// In this case, we choose a very simple
// test case, where everything is zero.
- // The last definition of this kind
- // is the one for the right hand
- // side function. Again, the content
- // of the function is very
- // basic and zero in most of the
- // components, except for a source
- // of temperature in some isolated
- // regions near the bottom of the
- // computational domain, as is explained
- // in the problem description in the
- // introduction.
+ // @sect4{Boundary values}
template <int dim>
class PressureBoundaryValues : public Function<dim>
+ // @sect4{Initial values}
template <int dim>
class InitialValues : public Function<dim>
+ // @sect4{Right hand side}
+ //
+ // The last definition of this kind
+ // is the one for the right hand
+ // side function. Again, the content
+ // of the function is very
+ // basic and zero in most of the
+ // components, except for a source
+ // of temperature in some isolated
+ // regions near the bottom of the
+ // computational domain, as is explained
+ // in the problem description in the
+ // introduction.
template <int dim>
class RightHandSide : public Function<dim>
// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::setup_dofs}
+ //
+ // This function does the same as
+ // in most other tutorial programs.
+ // As a slight difference, the
+ // program is called with a
+ // parameter <code>setup_matrices</code>
+ // that decides whether to
+ // recreate the sparsity pattern
+ // and the associated stiffness
+ // matrix.
+ //
+ // The body starts by assigning dofs on
+ // basis of the chosen finite element,
+ // and then renumbers the dofs
+ // first using the Cuthill_McKee
+ // algorithm (to generate a good
+ // quality ILU during the linear
+ // solution process) and then group
+ // components of velocity, pressure
+ // and temperature together. This
+ // happens in complete analogy to
+ // step-22.
+ //
+ // We then proceed with the generation
+ // of the hanging node constraints
+ // that arise from adaptive grid
+ // refinement. Next we impose
+ // the no-flux boundary conditions
+ // $\vec{u}\cdot \vec{n}=0$ by adding
+ // a respective constraint to the
+ // hanging node constraints
+ // matrix. The second parameter in
+ // the function describes the first
+ // of the velocity components
+ // in the total dof vector, which is
+ // zero here. The parameter
+ // <code>no_normal_flux_boundaries</code>
+ // sets the no flux b.c. to those
+ // boundaries with boundary indicator
+ // zero.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::setup_dofs (const bool setup_matrices)
dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
- DoFRenumbering::component_wise (dof_handler);
+ DoFRenumbering::Cuthill_McKee (dof_handler);
+ std::vector<unsigned int> block_component (dim+2,0);
+ block_component[dim] = 1;
+ block_component[dim+1] = 2;
+ DoFRenumbering::component_wise (dof_handler, block_component);
hanging_node_constraints.clear ();
DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (dof_handler,
hanging_node_constraints.close ();
- std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_per_component (dim+2);
- DoFTools::count_dofs_per_component (dof_handler, dofs_per_component);
- const unsigned int n_u = dofs_per_component[0] * dim,
- n_p = dofs_per_component[dim],
- n_T = dofs_per_component[dim+1];
+ // The next step is, as usual,
+ // to write some information
+ // to the screen. The information
+ // that is most interesting during
+ // the calculations is the
+ // number of degrees of freedom
+ // in the individual components,
+ // so we count them. The function
+ // to do this is the same as the
+ // one used in step-22, which
+ // uses the grouping of all
+ // velocity components into
+ // one block as introduced
+ // above.
+ std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_per_block (3);
+ DoFTools::count_dofs_per_block (dof_handler, dofs_per_block, block_component);
+ const unsigned int n_u = dofs_per_block[0],
+ n_p = dofs_per_block[1],
+ n_T = dofs_per_block[2];
std::cout << "Number of active cells: "
<< triangulation.n_active_cells()
<< std::endl
<< std::endl;
- const unsigned int
- n_couplings = dof_handler.max_couplings_between_dofs();
+ // The next step is to
+ // create the sparsity
+ // pattern for the system matrix
+ // based on the Boussinesq
+ // system. As in step-22,
+ // we choose to create the
+ // pattern not as in the
+ // first tutorial programs,
+ // but by using the blocked
+ // version of
+ // CompressedSetSparsityPattern.
