--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+@page UpdateFlagsEssay The interplay of UpdateFlags, Mapping and FiniteElement in FEValues
+@section update_flags_Intro Introduction
+The class FEValues was introduced because most of the time values of
+shape functions etc. are used in Quadrature points only and their
+computation might be sped up by doing it all at once. Furthermore,
+some quantities, like the shape function values of standard scalar
+finite elements do not depend on the actual mesh cell at all and do
+not have to be reevaluated on each cell. The interface between
+FEValues and FiniteElement should be aware of such things and do the
+best thing possible.
+Now, in order not to compute too much, FEValues has to be told what to
+update. This is where UpdateFlags comes into play. And each FEValues
+uses two sets of UpdateFlags internally: one that describes the values
+that can be computed on the reference cell only and one requiring
+recomputation on each cell. Furthermore, since the actual computations
+are performed by Mapping and FiniteElement objects, both of them have
+@section update_flags_Once Update once or each
+Your desired set of values for computation given, the FiniteElement
+and Mapping involved have to perform the following tasks:
+<li> Are any additional values required in order to compute these
+values? If so, add these flags to the current set. For instance, the
+derivative od a standard scalar element requires the inverse of the
+Jacobian of the Mapping.
+<li> Given the enhanced set, determine the subsets of values that is
+performed on the reference cell only and on each cell, respectively.
+In order to compute this, there are functions Mapping::update_once()
+and Mapping::update_each() as well as FiniteElement::update_once() and
+FiniteElement::update_each(). All of them accept UpdateFlags as the
+set of desired flags and return UpdateFlags as the set of required
+flags on the reference and on each cell, respectively. Additionally,
+FiniteElement::update_once() should set all flags for values that are
+required from the Mapping. The function in FEValues computing the
+actual set of flags from the desired one looks like this:
+ flags |= fe->update_once (flags)
+ | fe->update_each (flags);
+ flags |= mapping->update_once (flags)
+ | mapping->update_each (flags);
+That is, a FiniteElement can set additional flags which are honored by
+the Mapping.
+@section update_flags_Functions Generation of the actual data
+The computation of the fields accessible through FEValues proceeds in
+two different steps:
+@subsection update_flags_Init Initialization
+Functions of FEValues classes involved:
+These function is called by the constructor of FEValues, FEFaceValues
+and FESubfaceValues, respectively, and allows the
+Mapping and FiniteElement objects to set up internal data
+structures. These structures are internal in the sense that FEValues
+only forwards them to Mapping and FiniteElement if necessary, but does
+not access their contents. FEValues just stores a pointer to their
+base class Mapping::InternalDataBase. Concrete Mapping and
+FiniteElement classes will derive their own sutructures containing all
+the data needed to speed up updating the fields of FEValues on a cell
+or face.
+The functions actually providing these internal data structures are:
+@subsection update_flags_Reinit Reinitialization for a mesh cell
+Functions of FEValues classes involved:
+<li>FEValues::reinit() calls Mapping::fill_fe_values(), then FiniteElement::fill_fe_values()
+<li>FEFaceValues::reinit() calls Mapping::fill_fe_face_values(), then FiniteElement::fill_fe_face_values()
+<li>FESubfaceValues::reinit() calls Mapping::fill_fe_subface_values(),
+This is, where the actual data fields for FEValues, stored in
+FEValuesData objects is computed. These functions call the function in
+Mapping first, such that all the mapping data required by the finite
+element is available. Then, the FiniteElement function is called.
+When this happens for the first time after initialization, all the
+values specified by Mapping::InternalDataBase::update_once or
+Mapping::InternalDataBase::update_each are filled. After that, only
+the values specified by Mapping::InternalDataBase::update_each will be