template <int dim, int spacedim>
const unsigned int FESystem<dim,spacedim>::invalid_face_number;
+ /**
+ * Take vectors of finite elements and multiplicities and multiply out
+ * how many degrees of freedom the composed element has per vertex,
+ * line, etc.
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ FiniteElementData<dim>
+ multiply_dof_numbers (const std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> &fes,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &multiplicities)
+ {
+ Assert (fes.size() == multiplicities.size(), ExcDimensionMismatch (fes.size(), multiplicities.size()));
+ unsigned int multiplied_dofs_per_vertex = 0;
+ unsigned int multiplied_dofs_per_line = 0;
+ unsigned int multiplied_dofs_per_quad = 0;
+ unsigned int multiplied_dofs_per_hex = 0;
+ unsigned int multiplied_n_components = 0;
+ unsigned int degree = 0; // degree is the maximal degree of the components
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<fes.size(); i++)
+ if (multiplicities[i]>0)
+ {
+ multiplied_dofs_per_vertex += fes[i]->dofs_per_vertex * multiplicities[i];
+ multiplied_dofs_per_line += fes[i]->dofs_per_line * multiplicities[i];
+ multiplied_dofs_per_quad += fes[i]->dofs_per_quad * multiplicities[i];
+ multiplied_dofs_per_hex += fes[i]->dofs_per_hex * multiplicities[i];
+ multiplied_n_components+=fes[i]->n_components() * multiplicities[i];
+ degree = std::max(degree, fes[i]->tensor_degree() );
+ }
+ // assume conformity of the first finite element and then take away
+ // bits as indicated by the base elements. if all multiplicities
+ // happen to be zero, then it doesn't matter what we set it to.
+ typename FiniteElementData<dim>::Conformity total_conformity
+ = typename FiniteElementData<dim>::Conformity();
+ {
+ unsigned int index = 0;
+ for (index=0; index<fes.size(); ++index)
+ if (multiplicities[index]>0)
+ {
+ total_conformity = fes[index]->conforming_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ for (; index<fes.size(); ++index)
+ if (multiplicities[index]>0)
+ total_conformity =
+ typename FiniteElementData<dim>::Conformity(total_conformity
+ &
+ fes[index]->conforming_space);
+ }
+ std::vector<unsigned int> dpo;
+ dpo.push_back(multiplied_dofs_per_vertex);
+ dpo.push_back(multiplied_dofs_per_line);
+ if (dim>1) dpo.push_back(multiplied_dofs_per_quad);
+ if (dim>2) dpo.push_back(multiplied_dofs_per_hex);
+ return FiniteElementData<dim> (dpo,
+ multiplied_n_components,
+ degree,
+ total_conformity);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Same as above but for a specific number of sub-elements.
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ FiniteElementData<dim>
+ multiply_dof_numbers (const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe1,
+ const unsigned int N1,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe2=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N2=0,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe3=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N3=0,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe4=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N4=0,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe5=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N5=0)
+ {
+ std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> fes;
+ fes.push_back(fe1);
+ fes.push_back(fe2);
+ fes.push_back(fe3);
+ fes.push_back(fe4);
+ fes.push_back(fe5);
+ std::vector<unsigned int> mult;
+ mult.push_back(N1);
+ mult.push_back(N2);
+ mult.push_back(N3);
+ mult.push_back(N4);
+ mult.push_back(N5);
+ return multiply_dof_numbers(fes, mult);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the named flags for a list of finite elements with multiplicities
+ * given in the second argument. This function is called from all the above
+ * functions.
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ std::vector<bool>
+ compute_restriction_is_additive_flags (const std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> &fes,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &multiplicities)
+ {
+ Assert (fes.size() == multiplicities.size(), ExcInternalError());
+ // first count the number of dofs and components that will emerge from the
+ // given FEs
+ unsigned int n_shape_functions = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<fes.size(); ++i)
+ if (multiplicities[i]>0) // check needed as fe might be NULL
+ n_shape_functions += fes[i]->dofs_per_cell * multiplicities[i];
+ // generate the array that will hold the output
+ std::vector<bool> retval (n_shape_functions, false);
+ // finally go through all the shape functions of the base elements, and copy
+ // their flags. this somehow copies the code in build_cell_table, which is
+ // not nice as it uses too much implicit knowledge about the layout of the
+ // individual bases in the composed FE, but there seems no way around...