+ // The reason for doing this
+ // is mainly a memory issue,
+ // that is, the basic procedures
+ // consume too much memory
+ // when used in three spatial
+ // dimensions as we intend
+ // to do for this program.
+ //
+ // So, in case we need
+ // to recreate the matrices,
+ // we first release the
+ // stiffness matrix from the
+ // sparsity pattern and then
+ // set up an object of the
+ // BlockCompressedSetSparsityPattern
+ // consisting of three blocks.
+ // Each of these blocks is
+ // initialized with the
+ // respective number of
+ // degrees of freedom.
+ // Once the blocks are
+ // created, the overall size
+ // of the sparsity pattern
+ // is initiated by invoking
+ // the <code>collect_sizes()</code>
+ // command, and then the
+ // sparsity pattern can be
+ // filled with information.
+ // Then, the hanging
+ // node constraints are applied
+ // to the temporary sparsity
+ // pattern, which is finally
+ // then completed and copied
+ // into the general sparsity
+ // pattern structure.
+ //
+ // After these actions, we
+ // need to reassign the
+ // system matrix structure to
+ // the sparsity pattern.
if (setup_matrices == true)
system_matrix.clear ();
- sparsity_pattern.reinit (3,3);
- sparsity_pattern.block(0,0).reinit (n_u, n_u, n_couplings);
- sparsity_pattern.block(1,0).reinit (n_p, n_u, n_couplings);
- sparsity_pattern.block(2,0).reinit (n_T, n_u, n_couplings);
- sparsity_pattern.block(0,1).reinit (n_u, n_p, n_couplings);
- sparsity_pattern.block(1,1).reinit (n_p, n_p, n_couplings);
- sparsity_pattern.block(2,1).reinit (n_T, n_p, n_couplings);
- sparsity_pattern.block(0,2).reinit (n_u, n_T, n_couplings);
- sparsity_pattern.block(1,2).reinit (n_p, n_T, n_couplings);
- sparsity_pattern.block(2,2).reinit (n_T, n_T, n_couplings);
- sparsity_pattern.collect_sizes();
- DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, sparsity_pattern);
- hanging_node_constraints.condense (sparsity_pattern);
- sparsity_pattern.compress();
+ BlockCompressedSetSparsityPattern csp (3,3);
+ csp.block(0,0).reinit (n_u, n_u);
+ csp.block(0,1).reinit (n_u, n_p);
+ csp.block(0,2).reinit (n_u, n_T);
+ csp.block(1,0).reinit (n_p, n_u);
+ csp.block(1,1).reinit (n_p, n_p);
+ csp.block(1,2).reinit (n_p, n_T);
+ csp.block(2,0).reinit (n_T, n_u);
+ csp.block(2,1).reinit (n_T, n_p);
+ csp.block(2,2).reinit (n_T, n_T);
+ csp.collect_sizes ();
+ DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, csp);
+ hanging_node_constraints.condense (csp);
+ sparsity_pattern.copy_from (csp);
system_matrix.reinit (sparsity_pattern);
+ // As last action in this function,
+ // we need to set the vectors
+ // for the solution, the old
+ // solution (required for
+ // time stepping) and the system
+ // right hand side to the
+ // three-block structure given
+ // by velocity, pressure and
+ // temperature.
solution.reinit (3);
solution.block(0).reinit (n_u);
solution.block(1).reinit (n_p);
// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::assemble_system}
+ //
+ // The assembly of the Boussinesq
+ // system is acutally a two-step
+ // procedure. One is to create
+ // the Stokes system matrix and
+ // right hand side for the
+ // velocity-pressure system as
+ // well as the mass matrix for
+ // temperature, and
+ // the second is to create the
+ // rhight hand side for the temperature
+ // dofs. The reason for doing this
+ // in two steps is simply that
+ // the time stepping we have chosen
+ // needs the result from the Stokes
+ // system at the current time step
+ // for building the right hand
+ // side of the temperature equation.
