* This function uses the #LaplaceMatrix# class.
* \end{itemize}
+ * All created matrices are `raw': they are not condensed, i.e. hanging
+ * nodes are not eliminated. The reason is that you may want to add
+ * several matrices and could then condense afterwards only once,
+ * instead of for every matrix. To actually do computations with these
+ * matrices, you have to condense the matrix using the
+ * #ConstraintMatrix::condense# function; you also have to condense the
+ * right hand side accordingly and distribute the solution afterwards.
+ *
+ * If you want to use boundary conditions, you have to use a function
+ * like #ProblemBase<>::apply_dirichlet_bc# to matrix and right hand
+ * side.
+ *
* \subsection{Right hand sides}
* Provide a class which assembles some standard vectors. Among these are
* interpolations and projections of continuous functions to the finite
* element space and other operations.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Description of operations}
+ *
+ * This collection of methods offers the following operations:
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item Interpolation: assign each degree of freedom in the vector to be
+ * created the value of the function given as argument. This is identical
+ * to saying that the resulting finite element function (which is isomorphic
+ * to the output vector) has exact function values in all off-points of
+ * ansatz functions. The off-point of an ansatz function is the point where
+ * it assumes its nominal value, e.g. for linear ansatz functions the
+ * off-points are th corners of an element. This function therefore relies
+ * on the assumption that a finite element is used for which the degrees
+ * of freedom are function values (Lagrange elements) rather than gradients,
+ * normal derivatives, second derivatives, etc (Hermite elements, quintic
+ * Argyris element, etc.).
+ *
+ * It seems inevitable that some values of the vector to be created are set
+ * twice or even more than that. The reason is that we have to loop over
+ * all cells and get the function values for each of the ansatz functions
+ * located thereon. This applies also to the functions located on faces and
+ * corners which we thus visit more than once. While setting the value
+ * in the vector is not an expensive operation, the evaluation of the
+ * given function may be, taking into account that a virtual function has
+ * to be called.
+ *
+ * \item Projection: compute the $L_2$-projection of the given function onto
+ * the finite element space. This is done through the solution of the
+ * linear system of equations $M v = f$ where $M$ is the mass matrix
+ * $m_{ij} = \int_\Omega \phi_i(x) \phi_j(x) dx$ and
+ * $f_i = \int_\Omega f(x) \phi_i(x) dx$. The solution vector $v$ then is
+ * the projection.
+ *
+ * The solution of the linear system is presently done using a simple CG
+ * method without preconditioning and without multigrid. This is clearly not
+ * too efficient, but sufficient in many cases and simple to implement. This
+ * detail may change in the future.
+ * \end{itemize}
template <int dim>
class VectorCreator {
* Compute the interpolation of
* #function# at the ansatz points to
* the finite element space.
+ *
+ * See the general documentation of this
+ * class for further information.
static void interpolate (const DoFHandler<dim> &dof,
const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ const Boundary<dim> &boundary,
const Function<dim> &function,
dVector &vec);
* Compute the projection of
* #function# to the finite element space.
+ *
+ * See the general documentation of this
+ * class for further information.
static void project (const DoFHandler<dim> &dof,
const ConstraintMatrix &constraints,