+ //
+ // for each shape function, copy the flags from the base element to this
+ // one, taking into account multiplicities, and other complications
+ unsigned int total_index = 0;
+ for (unsigned int vertex_number=0;
+ vertex_number<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++vertex_number)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
+ for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base]; ++m)
+ for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
+ local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_vertex;
+ ++local_index, ++total_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int index_in_base
+ = (fes[base]->dofs_per_vertex*vertex_number +
+ local_index);
+ Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->dofs_per_cell,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ retval[total_index] = fes[base]->restriction_is_additive(index_in_base);
+ }
+ }
+ // 2. Lines
+ if (GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell > 0)
+ for (unsigned int line_number= 0;
+ line_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell;
+ ++line_number)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
+ for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base]; ++m)
+ for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
+ local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_line;
+ ++local_index, ++total_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int index_in_base
+ = (fes[base]->dofs_per_line*line_number +
+ local_index +
+ fes[base]->first_line_index);
+ Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->dofs_per_cell,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ retval[total_index] = fes[base]->restriction_is_additive(index_in_base);
+ }
+ }
+ // 3. Quads
+ if (GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell > 0)
+ for (unsigned int quad_number= 0;
+ quad_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell;
+ ++quad_number)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
+ for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base]; ++m)
+ for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
+ local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_quad;
+ ++local_index, ++total_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int index_in_base
+ = (fes[base]->dofs_per_quad*quad_number +
+ local_index +
+ fes[base]->first_quad_index);
+ Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->dofs_per_cell,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ retval[total_index] = fes[base]->restriction_is_additive(index_in_base);
+ }
+ }
+ // 4. Hexes
+ if (GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell > 0)
+ for (unsigned int hex_number= 0;
+ hex_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell;
+ ++hex_number)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
+ for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base]; ++m)
+ for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
+ local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_hex;
+ ++local_index, ++total_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int index_in_base
+ = (fes[base]->dofs_per_hex*hex_number +
+ local_index +
+ fes[base]->first_hex_index);
+ Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->dofs_per_cell,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ retval[total_index] = fes[base]->restriction_is_additive(index_in_base);
+ }
+ }
+ Assert (total_index == n_shape_functions, ExcInternalError());
+ return retval;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Take a @p FiniteElement object
+ * and return an boolean vector including the @p
+ * restriction_is_additive_flags of the mixed element consisting of @p N
+ * elements of the sub-element @p fe.
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ std::vector<bool>
+ compute_restriction_is_additive_flags (const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe1,
+ const unsigned int N1,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe2=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N2=0,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe3=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N3=0,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe4=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N4=0,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe5=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N5=0)
+ {
+ std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> fe_list;
+ std::vector<unsigned int> multiplicities;
+ fe_list.push_back (fe1);
+ multiplicities.push_back (N1);
+ fe_list.push_back (fe2);
+ multiplicities.push_back (N2);
+ fe_list.push_back (fe3);
+ multiplicities.push_back (N3);
+ fe_list.push_back (fe4);
+ multiplicities.push_back (N4);
+ fe_list.push_back (fe5);
+ multiplicities.push_back (N5);
+ return compute_restriction_is_additive_flags (fe_list, multiplicities);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the nonzero components of a list of finite elements with
+ * multiplicities given in the second argument.
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ std::vector<ComponentMask>
+ compute_nonzero_components (const std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> &fes,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &multiplicities)
+ {
+ Assert (fes.size() == multiplicities.size(), ExcInternalError());
+ // first count the number of dofs and components that will emerge from the
+ // given FEs
+ unsigned int n_shape_functions = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<fes.size(); ++i)
+ if (multiplicities[i]>0) //needed because fe might be NULL
+ n_shape_functions += fes[i]->dofs_per_cell * multiplicities[i];
+ unsigned int n_components = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<fes.size(); ++i)
+ if (multiplicities[i]>0) //needed because fe might be NULL
+ n_components += fes[i]->n_components() * multiplicities[i];
+ // generate the array that will hold the output
+ std::vector<std::vector<bool> >
+ retval (n_shape_functions, std::vector<bool> (n_components, false));
+ // finally go through all the shape functions of the base elements, and copy
+ // their flags. this somehow copies the code in build_cell_table, which is
+ // not nice as it uses too much implicit knowledge about the layout of the
+ // individual bases in the composed FE, but there seems no way around...