+ //
+ // This function does the
+ // first of these two tasks.
+ // There are two different situations
+ // for calling this function. The
+ // first one is when we reset the
+ // mesh, and both the matrix and
+ // the right hand side have to
+ // be generated. The second situation
+ // only sets up the right hand
+ // side. The reason for having
+ // two different accesses is that
+ // the matrix of the Stokes system
+ // does not change in time unless
+ // the mesh is changed, so we can
+ // save a considerable amount of
+ // work by doing the full assembly
+ // only when it is needed.
+ //
+ // Regarding the technical details
+ // of implementation, not much has
+ // changed from step-22. We reset
+ // matrix and vector, create
+ // a quadrature formula on the
+ // cells and one on cell faces
+ // (for implementing Neumann
+ // boundary conditions). Then,
+ // we create a respective
+ // FEValues object for both the
+ // cell and the face integration.
+ // For the the update flags of
+ // the first, we perform the
+ // calculations of basis function
+ // derivatives only in
+ // case of a full assembly, since
+ // they are not needed otherwise,
+ // which makes the call of
+ // the FEValues::reinit function
+ // further down in the program
+ // more efficient.
+ //
+ // The declarations proceed
+ // with some shortcuts for
+ // array sizes, the creation of
+ // the local matrix and right
+ // hand side as well as the
+ // vector for the indices of
+ // the local dofs compared to
+ // the global system.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::assemble_system ()
FEFaceValues<dim> fe_face_values (fe, face_quadrature_formula,
- update_values | update_normal_vectors |
- update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
+ update_values |
+ update_normal_vectors |
+ update_quadrature_points |
+ update_JxW_values);
const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell;
std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
+ // These few declarations provide
+ // the structures for the evaluation
+ // of inhomogeneous Neumann boundary
+ // conditions from the function
+ // declaration made above.
+ // The vector <code>old_solution_values</code>
+ // evaluates the solution
+ // at the old time level, since
+ // the temperature from the
+ // old time level enters the
+ // Stokes system as a source
+ // term in the momentum equation.
+ //
+ // Then, we create a variable
+ // to hold the Rayleigh number,
+ // the measure of buoyancy.
+ //
+ // The set of vectors we create
+ // next hold the evaluations of
+ // the basis functions that will
+ // be used for creating the
+ // matrices. This gives faster
+ // access to that data, which
+ // increases the performance
+ // of the assembly. See step-22
+ // for details.
+ //
+ // The last few declarations
+ // are used to extract the
+ // individual blocks (velocity,
+ // pressure, temperature) from
+ // the total FE system.
const PressureBoundaryValues<dim> pressure_boundary_values;
std::vector<double> boundary_values (n_face_q_points);
- std::vector<Vector<double> > old_solution_values(n_q_points, Vector<double>(dim+2));
- std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > > old_solution_grads(n_q_points,
- std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > (dim+2));
+ std::vector<Vector<double> > old_solution_values(n_q_points,
+ Vector<double>(dim+2));
const double Rayleigh_number = 10;
const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar pressure (dim);
const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar temperature (dim+1);
+ // Now starts the loop over
+ // all cells in the problem.
+ // The first commands are all
+ // very familiar, doing the
+ // evaluations of the element
+ // basis functions, resetting
+ // the local arrays and
+ // getting the values of the
+ // old solution at the
+ // quadrature point. Then we
+ // are ready to loop over
+ // the quadrature points
+ // on the cell.
typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
endc = dof_handler.end();
// Extract the basis relevant
// terms in the inner products
// once in advance as shown
- // in step-22. This accelerates
- // the assembly process,
+ // in step-22 in order to
+ // accelerate assembly.
+ //
+ // Once this is done, we
+ // start the loop over the
+ // rows and columns of the
+ // local matrix and feed
+ // the matrix with the relevant
+ // products. The right hand
+ // side is filled with the
+ // forcing term driven by
+ // temperature in direction
+ // of gravity (which is
+ // vertical in our example).
