+template <template <int, int> class DH, int spacedim>
+class DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> > : public TriaAccessor<0,1,spacedim>
+ public:
+ /**
+ * A static variable that allows users of
+ * this class to discover the value of
+ * the second template argument.
+ */
+ static const unsigned int dimension=1;
+ /**
+ * A static variable that allows users of
+ * this class to discover the value of
+ * the third template argument.
+ */
+ static const unsigned int space_dimension=spacedim;
+ /**
+ * Declare a typedef to the base
+ * class to make accessing some
+ * of the exception classes
+ * simpler.
+ */
+ typedef TriaAccessor<0,1,spacedim> BaseClass;
+ /**
+ * Data type passed by the iterator class.
+ */
+ typedef DH<1,spacedim> AccessorData;
+ /**
+ * @name Constructors
+ */
+ /**
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * Default constructor. Provides
+ * an accessor that can't be
+ * used.
+ */
+ DoFAccessor ();
+ /**
+ * Constructor to be used if the
+ * object here refers to a vertex
+ * of a one-dimensional
+ * triangulation, i.e. a face of
+ * the triangulation.
+ *
+ * Since there is no mapping from
+ * vertices to cells, an accessor
+ * object for a point has no way
+ * to figure out whether it is at
+ * the boundary of the domain or
+ * not. Consequently, the second
+ * argument must be passed by the
+ * object that generates this
+ * accessor -- e.g. a 1d cell
+ * that can figure out whether
+ * its left or right vertex are
+ * at the boundary.
+ *
+ * The third argument is the
+ * global index of the vertex we
+ * point to.
+ *
+ * The fourth argument is a
+ * pointer to the DoFHandler
+ * object.
+ *
+ * This iterator can only be
+ * called for one-dimensional
+ * triangulations.
+ */
+ DoFAccessor (const Triangulation<1,spacedim> * tria,
+ const typename TriaAccessor<0,1,spacedim>::VertexKind vertex_kind,
+ const unsigned int vertex_index,
+ const DH<1,spacedim> * dof_handler);
+ /**
+ * Constructor. This constructor
+ * exists in order to maintain
+ * interface compatibility with
+ * the other accessor
+ * classes. However, it doesn't
+ * do anything useful here and so
+ * may not actually be called.
+ */
+ DoFAccessor (const Triangulation<1,spacedim> * = 0,
+ const int = 0,
+ const int = 0,
+ const DH<1,spacedim> * = 0);
+ /**
+ * Conversion constructor. This
+ * constructor exists to make certain
+ * constructs simpler to write in
+ * dimension independent code. For
+ * example, it allows assigning a face
+ * iterator to a line iterator, an
+ * operation that is useful in 2d but
+ * doesn't make any sense in 3d. The
+ * constructor here exists for the
+ * purpose of making the code conform to
+ * C++ but it will unconditionally abort;
+ * in other words, assigning a face
+ * iterator to a line iterator is better
+ * put into an if-statement that checks
+ * that the dimension is two, and assign
+ * to a quad iterator in 3d (an operator
+ * that, without this constructor would
+ * be illegal if we happen to compile for
+ * 2d).
+ */
+ template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
+ DoFAccessor (const InvalidAccessor<structdim2,dim2,spacedim2> &);
+ /**
+ * Another conversion operator
+ * between objects that don't
+ * make sense, just like the
+ * previous one.
+ */
+ template <int dim2, class DH2>
+ DoFAccessor (const DoFAccessor<dim2, DH2> &);
+ /**
+ * @}
+ */
+ /**
+ * Return a handle on the
+ * DoFHandler object which we
+ * are using.
+ */
+ const DH<1,spacedim> &
+ get_dof_handler () const;
+ /**
+ * Copy operator.
+ */
+ DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> > &
+ operator = (const DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> > &da);
+ /**
+ * Implement the copy operator needed
+ * for the iterator classes.
+ */
+ void copy_from (const DoFAccessor<0, DH<1,spacedim> > &a);
+ /**
+ * Copy operator used by the
+ * iterator class. Keeps the
+ * previously set dof handler,
+ * but sets the object
+ * coordinates of the TriaAccessor.
