* This class acts as a collection of finite element objects used in the
* hp::DoFHandler. It is thus to a hp::DoFHandler what a
- * FiniteElement is to a ::DoFHandler. This collection stores copies
- * of the original elements added to it, and is therefore handling its memory
- * manegement itself.
+ * FiniteElement is to a ::DoFHandler.
+ *
+ * It implements the concepts stated in the @ref hpcollection module described
+ * in the doxygen documentation.
* In addition to offering access to the elements of the collection, this
* class provides access to the maximal number of degrees of freedom per
* the worst case when using the finite elements associated with the cells of
* a triangulation.
- * @ingroup hp
+ * @ingroup hp hpcollection
* @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 2003
* This class implements a collection of mapping objects in the same way as
* the hp::FECollection implements a collection of finite element classes.
+ * It implements the concepts stated in the @ref hpcollection module described
+ * in the doxygen documentation.
+ *
* Although it is recommended to supply an appropriate mapping for each finite
* element kind used in a hp-computation, the MappingCollection class
* implements a conversion constructor from a single mapping. Therefore it is
- * possible to offer only a single mapping to the hpFEValues class instead of
- * a MappingCollection. This is for the convenience of the user, as many
+ * possible to offer only a single mapping to the hp::FEValues class instead of
+ * a hp::MappingCollection. This is for the convenience of the user, as many
* simple geometries do not require different mappings along the boundary to
* achieve optimal convergence rates. Hence providing a single mapping object
* will usually suffice.
- * @ingroup hp
+ * @ingroup hp hpcollection
* @author Oliver Kayser-Herold, 2005
* This class implements a collection of quadrature objects in the same way as
* the hp::FECollection implements a collection of finite element classes.
- * Although it is strongly recommended to supply an appropriate quadrature
- * for each finite element type used in a hp-computation, the QCollection
- * class implements a conversion constructor from a single quadrature.
- * Therefore it is possible to offer only a single quadrature to the
- * hpFEValues class instead of a QCollection. The reason for this
- * mechanism lies in the structure of the deal.II library. At many places
- * throughout the library pseudo quadrature rules are constructed to obtain
- * the values of the finite element function at certain points. An example
- * is the DataOut class. Due to this conversion constructor, these lines
- * of code continue to work without modifications.
+ * It implements the concepts stated in the @ref hpcollection module described
+ * in the doxygen documentation.
- * @ingroup hp
+ * @ingroup hp hpcollection
* @author Oliver Kayser-Herold, 2005
* Classes and functions that have to do with hp finite elements.
+ * @defgroup hpcollection hp Collections
+ *
+ * In the implementation of the hp finite element method, each cell might have
+ * a different finite element associated with it. To handle this, the
+ * hp::DoFHandler must have a whole set of finite element classes associated
+ * with it. This concept is represented by the hp::FECollection class: Objects
+ * of this type act as containers that hold a whole set of finite element
+ * objects. Instead of storing pointers to finite element objects on each
+ * cell, we then only store an index for each cell that identifies the finite
+ * element object within the collection that should be used by this cell. The
+ * DoFHandler object associated with the given cell can then assign degrees of
+ * freedom to each cell in accordance with the finite element used for it.
+ *
+ * A similar situation arises when integrating terms on a cell: one may want
+ * to use different quadrature formulas for different finite elements. For
+ * example, on cells where we use a Q1 element, a QGauss(2) object (i.e. a
+ * quadrature formula with two points in each space direction) may be
+ * sufficient, but on another cell where a Q3 element is used, this would lead
+ * to underintegration and we should use a QGauss(4) formula instead. Just as
+ * above, the exists a class hp::QCollection that acts as a collection of
+ * quadrature formulas
+ *
+ * Finally, one may want to use different orders for the boundary
+ * approximation for cells with different orders for the finite element. The
+ * hp::MappingCollection class allows to do this.
+ *
+ * All of these three classes, the hp::FECollection, hp::QCollection, and
+ * hp::MappingCollection classes, implement a similar interface. They have
+ * functions <code>add_*()</code> to add a finite element, quadrature formula,
+ * or mapping to the collection. They have a <code>get_*(unsigned int)</code>
+ * function that allows to retrieve a reference to a given element of the
+ * collection. And they have a <code>n_*()</code> function that returns the
+ * number of elements in the collection. Some of the classes, in particular
+ * that holding finite element objects, also implement other functions
+ * specific to their purpose.
+ *
+ * The similarity goes beyond the interface: When adding an element to the
+ * collection, all of the classes create a copy of the argument. This allows
+ * to pass a temporary object to the function adding the element. For example,
+ * the following works:
+ * @verbatim
+ * FECollection<dim> fe_collection;
+ * for (unsigned int degree=1; degree<5; ++degree)
+ * fe_collection.add_fe (FE_Q<dim>(degree));
+ * @endverbatim
+ *
+ * This way, one can add elements of polynomial degree 1 through 4 to the
+ * collection. It is not necessary to retain the added object: the collection
+ * makes a coyp of it, it does not only store a pointer to the given finite
+ * element object. This same observation also holds for the other collection
+ * classes.
+ *
+ * It is customary that within an hp finite element program, one keeps
+ * collections of finite elements and quadrature formulas with the same number
+ * of elements, each element of the one collection matching the element in the
+ * other. This is not necessary, but it often makes coding a lot simpler. If a
+ * collection of mappings is used, the same holds for hp::MappingCollection
+ * objects as well.
+ *
+ * @ingroup hp
+ */