template <int dim>
template <typename VectorType>
-void PointValueHistory<dim>
-::evaluate_field (const std::string &vector_name, const VectorType &solution)
+PointValueHistory<dim>::evaluate_field (const std::string &vector_name,
+ const VectorType &solution)
// must be closed to add data to internal
// members.
template <int dim>
template <typename VectorType>
-void PointValueHistory<dim>
-::evaluate_field (const std::vector <std::string> &vector_names,
- const VectorType &solution,
- const DataPostprocessor< dim> &data_postprocessor,
- const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature)
+PointValueHistory<dim>::evaluate_field (const std::vector <std::string> &vector_names,
+ const VectorType &solution,
+ const DataPostprocessor< dim> &data_postprocessor,
+ const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature)
// must be closed to add data to internal
// members.
unsigned int n_output_variables = data_postprocessor.get_names().size();
+ // declare some temp objects for evaluating the solution at quadrature
+ // points. we will either need the scalar or vector version in the code
+ // below
+ std::vector<typename VectorType::value_type > scalar_solution_values (n_quadrature_points);
+ std::vector<Tensor< 1, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > scalar_solution_gradients (n_quadrature_points);
+ std::vector<Tensor< 2, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > scalar_solution_hessians (n_quadrature_points);
+ std::vector< Vector< typename VectorType::value_type > >
+ vector_solution_values (n_quadrature_points, Vector <typename VectorType::value_type> (n_components));
+ std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > >
+ vector_solution_gradients (n_quadrature_points,
+ std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > (n_components,
+ Tensor< 1, dim, typename VectorType::value_type >()));
+ std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > >
+ vector_solution_hessians (n_quadrature_points,
+ std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > (n_components,
+ Tensor< 2, dim, typename VectorType::value_type >()));
// Loop over points and find correct cell
typename std::vector <internal::PointValueHistory::PointGeometryData <dim> >::iterator point = point_geometry_data.begin ();
for (unsigned int data_store_index = 0; point != point_geometry_data.end (); ++point, ++data_store_index)
- // we now have a point to query,
- // need to know what cell it is in
- Point <dim> requested_location = point->requested_location;
- typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell = GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point (StaticMappingQ1<dim>::mapping, *dof_handler, requested_location).first;
+ // we now have a point to query, need to know what cell it is in
+ const Point <dim> requested_location = point->requested_location;
+ const typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell
+ = GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point (StaticMappingQ1<dim>::mapping, *dof_handler, requested_location).first;
fe_values.reinit (cell);
std::vector< Vector< double > > computed_quantities (1, Vector <double> (n_output_variables)); // just one point needed
+ // find the closest quadrature point
+ std::vector<Point<dim> > quadrature_points = fe_values.get_quadrature_points();
+ double distance = cell->diameter ();
+ unsigned int selected_point = 0;
+ for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < n_quadrature_points; q_point++)
+ {
+ if (requested_location.distance (quadrature_points[q_point]) < distance)
+ {
+ selected_point = q_point;
+ distance = requested_location.distance (quadrature_points[q_point]);
+ }
+ }
// The case of a scalar FE
if (n_components == 1)
- // Extract data for the
- // PostProcessor object
- std::vector< typename VectorType::value_type > solution_values (n_quadrature_points, 0.0);
- std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > solution_gradients (n_quadrature_points, Tensor <1, dim, typename VectorType::value_type> ());
- std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > solution_hessians (n_quadrature_points, Tensor <2, dim, typename VectorType::value_type> ());
- std::vector<Point<dim> > dummy_normals (1, Point<dim> ());
- std::vector<Point<dim> > evaluation_points;
- // at each point there is
- // only one component of
- // value, gradient etc.
+ // Extract data for the DataPostprocessor object
+ DataPostprocessorInputs::Scalar<dim> postprocessor_input;
+ // for each quantity that is requested (values, gradients, hessians),
+ // first get them at all quadrature points, then restrict to the
+ // one value on the quadrature point closest to the evaluation
+ // point in question
+ //
+ // we need temporary objects because the underlying scalar
+ // type of the solution vector may be different from 'double',
+ // but the DataPostprocessorInputs only allow for 'double'
+ // data types
if (update_flags & update_values)
- fe_values.get_function_values (solution,
- solution_values);
+ {
+ fe_values.get_function_values (solution,
+ scalar_solution_values);
+ postprocessor_input.solution_values
+ = std::vector<double> (1, scalar_solution_values[selected_point]);
+ }
if (update_flags & update_gradients)
- fe_values.get_function_gradients (solution,
- solution_gradients);
+ {
+ fe_values.get_function_gradients (solution,
+ scalar_solution_gradients);
+ postprocessor_input.solution_gradients
+ = std::vector<Tensor<1,dim>> (1, scalar_solution_gradients[selected_point]);
+ }
if (update_flags & update_hessians)
- fe_values.get_function_hessians (solution,
- solution_hessians);
- // find the closest quadrature point
- evaluation_points = fe_values.get_quadrature_points();
- double distance = cell->diameter ();
- unsigned int selected_point = 0;
- for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < n_quadrature_points; q_point++)
- if (requested_location.distance (evaluation_points[q_point]) < distance)
- {
- selected_point = q_point;
- distance = requested_location.distance (evaluation_points[q_point]);
- }
+ fe_values.get_function_hessians (solution,
+ scalar_solution_hessians);
+ postprocessor_input.solution_hessians
+ = std::vector<Tensor<2,dim>> (1, scalar_solution_hessians[selected_point]);
- // Call compute_derived_quantities_vector
- // or compute_derived_quantities_scalar
- // TODO this function should also operate with typename VectorType::value_type
- data_postprocessor.