+ */
+ void copy_from (const TriaAccessorBase<0, DH<1,spacedim>::dimension, DH<1,spacedim>::space_dimension> &da);
+ /**
+ * Return an iterator pointing to
+ * the the parent.
+ */
+ TriaIterator<DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> > >
+ parent () const;
+ /**
+ * @name Accessing sub-objects
+ */
+ /**
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * Return an iterator pointing to
+ * the the @p c-th child.
+ */
+ TriaIterator<DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> > >
+ child (const unsigned int c) const;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to the @p ith line
+ * bounding this object.
+ */
+ typename internal::DoFHandler::Iterators<DH<1,spacedim> >::line_iterator
+ line (const unsigned int i) const;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to the @p ith quad
+ * bounding this object.
+ */
+ typename internal::DoFHandler::Iterators<DH<1,spacedim> >::quad_iterator
+ quad (const unsigned int i) const;
+ /**
+ * @}
+ */
+ /**
+ * @name Accessing the DoF indices of this object
+ */
+ /**
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * Return the indices of the dofs of this
+ * object in the standard ordering: dofs
+ * on vertex 0, dofs on vertex 1, etc,
+ * dofs on line 0, dofs on line 1, etc,
+ * dofs on quad 0, etc.
+ *
+ * The vector has to have the
+ * right size before being passed
+ * to this function.
+ *
+ * This function is most often
+ * used on active objects (edges,
+ * faces, cells). It can be used
+ * on non-active objects as well
+ * (i.e. objects that have
+ * children), but only if the
+ * finite element under
+ * consideration has degrees of
+ * freedom exclusively on
+ * vertices. Otherwise, the
+ * function doesn't make much
+ * sense, since for example
+ * inactive edges do not have
+ * degrees of freedom associated
+ * with them at all.
+ *
+ * The last argument denotes the
+ * finite element index. For the
+ * standard ::DoFHandler class,
+ * this value must be equal to
+ * its default value since that
+ * class only supports the same
+ * finite element on all cells
+ * anyway.
+ *
+ * However, for hp objects
+ * (i.e. the hp::DoFHandler
+ * class), different finite
+ * element objects may be used on
+ * different cells. On faces
+ * between two cells, as well as
+ * vertices, there may therefore
+ * be two sets of degrees of
+ * freedom, one for each of the
+ * finite elements used on the
+ * adjacent cells. In order to
+ * specify which set of degrees
+ * of freedom to work on, the
+ * last argument is used to
+ * disambiguate. Finally, if this
+ * function is called for a cell
+ * object, there can only be a
+ * single set of degrees of
+ * freedom, and fe_index has to
+ * match the result of
+ * active_fe_index().
+ *
+ * For cells, there is only a
+ * single possible finite element
+ * index (namely the one for that
+ * cell, returned by
+ * <code>cell-@>active_fe_index</code>. Consequently,
+ * the derived DoFCellAccessor
+ * class has an overloaded
+ * version of this function that
+ * calls the present function
+ * with
+ * <code>cell-@>active_fe_index</code>
+ * as last argument.
+ */
+ void get_dof_indices (std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_indices,
+ const unsigned int fe_index = DH<1,spacedim>::default_fe_index) const;
+ /**
+ * Global DoF index of the <i>i</i>
+ * degree associated with the @p vertexth
+ * vertex of the present cell.
+ *
+ * The last argument denotes the
+ * finite element index. For the
+ * standard ::DoFHandler class,
+ * this value must be equal to
+ * its default value since that
+ * class only supports the same
+ * finite element on all cells
+ * anyway.
+ *
+ * However, for hp objects
+ * (i.e. the hp::DoFHandler
+ * class), different finite
+ * element objects may be used on
+ * different cells. On faces
+ * between two cells, as well as
+ * vertices, there may therefore
+ * be two sets of degrees of
+ * freedom, one for each of the
+ * finite elements used on the
+ * adjacent cells. In order to
+ * specify which set of degrees
+ * of freedom to work on, the
+ * last argument is used to
+ * disambiguate. Finally, if this
+ * function is called for a cell
+ * object, there can only be a
+ * single set of degrees of
+ * freedom, and fe_index has to
+ * match the result of
+ * active_fe_index().
