Additional Information:
Index 3 is not in [0,3[
-******** More assertions fail but messages are suppressed! ********
+An error occurred in file <block_indices.h> in function
+ unsigned int BlockIndices::local_to_global(unsigned int, unsigned int) const
+The violated condition was:
+ index < start_indices[block+1]-start_indices[block]
+The name and call sequence of the exception was:
+ ExcIndexRange (index, 0, start_indices[block+1]-start_indices[block])
+Additional Information:
+Index 2 is not in [0,2[
+An error occurred in file <block_indices.h> in function
+ unsigned int BlockIndices::local_to_global(unsigned int, unsigned int) const
+The violated condition was:
+ block < n_blocks
+The name and call sequence of the exception was:
+ ExcIndexRange(block, 0, n_blocks)
+Additional Information:
+Index 2 is not in [0,2[
DEAL:BlockVector:Constructor with iterators::0.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000
DEAL:BlockVector:Constructor with iterators::0 0 0.000
DEAL:BlockVector:Constructor with iterators::0 1 1.000