- enum Mesh_Used{
- };
class Data_Storage{
void read_data( const char *filename );
Method_Formulation form;
- Mesh_Used meshfile;
double initial_time,
prm.declare_entry( "initial_time", "0.", Patterns::Double( 0. ), " The initial time of the simulation. " );
prm.declare_entry( "final_time", "1.", Patterns::Double( 0. ), " The final time of the simulation. " );
prm.declare_entry( "Reynolds", "1.", Patterns::Double( 0. ), " The Reynolds number. " );
- prm.declare_entry( "filename", "nsbench2.inp", Patterns::Selection( "nsbench2.inp|wannier.inp" ),
- " The mesh that we want to use." );
prm.enter_subsection( "Time step data" );
final_time = prm.get_double( "final_time" );
Reynolds = prm.get_double( "Reynolds" );
token = prm.get( "filename" );
- if( token == std::string( "nsbench2.inp" ) )
- meshfile = MESH_NSBENCH;
- else
- meshfile = MESH_WANNIER;
prm.enter_subsection( "Time step data" );
template<int dim> inline double Velocity<dim>::value( const Point<dim> &p, const unsigned int ) const{
double return_value = 0.;
- static const double Um = 5., H = 4.1; //Um = 1.5
+ static const double Um = 1.5, H = 4.1;
if( MultiComponentFunction<dim>::comp == 0 )
return_value = 4.*Um*p(1)*( H - p(1) )/(H*H);
return return_value;
void run( const bool verbose = false, const unsigned int n_of_plots = 10 );
RunTimeParameters::Method_Formulation type;
- RunTimeParameters::Mesh_Used meshfile;
unsigned int deg;
double dt;
// and, finally, create the triangulation and load the initial data.
template<int dim> Navier_Stokes_Projection<dim>::Navier_Stokes_Projection(
const RunTimeParameters::Data_Storage &data ):
- type( data.form ), meshfile( data.meshfile ),
- deg( data.pressure_degree ), dt( data.dt ), t_0( data.initial_time ),
+ type( data.form ), deg( data.pressure_degree ), dt( data.dt ), t_0( data.initial_time ),
T( data.final_time ), Re( data.Reynolds ), vel_exact( data.initial_time ),
- dof_handler_velocity( triangulation ),
- dof_handler_pressure( triangulation ), fe_velocity( deg+1 ), fe_pressure( deg ),
+ dof_handler_velocity( triangulation ), dof_handler_pressure( triangulation ),
+ fe_velocity( deg+1 ), fe_pressure( deg ),
quadrature_pressure( deg+1 ), quadrature_velocity( deg+2 ),
vel_max_its( data.vel_max_iterations ), vel_Krylov_size( data.vel_Krylov_size ),
vel_off_diagonals( data.vel_off_diagonals ),
GridIn<dim> grid_in;
grid_in.attach_triangulation( triangulation );
- std::string filename;
- switch( meshfile ){
- case RunTimeParameters::MESH_NSBENCH:
- filename = "nsbench2.inp";
- break;
- case RunTimeParameters::MESH_WANNIER:
- filename = "wannier.inp";
- break;
- default:
- Assert( false, ExcNotImplemented() );
- }
+ std::string filename = "nsbench2.inp";
std::ifstream file( filename.c_str() );
Assert( file, ExcFileNotOpen( filename.c_str() ) );
grid_in.read_ucd( file );
template<int dim> void Navier_Stokes_Projection<dim>::interpolate_velocity(){
- for( unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d ){
- u_star[d] = 0.;
- u_star[d].add( 2., u_n[d], -1., u_n_minus_1[d] );
- }
+ for( unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d )
+ u_star[d].equ( 2., u_n[d], -1, u_n_minus_1[d] );
// @sect4{<code>Navier_Stokes_Projection::diffusion_step</code>}
// The implementation of a diffusion step.
template<int dim> void Navier_Stokes_Projection<dim>::diffusion_step( const bool reinit_prec ){
- pres_tmp = pres_n;
- pres_tmp.add(4./3., phi_n, -1./3., phi_n_minus_1);
- pres_tmp *= -1.;
+ pres_tmp.equ( -1., pres_n, -4./3., phi_n, 1./3., phi_n_minus_1 );
for( unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d ){
force[d] = 0.;
- v_tmp = 0.;
- v_tmp.add( 2./dt,u_n[d],-.5/dt,u_n_minus_1[d] );
+ v_tmp.equ( 2./dt,u_n[d],-.5/dt,u_n_minus_1[d] );
vel_Mass.vmult_add( force[d], v_tmp );
pres_Diff[d].vmult_add( force[d], pres_tmp );
std::vector<unsigned char>::const_iterator boundaries = boundary_indicators.begin(),
b_end = boundary_indicators.end();
+ boundary_values.clear();
for( ; boundaries not_eq b_end; ++boundaries ){
switch( *boundaries ){
case 1:
VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values( dof_handler_velocity, *boundaries,
vel_exact, boundary_values );
- ///
case 3:
if( d not_eq 0 )
VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values( dof_handler_velocity, *boundaries,
if( reinit_prec )
prec_velocity[d].initialize( vel_it_matrix[d],
SparseILU<double>::AdditionalData( vel_diag_strength, vel_off_diagonals ) );
- tasks += Threads::new_task( &Navier_Stokes_Projection<dim>::diffusion_component_solve, *this, d );
+ tasks += Threads::new_task( &Navier_Stokes_Projection<dim>::diffusion_component_solve, *this, d );
typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell = dof_handler_velocity.begin_active(),
end = dof_handler_velocity.end();
- FEValues<dim> fe_val_vel( fe_velocity, quadrature_velocity, update_gradients | update_JxW_values | update_values );
+ FEValues<dim> fe_val_vel( fe_velocity, quadrature_velocity,
+ update_gradients | update_JxW_values | update_values );
const unsigned int dpc = fe_velocity.dofs_per_cell,
nqp = quadrature_velocity.size();
std::vector<unsigned int> ldi( dpc );