+ */
+ unsigned int vertex_dof_index (const unsigned int vertex,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const unsigned int fe_index = DH<1,spacedim>::default_fe_index) const;
+ /**
+ * Index of the <i>i</i>th degree
+ * of freedom of this object.
+ *
+ * The last argument denotes the
+ * finite element index. For the
+ * standard ::DoFHandler class,
+ * this value must be equal to
+ * its default value since that
+ * class only supports the same
+ * finite element on all cells
+ * anyway.
+ *
+ * However, for hp objects
+ * (i.e. the hp::DoFHandler
+ * class), different finite
+ * element objects may be used on
+ * different cells. On faces
+ * between two cells, as well as
+ * vertices, there may therefore
+ * be two sets of degrees of
+ * freedom, one for each of the
+ * finite elements used on the
+ * adjacent cells. In order to
+ * specify which set of degrees
+ * of freedom to work on, the
+ * last argument is used to
+ * disambiguate. Finally, if this
+ * function is called for a cell
+ * object, there can only be a
+ * single set of degrees of
+ * freedom, and fe_index has to
+ * match the result of
+ * active_fe_index().
+ */
+ unsigned int dof_index (const unsigned int i,
+ const unsigned int fe_index = DH<1,spacedim>::default_fe_index) const;
+ /**
+ * @}
+ */
+ /**
+ * @name Accessing the finite element associated with this object
+ */
+ /**
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * Return the number of finite
+ * elements that are active on a
+ * given object.
+ *
+ * For non-hp DoFHandler objects,
+ * the answer is of course always
+ * one. However, for
+ * hp::DoFHandler objects, this
+ * isn't the case: If this is a
+ * cell, the answer is of course
+ * one. If it is a face, the
+ * answer may be one or two,
+ * depending on whether the two
+ * adjacent cells use the same
+ * finite element or not. If it
+ * is an edge in 3d, the possible
+ * return value may be one or any
+ * other value larger than that.
+ */
+ unsigned int
+ n_active_fe_indices () const;
+ /**
+ * Return the @p n-th active fe
+ * index on this object. For
+ * cells and all non-hp objects,
+ * there is only a single active
+ * fe index, so the argument must
+ * be equal to zero. For
+ * lower-dimensional hp objects,
+ * there are
+ * n_active_fe_indices() active
+ * finite elements, and this
+ * function can be queried for
+ * their indices.
+ */
+ unsigned int
+ nth_active_fe_index (const unsigned int n) const;
+ /**
+ * Return true if the finite
+ * element with given index is
+ * active on the present
+ * object. For non-hp DoF
+ * accessors, this is of course
+ * the case only if @p fe_index
+ * equals zero. For cells, it is
+ * the case if @p fe_index equals
+ * active_fe_index() of this
+ * cell. For faces and other
+ * lower-dimensional objects,
+ * there may be more than one @p
+ * fe_index that are active on
+ * any given object (see
+ * n_active_fe_indices()).
+ */
+ bool
+ fe_index_is_active (const unsigned int fe_index) const;
+ /**
+ * Return a reference to the finite
+ * element used on this object with the
+ * given @p fe_index. @p fe_index must be
+ * used on this object,
+ * i.e. <code>fe_index_is_active(fe_index)</code>
+ * must return true.
+ */
+ const FiniteElement<DH<1,spacedim>::dimension,DH<1,spacedim>::space_dimension> &
+ get_fe (const unsigned int fe_index) const;
+ /**
+ * @}
+ */
+ /**
+ * Exceptions for child classes
+ *
+ * @ingroup Exceptions
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcInvalidObject);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ *
+ * @ingroup Exceptions
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcVectorNotEmpty);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ *
+ * @ingroup Exceptions
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcVectorDoesNotMatch);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ *
+ * @ingroup Exceptions
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcMatrixDoesNotMatch);
+ /**
+ * A function has been called for
+ * a cell which should be active,
+ * but is refined. @ref GlossActive
+ *
+ * @ingroup Exceptions
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcNotActive);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ *
+ * @ingroup Exceptions
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcCantCompareIterators);
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Store the address of the DoFHandler object
+ * to be accessed.