+ //
+ // for each shape function, copy the non-zero flags from the base element to
+ // this one, taking into account multiplicities, multiple components in base
+ // elements, and other complications
+ unsigned int total_index = 0;
+ for (unsigned int vertex_number=0;
+ vertex_number<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ ++vertex_number)
+ {
+ unsigned int comp_start = 0;
+ for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
+ for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base];
+ ++m, comp_start+=fes[base]->n_components())
+ for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
+ local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_vertex;
+ ++local_index, ++total_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int index_in_base
+ = (fes[base]->dofs_per_vertex*vertex_number +
+ local_index);
+ Assert (comp_start+fes[base]->n_components() <=
+ retval[total_index].size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<fes[base]->n_components(); ++c)
+ {
+ Assert (c < fes[base]->get_nonzero_components(index_in_base).size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ retval[total_index][comp_start+c]
+ = fes[base]->get_nonzero_components(index_in_base)[c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 2. Lines
+ if (GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell > 0)
+ for (unsigned int line_number= 0;
+ line_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell;
+ ++line_number)
+ {
+ unsigned int comp_start = 0;
+ for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
+ for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base];
+ ++m, comp_start+=fes[base]->n_components())
+ for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
+ local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_line;
+ ++local_index, ++total_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int index_in_base
+ = (fes[base]->dofs_per_line*line_number +
+ local_index +
+ fes[base]->first_line_index);
+ Assert (comp_start+fes[base]->n_components() <=
+ retval[total_index].size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<fes[base]->n_components(); ++c)
+ {
+ Assert (c < fes[base]->get_nonzero_components(index_in_base).size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ retval[total_index][comp_start+c]
+ = fes[base]->get_nonzero_components(index_in_base)[c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 3. Quads
+ if (GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell > 0)
+ for (unsigned int quad_number= 0;
+ quad_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell;
+ ++quad_number)
+ {
+ unsigned int comp_start = 0;
+ for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
+ for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base];
+ ++m, comp_start+=fes[base]->n_components())
+ for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
+ local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_quad;
+ ++local_index, ++total_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int index_in_base
+ = (fes[base]->dofs_per_quad*quad_number +
+ local_index +
+ fes[base]->first_quad_index);
+ Assert (comp_start+fes[base]->n_components() <=
+ retval[total_index].size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<fes[base]->n_components(); ++c)
+ {
+ Assert (c < fes[base]->get_nonzero_components(index_in_base).size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ retval[total_index][comp_start+c]
+ = fes[base]->get_nonzero_components(index_in_base)[c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 4. Hexes
+ if (GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell > 0)
+ for (unsigned int hex_number= 0;
+ hex_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell;
+ ++hex_number)
+ {
+ unsigned int comp_start = 0;
+ for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
+ for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base];
+ ++m, comp_start+=fes[base]->n_components())
+ for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
+ local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_hex;
+ ++local_index, ++total_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int index_in_base
+ = (fes[base]->dofs_per_hex*hex_number +
+ local_index +
+ fes[base]->first_hex_index);
+ Assert (comp_start+fes[base]->n_components() <=
+ retval[total_index].size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<fes[base]->n_components(); ++c)
+ {
+ Assert (c < fes[base]->get_nonzero_components(index_in_base).size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ retval[total_index][comp_start+c]
+ = fes[base]->get_nonzero_components(index_in_base)[c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Assert (total_index == n_shape_functions, ExcInternalError());
+ // now copy the vector<vector<bool> > into a vector<ComponentMask>.
+ // this appears complicated but we do it this way since it's just
+ // awkward to generate ComponentMasks directly and so we need the
+ // recourse of the inner vector<bool> anyway.
+ std::vector<ComponentMask> xretval (retval.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<retval.size(); ++i)
+ xretval[i] = ComponentMask(retval[i]);
+ return xretval;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the non-zero vector components of a composed finite element.
