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+ <title>The deal.II news page</title>
+ <meta name="author" content="Guido Kanschat">
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+<h2>Changes between versions 3.1.1 and 3.1.2</h2>
+ <li> <p>
+ The only is change is that the configuration detects the
+ presence of gcc3.0 and works around a bug in it by compiling
+ the file <code>tria_accessor.cc(3d)</code> without optimization
+ flags even for optimized libraries. The gcc bug is documented
+ at the <a
+ href="http://gcc.gnu.org/cgi-bin/gnatsweb.pl?database=gcc&user=guest&password=guest&cmd=login"
+ target="_top">gcc bug tracking system page</a>, as bugs reports c++/615 and
+ optimization/2938.
+ <br>
+ (WB 2001/06/27)
+ </p>
+ <dt>
+ <strong style="color:red">2001/05/17: deal.II 3.1.2</strong>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Version 3.1.2 is a bug-fix release based on 3.1. A list of
+ changes between the two versions can be found on
+ <a href="2001/3.1.1-vs-3.1.2.html" target="body">this
+ page</a>.
+ </p>
+ </dd>
<strong>2001/05/23: Intel ICC compiler supported</strong>
- The library is now fixed so that it can also be compiled by
+ The present development version of the library is now fixed
+ so that it can also be compiled by
Intel's ICC C++ compiler for Linux.
- <strong style="color:red">2001/05/17: deal.II 3.1.1</strong>
+ <strong>2001/05/17: deal.II 3.1.1</strong>
Version 3.1.1 is a bug-fix release based on 3.1. A list of
-<a href="news/2001/3.1.0-vs-3.1.1.html" target="body">
-<b style="color:red">New: Version 3.1.1 released</b></a>
+<a href="news/2001/3.1.1-vs-3.1.2.html" target="body">
+<b style="color:red">New: Version 3.1.2 released</b></a>