* Constructor.
GnuplotFlags ();
- /**
- * Declare all flags with name and type as offered by this class, for use
- * in input files.
- */
- static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- /**
- * Read the parameters declared in declare_parameters() and set the flags
- * for this output format accordingly.
- *
- * The flags thus obtained overwrite all previous contents of this object.
- */
- void parse_parameters (const ParameterHandler &prm) const;
* Default constructor.
GmvFlags ();
- /**
- * Declare all flags with name and type as offered by this class, for use
- * in input files.
- */
- static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- /**
- * Read the parameters declared in declare_parameters() and set the flags
- * for this output format accordingly.
- *
- * The flags thus obtained overwrite all previous contents of this object.
- */
- void parse_parameters (const ParameterHandler &prm) const;
TecplotFlags (const char *tecplot_binary_file_name = NULL,
const char *zone_name = NULL);
- /**
- * Declare all flags with name and type as offered by this class, for use
- * in input files.
- */
- static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- /**
- * Read the parameters declared in declare_parameters() and set the flags
- * for this output format accordingly.
- *
- * The flags thus obtained overwrite all previous contents of this object.
- */
- void parse_parameters (const ParameterHandler &prm) const;
* Return an estimate for the memory consumption, in bytes, of this
* object.
VtkFlags (const double time = std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
const unsigned int cycle = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::min(),
const bool print_date_and_time = true);
- /**
- * Declare the flags with name and type as offered by this class, for use
- * in input files.
- *
- * Unlike the flags in many of the other classes similar to this one, we
- * do not actually declare parameters for the #cycle and #time member
- * variables of this class. The reason is that there wouldn't appear to be
- * a case where one would want to declare these parameters in an input
- * file. Rather, these are typically values that change during the course
- * of a simulation and can only reasonably be set as part of the execution
- * of a program, rather than a priori by a user who runs this program.
- */
- static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- /**
- * Read the parameters declared in declare_parameters() and set the flags
- * for this output format accordingly.
- *
- * The flags thus obtained overwrite all previous contents of this object.
- */
- void parse_parameters (const ParameterHandler &prm) const;
* Constructor.
Deal_II_IntermediateFlags ();
- /**
- * Declare all flags with name and type as offered by this class, for use
- * in input files.
- */
- static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- /**
- * Read the parameters declared in declare_parameters() and set the flags
- * for this output format accordingly.
- *
- * The flags thus obtained overwrite all previous contents of this object.
- */
- void parse_parameters (const ParameterHandler &prm) const;
dummy (0)
- void GnuplotFlags::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &/*prm*/)
- {}
- void GnuplotFlags::parse_parameters (const ParameterHandler &/*prm*/) const
- {}
SvgFlags::SvgFlags (const unsigned int height_vector,
const int azimuth_angle,
const int polar_angle,
GmvFlags::GmvFlags ()
- void GmvFlags::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &/*prm*/)
- {}
- void GmvFlags::parse_parameters (const ParameterHandler &/*prm*/) const
- {}
TecplotFlags (const char *tecplot_binary_file_name,
const char *zone_name)
- void TecplotFlags::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &/*prm*/)
- {}
- void TecplotFlags::parse_parameters (const ParameterHandler &/*prm*/) const
- {}
TecplotFlags::memory_consumption () const
- void VtkFlags::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &/*prm*/)
- {}
- void VtkFlags::parse_parameters (const ParameterHandler &/*prm*/) const
- {}
Deal_II_IntermediateFlags::Deal_II_IntermediateFlags ()
dummy (0)
- void Deal_II_IntermediateFlags::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &/*prm*/)
- {}
- void Deal_II_IntermediateFlags::parse_parameters (const ParameterHandler &/*prm*/) const
- {}
parse_output_format (const std::string &format_name)