+ // Note that the right hand
+ // side term is always generated,
+ // whereas the matrix
+ // contributions are only
+ // updated when it is
+ // requested by the
+ // <code>rebuild_matrices</code>
+ // flag.
for (unsigned int k=0; k<dofs_per_cell; ++k)
phi_u[k] = fe_values[velocities].value (k,q);
+ phi_T[i] * phi_T[j])
* fe_values.JxW(q);
- const Point<dim> gravity (0,1);
+ const Point<dim> gravity = ( (dim == 2) ? (Point<dim> (0,1)) :
+ (Point<dim> (0,1,0)) );
local_rhs(i) += (Rayleigh_number *
gravity * phi_u[i] * old_temperature)*
- // The assembly of the face
- // cells which enters the
- // right hand sides cannot
- // be accelerated with the
- // above technique, since
- // all the basis functions are
- // only evaluated once.
+ // Next follows the assembly
+ // of the face terms, result
+ // from Neumann boundary
+ // conditions. Since these
+ // terms only enter the right
+ // hand side vector and not
+ // the matrix, there is no
+ // substantial benefit from
+ // extracting the data
+ // before using it, so
+ // we remain in the lines
+ // of step-20 at this point.
for (unsigned int face_no=0;
+ // The last step in the loop
+ // over all cells is to
+ // enter the local contributions
+ // into the global matrix and
+ // vector structures to the
+ // positions specified in
+ // <code>local_dof_indices</code>.
+ // Again, we only add the
+ // matrix data when it is
+ // requested.
cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
if (rebuild_matrices == true)
system_rhs(local_dof_indices[i]) += local_rhs(i);
+ // Back at the outermost
+ // level of this function,
+ // we continue the work
+ // by condensing hanging
+ // node constraints to the
+ // right hand side and,
+ // possibly, to the matrix.
if (rebuild_matrices == true)
hanging_node_constraints.condense (system_matrix);
// system_rhs);
+ // This last step of the assembly
+ // function sets up the preconditioners
+ // used for the solution of the
+ // system. We are going to use an
+ // ILU preconditioner for the
+ // velocity block (to be used
+ // by BlockSchurPreconditioner class)
+ // as well as an ILU preconditioner
+ // for the inversion of the
+ // pressure mass matrix. Recall that
+ // the velocity-velocity block sits
+ // at position (0,0) in the
+ // global system matrix, and
+ // the pressure mass matrix in
+ // (1,1). The
+ // storage of these objects is
+ // as in step-22, that is, we
+ // include them using a
+ // shared pointer structure from the
+ // boost library.
+ //
+ // When all work is done, we
+ // change the flags
+ // <code>rebuild_preconditioner</code>
+ // and
+ // <code>rebuild_matrices</code>
+ // to false.