+ */
+ DH<1,spacedim> *dof_handler;
+ /**
+ * Compare for equality.
+ */
+ bool operator == (const DoFAccessor &) const;
+ /**
+ * Compare for inequality.
+ */
+ bool operator != (const DoFAccessor &) const;
+ /**
+ * Reset the DoF handler pointer.
+ */
+ void set_dof_handler (DH<1,spacedim> *dh);
+ /**
+ * Set the index of the
+ * <i>i</i>th degree of freedom
+ * of this object to @p index.
+ *
+ * The last argument denotes the
+ * finite element index. For the
+ * standard ::DoFHandler class,
+ * this value must be equal to
+ * its default value since that
+ * class only supports the same
+ * finite element on all cells
+ * anyway.
+ *
+ * However, for hp objects
+ * (i.e. the hp::DoFHandler
+ * class), different finite
+ * element objects may be used on
+ * different cells. On faces
+ * between two cells, as well as
+ * vertices, there may therefore
+ * be two sets of degrees of
+ * freedom, one for each of the
+ * finite elements used on the
+ * adjacent cells. In order to
+ * specify which set of degrees
+ * of freedom to work on, the
+ * last argument is used to
+ * disambiguate. Finally, if this
+ * function is called for a cell
+ * object, there can only be a
+ * single set of degrees of
+ * freedom, and fe_index has to
+ * match the result of
+ * active_fe_index().
+ */
+ void set_dof_index (const unsigned int i,
+ const unsigned int index,
+ const unsigned int fe_index = DH<1,spacedim>::default_fe_index) const;
+ /**
+ * Set the global index of the <i>i</i>
+ * degree on the @p vertex-th vertex of
+ * the present cell to @p index.
+ *
+ * The last argument denotes the
+ * finite element index. For the
+ * standard ::DoFHandler class,
+ * this value must be equal to
+ * its default value since that
+ * class only supports the same
+ * finite element on all cells
+ * anyway.
+ *
+ * However, for hp objects
+ * (i.e. the hp::DoFHandler
+ * class), different finite
+ * element objects may be used on
+ * different cells. On faces
+ * between two cells, as well as
+ * vertices, there may therefore
+ * be two sets of degrees of
+ * freedom, one for each of the
+ * finite elements used on the
+ * adjacent cells. In order to
+ * specify which set of degrees
+ * of freedom to work on, the
+ * last argument is used to
+ * disambiguate. Finally, if this
+ * function is called for a cell
+ * object, there can only be a
+ * single set of degrees of
+ * freedom, and fe_index has to
+ * match the result of
+ * active_fe_index().
+ */
+ void set_vertex_dof_index (const unsigned int vertex,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const unsigned int index,
+ const unsigned int fe_index = DH<1,spacedim>::default_fe_index) const;
+ /**
+ * Iterator classes need to be friends
+ * because they need to access operator==
+ * and operator!=.
+ */
+ template <typename> friend class TriaRawIterator;
+ /**
+ * Make the DoFHandler class a friend so
+ * that it can call the set_xxx()
+ * functions.
