 'G' generalized eigenvalue problem
+ * 'I' standard eigenvalue problem
+ */
+ char bmat[2] = "G";
+ /** Specify the eigenvalues of interest,
+ * possible parameters
+ * "LA" algebraically largest
+ * "SA" algebraically smallest
+ * "LM" largest magnitude
+ * "SM" smallest magnitude
+ * "LR" largest real part
+ * "SR" smallest real part
+ * "LI" largest imaginary part
+ * "SI" smallest imaginary part
+ * "BE" both ends of spectrum simultaneous
+ */
+ char which[3];
+ switch (additional_data.eigenvalue_of_interest)
+ {
+ case algebraically_largest:
+ std::strcpy (which, "LA");
+ break;
+ case algebraically_smallest:
+ std::strcpy (which, "SA");
+ break;
+ case largest_magnitude:
+ std::strcpy (which, "LM");
+ break;
+ case smallest_magnitude:
+ std::strcpy (which, "SM");
+ break;
+ case largest_real_part:
+ std::strcpy (which, "LR");
+ break;
+ case smallest_real_part:
+ std::strcpy (which, "SR");
+ break;
+ case largest_imaginary_part:
+ std::strcpy (which, "LI");
+ break;
+ case smallest_imaginary_part:
+ std::strcpy (which, "SI");
+ break;
+ case both_ends:
+ std::strcpy (which, "BE");
+ break;
+ }
+ // tolerance for ARPACK
+ double tol = control().tolerance();
+ //information to the routines
+ std::vector<int> iparam (11, 0);
+ iparam[0] = 1;
+ // shift strategy: exact shifts with respect to the current Hessenberg matrix H.
+ // maximum number of iterations
+ iparam[2] = control().max_steps();
+ // Parpack currently works only for NB = 1
+ iparam[3] = 1;
+ /** Sets the mode of dsaupd.
+ * 1 is exact shifting,
+ * 2 is user-supplied shifts,
+ * 3 is shift-invert mode,
+ * 4 is buckling mode,
+ * 5 is Cayley mode.
+ */
+ iparam[6] = mode;
+ std::vector<int> ipntr (14, 0);
+ //information out of the iteration
+ // If INFO .EQ. 0, a random initial residual vector is used.
+ // If INFO .NE. 0, RESID contains the initial residual vector,
+ // possibly from a previous run.
+ // Typical choices in this situation might be to use the final value
+ // of the starting vector from the previous eigenvalue calculation
+ int info = 1;
+ // Number of eigenvalues of OP to be computed. 0 < NEV < N.
+ int nev = n_eigenvalues;
+ int n_inside_arpack = nloc;
+ while (ido != 99)
+ {
+ // call of ARPACK pdnaupd routine
+ if (additional_data.symmetric)
+ pdsaupd_(&mpi_communicator_fortran,&ido, bmat, &n_inside_arpack, which, &nev, &tol,
+ &resid[0], &ncv, &v[0], &ldv, &iparam[0], &ipntr[0],
+ &workd[0], &workl[0], &lworkl, &info);
+ else
+ pdnaupd_(&mpi_communicator_fortran,&ido, bmat, &n_inside_arpack, which, &nev, &tol,
+ &resid[0], &ncv, &v[0], &ldv, &iparam[0], &ipntr[0],
+ &workd[0], &workl[0], &lworkl, &info);
+ if (ido == 99)
+ break;
+ switch (mode)
+ {
+// OP = (inv[K - sigma*M])*M
+ case 3:
+ {
+ switch (ido)
+ {
+// compute Y = OP * X where
+// IPNTR(1) is the pointer into WORKD for X,
+// IPNTR(2) is the pointer into WORKD for Y.
+ case -1:
+ {
+ const int shift_x = ipntr[0]-1;
+ const int shift_y = ipntr[1]-1;
+ Assert (shift_x>=0, dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_x+nloc <= workd.size(), dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_y>=0, dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_y+nloc <= workd.size(), dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ src = 0.0;
+ src.add (nloc,
+ &local_indices[0],
+ &workd[0]+shift_x );
+ src.compress (VectorOperation::add);
+ // multiplication with mass matrix M
+ mass_matrix.vmult(tmp, src);
+ // solving linear system
+ inverse.vmult(dst,tmp);
+ // store the result
+ dst.extract_subvector_to (local_indices.begin(),
+ local_indices.end(),
+ &workd[0]+shift_y );
+ }
+ break;
+// compute Y = OP * X where
+// IPNTR(1) is the pointer into WORKD for X,
+// IPNTR(2) is the pointer into WORKD for Y.
+// In mode 3,4 and 5, the vector B * X is already
+// available in WORKD(ipntr(3)). It does not
+// need to be recomputed in forming OP * X.