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ std::vector<ComponentMask>
+ compute_nonzero_components (const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe1,
+ const unsigned int N1,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe2=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N2=0,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe3=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N3=0,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe4=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N4=0,
+ const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe5=NULL,
+ const unsigned int N5=0)
+ {
+ std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> fe_list;
+ std::vector<unsigned int> multiplicities;
+ fe_list.push_back (fe1);
+ multiplicities.push_back (N1);
+ fe_list.push_back (fe2);
+ multiplicities.push_back (N2);
+ fe_list.push_back (fe3);
+ multiplicities.push_back (N3);
+ fe_list.push_back (fe4);
+ multiplicities.push_back (N4);
+ fe_list.push_back (fe5);
+ multiplicities.push_back (N5);
+ return compute_nonzero_components (fe_list, multiplicities);
+ }
template <int dim, int spacedim>
FESystem<dim,spacedim>::FESystem (const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> &fe,
-template <int dim, int spacedim>
-FESystem<dim,spacedim>::multiply_dof_numbers (const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe1,
- const unsigned int N1,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe2,
- const unsigned int N2,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe3,
- const unsigned int N3,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe4,
- const unsigned int N4,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe5,
- const unsigned int N5)
- std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> fes;
- fes.push_back(fe1);
- fes.push_back(fe2);
- fes.push_back(fe3);
- fes.push_back(fe4);
- fes.push_back(fe5);
- std::vector<unsigned int> mult;
- mult.push_back(N1);
- mult.push_back(N2);
- mult.push_back(N3);
- mult.push_back(N4);
- mult.push_back(N5);
- return multiply_dof_numbers(fes, mult);
-template <int dim, int spacedim>
-FESystem<dim,spacedim>::multiply_dof_numbers (
- const std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> &fes,
- const std::vector<unsigned int> &multiplicities)
- Assert (fes.size() == multiplicities.size(), ExcDimensionMismatch (fes.size(), multiplicities.size()));
- unsigned int multiplied_dofs_per_vertex = 0;
- unsigned int multiplied_dofs_per_line = 0;
- unsigned int multiplied_dofs_per_quad = 0;
- unsigned int multiplied_dofs_per_hex = 0;
- unsigned int multiplied_n_components = 0;
- unsigned int degree = 0; // degree is the maximal degree of the components
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<fes.size(); i++)
- if (multiplicities[i]>0)
- {
- multiplied_dofs_per_vertex+=fes[i]->dofs_per_vertex * multiplicities[i];
- multiplied_dofs_per_line+=fes[i]->dofs_per_line * multiplicities[i];
- multiplied_dofs_per_quad+=fes[i]->dofs_per_quad * multiplicities[i];
- multiplied_dofs_per_hex+=fes[i]->dofs_per_hex * multiplicities[i];
- multiplied_n_components+=fes[i]->n_components() * multiplicities[i];
- degree = std::max(degree, fes[i]->tensor_degree() );
- }
- // assume conformity of the first finite element and then take away
- // bits as indicated by the base elements. if all multiplicities
- // happen to be zero, then it doesn't matter what we set it to.
- typename FiniteElementData<dim>::Conformity total_conformity
- = typename FiniteElementData<dim>::Conformity();
- {
- unsigned int index = 0;
- for (index=0; index<fes.size(); ++index)
- if (multiplicities[index]>0)
- {
- total_conformity = fes[index]->conforming_space;
- break;
- }
- for (; index<fes.size(); ++index)
- if (multiplicities[index]>0)
- total_conformity =
- typename FiniteElementData<dim>::Conformity(total_conformity
- &
- fes[index]->conforming_space);
- }
- std::vector<unsigned int> dpo;
- dpo.push_back(multiplied_dofs_per_vertex);
- dpo.push_back(multiplied_dofs_per_line);
- if (dim>1) dpo.push_back(multiplied_dofs_per_quad);
- if (dim>2) dpo.push_back(multiplied_dofs_per_hex);
- return FiniteElementData<dim> (dpo,
- multiplied_n_components,
- degree,
- total_conformity);
-template <int dim, int spacedim>
-FESystem<dim,spacedim>::compute_restriction_is_additive_flags (const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe1,
- const unsigned int N1,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe2,
- const unsigned int N2,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe3,
- const unsigned int N3,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe4,
- const unsigned int N4,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe5,
- const unsigned int N5)
- std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> fe_list;
- std::vector<unsigned int> multiplicities;
- fe_list.push_back (fe1);
- multiplicities.push_back (N1);
- fe_list.push_back (fe2);
- multiplicities.push_back (N2);
- fe_list.push_back (fe3);
- multiplicities.push_back (N3);
- fe_list.push_back (fe4);
- multiplicities.push_back (N4);
- fe_list.push_back (fe5);
- multiplicities.push_back (N5);
- return compute_restriction_is_additive_flags (fe_list, multiplicities);
-template <int dim, int spacedim>
-compute_restriction_is_additive_flags (const std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> &fes,
- const std::vector<unsigned int> &multiplicities)
- Assert (fes.size() == multiplicities.size(), ExcInternalError());
- // first count the number of dofs and components that will emerge from the
- // given FEs
- unsigned int n_shape_functions = 0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<fes.size(); ++i)
- if (multiplicities[i]>0) // check needed as fe might be NULL
- n_shape_functions += fes[i]->dofs_per_cell * multiplicities[i];
- // generate the array that will hold the output
- std::vector<bool> retval (n_shape_functions, false);
- // finally go through all the shape functions of the base elements, and copy
- // their flags. this somehow copies the code in build_cell_table, which is
- // not nice as it uses too much implicit knowledge about the layout of the
- // individual bases in the composed FE, but there seems no way around...