+ */
+ template <int, int> friend class DoFHandler;
+ template <int, int> friend class hp::DoFHandler;
+ friend class internal::DoFHandler::Policy::Implementation;
+ friend class internal::DoFHandler::Implementation;
+ friend class internal::hp::DoFHandler::Implementation;
+ friend class internal::DoFCellAccessor::Implementation;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
ExcMessage ("Cell is at coarsest level."));
int previous_level;
if (DH::dimension==structdim)
previous_level = this->level () - 1;
previous_level = 0;
+/*------------------------- Functions: DoFAccessor<0,1,spacedim> ---------------------------*/
+template <template <int, int> class DH, int spacedim>
+DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> >::DoFAccessor ()
+ Assert (false, ExcInvalidObject());
+template <template <int, int> class DH, int spacedim>
+DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> >::
+DoFAccessor (const Triangulation<1,spacedim> *tria,
+ const typename TriaAccessor<0,1,spacedim>::VertexKind vertex_kind,
+ const unsigned int vertex_index,
+ const DH<1,spacedim> * dof_handler)
+ :
+ BaseClass (tria,
+ vertex_kind,
+ vertex_index),
+ dof_handler(const_cast<DH<1,spacedim>*>(dof_handler))
+template <template <int, int> class DH, int spacedim>
+DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> >::
+DoFAccessor (const Triangulation<1,spacedim> *tria,
+ const int level,
+ const int index,
+ const DH<1,spacedim> *dof_handler)
+ :
+ dof_handler(0)
+ Assert (false,
+ ExcMessage ("This constructor can not be called for face iterators in 1d."));
+template <template <int, int> class DH, int spacedim>
+template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
+DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> >::DoFAccessor (const InvalidAccessor<structdim2,dim2,spacedim2> &)
+ Assert (false, ExcInvalidObject());
+template <template <int, int> class DH, int spacedim>
+template <int dim2, class DH2>
+DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> >::DoFAccessor (const DoFAccessor<dim2, DH2> &)
+ Assert (false, ExcInvalidObject());
+template <template <int, int> class DH, int spacedim>
+DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> >::set_dof_handler (DH<1,spacedim> *dh)
+ Assert (dh != 0, ExcInvalidObject());
+ this->dof_handler = dh;
+template <template <int, int> class DH, int spacedim>
+const DH<1,spacedim> &
+DoFAccessor<0,DH<1,spacedim> >::get_dof_handler () const
+ return *this->dof_handler;
+namespace internal
+ namespace DoFCellAccessor
+ {
+ template <class DH>
+ inline
+ typename internal::DoFHandler::Iterators<DH>::face_iterator
+ get_face (const dealii::DoFCellAccessor<DH> &cell,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const internal::int2type<1>)
+ {
+ dealii::DoFAccessor<0, DH>
+ a (&cell.get_triangulation(),
+ ((i == 0) && cell.at_boundary(0)
+ ?
+ dealii::TriaAccessor<0, 1, DH::space_dimension>::left_vertex
+ :
+ ((i == 1) && cell.at_boundary(1)
+ ?
+ dealii::TriaAccessor<0, 1, DH::space_dimension>::right_vertex
+ :
+ dealii::TriaAccessor<0, 1, DH::space_dimension>::interior_vertex)),
+ cell.vertex_index(i),
+ &cell.get_dof_handler());
+ return typename internal::DoFHandler::Iterators<DH>::face_iterator(a);
+ }
+ template <class DH>
+ inline
+ typename internal::DoFHandler::Iterators<DH>::face_iterator
+ get_face (const dealii::DoFCellAccessor<DH> &cell,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const internal::int2type<2>)
+ {
+ return cell.line(i);
+ }
+ template <class DH>
+ inline
+ typename internal::DoFHandler::Iterators<DH>::face_iterator
+ get_face (const dealii::DoFCellAccessor<DH> &cell,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const internal::int2type<3>)
+ {
+ return cell.quad(i);
+ }
+ }
template <class DH>
typename internal::DoFHandler::Iterators<DH>::face_iterator
DoFCellAccessor<DH>::face (const unsigned int i) const
ExcMessage ("DoFHandler not initialized"));
const unsigned int dim = DH::dimension;
- Assert (dim > 1, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
- switch (dim)
- {
- case 2:
- return typename internal::DoFHandler::Iterators<DH>::face_iterator
- (this->tria,
- 0,
- this->line_index (i),
- this->dof_handler);
- case 3:
- return typename internal::DoFHandler::Iterators<DH>::face_iterator
- (this->tria,
- 0,
- this->quad_index (i),
- this->dof_handler);
- default:
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return typename internal::DoFHandler::Iterators<DH>::face_iterator();
- }
+ return internal::DoFCellAccessor::get_face (*this, i, internal::int2type<dim>());