- compute_derived_quantities_scalar(std::vector< double > (1, solution_values[selected_point]),
- std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim > > (1, Tensor< 1, dim >(solution_gradients[selected_point]) ),
- std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > (1, Tensor< 2, dim >(solution_hessians[selected_point]) ),
- dummy_normals,
- std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, evaluation_points[selected_point]),
- computed_quantities);
+ // then also set the single evaluation point
+ postprocessor_input.evaluation_points
+ = std::vector<Point<dim>>(1, quadrature_points[selected_point]);
+ // and finally do the postprocessing
+ data_postprocessor.evaluate_scalar_field(postprocessor_input,
+ computed_quantities);
else // The case of a vector FE
- // Extract data for the PostProcessor object
- std::vector< Vector< typename VectorType::value_type > > solution_values (n_quadrature_points, Vector <typename VectorType::value_type> (n_components));
- std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > > solution_gradients (n_quadrature_points, std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > (n_components, Tensor< 1, dim, typename VectorType::value_type >()));
- std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > > solution_hessians (n_quadrature_points, std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > (n_components, Tensor< 2, dim, typename VectorType::value_type >()));
- std::vector<Point<dim> > dummy_normals (1, Point<dim> ());
- std::vector<Point<dim> > evaluation_points;
- // at each point there is
- // a vector valued
- // function and its
- // derivative...
+ // exact same idea as above
+ DataPostprocessorInputs::Vector<dim> postprocessor_input;
if (update_flags & update_values)
- fe_values.get_function_values (solution,
- solution_values);
+ {
+ fe_values.get_function_values (solution,
+ vector_solution_values);
+ postprocessor_input.solution_values.resize (1, Vector<double>(n_components));
+ std::copy (vector_solution_values[selected_point].begin(),
+ vector_solution_values[selected_point].end(),
+ postprocessor_input.solution_values[0].begin());
+ }
if (update_flags & update_gradients)
- fe_values.get_function_gradients (solution,
- solution_gradients);
+ {
+ fe_values.get_function_gradients (solution,
+ vector_solution_gradients);
+ postprocessor_input.solution_gradients.resize (1, std::vector<Tensor<1,dim>>(n_components));
+ std::copy (vector_solution_gradients[selected_point].begin(),
+ vector_solution_gradients[selected_point].end(),
+ postprocessor_input.solution_gradients[0].begin());
+ }
if (update_flags & update_hessians)
- fe_values.get_function_hessians (solution,
- solution_hessians);
- // find the closest quadrature point
- evaluation_points = fe_values.get_quadrature_points();
- double distance = cell->diameter ();
- unsigned int selected_point = 0;
- for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < n_quadrature_points; q_point++)
- if (requested_location.distance (evaluation_points[q_point]) < distance)
- {
- selected_point = q_point;
- distance = requested_location.distance (evaluation_points[q_point]);
- }
+ fe_values.get_function_hessians (solution,
+ vector_solution_hessians);
+ postprocessor_input.solution_hessians.resize (1, std::vector<Tensor<2,dim>>(n_components));
+ std::copy (vector_solution_hessians[selected_point].begin(),
+ vector_solution_hessians[selected_point].end(),
+ postprocessor_input.solution_hessians[0].begin());
- // FIXME: We need tmp vectors below because the data
- // postprocessors are not equipped to deal with anything but
- // doubles (scalars and tensors).
- const Vector< typename VectorType::value_type > &solution_values_s = solution_values[selected_point];
- const std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > &solution_gradients_s = solution_gradients[selected_point];
- const std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim, typename VectorType::value_type > > &solution_hessians_s = solution_hessians[selected_point];
- std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim > > tmp_d (solution_gradients_s.size());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < solution_gradients_s.size(); i++)
- tmp_d[i] = solution_gradients_s[i];
- std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > tmp_dd (solution_hessians_s.size());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < solution_hessians_s.size(); i++)
- tmp_dd[i] = solution_hessians_s[i];
- Vector< double > tmp(solution_values_s.size());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < solution_values_s.size(); i++)
- tmp[i] = solution_values_s[i];
- // Call compute_derived_quantities_vector
- // or compute_derived_quantities_scalar
- data_postprocessor.
- compute_derived_quantities_vector(std::vector< Vector< double > > (1, tmp),
- std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim > > > (1, tmp_d),
- std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > > (1, tmp_dd),
- dummy_normals,
- std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, evaluation_points[selected_point]),
- computed_quantities);
+ postprocessor_input.evaluation_points
+ = std::vector<Point<dim>>(1, quadrature_points[selected_point]);
+ data_postprocessor.evaluate_vector_field(postprocessor_input,
+ computed_quantities);
template <int dim>
template <typename VectorType>
void PointValueHistory<dim>