- //
- // for each shape function, copy the flags from the base element to this
- // one, taking into account multiplicities, and other complications
- unsigned int total_index = 0;
- for (unsigned int vertex_number=0;
- vertex_number<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
- ++vertex_number)
- {
- for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
- for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base]; ++m)
- for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
- local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_vertex;
- ++local_index, ++total_index)
- {
- const unsigned int index_in_base
- = (fes[base]->dofs_per_vertex*vertex_number +
- local_index);
- Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->dofs_per_cell,
- ExcInternalError());
- retval[total_index] = fes[base]->restriction_is_additive(index_in_base);
- }
- }
- // 2. Lines
- if (GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell > 0)
- for (unsigned int line_number= 0;
- line_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell;
- ++line_number)
- {
- for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
- for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base]; ++m)
- for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
- local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_line;
- ++local_index, ++total_index)
- {
- const unsigned int index_in_base
- = (fes[base]->dofs_per_line*line_number +
- local_index +
- fes[base]->first_line_index);
- Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->dofs_per_cell,
- ExcInternalError());
- retval[total_index] = fes[base]->restriction_is_additive(index_in_base);
- }
- }
- // 3. Quads
- if (GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell > 0)
- for (unsigned int quad_number= 0;
- quad_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell;
- ++quad_number)
- {
- for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
- for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base]; ++m)
- for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
- local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_quad;
- ++local_index, ++total_index)
- {
- const unsigned int index_in_base
- = (fes[base]->dofs_per_quad*quad_number +
- local_index +
- fes[base]->first_quad_index);
- Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->dofs_per_cell,
- ExcInternalError());
- retval[total_index] = fes[base]->restriction_is_additive(index_in_base);
- }
- }
- // 4. Hexes
- if (GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell > 0)
- for (unsigned int hex_number= 0;
- hex_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell;
- ++hex_number)
- {
- for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
- for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base]; ++m)
- for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
- local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_hex;
- ++local_index, ++total_index)
- {
- const unsigned int index_in_base
- = (fes[base]->dofs_per_hex*hex_number +
- local_index +
- fes[base]->first_hex_index);
- Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->dofs_per_cell,
- ExcInternalError());
- retval[total_index] = fes[base]->restriction_is_additive(index_in_base);
- }
- }
- Assert (total_index == n_shape_functions, ExcInternalError());
- return retval;
-template <int dim, int spacedim>
-FESystem<dim,spacedim>::compute_nonzero_components (const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe1,
- const unsigned int N1,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe2,
- const unsigned int N2,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe3,
- const unsigned int N3,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe4,
- const unsigned int N4,
- const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *fe5,
- const unsigned int N5)
- std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> fe_list;
- std::vector<unsigned int> multiplicities;
- fe_list.push_back (fe1);
- multiplicities.push_back (N1);
- fe_list.push_back (fe2);
- multiplicities.push_back (N2);
- fe_list.push_back (fe3);
- multiplicities.push_back (N3);
- fe_list.push_back (fe4);
- multiplicities.push_back (N4);
- fe_list.push_back (fe5);
- multiplicities.push_back (N5);
- return compute_nonzero_components (fe_list, multiplicities);
-template <int dim, int spacedim>
-compute_nonzero_components (const std::vector<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>*> &fes,
- const std::vector<unsigned int> &multiplicities)
- Assert (fes.size() == multiplicities.size(), ExcInternalError());
- // first count the number of dofs and components that will emerge from the
- // given FEs
- unsigned int n_shape_functions = 0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<fes.size(); ++i)
- if (multiplicities[i]>0) //needed because fe might be NULL
- n_shape_functions += fes[i]->dofs_per_cell * multiplicities[i];
- unsigned int n_components = 0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<fes.size(); ++i)
- if (multiplicities[i]>0) //needed because fe might be NULL
- n_components += fes[i]->n_components() * multiplicities[i];
- // generate the array that will hold the output
- std::vector<std::vector<bool> >
- retval (n_shape_functions, std::vector<bool> (n_components, false));
- // finally go through all the shape functions of the base elements, and copy
- // their flags. this somehow copies the code in build_cell_table, which is
- // not nice as it uses too much implicit knowledge about the layout of the
- // individual bases in the composed FE, but there seems no way around...