+ case 1:
+ {
+ const int shift_x = ipntr[0]-1;
+ const int shift_y = ipntr[1]-1;
+ const int shift_b_x = ipntr[2]-1;
+ Assert (shift_x>=0, dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_x+nloc <= workd.size(), dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_y>=0, dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_y+nloc <= workd.size(), dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_b_x>=0, dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_b_x+nloc <= workd.size(), dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_y>=0, dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_y+nloc <= workd.size(), dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ src = 0.0; // B*X
+ src.add (nloc,
+ &local_indices[0],
+ &workd[0]+shift_b_x );
+ tmp = 0.0; // X
+ tmp.add (nloc,
+ &local_indices[0],
+ &workd[0]+shift_x);
+ src.compress (VectorOperation::add);
+ tmp.compress (VectorOperation::add);
+ // solving linear system
+ inverse.vmult(dst,src);
+ // store the result
+ dst.extract_subvector_to (local_indices.begin(),
+ local_indices.end(),
+ &workd[0]+shift_y );
+ }
+ break;
+// compute Y = B * X where
+// IPNTR(1) is the pointer into WORKD for X,
+// IPNTR(2) is the pointer into WORKD for Y.
+ case 2:
+ {
+ const int shift_x = ipntr[0]-1;
+ const int shift_y = ipntr[1]-1;
+ Assert (shift_x>=0, dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_x+nloc <= workd.size(), dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_y>=0, dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ Assert (shift_y+nloc <= workd.size(), dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ src = 0.0;
+ src.add (nloc,
+ &local_indices[0],
+ &workd[0]+shift_x );
+ src.compress (VectorOperation::add);
+ // Multiplication with mass matrix M
+ mass_matrix.vmult(dst, src);
+ // store the result
+ dst.extract_subvector_to (local_indices.begin(),
+ local_indices.end(),
+ &workd[0]+shift_y);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (false, PArpackExcIdo(ido));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (false, PArpackExcMode(mode));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (info<0)
+ {
+ Assert (false, PArpackExcInfoPdnaupd(info));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /** 1 - compute eigenvectors,
+ * 0 - only eigenvalues
+ */
+ int rvec = 1;
+ // which eigenvectors
+ char howmany[4] = "All";
+ double sigmar = shift_value; // real part of the shift
+ double sigmai = 0.0; // imaginary part of the shift
+ std::vector<double> eigenvalues_real (n_eigenvalues, 0.);
+ std::vector<double> eigenvalues_im (n_eigenvalues, 0.);
+ // call of ARPACK pdneupd routine
+ if (additional_data.symmetric)
+ pdseupd_(&mpi_communicator_fortran, &rvec, howmany, &select[0], &eigenvalues_real[0],
+ &z[0], &ldz, &sigmar,
+ bmat, &n_inside_arpack, which, &nev, &tol,
+ &resid[0], &ncv, &v[0], &ldv,
+ &iparam[0], &ipntr[0], &workd[0], &workl[0], &lworkl, &info);
+ else
+ pdneupd_(&mpi_communicator_fortran, &rvec, howmany, &select[0], &eigenvalues_real[0],
+ &eigenvalues_im[0], &z[0], &ldz, &sigmar, &sigmai,
+ &workev[0], bmat, &n_inside_arpack, which, &nev, &tol,
+ &resid[0], &ncv, &v[0], &ldv,
+ &iparam[0], &ipntr[0], &workd[0], &workl[0], &lworkl, &info);
+ if (info == 1)
+ {
+ Assert (false, PArpackExcInfoMaxIt(control().max_steps()));
+ }
+ else if (info == 3)
+ {
+ Assert (false, PArpackExcNoShifts(1));
+ }
+ else if (info!=0)
+ {
+ Assert (false, PArpackExcInfoPdneupd(info));
+ }
+ for (size_type i=0; i<n_eigenvalues; ++i)
+ {
+ eigenvectors[i] = 0.0;
+ Assert (i*nloc + nloc <= v.size(), dealii::ExcInternalError() );
+ eigenvectors[i].add (nloc,
+ &local_indices[0],
+ &v[i*nloc] );
+ eigenvectors[i].compress (VectorOperation::add);
+ }
+ for (size_type i=0; i<n_eigenvalues; ++i)
+ eigenvalues[i] = std::complex<double> (eigenvalues_real[i],
+ eigenvalues_im[i]);
+ }
+ Assert (iparam[4] == n_eigenvalues,
+ PArpackExcConvergedEigenvectors(iparam[4], n_eigenvalues));
+ // both PDNAUPD and PDSAUPD compute eigenpairs of inv[A - sigma*M]*M
+ // with respect to a semi-inner product defined by M.
+ // resid likely contains residual with respect to M-norm.
+ {
+ tmp = 0.0;
+ tmp.add (nloc,
+ &local_indices[0],
+ &resid[0]);
+ solver_control.check ( iparam[2], tmp.l2_norm() );
+ }
+template <typename VECTOR>
+SolverControl &PArpackSolver<VECTOR>::control () const
+ return solver_control;