if (rebuild_preconditioner == true)
Assert (rebuild_matrices == true,
std::cout << " Rebuilding preconditioner..." << std::flush;
- // Rebuild the preconditioner
- // for the velocity-velocity
- // block (0,0)
- A_preconditioner
+ A_preconditioner
= boost::shared_ptr<typename InnerPreconditioner<dim>::type>
(new typename InnerPreconditioner<dim>::type());
A_preconditioner->initialize (system_matrix.block(0,0),
typename InnerPreconditioner<dim>::type::AdditionalData());
- // Rebuild the preconditioner
- // for the pressure-pressure
- // block (1,1)
= boost::shared_ptr<SparseILU<double> >
(new SparseILU<double>);
// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::assemble_rhs_T}
+ //
+ // This function does the second
+ // part of the assembly work, the
+ // creation of the velocity-dependent
+ // right hand side of the
+ // temperature equation. The
+ // declarations in this function
+ // are pretty much the same as the
+ // ones used in the other
+ // assembly routine, except that we
+ // restrict ourselves to vectors
+ // this time. Though, we need to
+ // perform more face integrals
+ // at this point, induced by the
+ // use of discontinuous elements for
+ // the temperature (just
+ // as it was in the first DG
+ // example in step-12) in combination
+ // with adaptive grid refinement
+ // and subfaces. The update
+ // flags at face level are the
+ // same as in step-12.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::assemble_rhs_T ()
update_values | update_gradients |
update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
FEFaceValues<dim> fe_face_values (fe, face_quadrature_formula,
- update_values | update_normal_vectors |
- update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
+ update_values | update_normal_vectors |
+ update_quadrature_points |
+ update_JxW_values);
FESubfaceValues<dim> fe_subface_values (fe, face_quadrature_formula,
- update_values | update_normal_vectors |
+ update_values |
+ update_normal_vectors |
FEFaceValues<dim> fe_face_values_neighbor (fe, face_quadrature_formula,
Vector<double> local_rhs (dofs_per_cell);
- std::vector<Vector<double> > old_solution_values(n_q_points, Vector<double>(dim+2));
- std::vector<Vector<double> > old_solution_values_face(n_face_q_points, Vector<double>(dim+2));
- std::vector<Vector<double> > old_solution_values_face_neighbor(n_face_q_points, Vector<double>(dim+2));
- std::vector<Vector<double> > present_solution_values(n_q_points, Vector<double>(dim+2));
- std::vector<Vector<double> > present_solution_values_face(n_face_q_points, Vector<double>(dim+2));
- std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > >
- present_solution_grads(n_q_points,
- std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> >(dim+2));
+ std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
+ // Here comes the declaration
+ // of vectors to hold the old
+ // and present solution values
+ // and gradients
+ // for both the cell as well as faces
+ // to the cell. Next comes the
+ // declaration of an object
+ // to hold the temperature
+ // boundary values and a
+ // well-known extractor for
+ // accessing the temperature
+ // part of the FE system.
+ std::vector<Vector<double> > old_solution_values(n_q_points,
+ Vector<double>(dim+2));
+ std::vector<Vector<double> > old_solution_values_face(n_face_q_points,
+ Vector<double>(dim+2));
+ std::vector<Vector<double> > old_solution_values_face_neighbor (
+ n_face_q_points,
+ Vector<double>(dim+2));
+ std::vector<Vector<double> > present_solution_values (n_q_points,
+ Vector<double>(dim+2));
+ std::vector<Vector<double> > present_solution_values_face(
+ n_face_q_points,
+ Vector<double>(dim+2));
+ std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > > present_solution_grads(
+ n_q_points,
+ std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> >(dim+2));
std::vector<double> neighbor_temperature (n_face_q_points);
- std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
TemperatureBoundaryValues<dim> temperature_boundary_values;
const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar temperature (dim+1);
+ // Now, let's start the loop
+ // over all cells in the
+ // triangulation. The first
+ // actions within the loop
+ // are, as usual, the evaluation
+ // of the FE basis functions
+ // and the old and present
+ // solution at the quadrature
+ // points.
typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
endc = dof_handler.end();
// Produce a constistent solution field
hanging_node_constraints.distribute (up);
+ std::cout << " "
+ << solver_control.last_step()
+ << " GMRES iterations for Stokes subsystem."
+ << std::endl;
solution.block(0) = up.block(0);
solution.block(1) = up.block(1);
SolverControl solver_control (system_matrix.block(2,2).m(),
- 1e-8*system_rhs.block(2).l2_norm());
+ 1e-8*system_rhs.block(2).l2_norm());
SolverCG<> cg (solver_control);
PreconditionJacobi<> preconditioner;
preconditioner.initialize (system_matrix.block(2,2));
- cg.solve (system_matrix.block(2,2), solution.block(2), system_rhs.block(2),
- preconditioner);
+ cg.solve (system_matrix.block(2,2), solution.block(2),
+ system_rhs.block(2), preconditioner);
catch (...)
if (timestep_number % 10 == 0)
refine_mesh ();
- while (time <= 5);
+ while (time <= 50);