- //
- // for each shape function, copy the non-zero flags from the base element to
- // this one, taking into account multiplicities, multiple components in base
- // elements, and other complications
- unsigned int total_index = 0;
- for (unsigned int vertex_number=0;
- vertex_number<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
- ++vertex_number)
- {
- unsigned int comp_start = 0;
- for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
- for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base];
- ++m, comp_start+=fes[base]->n_components())
- for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
- local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_vertex;
- ++local_index, ++total_index)
- {
- const unsigned int index_in_base
- = (fes[base]->dofs_per_vertex*vertex_number +
- local_index);
- Assert (comp_start+fes[base]->n_components() <=
- retval[total_index].size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int c=0; c<fes[base]->n_components(); ++c)
- {
- Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->nonzero_components.size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- Assert (c < fes[base]->nonzero_components[index_in_base].size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- retval[total_index][comp_start+c]
- = fes[base]->nonzero_components[index_in_base][c];
- };
- }
- }
- // 2. Lines
- if (GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell > 0)
- for (unsigned int line_number= 0;
- line_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell;
- ++line_number)
- {
- unsigned int comp_start = 0;
- for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
- for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base];
- ++m, comp_start+=fes[base]->n_components())
- for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
- local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_line;
- ++local_index, ++total_index)
- {
- const unsigned int index_in_base
- = (fes[base]->dofs_per_line*line_number +
- local_index +
- fes[base]->first_line_index);
- Assert (comp_start+fes[base]->n_components() <=
- retval[total_index].size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int c=0; c<fes[base]->n_components(); ++c)
- {
- Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->nonzero_components.size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- Assert (c < fes[base]->nonzero_components[index_in_base].size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- retval[total_index][comp_start+c]
- = fes[base]->nonzero_components[index_in_base][c];
- };
- }
- }
- // 3. Quads
- if (GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell > 0)
- for (unsigned int quad_number= 0;
- quad_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::quads_per_cell;
- ++quad_number)
- {
- unsigned int comp_start = 0;
- for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
- for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base];
- ++m, comp_start+=fes[base]->n_components())
- for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
- local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_quad;
- ++local_index, ++total_index)
- {
- const unsigned int index_in_base
- = (fes[base]->dofs_per_quad*quad_number +
- local_index +
- fes[base]->first_quad_index);
- Assert (comp_start+fes[base]->n_components() <=
- retval[total_index].size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int c=0; c<fes[base]->n_components(); ++c)
- {
- Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->nonzero_components.size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- Assert (c < fes[base]->nonzero_components[index_in_base].size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- retval[total_index][comp_start+c]
- = fes[base]->nonzero_components[index_in_base][c];
- };
- }
- }
- // 4. Hexes
- if (GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell > 0)
- for (unsigned int hex_number= 0;
- hex_number != GeometryInfo<dim>::hexes_per_cell;
- ++hex_number)
- {
- unsigned int comp_start = 0;
- for (unsigned int base=0; base<fes.size(); ++base)
- for (unsigned int m=0; m<multiplicities[base];
- ++m, comp_start+=fes[base]->n_components())
- for (unsigned int local_index = 0;
- local_index < fes[base]->dofs_per_hex;
- ++local_index, ++total_index)
- {
- const unsigned int index_in_base
- = (fes[base]->dofs_per_hex*hex_number +
- local_index +
- fes[base]->first_hex_index);
- Assert (comp_start+fes[base]->n_components() <=
- retval[total_index].size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int c=0; c<fes[base]->n_components(); ++c)
- {
- Assert (index_in_base < fes[base]->nonzero_components.size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- Assert (c < fes[base]->nonzero_components[index_in_base].size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- retval[total_index][comp_start+c]
- = fes[base]->nonzero_components[index_in_base][c];
- };
- }
- }
- Assert (total_index == n_shape_functions, ExcInternalError());
- // now copy the vector<vector<bool> > into a vector<ComponentMask>.
- // this appears complicated but we do it this way since it's just
- // awkward to generate ComponentMasks directly and so we need the
- // recourse of the inner vector<bool> anyway.
- std::vector<ComponentMask> xretval (retval.size());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<retval.size(); ++i)
- xretval[i] = ComponentMask(retval[i]);
- return xretval;
template <int dim, int spacedim>
const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> &
FESystem<dim,spacedim>::base_element (const unsigned int index) const